Universal Truths in “The Odyssey” and “The Apologies”


 “The Odyssey” by Homer

            One of the universal truths that can be identified in the epic is loyalty, which is being depicted when Odysseus came back to Aeaea for the funeral rites and burial of Elpenor. Circe also shows loyalty to Odysseus for providing help, supplies, and warnings regarding their journey that will commence on the dawn of the next day. This is considered a universal truth because loyalty also leads to goodness that can be exhibited by anybody, not only by the characters in the epic. Loyalty is an important virtue that can be used in a myriad of ways and in different situations, such as in expressing true and sincere friendship, in showing true love, and in showing respect to others, especially to leaders. In addition, it is considered a universal truth, for the meaning of loyalty cannot be changed, despite the number of ways of its expression, and the variety of ways when one will be able to exhibit loyalty.

            Another universal truth that can be identified in the epic is keeping promises, which is also related to loyalty. Odysseus kept his promise and returned to attend the burial and funeral rites of Elpenor. In addition, keeping promises is also an important virtue in the epic, for as Odysseus and his men met and survived their challenges, they will be facing their most dangerous test, which is to be tempted in the island of Thrinacia. Their promise is to never hurt Helios’ sacred cattle to be able to go home safely. Unfortunately, Odysseus’ men are not able to keep their promise and slaughtered the finest cattle of Helios. Because of this, Zeus sent a strong storm that killed all Odysseus’ men. This is a universal truth because like loyalty, keeping promises signify one’s respect for others. The story makes us realize that if one does not keep promises, then other persons may be enraged, thus, displeasing the person and destroying their trust on the person. An additional universal truth that can be identified is man’s struggle with fighting temptation, which is also experienced by Odysseus and his men when they passed the territory of the Sirens. Although Odysseus almost surrendered to the call of the Sirens, he was able to fight the temptation through the help of Circe. This is an important universal truth because as weak human beings, we are always subjected to temptations that will test our own will and our ability to fight them. It is important to recognize this universal truth because like Odysseus, each of us needs the guidance and a strong will to be able to fight the temptations that will come our way. Like what happened to Odysseus, the answer to the temptation of the Sirens is through stuffing their ears with beeswax, which a simple and practical solution to the temptation of the Sirens. Similarly, the solution for giving in to temptations is to get away from them, which is as simple and practical as what Odysseus and his men did.


“The Apology” by Plato

             An important universal truth expressed by Plato in his speech is doing what is right, regardless of life or death, which is an important truth to take note of because doing what is right in every situation would lead to truth. This is related to one’s consciousness, which transcends our spirituality. Doing what is right contributes to the improvement of one’s soul, thus, improving the way one thinks and improving one’s ways or attitudes. This an important universal truth that must be incorporated in the lives of every individual, as being righteous leads to goodness that transcends time and place. Being righteous and good improves not only the spiritual aspect of the human being, but improves also his or her humanity, thus, improving the society.

            Another important universal truth is acting with knowledge, which allows one to be able to perceive and recognize ignorance and goodness. One will be able to use knowledge in applying goodness and righteousness to every situation, which would enable one to improve his or her spirituality and humanity. With the use of proper knowledge, one will be able to perceive the things and events around him or her, and have the chance to further develop as a person. Knowledge can also be shared, just as Plato and other philosophers did during their time, despite the criticisms that they receive from the society. Moreover, with knowledge, one will be able to assess and evaluate the effects of his or her actions that will cause harm or advantages. Acting with knowledge is a universal truth, such that it transcends time and place, as its meaning transcends or encompasses a myriad of concepts and ideas. Acting with knowledge is similar with doing what is right, in terms of transcending time and place, as the meaning of both ideas do not change over time, but only the means of obtaining them. Doing what is right and acting with knowledge lead to righteousness and goodness, which would in turn improve the human race and the society as well.  




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