Research Proposal on Job Satisfaction in Irrigation Department Employees
Motivation is a crucial factor in any human activity. This is because motivation is a determinant factor towards employee performance and satisfaction, factors that dramatically influences organizational performance. Motivation is a catalyst that makes possible the attainment of tremendous employee productivity and operational efficiency. This is a reality that has been proven by countless of researches and studies in the field of organizational behavior, psychology and business. In all these researches and studies, it is shown that motivation enables people to achieve remarkable feats at work, to cope and withstand stress, to innovate new methods and procedures to enhance efficiency and effectiveness and to make work fun and enjoyable for the employee and as well as for those people in the work place. These notable findings are equally true in any field of human endeavor be it in the field of science, business, entertainment, politics and education.
The job satisfaction of the employees relies in focusing the employee characteristics and organizational involvement. The employee characteristics recognize the input of motivation towards the highest potential of an employee that can be reflected on their performance. The employees’ combination of motivation and commitment in the organization only represents what employees want or expect from their jobs, and in return job satisfaction reflects the employees’ reactions to what they will receive. The majority of job satisfaction is from the perspective of need-based or drive-based theories in which the individual needs, values, and preferences are high lightened. It is in this paradigm that I would like to study the Job Satisfaction in Irrigation Department Employees.
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to determine the factors that affect and influences the level of Job Satisfaction in Irrigation Department Employees.
Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:
1. Which of the following factors affects the Job Satisfaction in Irrigation Department Employees in accordance to the following factors:
· Hygiene Factors – salary, interpersonal relations, quality of supervision, policy and administration, job security, and status.
· Motivator Factors – challenge in work, achievement, growth in the job, responsibility, advancement, and recognition.
2. How efficient are the respondents in doing their job as rated by their supervisors or superiors using the following criteria:
· employee’s attitude
· attainment of organizational objectives
· work procedures
3. Is there a significant relationship between the employees’ level of motivation and job satisfaction?
The study will attempt to test the following null hypotheses:
HO1: There is no significant relationship that exists between the level of motivation and level of Job Satisfaction in Irrigation Department Employees, in terms of hygiene factors.
HO2: There is no significant relationship that exists between the level of motivation and level of Job Satisfaction in Irrigation Department Employees in terms of motivator factors.
The descriptive method of research is employed in this study to describe the status of the respondents in terms of their level of motivation and job satisfaction. Descriptive research, otherwise known as non-experimental or correlational research, deals with the relationship between the variables, the testing of hypothesis and the development of generalizations, principles or theories that may have universal validity (Creswell, 1994). The real meaning of data collected must be evaluated and reported from the perspective of their corresponding objectives. The descriptive method of research lends itself very much to this kind of research because of its fact-finding and logical methods as well as procedures.
It is for this reason that the researcher applies this method of research. Moreover, this is also the method used by its progenitor study and the researcher believes that the application of a similar method of research is not only appropriate but also necessary due of the nature of the study to be conducted. Like any research, the nature of this study requires a scientific approach that is very much a characteristic of the descriptive method. The procedure of which are as follows: an analysis of the present situation, identification and definition of the problems, selection of appropriate sources of data, adoption of data-gathering procedures, employment of techniques for data analysis and interpretation as well as the drawing of valid conclusions (Guilford, & Fruchter, 1973). Since this is a correlational study, the descriptive method is clearly the most appropriate to use as a method of research.
Creswell, J.W. (1994). Research design. Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.
Guilford, J.P. & Fruchter, B. (1973). Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education, 5th Edition. New York: Mc Graw-Hill.
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