Internet Advertising as the Marketing Communications Tool of Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB)
This research proposal aims to discuss the internet advertising of Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) as their primary marketing communications tool. In general, this research proposal presents the principles of internet advertising – its features, advantages, and disadvantages. Specifically, it sought to evaluate the overall application and effectiveness of the practice in relation to the promotion of tourism industry in Hong Kong. The research method to be used to justify this topic is descriptive qualitative approach. Through the use of various literatures that are selected and reviewed, generalizations are made. Content analysis of the selected literatures is carefully conducted. To validate and support such generalizations extracted from literatures, an interview to an HKTB authority who is directly associated with the promotion and/or evaluation of internet advertising is required.
Advertising is viewed as a tool that facilitates a consumer’s decision-making by making available information that will provide a buyer a line of choices from which he will pick those products and commodities that will satisfy his need state ( 1978). Furthermore, advertising also helps promote market competition which, in turn, widens the range of product options and brands that are brought to the attention of the consumers. This, according to advertising minimizes, if not eradicates, the possibility of one marketer to gain sole control and domination over one market segment.
Internet advertising or sometimes called, as web advertising is a type of advertising in which a person can control or customize the information according to his/her interest with the use of internet ( 2001). It provides instant interaction and connection to the consumers since the buyers or the audiences are the one who decides on what ad to view favorable to the field of their interest. The consumers are given the power to control the opportunity in establishing an on-line participation through the use of internet ( 1997; 2001).
The birth of internet advertising started in the year 1994 when Netscape navigator 1.0 was launched ( 2000). It only started by using banner ads as compared to these days in which companies are able to put their advertisements through pop-ups, micro-sites and other ad formats. With this innovations, internet advertising have gained significance in promoting the company’s products and services and have considered that the medium have been successful in providing the company or any worldwide organization to have instant interaction with the consumers and clients which marked opportunity for the company and organization to save time and money ( and 2002).
With the benefits derived from advertising – may it be traditional or contemporary in nature; it is deemed that advertising is an essential element in any organizational operations. Much has been written to document the imperative role of advertising in businesses, organization and other groups. Today, with the advent of technological revolution and expansion, advertising is no longer contained in mainstream media such as print and broadcast. The presence of the internet paved way to the introduction of a newer form of advertising – internet or web advertising. Researches tackling advertising are countless. In this case, the concepts of advertising particularly internet advertising are applied in the marketing communications of Hong Kong Tourism Board.
The existence of Internet and the continued revolution in the world of IT are certainly positive signs for the blossoming of many new advertising opportunities ( 1997). Research found out that 56 percent of the internet users are being exposed to internet advertising and 18 percent of which are actually clicking the ad ( 2003). In Europe, Internet advertising revenues in the year 2000 reached an estimated amount of US$ 180 million in the UK and US0 million in France ( 2001). In internet advertising, the companies are able to use different formats depending on the company’s preferred strategies on advertising their products or services. These formats come with the placement of the advertisement on banners, pop-ups, click through, sponsorships and others ( and 1999). The Hong Kong Tourism Board currently uses the said formats. Formats are simply the way the advertisement is placed in the web. It is the company’s decision on what format are they going to use to effectively establish the rendered products and services. Also, the company evaluates the benefits they derive form using such kind of format in relation to the increase of revenue or potential progression in any area of the operations affected.
Research Questions
Literature Review
The role of marketing communications as marketing strategy is proven to be effective in various industries worldwide. Due to its various means of applications as well as its available technologies, marketing communications is becoming one of the most critical aspects of an organization. Today, there are different types of marketing communications tools which organizations apply in their areas of operations. Among these are advertising, public relations, direct selling, and others.
In this case, internet advertising is chosen as the marketing communications tool. This research study aims to explore the theories and concepts of internet advertising as a marketing communications tool used by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB). As the key subject of exploration, the given marketing communications tool used by HKTB will be evaluated in relation to it effectiveness particularly in the achievement of the organizational objectives and as marketing strategy.
The knowledge about a new product or service is mainly based in marketing communications strategies such as advertising, direct selling, public relations, or the integration of all marketing communications strategies. (1996) affirmed that “the advent of new communication technologies has facilitated the use of a number of sophisticated marketing communications devices to support either mass marketing or focused marketing activities” (). With this fact, the present marketing communications mechanisms that operate in the industry today is a bit different with the past decades. The general concept of marketing communications pertains to any messages and related media used to communicate a product, service, brand, organisation or company. Aside from the five usual major models of communication used – advertising, sales promotion, public relations and publicity, personal selling, and direct marketing ( and 2002), others concepts like branding, graphic design, packaging, and online marketing are integrated. Marketing communications activities contribute to the organization’s reputation and image ( and 2002). In general, taking in consideration the existing culture of technology dependence and various market conditions, marketing communications practices used by local and international companies and organisations are mainly influenced by the new media technologies and equipment.
The utilization of an effective marketing communications strategy is perceived to be contributory to company’s satisfactory performance. The general concept of marketing communications pertains to any messages and related media used to communicate a product, service, brand, organization or company. There have been many authors who focused their write-ups in the benefits as well as drawbacks of marketing communications. Some measured the effectiveness of any marketing communications tool using case studies of successful organizations and companies. Some created new models for implementation and others evaluated the opportunities and threats of the medium used.
Thus, the following are the suggested literatures to be used all throughout the research period:
The identified list of literatures contains information about internet (web) or online advertising. They will be reviewed in relation to their relevance to the research topic. The review proper will be conducted in the Chapter 2 of the research proper. Also, these literatures will be used in the analysis and discussion or in providing answers to all the research questions posed.
Research design
The researcher opted to use the qualitative research design by using the descriptive research method, which is primarily concerned with describing the nature or conditions of the current situation in detail (, 1994). The emphasis is on describing rather than on judging. This study also employs qualitative research method, since it intends to find and build theories that would explain the relationship of one variable with another variable through qualitative elements. These qualitative elements does not have standard measures, rather they are behavior, attitudes, opinions, and beliefs. So, the goals of qualitative research are primarily to advance new theory, interpret the significance of individual events and giving voice to particular groups. This descriptive type of research will utilize observations on the current internet advertising strategy of HKTB. To illustrate the descriptive type of research, the researcher is to gather information about the present and existing condition of HKTB with particular interest on its internet advertising as marketing communications tool. The purpose of employing this method is to describe the nature of a situation, as it exists at the time of the study and to explore the cause/s of particular phenomena. The researcher opted to use this kind of research considering the desire to obtain first hand data so as to formulate rational and sound conclusions and recommendations for the study.
Using HKTB online advertising as the case, the research questions will be answered by using empirical or observed facts from different HKTB ads available online. By combining the facts gathered from the various literatures and the observations of the researcher, the research questions are directly addressed. It is also acknowledge that the information gathered from literatures will support the identified observations.
In ascertaining the response on the research questions above, the researcher will use the results (generalizations) of the literatures and will be reinforced by the responses of the interviewee who is working in HKTB. Also, publicly accessed documents from HKTB will be assessed, compared, and linked with the organizational operations particularly in marketing communications.
Sample population and strategy
Since this research is purely based on literatures and researcher’s observations, there are no given sample population. Instead of using people as respondents, the researcher will use his observations and literatures by reviewing them in terms of direct link and application to the research topic.
To reinforce the observations and arguments of the researcher, interviewing an HKTB officer will help. A formal letter will be sent that states the purpose of the research. Then, the researcher will have a face-to-face conversation with the person involved. Questions to be asked are customized by researcher basing on his initial observations about the organization’s website and online advertisement. Additional information on how the organization utilizes internet advertising will also be asked. The researcher then, takes down notes and will use it in the analysis and discussion. These information collected will serve as the reinforcing and validating agent in the analysis and discussion. After the interview session, the researcher will show appreciation to the interviewee and bid goodbye.
The information gathered from the interviewee will be directly quoted or adapted to support the initial observations of the researcher. Analysis and discussion of findings will incorporate both literatures and facts obtained from the HKTB authority. Using the theories and principles of marketing communications particularly on internet advertising, the researcher will come up with his discussions, conclusion and recommendations as a product of empirical interpretation and analysis.
Research tools
The researcher will use a personal computer to encode and retrieve data, books, journals and other relevant literatures, tape recorder for the interview, and other research related materials available at hand.
Sources and data collection method
The primary data collection method includes the analysis of the HKTB website and its internet advertisements. Specifically, the following features are taken into account: for website – user-friendliness, ease of access, design and lay-out, quality of information, speed and response time, quality of functionality, and clarity of terminology used and for internet advertisements – type, design and lay-out, quality of information, quality of functionality, and clarity of terminology used. Analysis using observations and supported by the theories and concepts extracted from the literatures collected is to be conducted. Further, a question and answer survey to a selected HKTB authority – preferably from the promotions department – is also considered.
On the other hand, secondary data collection method is literature review. Specifically, a wide variety of literatures covering the period from 1990s up to the present will be used. The literatures relates to the following key words: marketing, marketing communications, marketing strategy, integrated marketing communications (IMC), advertising, internet advertising, sustainability, competitive advantage, effectiveness, and Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB). The author conducted a thorough critical review of the literatures that are personally selected. Related concepts and theories are reviewed from various literatures. This is to ensure that the claims and findings of this research study are supported by legitimate sources.
Validity and reliability of data
In terms of validity, research utilizing qualitative methods can be considered valid. On the broadest sense validity addresses issues about the quality of the data and appropriateness of the methods used in carrying the research. Although reliability and validity issues apply mostly to research results and conclusions, one must consider those issues at the time of the design of the research, (i.e. at the earliest stages of the research process), because if the researcher consider them only at the end, it will be too late to gather data on a research question that is of any relevance and quality at all.
There are limited threats in the internal validity and reliability of the research and research methodology because information used in this research investigation are previously conducted researches and already published. Since the main materials of this research are based on first-hand facts collected from observations and interviews and the same time supported by the results and findings successful research studies from the past, there is no threat of validity and reliability of information. However, consulting an able adviser will help significantly.
The research study seems to be simple due to the availability of literatures to use in constructing generalizations. However, there are other concerns that are believed to be factors affecting the overall research endeavor. First, advertising is a very broad topic. There is a need to limit the discussion in relation to the subject of the research. Also, there is difficulty in identifying the most immediate individual to be interviewed. The problem in access is very probable.
This study is limited in examining the internet advertising system that influences Hong Kong Tourism Board in promoting tourism and its goals. There are limitations in the interview respondent because he/she tends not to take time and concern in the answering of questions no matter how brief or detailed the question may be. He/she is a limitation him/herself because of the attitude towards the research procedure.
Lastly, the research is also limited by time and circumstance since the topic is extensive in nature but local-based literature is neither unavailable nor inadequate. The entries in the bibliography are primarily focused on the theoretical and conceptual aspects.
The researcher remains to be objective in making generalizations towards the study. All information will be supported with documents and/or academic sources. This study will create a significant impact particularly in marketing communications strategies and tools. It will provide theoretical and conceptual ideas to organizations like HKTB especially the effectiveness or appropriateness of the marketing communications tool to be used in the operations. This will also serve as an appraisal paper in the performance of HKTB in using internet advertising as their main marketing communications tool.
As the research progresses, there might be unexpected occurrences that might change the idea of the research. It could be also anticipated that the emergence of new findings opens new or another area of research exploration. Thus, this research expects to be flexible yet still intact with its topic and objectives.
1st month
2nd month
3rd month
Selection of the topic
Undertake preliminary literature search
Definition of research questions
Write-up research aims and objectives
Select appropriate methodology and locate sources of information.
Confirmation of access
Interview process
Write-up Overall Plan of Implementation
Undertake and write-up draft critical literature review.
Chapter Writing
Secondary and Primary Data Detailed
Research Results and Findings
Research findings evaluated and discussed in relation to the literature review
(including limitations and constraints)
Main body of the report
written-up and checked for logical structure
Conclusions drawn
Recommendations made
Introduction and Executive Summary written-up
Final format, editing, proofreading and indexing
Printing of Manuscript
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