Aged Care Assessment


            Aged patients vary in physical needs, psychosocial needs including family involvement, and pathophysiological disorders that influence the person’s nursing care. In this case, an aged stroke patient is described whereas rapid assessment and early intervention is a requirement ( 1999).


1.         In terms of physical needs, aged patients need more assistance. Diet, nutrition, and eating are given special attention since the patient not able to chew and swallow foods. Since the patient is not capable of normal locomotion, his ability to dress and groom himself is no longer possible. Thus, assistance is always needed. In the same manner, a satisfactory nursing care is based on the need to maintain the skin care, feeding, hydration, positioning, and monitoring vital signs such as temperature, pulse, and blood pressure of the patient. On the other hand, psychosocial needs include attention, care, understanding, and continuous support from other people. The patient may have the tendency of having sudden changes in emotion. Depression is prevalent as a cause of self-acceptance of the disability. This is the reason why family involvement matters a lot especially in the recovery and therapy of the patient. Pathophysiological disorders that influence the person’s nursing care may range from the kind of stroke that the patient had experienced. In general, the risk of another stroke occurrence is recognized. The death of brain tissue may elicit several conditions.


2.         The person who reaches the ageing stage of life biologically changes over time due to cellular senescence. Cellular senescence is the ageing of cells and characterized by the loss of its ability to divide. According to (2004), “the aging process may derive from changes occurring in parallel in different tissues due to intrinsic cellular mechanisms or changes in one tissue may be predominant”. Cell and tissues are considered to be significant reasons on why people age as described with the presence of strong genetic components that (2004;   2000). In the programmed based theories of aging, it was indicated that aging is not a result of random or stochastic process but rather driven by genetically regulated processes (2004). This means that the aging of an individual is natural.


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