



One of God’s bounty blessings has given us is ART and part of our obligation is to endure everything He has blessed us. Nowadays, but the usage of this most important thing it is indulge by our Society to cite an example like the Billboards and the streamers hang for commercialization purposes, on my stand as a young lady I really do appreciate art so much as part of it I do like studs piercing and henna tattoo it reveals my personality that I really do like art. When we say about Political same as everything as I mentioned earlier they put art in their words to convince people to agree on the things they have in mind and also it is part of socializing and in comes on our economic conditions art is uprising the stability of globalization and when we say in businesses such example like advertising industries, the meaningful way on how to sell their specialization to people is thru art.


Try to live without any colors in your life? Wherein COLORS are mainly part of art, I’m pretty sure that would be boring and dry. Without Artistry in our life not just to mention or we don’t need to enumerate how it really affects our life with it let’s just have to enlighten our minds that without it life is meaningless.


Happiness can be trace but the way we say or express it thru our facial reaction, When were in love it can be distinguished in our feelings and eyes and it is part of Art. Nature is Art, Us Human Being is An Art From God.


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