
2:07 PM Bibliography

Leadership and Adult Learning: the missing link


Research Design and Instrument

            In order to come up with the most suitable research approaches and strategies for this study, the research process “onion” is undertaken. This is because conducting a research is like peeling the back layers of an onion – in order to come to the central issue of how to collect the necessary data needed to answer the research questions and objectives, important layers should be first peeled away. With the said process, the researcher was able to create an outline on what measures are most appropriate to be applied in the study.

The researcher uses the qualitative research design utilizing the descriptive research method, which is primarily concerned with describing the nature or conditions of the current situation in detail (1994). According to  (2000), the qualitative research approach is most appropriate when conducting descriptive and exploratory study in order to quantify data that seem immeasurable, such as feelings, beliefs, and thoughts. Qualitative research is defined by  (2003) as “a subjective approach which includes examining and reflecting on perceptions in order to gain an understanding of social and human activities” . The emphasis is on describing rather than on judging. This study employs qualitative research method, since it intends to find and build theories that would explain the relationship of one variable with another variable through qualitative elements. These qualitative elements does not have standard measures, rather they are behavior, attitudes, opinions, and beliefs. So, the goals of qualitative research are primarily to advance new theory, interpret the significance of individual events and giving voice to particular groups.

            So, the goals of qualitative research are primarily to advance new theory, interpret the significance of individual events and giving voice to particular groups. In contrast quantitative research is primarily about testing theory, identifying broad patterns and making predictions. Quantitative researchers are interested in how variables co-vary across cases. Therefore, they seek a limited amount of information about many cases. Qualitative research, on the other hand, seeks a lot of information about a limited number of cases. In this case, the choice of research strategy depends at least in which part and what the researcher wants to achieve.

            This type of research will utilize case study.  When a person make a detailed study about one person or unit over a considerable period of time, he/she is engaging in what is known as a case study.  (1998,) states that case studies involve looking one or more cases, which are “studied n detail, using whatever (research) method seems appropriate”. It aims to develop full understanding of the case as possible and is not linked with any particular research technique. This method involves the researcher to inquire deeper and examine thorough behaviors of a person or a circumstance. It is also noted how these behaviors change as the individual or circumstance adapts and reacts to the environment. Furthermore, it includes the discovery and identification of all the important variables which have contributed to the history or development of the chosen subject. This means that the researcher is going to gather data which include the past experiences and present condition of the subject as well as the environment. It will attempt to find out how these factors relate to one another and how they have affected the subject.

Case studies may sometimes involve small social units such as clubs, a family, a school, or any group of individual who shares common interest. The researcher who uses the case study research design needs such respondents as he/she searches for solutions of some important problems. Researches in the field of guidance illustrate the use of case studies to solve some of the most important problems and queries. Accounts of respondents’ thoughts, dreams, and actions are noted down to provide an insight into human behavior which may lead to the discovery of new findings not known before.

The case study method refers several advantages. The greatest advantage a researcher can derive in this method is its depth. By digging deeper into the whole personality of an individual or group or a certain situation, the researcher can probably tell some imperative knowledge or explanation such as on the kind of behavior or attitudes. Another advantage that can be derived from case studies is the opportunity of the researcher to gain insights into the basic concepts of human behavior or any given body of knowledge. Through intensive investigation, it is possible that the researcher may come across previous unsuspected relationships of variables.

On the contrary, case studies also have few disadvantages. Its depth can mean its lack of breadth. Generally, it is difficult to generalize findings to include other people when these findings have been drawn only from a certain fragment of a given population. In short, it is not really a representative of the entire population. Hence, it lacks of extent. As a researcher, the possibility of subjectivity or even prejudiced is high. This is because there might be preconceived events, things, and people or any other condition that may affect the flow of the research. Such preconceptions may also affect the insight and the bias might determine what behaviors to be studied or to be ignored. It will likewise affect the procedures of interpreting the observation, which will not be scientific. But in the long run, these situations can be avoided and solved by being objective at all times. The researcher opted to use this kind of research purpose considering the desire of the researcher to obtain first hand data from the respondents so as to formulate rational and sound conclusions and recommendations for the study.


Subject of the Study

Population, or the subject of this study, is defined as a set of categorized group that can be people, objects or any items from which the selection can be made to be used in statistical treatment such as a group of young individuals, manager and literary books. Herein, the researcher will used the sampling method which is defined as a strategic way of choosing the most appropriate sample or the most suitable part of the population for determination of the characteristics or restriction. 

The researcher, in choosing subjects or respondents for the topic at hand, is usually thought of to have the power over who the respondents of the study will be. Such a task would have been easier, except a researcher cannot simply choose out of urge; the subjects must be selected carefully with the intention of having subjects who each posses characteristics that, when put together, will represent a community. It is not only themselves, whom these subjects will represent, but the bigger whole or the whole population. The characteristics which the researcher has chosen them for will determine which part of the community they belong and what part of the community they are representing.


Sampling Procedure

            In this research paper, it is important to distinguish and determines the respondents of the study. In this manner, the researcher will have the respondents through a sample. Sample is known as a predetermined element of a statistical population that undergoes specific study. In conducting a research this population is called a set of respondents that has been selected from a greater number of populations for survey purposes. This research study used the random sampling method. Random sampling is the selection of respondents in a casual condition provided that it mainly caters to the key characteristics needed for a population.


Data Collection Procedure

Primary data are gathered with the aid of the predetermined questionnaire consistently distributed to the respondents. The researcher used a checklist. This type of survey questionnaire is categorically considered as close-ended questionnaire. Close-ended survey questionnaire are also used in obtaining the information relevant to this study in order to draw out substantial amount of information yet limited in number. In administering the tool, respondents gathered self-reported information through self-administration of questions in a paper-pencil format. This method is useful in collecting data for the following reasons: subjects were asked to respond to the same set of questions in the same order, they had the same set of options for their responses, and it is economical. In a questionnaire using closed-ended questions, the researcher offered a list of answers that will be checked or chosen by the respondent. Close-ended questionnaires are not limited two alternative replies of true or false from which the subjects choose the one that matched the appropriate answer. Further, close-ended questionnaires facilitate easy tabulation and orderly treatment of data. The questionnaires are more convenient and provide fairly straightforward information relatively useful for the solutions of the problem posed. It also served as an aid for deliberate and immediate tallying because of the limitation of time for the prescribed duration of the research investigation.

The researcher opted to use the questionnaire as a tool since it is easy to construct having the rules and principles of construction are easy to follow. Moreover, copies of the questionnaire could reach a considerable number of respondents either by mail or by personal distribution. Generally, responses to a questionnaire are objectified and standardized and these make tabulation easy. But more importantly, the respondents’ replies are of their own free will because there is no interviewer to influence them. This is one way to avoid biases, particularly the interviewers’ bias. The researcher will also use graph and charts for data presentation.

Data analysis employed in the study will be carried out in steps. Every data form will be carefully read in order to have an idea of the whole results concept. The text will then be read again and divided into meaningful units as the researcher see fit. Data will be condensed and formed into syntheses which will be integrated to form the address the research questions. Once the data has been collected and collated, the final task is to interpret the results. It is important to exercise caution when interpreting results and drawing conclusions from data, since it relates only to a sample. The more carefully the sample size and make-up has been selected, the more value the final data will have. However, the results can only ever be a guide and will never predict totally accurately. There will be a certain amount of statistical error in any results and the conclusions drawn from those results.

For this study, the researcher, after gathering the relevant data needed, it will be collated together with published studies from different local and foreign universities and articles from educational and social science journals. Afterwards, a critical analysis will be rendered on the collected documents and materials. A summary of all the information gathered would also be provided by the researcher, as well as a conclusion and insightful recommendations.


Statistical Instrument

When the entire survey questionnaires have been collected, the researcher used statistics to analyze all the data. This research will utilize the frequency, percentage, weighted mean, and correlation statistics in order to determine the differences and relationship of the responses of the respondents regarding their perception on the variables of the study. It is important to note that these statistical instruments are to be used on the survey method alone.

In detail, the following statistical instruments will be used.

Frequency – This is the total of similar responses acquired per item and asked in the survey questionnaire.

Percentage – The percentage is used to compare and present the findings on the frequency of responses obtained from the questionnaire. The formula is:


                        P = _n   x 100



            Where;           P – Percentage

                                    n – Number of responses falling under a particular category

                                    N – Total number of respondents







Leadership and Adult Learning: the missing link


Research Design and Instrument

            In order to come up with the most suitable research approaches and strategies for this study, the research process “onion” is undertaken. This is because conducting a research is like peeling the back layers of an onion – in order to come to the central issue of how to collect the necessary data needed to answer the research questions and objectives, important layers should be first peeled away. With the said process, the researcher was able to create an outline on what measures are most appropriate to be applied in the study.

The researcher uses the qualitative research design utilizing the descriptive research method, which is primarily concerned with describing the nature or conditions of the current situation in detail ( 1994). According to  (2000), the qualitative research approach is most appropriate when conducting descriptive and exploratory study in order to quantify data that seem immeasurable, such as feelings, beliefs, and thoughts. Qualitative research is defined by  (2003) as “a subjective approach which includes examining and reflecting on perceptions in order to gain an understanding of social and human activities”  The emphasis is on describing rather than on judging. This study employs qualitative research method, since it intends to find and build theories that would explain the relationship of one variable with another variable through qualitative elements. These qualitative elements does not have standard measures, rather they are behavior, attitudes, opinions, and beliefs. So, the goals of qualitative research are primarily to advance new theory, interpret the significance of individual events and giving voice to particular groups.

            So, the goals of qualitative research are primarily to advance new theory, interpret the significance of individual events and giving voice to particular groups. In contrast quantitative research is primarily about testing theory, identifying broad patterns and making predictions. Quantitative researchers are interested in how variables co-vary across cases. Therefore, they seek a limited amount of information about many cases. Qualitative research, on the other hand, seeks a lot of information about a limited number of cases. In this case, the choice of research strategy depends at least in which part and what the researcher wants to achieve.

            This type of research will utilize case study.  When a person make a detailed study about one person or unit over a considerable period of time, he/she is engaging in what is known as a case study. Punch (1998, p. 150) states that case studies involve looking one or more cases, which are “studied n detail, using whatever (research) method seems appropriate”. It aims to develop full understanding of the case as possible and is not linked with any particular research technique. This method involves the researcher to inquire deeper and examine thorough behaviors of a person or a circumstance. It is also noted how these behaviors change as the individual or circumstance adapts and reacts to the environment. Furthermore, it includes the discovery and identification of all the important variables which have contributed to the history or development of the chosen subject. This means that the researcher is going to gather data which include the past experiences and present condition of the subject as well as the environment. It will attempt to find out how these factors relate to one another and how they have affected the subject.

Case studies may sometimes involve small social units such as clubs, a family, a school, or any group of individual who shares common interest. The researcher who uses the case study research design needs such respondents as he/she searches for solutions of some important problems. Researches in the field of guidance illustrate the use of case studies to solve some of the most important problems and queries. Accounts of respondents’ thoughts, dreams, and actions are noted down to provide an insight into human behavior which may lead to the discovery of new findings not known before.

The case study method refers several advantages. The greatest advantage a researcher can derive in this method is its depth. By digging deeper into the whole personality of an individual or group or a certain situation, the researcher can probably tell some imperative knowledge or explanation such as on the kind of behavior or attitudes. Another advantage that can be derived from case studies is the opportunity of the researcher to gain insights into the basic concepts of human behavior or any given body of knowledge. Through intensive investigation, it is possible that the researcher may come across previous unsuspected relationships of variables.

On the contrary, case studies also have few disadvantages. Its depth can mean its lack of breadth. Generally, it is difficult to generalize findings to include other people when these findings have been drawn only from a certain fragment of a given population. In short, it is not really a representative of the entire population. Hence, it lacks of extent. As a researcher, the possibility of subjectivity or even prejudiced is high. This is because there might be preconceived events, things, and people or any other condition that may affect the flow of the research. Such preconceptions may also affect the insight and the bias might determine what behaviors to be studied or to be ignored. It will likewise affect the procedures of interpreting the observation, which will not be scientific. But in the long run, these situations can be avoided and solved by being objective at all times. The researcher opted to use this kind of research purpose considering the desire of the researcher to obtain first hand data from the respondents so as to formulate rational and sound conclusions and recommendations for the study.


Subject of the Study

Population, or the subject of this study, is defined as a set of categorized group that can be people, objects or any items from which the selection can be made to be used in statistical treatment such as a group of young individuals, manager and literary books. Herein, the researcher will used the sampling method which is defined as a strategic way of choosing the most appropriate sample or the most suitable part of the population for determination of the characteristics or restriction. 

The researcher, in choosing subjects or respondents for the topic at hand, is usually thought of to have the power over who the respondents of the study will be. Such a task would have been easier, except a researcher cannot simply choose out of urge; the subjects must be selected carefully with the intention of having subjects who each posses characteristics that, when put together, will represent a community. It is not only themselves, whom these subjects will represent, but the bigger whole or the whole population. The characteristics which the researcher has chosen them for will determine which part of the community they belong and what part of the community they are representing.


Sampling Procedure

            In this research paper, it is important to distinguish and determines the respondents of the study. In this manner, the researcher will have the respondents through a sample. Sample is known as a predetermined element of a statistical population that undergoes specific study. In conducting a research this population is called a set of respondents that has been selected from a greater number of populations for survey purposes. This research study used the random sampling method. Random sampling is the selection of respondents in a casual condition provided that it mainly caters to the key characteristics needed for a population.


Data Collection Procedure

Primary data are gathered with the aid of the predetermined questionnaire consistently distributed to the respondents. The researcher used a checklist. This type of survey questionnaire is categorically considered as close-ended questionnaire. Close-ended survey questionnaire are also used in obtaining the information relevant to this study in order to draw out substantial amount of information yet limited in number. In administering the tool, respondents gathered self-reported information through self-administration of questions in a paper-pencil format. This method is useful in collecting data for the following reasons: subjects were asked to respond to the same set of questions in the same order, they had the same set of options for their responses, and it is economical. In a questionnaire using closed-ended questions, the researcher offered a list of answers that will be checked or chosen by the respondent. Close-ended questionnaires are not limited two alternative replies of true or false from which the subjects choose the one that matched the appropriate answer. Further, close-ended questionnaires facilitate easy tabulation and orderly treatment of data. The questionnaires are more convenient and provide fairly straightforward information relatively useful for the solutions of the problem posed. It also served as an aid for deliberate and immediate tallying because of the limitation of time for the prescribed duration of the research investigation.

The researcher opted to use the questionnaire as a tool since it is easy to construct having the rules and principles of construction are easy to follow. Moreover, copies of the questionnaire could reach a considerable number of respondents either by mail or by personal distribution. Generally, responses to a questionnaire are objectified and standardized and these make tabulation easy. But more importantly, the respondents’ replies are of their own free will because there is no interviewer to influence them. This is one way to avoid biases, particularly the interviewers’ bias. The researcher will also use graph and charts for data presentation.

Data analysis employed in the study will be carried out in steps. Every data form will be carefully read in order to have an idea of the whole results concept. The text will then be read again and divided into meaningful units as the researcher see fit. Data will be condensed and formed into syntheses which will be integrated to form the address the research questions. Once the data has been collected and collated, the final task is to interpret the results. It is important to exercise caution when interpreting results and drawing conclusions from data, since it relates only to a sample. The more carefully the sample size and make-up has been selected, the more value the final data will have. However, the results can only ever be a guide and will never predict totally accurately. There will be a certain amount of statistical error in any results and the conclusions drawn from those results.

For this study, the researcher, after gathering the relevant data needed, it will be collated together with published studies from different local and foreign universities and articles from educational and social science journals. Afterwards, a critical analysis will be rendered on the collected documents and materials. A summary of all the information gathered would also be provided by the researcher, as well as a conclusion and insightful recommendations.


Statistical Instrument

When the entire survey questionnaires have been collected, the researcher used statistics to analyze all the data. This research will utilize the frequency, percentage, weighted mean, and correlation statistics in order to determine the differences and relationship of the responses of the respondents regarding their perception on the variables of the study. It is important to note that these statistical instruments are to be used on the survey method alone.

In detail, the following statistical instruments will be used.

Frequency – This is the total of similar responses acquired per item and asked in the survey questionnaire.

Percentage – The percentage is used to compare and present the findings on the frequency of responses obtained from the questionnaire. The formula is:


                        P = _n   x 100



            Where;           P – Percentage

                                    n – Number of responses falling under a particular category

                                    N – Total number of respondents

























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