
2:07 PM Bibliography


1st Section

Secondary School

State secondary school education in the early twentieth century was marginally extended to children whose parents could not afford school fees. Scholarships or financial grants for clever poor children and some state funding for secondary schools were provided, and more state secondary schools were created. But this state help did not appreciably expand secondary education, and in 1920 only 9.2 per cent of thirteen-year-old children in England and Wales were able to enter secondary schools on a non-fee-paying basis. The school system in the early twentieth century was still inadequate for the demands of society, working-class and lower-middle-class children lacked extensive education and hard-pressed governments avoided any further large-scale involvement until 1944. In 1944, an Education Act or the Butler Act reorganized state primary and secondary schools in England and Wales and greatly influenced future generations of schoolchildren


Most state secondary schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland were divided into grammar schools and secondary modern schools. Some grammar schools were new, while others were old foundations, which now received direct state funding. Placement in this secondary system depended upon an examination result. The eleven-plus examination was adopted by most local education authorities (LEAs), consisted of tests which covered linguistic, mathematical and general knowledge and was taken in the last year of primary school at the age of eleven. The object was to select between academic and non-academic children and introduced the notion of selection based on ability. Those who passed the eleven-plus went to grammar school, while those who failed went to the secondary modern school. Although schools were supposed to be equal in their respective educational targets, the grammar schools were equated with a better or more academic education; a socially more respectable role; and qualified children for the better jobs and entry into higher education and the professions. Secondary modern schools were based on practical schooling, initially without national examinations.


Rationale of selection

In an article from Evening Chronicle (7 February 2005, p. 8), an estimated 1.4 million people are diagnosed with diabetes in the UK, but a further one million people are undiagnosed. In an article from The Daily Mail (7 October 2004, p. 18), Diabetes is soaring at an alarming rate and now swallows up 5 per cent of the Health Service budget.  According to the charity Diabetes UK, spending on the condition is likely to rise to 10 per cent of NHS resources by 2011. There are now 1.8million people in the country with diabetes up by 400,000 in only eight years, according to a report by the charity published yesterday. Experts believe the number will surge further in coming years as the population becomes older and fatter. By the end of the decade, it is estimated that three million Britons could be sufferers. Campaigners called for early diagnosis and treatment of diabetes to help avoid devastating consequences such as heart disease and kidney and sight problems. The report revealed that 3 per cent of the population has either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Almost 250,000 were said to have Type 1, while just over 1.5million had Type 2. Experts also estimate that there are up to a million people who have Type 2 diabetes but have not yet been diagnosed. Lastly In an article from Western Mail (17 June 2005, the shocking truth about the childhood obesity epidemic and our obsession with dieting was laid bare as dietitians grappled with a solution to overweight Britain. Fat was thrust into the spotlight as experts warned people risk ignoring the most vulnerable in society which are children. Unless childhood obesity is addressed now dietitians fear it will spiral out of control and create a generation of obese adults almost beyond help. 1.8 million children in the UK are now overweight with 700,000 obese Many overweight and obese parents are simply blind to their own children’s weight problems; A third of mothers and 57% of fathers think their obese children are about the right weight; Weird and wonderful adult diets will not work for children, who still need to eat to grow.


This reasons and instances give the reason for choosing the said client group. The increase in instances of obesity with regarding to children may be bad not only for the secondary school children but for the country as well. Obesity may affect the children in the future since they imitate older persons. Obesity that leads to diabetes may be a big problem for the future generation. Preventing the problem of diabetes starts from fixing the root which is the children or secondary school children. Through making the children be prone and alert about diabetes and obesity the future will tend to be brighter for them.


Factors that contributed to the selection

There are factors that contributed to the selection of the client group. This includes which client group can be easily dealt with, which client group can give lesser problems on time consumption, which client group has the greater need of such and lastly which client group can be given more attention and monitoring. In determining which client group to use for the undertaking a thing given attention is which client group can be easily dealt with. Some people in the society may be difficult to deal with and hard to please. In dealing with other people or groups of people problems in miscommunication may arise. Due to the situation choosing a client group is a hard task that was given a careful thought. A factor that contributed to the selection of the client group is which client group can cost lesser time to be wasted.  Time is a very important thing that is why in choosing the client group time was considered. The client group that wastes less time and causes lesser time is chosen.


 A factor that contributed to the selection of the client group is which client group has a greater need of such. All the client group needs such but among them one client group needs it more. The secondary school needs health promotion since this group is the future of the world, and as previously mentioned the first thing that should be given attention is the one that may be affected by the problem. Lastly factor that contributed to the selection of the client group is which client group can be given more attention and monitoring. The secondary school children can be given more monitoring and attention with the help of the authorities. The said client group is easier to manage and monitor than those client groups older than them.


Social Policy

Social Policy focuses on the needs of people and how the government responds to it through different sectors. These sectors include housing sector, education sector, health sector, food sector and others. Through these sectors the need of the people can be given attention. One sector is the health sector.  Health care is one of the most important and vital resources necessary in all social systems. It takes a variety of forms, and may be provided formally or informally through households or specialized institutions. It may be based on folk tradition as well as rational scientific theory, and comprises a range of different methods of assistance and intervention, corresponding to different concepts of health, illness and disease. Professionalized medical and surgical treatment, especially in hospital settings, is commonly regarded as the conventional model for modern health care systems, but this is only part of a more complex and differentiated pattern. The organization of health care generally, and medical services in particular, differs between societies, reflecting their economic, political and ideological characteristics. It also varies over time, depending on the distribution of power and the outcome of social conflict between competing groups and interests.


2nd Section

Health Promotion

A broad area of public health education, called health promotion, places special emphasis on illness and disabilities that decrease the quality of life. Health promotion efforts in the 1990s, for instance, increased public awareness of osteoporosis, a condition that causes disabling bone fractures among older women. Programs educated women about how to maintain strong bones by including enough calcium in their diets, exercising, and to consider estrogen replacement therapy after menopause. Health promotion also encourages people to take advantage of early diagnostic tests that can make the outcome of disease more favorable. Regular mammograms encourage early detection of breast cancer, for instance, increasing the chances of a cure. Detection and proper treatment of high blood pressure reduces the risk of a stroke, the leading cause of permanent disability in older people.


Health promotion emerged in the 1980s and 1990s amidst considerable ferment and debate within the public health field. Debate was so intense that a new title the new public health emerged to distinguish it from what went before. In one sense, it looked back to the future by drawing upon the spirit of the birth of the modern public health movement in the 1840s. The last decade has seen health promotion come of age, not simply as a standardized term in academia and academic publishing but also as a practice and area of expertise within public and community health. Debate over the definition and scope of health promotion continues, but few today would challenge its centrality in public health practice or its contribution to the development of thought and theory in an evolving social model of health .


The term health promotion has meant many different things to different people. To many social and political activists working to combat the social organization of ill health, it was akin to a new social movement, and a rallying point around which to fight for better health. Development was such that the movement possessed significant moral force and ideological support with its catch phrases, language and values, as some critics pointed out. To others health promotion represented a new way of addressing contemporary health and social care policy needs, and provided a strategy for health at the turn of the twenty-first century which suited new global neo-liberal forms of economic organization. Many of the founding concepts in health promotion grew out of international dialogue and collaboration and the subsequent strategies were intentionally global in vision.


For yet others, health promotion was an exciting intellectual development that presented new theoretical challenges drawing upon a social, as opposed to bio-medical model of health. The possibilities for empowerment, participation, capacity building, and enhancing social capital were not simply a theoretical, values-driven endeavor, but one that had implications for methodology, research, and professional practice. Health promotion promised, uniquely, to make links between environments and behavior, policy and participation, lifestyle and social organization, and public policy and health. This multi-focused approach was truly multi-disciplinary in nature. Health promotion is a way to prevent diseases to come to a person. Through such methodology the chances of a person gaining sickness becomes low. Through such method prevention comes first before any curing will be done. Health promotion main advantage is making sure that the people will not have any health problems; health promotion also prepares a government and its people for health problems they might encounter. Health promotion on the other hand may cause some problems. Health promotion can cause a sense of panic among the citizens. It may ruin day to day transaction that people do. Additionally health promotion can trigger other problems like companies closing down due to lesser people may come to their stores since they became concerned on their health.


Strategies to promote health

To promote health there are many things that can be done. This includes house to house campaigning for better health practices; advertisements or reminders using media such as television, radios, newspapers, the web, magazines and other printed materials; word of mouth; and others. To promote health a person can make use of house to house or personal discussion with clients. Through such discussion people will know then be convinced first hand what happens when health practices are not well done. Through such activity people can understand fully the importance of health; they are also given the privilege of asking questions that will give them a better understanding. A way to promote health is the use of advertisements or reminders using media such as television, radios, newspapers, the web, magazines and other printed materials. Through such technique more people can come to know of health and proper health practices. It can reach wider parts of the world. Moreover a way to promote health is word of mouth. Through word of mouth people can be reached in far places. The only problem with this activity is the reliability of the message. The message’s meaning may become different when it is being transferred from one person to another.


Approach that should be applied to the main topic

In promoting health an approach will be used so that no problems may arise and promotion of health will happen smoothly. If health promotion will be conducted an approach should be one that would create a big impact and it should attract attention of the people the promotion is aiming for. Therefore the approach for the promotion should be an up to date one. The approach should be adapted and relates to the people.  The approach should not be a traditional one because people might become not interested in it. The approach should help in engraving in the minds of the people the importance of health. The approach should create changes that can benefit the society and the health care they have. 

Role as a school nurse

Being a school nurse is not an easy task. As a school nurse one must know how to be patient, understanding, and caring for the children. The school nurse serves as another mother or father in school that tends to the medical/health need of a child. The school nurse as much as possible tries to implement changes that will be vital for a healthy child. The school nurse also initiates health programs that will benefit the children.  One of these programs is the health promotion. The school nurse makes sure that the health promotion is understood well by the students, and the said promotion leads to giving them future benefits.


Factors in health promotion program

The two factors that contributed to creation of health promotion are the danger diabetes may bring to the children, and the worsening health condition of children. Diabetes has negative effects on people; it’s a disease that can cause pain and misery to its victim. As early as being a child people should be informed about how diabetes affects a person. The children should be given advices on how to prevent themselves from having diabetes. Another factor that contributed to the creation of health promotion is the worsening health condition of the children. Children are becoming lesser concerned about their health. It can be seen in how more children becomes obese. This obesity can lead to diseases such as diabetes. Through such promotion the children may not have such problems in the future.

Health Promotion Session

Aims and objectives

  • Inform to the secondary school children about diabetes and how it might affect them in the future.

  • Show to the children what happens when they have diabetes.

  • Assist the children in evaluating their health condition.

  • Give tips to the secondary school children regarding how to take care of their health.

  • Instruct the children to prevent them from becoming obese.


    Implementation of the health promotion session

    The first thing that should be done is prepare the materials that will be used to promote health. A material that can be used is posters that can be placed on different parts of the school. Other materials that can be used include putting the information on diabetes on the bulletin boards or other school materials that the children usually see or use, and putting facts about diabetes in front of every classroom. While proceeding with such the next thing to do is ask each student to visit the clinic so that each of them can be informed about diabetes, when they have questions they can freely ask them. This activity will be a requirement for all students to participate in; the students visit in the clinic can be done individually or by group. During the discussion with the students about diabetes their health will analyzed, their health practices will also be questioned. As the discussion goes along materials that depict what happens to those who have diabetes will be shown to the students. Before ending the session the students will be given tips on how to maintain their health and how to prevent themselves from being obese.


    Evaluation and Reflection

    After all students went through with the activity, the result of the activity will then be analyzed so that improvements to the activity can be made. The effectiveness of the said activity can only be seen if the students will refrain from not taking care of their health. The activity’s effects may be evident when they grow up but a little effect can also be seen while they are young. Probable effects of the activity include the children becoming lesser prone to diseases, they will also become more energetic and vibrant, and the children will not be easily tired. The activity tends not only to inform the school children the benefits and effects of diabetes it also assists in creating a better health lifestyle for the children. Through the activity the children’s future will be a one wherein they don’t have to think too much about diabetes.


    3RD Section


    Health care is one of the most important and vital resources necessary in all social systems. It takes a variety of forms, and may be provided formally or informally through households or specialized institutions. Health and its care is an important need a person has to have. Without proper knowledge about health and diseases people don’t have any kind of defense and might get sick. The secondary school was given particular attention because those within it are the ones that the future can still be changed. Unlike the older persons those in secondary school can still change their ways with regards to their health practice. A broad area of public health education, called health promotion, places special emphasis on illness and disabilities that decrease the quality of life Through the use of health promotion the young people can be informed about diabetes and things that can be done to prevent it. The health promotion can only be successful if some of its effects will be evident in the young people. The school nurse does an important role in the implementation and follows up of every activity done in health promotion. He/She ensures that the activity will bring out good results.



    To make sure that the health will be an important matter in any school the government should give its full support in the health promotion. All the resources the government has should be all used for such endeavor. Constant monitoring should also be done not only by the medical team of the school but the administrators and teachers as well. Since they are the ones that are with the students most of the time they should try to monitor how the students live a healthy lifestyle. The government should provide materials that can be used to promote health. These materials should be up to date so that no problems will be encountered. The parents on the other hand should monitor their children’s health while they are home. Anything eaten by the children that can be a bad thing for their health should be removed. The parents should be supporting the activity of health promotion to their children since this activity is for the good of the children. Diabetes management in secondary school can be done well and give positive results as long as the government, the school administrators, the teachers, and the parents work hand in hand to improve the health habits of the students. The children won’t have any problems with diabetes and its complication as long as the older persons will assist the medical team.  Diseases come to a person when his/her health is not properly being lead to a good path. Through the health promotion and diabetes management diseases might not come to a person.



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