Computer is a machine that performs tasks, such as calculations or electronic communication, under the control of a set of instructions called a program. Programs usually reside within the computer and are retrieved and processed by the computer’s electronics. The program results are stored or routed to output devices, such as video display monitors or printers. Computers perform a wide variety of activities reliably, accurately, and quickly. The physical computer and its components are known as hardware. Computer hardware includes the memory that stores data and program instructions; the central processing unit (CPU) that carries out program instructions; the input devices, such as a keyboard or mouse, that allow the user to communicate with the computer; the output devices, such as printers and video display monitors, that enable the computer to present information to the user, and buses which can be hardware lines or wires that connect these and other computer components. The programs that run the computer are called software. Computers are widely used in the world today. It has different purposes and uses for different people.
Part of the computer is its operating system. Operating system (OS) is the basic software that controls a computer. The operating system has three major functions. It coordinates and manipulates computer hardware, such as computer memory, printers, disks, keyboard, mouse, and monitor; it organizes files on a variety of storage media, such as floppy disk, hard drive, compact disc, digital video disc, and tape; and it manages hardware errors and the loss of data. Operating systems commonly found on personal computers include Uniplexed Information and Computing System (UNIX), Macintosh OS, and Windows. Software for the Internet was initially designed for computers that ran UNIX. Variations of UNIX include SunOS, Xenix , and Linux . UNIX and its clones support multitasking and multiple users. Its file system provides a simple means of organizing disk files and lets users control access to their files. The commands in UNIX are not readily apparent, however, and mastering the system is difficult. Consequently, although UNIX is popular for professionals, it is not the operating system of choice for the general public. Instead, windowing systems with graphical interfaces, such as Windows and the Macintosh OS, which make computer technology more accessible, are widely used in computers. However, graphical systems generally have the disadvantage of requiring more hardware such as faster CPUs, more memory, and higher-quality monitor than do command oriented operating systems.
Problem Statement
Many operating systems are available in the market today. For different people they have different tastes and wants in an operating system. The operating system has its own battlefield. Each kind of operating system has its own strengths and weakness. Each kind of operating system constantly tries to outdo each other. Currently Microsoft windows is the most used operating system because it is graphical based which means that it is more visually oriented than the other kinds of operating system. Another reason for the wide use of windows is because it supports multi tasking which is doing many things at the same time. Studies have been made regarding the sudden worldwide rise of the use of Linux. In a study by Orr (2003) Bankers are beginning to catch Linux fever. .From 1994 to mid-2003, adoption of the Linux kernel has gone from zero to about 18 million users worldwide. In the billion market for server computers, the Linux operating system (OS) has won a 14% market share. There is an expectation that the share will jump to 25% by 2006. Moreover, there were findings showing that that 39% of large corporations have adopted the upstart challenger’s wares.
Linux already owns the market for web-server software through the Apache distributor, with a 62% share versus Microsoft’s 27%. The present state of the OS wars is that Microsoft Windows powers nearly all of the world’s personal computers but has to compete with Linux for servers that manage computer networks. It can be noted that Wal-Mart is selling Linux powered PCs for 0. The government of Munich, Germany’s third-largest city, decided to drop Microsoft products completely and migrate its entire computer network, some 14,000 desktops, to Linux
Due to the increase in the interest and use of Linux it can be assumed that Linux may replace windows and maybe this is the one that will be the widely used operating system in the future. As shown in the study of Orr Linux is starting to emerge as a global phenomenon. Many people want to intend to use it and are planning to use it in the future. Because of this the research wants to prove the assumption that Linux is going to be more popular than windows in the future. The main problem of the research is if Linux is going to replace windows in the future. Such problem brings succeeding questions such as what are the benefits and disadvantages of using windows. It also brings questions such as what are benefits and disadvantages of using Linux. Comparing the two operating system can help in getting proofs to conclude that Linux may replace windows in the future. This can be added with the different studies made related to the problem. Through combining the comparison made, with the related studies and the primary and secondary research a good conclusion and recommendation can be made.
Purpose of the study
The study intends to get the appropriate data needed to give appropriate solution to the problem. The study also intends get the necessary answers to the research questions to create a good conclusion and recommendation. Part of the purpose of the study is to describe what Linux is and what the future for this operating system. Additional information will also be given on the types of Linux, open source and GNU. Such data will be used in giving an appropriate solution to the problem. The study also intends to give answer to the research questions.
The problem statement that was given in the previous section shows the goal of the study; however, there are still some specific research questions that should be given that will help as guides for the researcher in conducting the study. These questions will help with the systematic gathering of information and will also determine the specific questions that are to be asked when gathering the data for conclusion. They may also help in formulating the needed conclusion for the study, and as such must be clear and concise in finding what should be assessed for the study. The questions include How does the windows operating system help people, businesses, and other sectors in their daily activities and transaction?, Do windows have errors or problems that disrupt a person’s daily activity thus giving him/her more problems than benefits?, Are the problems or errors of windows easily fixed or it takes some time to fix it? , How does Linux help the people, businesses, and other sectors in their daily activities and transaction?, Do Linux have errors or problems that disrupt a person’s daily activity thus giving him/her more problems than benefits?, Are the problems or errors of windows easily fixed or it takes some time to fix it?, How does Linux impact the current world situation?
Importance of the Study
The study is important because it can help in accessing the current state of technology in general and the state of operating systems in particular. The study can also help in predicting what the future holds for users of computer and for those who will purchase computers in the future. The study is also important because it will benefit the consumers or buyers of computers/operating systems, and the businesses or dealers who sells Computers/operating systems. For those consumers who has computers the study will benefit them in a way that they can decide whether to continue using windows and neglect Linux or forget windows and use Linux. Another benefit of the study to those that have computer is they can pick what the best operating system for them is and suggest it to people who ask them about such. For those customers who are planning to buy computers the study can help them to decide on what operating system they will use. Another benefit of the study to those who are planning to buy computer is they decide on what operating system can give them more savings. For the businesses who sell computers the study can benefit them in a way that they can decide on what operating system they can use for the computers they sell. For the businesses who sell operating systems the study can benefit them in a way that they can decide on what operating system can be sellable and what operating system .
The study may also be important to the purpose of the study, and other researchers. With the establishment of the purpose given, this study may also be of importance to the purpose that have been discussed By fulfilling the aims that were stated in the previous section, this study will be helpful for other researchers who may be focusing on the current customer orientated strategies, and innovation being ultimately destructive to the principles of sustainability or of other areas especially with regards to the method of gathering the information. Such data will hopefully be helpful for researchers in establishing their own means of conducting their study. As such, the notable significance of this study is the possibility that it may be able to use the findings for the other studies that may wish to analyze the factors for the success or demise of a particular study. The methods that this study will take must also be credible and help researchers in knowing how to look for particular information and know how to analyze them. It is through this that researchers will then be able to find out how they will be able to focus on their particular investigation and also know the possible methods that they may choose in the possible time that they may choose to already conduct their study. Thus, another significance of this study is to serve as a guide for researches that focus on the analysis of the success of Linux on different sectors and countries and especially focus on the possible factors that may have affected these sectors and countries’ success or downfall.
The following statements of assumptions were prepared to support the study. This assumptions show that if such study is not undertaken certain things cannot be proven and the things proven by these assumptions can be of help to the study. The assumptions in the study include statements like Linux can replace windows in the future if it is developed well and given proper attention. Linux can bring an age of reformation not only to the computer but the computer industry as well. More people will use Linux as their operating system in the future. and there are more advantages than disadvantages of using Linux. Through the study proofs of certain assumptions can be found. This helps in uncovering related information about the study. This also helps on creating a good conclusion and afterwards a good recommendation for the study.
Scope and limitations
The study intends to answer the question is Linux going to replace windows in the future. The scope of the study is on the past and the future development of Linux and the advantage and disadvantages of this operating system as well as the advantage and disadvantage of windows operating system. The limitation of the study is on those who use and don’t use Linux and those who use and don’t use windows. From these groups, information will be acquired regarding the benefits and disadvantages of Linux and Windows and afterwards comparing the acquired information. The study limits itself to interviewing most probably 50 or more respondents to minimize the time and expenses that will be used in the study.
Primary data as mentioned earlier will be collected from those who use and don’t use windows and Linux and other related persons that might be helpful for the study. Secondary data will be taken from the different related books, journals, the internet and other relative sources of information. As discussed these information tends to help in comparing the advantages and disadvantages of both windows and Linux operating system.
To collect the necessary data needed the study will use the descriptive research method. It can be done by observation, interviews, and others. In this method, it is possible that the study would be less expensive and less time consuming. It could also suggest unanticipated hypotheses. Nonetheless, it would be very hard to rule out alternative explanations and especially infer causations. This descriptive type of research will utilize observations in the study. To illustrate the descriptive type of research, will be guiding the research. According to him descriptive method of research is to gather information about the present existing condition. The purpose of employing this method is to describe the nature of a situation, as it exists at the time of the study and to explore the cause/s of particular phenomena.
It is opted to use this kind of research considering the desire of the study to obtain first hand data from the respondents so as to formulate rational and sound conclusions and recommendations for the study. The research described in this document is based on quantitative and qualitative research methods. This permits a flexible and iterative approach. During data gathering the choice and design of methods are constantly modified, based on ongoing analysis. This allows investigation of important new issues and questions as they arise, and allows the investigators to drop unproductive areas of research from the original research plan.
Rationale of the study
After finding out from different studies facts about Linux and the effects of Linux the need to study about Linux was conceptualized. Additionally due to the different experiences encountered in Windows the need to compare the benefits and disadvantages of using Windows and Linux operating system arose. Since Linux is a wide area of study a problem that will occupy a smaller scope of study was being thought about. This brought out the need to prove that Linux is going to replace windows in the future. The said problem statement has much smaller scope and the results of the studies on it can be acquired on a shorter time span.
Overview of the study
Computers are one of the important and popular instruments used by man. It is used for different purposes and it is used in different ways. To use these computers work there is a need for Operating Systems. Windows is currently the leading and widely used operating system. Linux is one of its major competitors. There are studies showing that Linux is currently emerging as a top competitor for windows and may replace windows as a popular Operating system. The study as discussed intends to prove the assumptions that Linux can overcome Windows in the future.
The study will compare the benefits and disadvantages of both windows and Linux and come up with a discussion of which is a better operating system. The study will make use of past studies to prove that the study is necessary. The study will make use of primary and secondary information to be able to get the needed information so that related conclusions and recommendation can be accomplished. The study intends to prove the assumptions stated and intends to give answers to the research questions.
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