(1) A typical report normally includes:
Title Page
The title of the report – what is the report about?
Who is responsible / the author / the researcher
Other relevant information (student number, intake number, etc.)
Content List
Clear page references
Words of gratitude to anybody (if any, e.g. interviewees)
Executive Summary
In coherent form to be written after completion of report
An introduction of what the report is about
The objective of the report (what to prove, find, solve, etc.)
The approach/ methodology adopted
Summary of information collected and analysis undertaken
Outline the conclusion, recommendations and action plans
Chapter One: Introduction
Tell the reader what the report is intended to provide, why doing such topic
Identify the sources of information, how the information is collected.
Provide necessary background (relevant but brief)
Chapter Two: Literature Review (around 1000-2000words)
Relevant theories/ approaches/ analytical methods
Explanation/ quotation/ definition (e.g. classical approach, contingency approach, SWOT analysis, 5 forces, etc.)
Advocators/ contributors/ supporters
Chapter Three: Methodology
Primary Sources – Direct inquiry, interview, questionnaires, observation
Secondary Sources – Library search, Web search
Potential Constraints (confidential information, time, man power)
Chapter Four: Main Body of the report/ case study (around 3000words)
The main content/ case presentation/ description of research
Chapter Five: Analysis/ Results
Present the results collected/ induced
Analyse the data and information collected by certain model, theory or approach
A brief summary
Chapter Six: Conclusion
Draws together the main points of the previous chapters
Any important findings, any problems identified
Chapter Seven: Recommendations
Ways to solve the problems identified
Recommended actions and how they can help (benefit and cost)
The name of the author, the year of publication
The title of the publication,
The editions of the publication (if any),
The place of the publication
The name of the publisher
Remarks such as ”Unpublished Paper” (if applicable)
Attachment of relatively unimportant materials like detailed tables of statistics, results of experiments, serious of graphs, questionnaire form.
(Important materials should be included in the text instead)
(2) Presentation of the report
In good English (spelling, grammar)
Appropriate quality and quantity of graphics and illustration
Clear and logical
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