
2:07 PM Bibliography

Project Title and Objective

A business case was recommended to the cluster management team focusing on an additional investment in a health promotion service associated with an obesity awareness programme adopted.

To promote the Obesity Awareness Program in pediatric specialty clinic with the aim to make those obese children and their families have awareness on the proper diet and have proper motivation to make them fit.

Executive Summary

Children live in Hong Kong with fruitful daily supplies and nutrient food.  Most of them are prone to overweight or even obese (Hong Kong Department of Health, 2005). The main concern of the health care professionals is to provide quality health care services among their patients and one primary concern is on how to handle the threat of obesity among children. The writer has interest to innovate and propose a health promotion and awareness program in one of the cluster hospitals, which included two options, with the aim to give guidance, advice and consultations in order to reduce obesity case in Hong Kong among children.

This proposed program will be presented in a business case style and it is mainly focus on how to select the best option of the program.  First of all, the writer had introduced the related options and explained why she had this idea.  The writer also concerned on the updated policy of Hospital Authority (HA) so as benefit to patients.  Furthermore, she had also used some market analytical criteria to support her plan such as the situational analysis, SWOT analysis and PEST analysis. Following that, the writer had used the SMART concept to define the objective of the program. She had adopted a series of options appraisal and financial appraisal to determine which option should be chosen. Based on the result of those analyses, the writer had successfully adopted the best option and tried to planning how to implement and evaluating the possible obstacles and regular revise the process of the program. At the end, the writer had written a reflective summary to describe how to prepare this business case and what she had learnt end-route in this training module. 

PART 1: Business Case

1. Introduction

²  The main concern of the health care professionals, such as those pediatricians are to provide quality health care services among their pediatric patients and one primary concern is on how to handle the threat of obesity.  Accordingly, children in Hong Kong are being threatened of a growing serious health-risk attributed to obesity.  This is because they have moved from healthy conventional diets to living on fast food restaurants and other high fat snacks available in the market. Plenty of primary school students have a lot of tendency to buy fried chicken wings, and other high fat snacks during their break time (Hui & Nelson, 2006).

²  This business case mainly presents a proposal on setting up a Obesity Awareness Program in pediatric specialty clinic, for minimizing the threat of obesity among children and providing motivation among them to lose weight and have a proper diet, discussion of obesity among their family members, and providing other measures to prevent obesity among children.

²  This project is mainly prepared by the pediatric health care team in hospital in collaboration with the General Managers of multidisciplinary in the hospital, they are Hospital administration, Nursing, dietitian and occupational therapist. The involved members include the pediatric nurse specialist and the experienced nursing staff as well.

2. Background

²  It is significant that Hospital Authorities of Hong Kong (HA) should consider health promotion approach to reduce obesity case among children. With the major path of enhancing the population’s health and service provision, an innovative Obesity Awareness Program will be promoted by pediatric health care team. Moreover, It is significant that the target of HA Annual Plan 2009-2010 will be reached as well as it can also achieve the HA core value “Quality Patient-Centered Care”.

²  A Model on market analysis on the current obesity awareness programme will be illustrated by Situational, PEST and SWOT analysis. And the approaches and strategies of the innovation management on health care case include Option analysis and financial appraisal will apply on the Awareness Programme against Obesity among Children in Hong Kong. This Obesity Awareness Programme among Children will illustrates that the suggested approach can assist the efficient launch of this health care programme.

3. Strategic Context

Accordingly, the World Health Organization has declared the encouragement of reducing the number of obese children in schools by considering a healthy lifestyle among children. In Hong Kong, data on obese children (Brown, Kelly & summerbell, 2007) have been very alarming because of the existence of the fast food chain in the market as well as the lack of physical activities. In this regard, the following will the objective of the proposed healthcare activities to reduce obesity and enable children to be fit.

Proposed Obesity Awareness Programme among Children supported the above strategy:

²  Analysis of internal and external environment of the individuals and organization that will greatly influence the launch and implementation of obesity Awareness Programme among Children in local communities in Hong Kong.

²  A worldwide trend of the tremendous rising rate of childhood obesity related to rapidly developing and urbanizing environment (James, 2008a). The awareness of prevention of childhood overweight are essential.

²  Many countries identified that poor caregiver education on healthy development of children were the main factors of child obesity (Owen, Cook, & Jones, 2005). The risk factors had to be identified and recognized by professional nurses. They need to provide adequate support and education for the parents.

²  Provide multi-aspect action for the goals of holistic and child-centered care is required such as food policies and physical environment (Chan, 2008). Therefore, the implementation of multi-disciplinarians approach is necessary.

²  Application of innovation management on health care case analysis tools, non-monetary as well as the financial analysis to make a thorough proposal for the health care authorities. Moreover, option appraisal to guarantee the accessibly of the individuals and organization to attain and reach the set objectives.

4. Proposal Detail


          To suggest an approach in which healthcare professionals like those who work for children can focus on helping them have a proper diet. .

          To identify the most appropriate approach that the healthcare professionals and authorities to reduce number of obese children in HK and prevent obesity among children.

5. Market Analysis

5.1 Current Services on Obesity

Situational analysis

The table below illustrates a situational analysis of the programme on obesity reduction on the current condition in HK and future vision.

Table 1: Situational Analysis of the Obesity Awareness Programme among Children.




Services Time

l   School Hours

l   weekends


l   The opening hours are from 10am-10pm on weekdays

l   30mins-45mins per session

l   Which will be located in the pediatric clinic of the hospital and also community health clinics on weekends.

Services Fees

l   fee for consultation


l   Charges on consultation and health care packages for children

Services Staff

l   1 doctor and 1 nurse without other health care assistance.


l   1 specialist nurse

l   1 clinic Co-coordinator

l   1 clinic receptionist

l   2 health care assistances

Services workflow

l   Only brief the health and nutrition education during the clinic consultation 

l   30 minutes session in clinic in which all potential clients should attend.

Services Facilities



l   Consultation room

l   Computer

l   Pediatric clinic

l   Consultation room

l   Computer

l   Pediatric clinic

Services Policy

l   Hospital Authority covers the majority of healthcare services to the Hong Kong population.

l   Government gives limited financial and facility resources in clinic services.


l   Government and Hospital Authority give attention on the significance of roles in primary healthcare services.

l   Hospital promoting good motivational approach among children to collaborate with multi-disciplinarians.


For market analysis, use of the SWOT analysis mainly evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the situation and the result will reveal the aspect of change of an organization (MacPhee 2007). Many models can help individuals to investigate the need for consideration innovation; the management should consider both internal and external demands to innovate individuals and organization and also in the environment. (Schaffner 2009).


SWOT analysis

Through the use of SWOT Analysis, the reasons on the establishment of Obesity Awareness Programme among Children will be analyzed.

Table 2

SWOT Analysis of the Obesity Awareness Programme among Children



          Fully utilization of the available resources in terms of personnel, adding new Obesity Awareness Programme among Children service did not affect the Human Resources expenditure of the school and communities.

          Hospital facilities for backup.

          Information Technology support are available in the hospital settings.

          Clear management

          Staff commitment

          Good building condition

          Reluctant to innovation for staff.

          Resistance to adding the more workloads.

          Limited human resources.

          Unclear shared care guidelines.

          Insufficient time for consultation

          Poor communication

          Insufficient consultation quota.

          Budget constraints

          Limited financial resources.

          Lower staff morale

          Insufficient staff training Lack of previous experience to support.

          Inability of the management to effectively implement the changes.

          Lack of budget to fulfill the mission and vision of the project.




          Mutual support of HA and the designated hospital in the community.

          Prevention of diseases due to overweight of children in Hong Kong.

          Exposure of children in unhealthy diets leading them to gain more weight.

          Misinformation regarding obesity that can cause confusion among target market.


PEST analysis

This will also consider using the PEST Analysis (Bean & Hussey, 1997) which can be used to assess the political, economic, social and technological factors that might have impact on the performance of the new approach.

Table 3

 PEST Analysis of the Obesity Awareness Programme among Children



l   Legislation on providing nutritional and healthy foods in communities.

l   Political regulations and policy change as the government provides.

l   Hospital Authority works with the Government and Department of Health in devising a viable financial plan to cope with the increasing service demand from the public.

l   Exploring other means of increasing sustainable revenue sources for this awareness programme.

l   Sponsored individual hospital on the Obesity Awareness Programme among Children were limited



l   Awareness programme that will attract the youth.

l    Students perceived fast food menus as attractive.

l   Seek for increase in funding for[RA1]  new or improved services, technology advancement like obesity measurement facilities (HA, 2006).

l   Updated equipment can provide a higher quality service for the community such as having exercise equipments or audio-visual facilities for the children



From the SWOT and PEST analysis of the Obesity Awareness Programme among Children, analysis from the present position of the individuals and organization by looking at its present strengths and weakness, its opportunities as well as the threats and political, economic, social and technological factors consideration,

6. Options Appraisal

6.1 Benefit Criteria

For having a more detailed analysis, the following table shows the Benefit Criteria Scores as well as the relative weightings’ can be utilized and considered to calculate an overall total which is beneficial in understanding more what the programme can provide to prevent obesity.  Different individuals and groups are involved to measure the benefit criteria as below:

Table 5

Benefit Criteria of the Obesity Awareness Programme among Children

Benefits Criteria


Criteria Measures

Quality of Care


l   Provide quality care that met quality healthcare standards.

l   The staff had met the qualify standard.

l   The practice policy is following the policies and regulations among HA.



l   Health care services are accessible for all the patients.



l   Convenient appointment and schedule.

l   Available in after-school hours and don’t affect studies.




l   Extra room is renovated for purpose use.

l   The identification of the place where the programme will be conducted (school and community location)



l   Children’s parents and other stakeholder accepted the decision.





6.2 Option Appraisal

The table below recommends that Option A and Option B for comparison of the Obesity Awareness Programme among Children. In this approach, the alternatives and options will be established through a shortlist approach and determined the common characteristic (DoH, 1994). Herein, the planned options have been developed in the knowledge of the stakeholders.

Table 6

Option Appraisal of the Obesity Awareness Programme among Children


Benefit Criteria

Option A

Option B

Quality of Care

l   3 Trained health care professionals

l   Relevant Experience over at least 3 years in handling obesity issues,

l   Running with provided guidelines.

l   3 New health care personnel need training.

l   Running with provided guidelines.


l   Can change schedules from time to time

l   Have fixed schedules for children. 



l   Well designed the room from ordinary consultation room.

l   Extra room is renovated for purpose use.


l   Parents and children are involved and have accepted the programme.

l   School authorities and community members’ initiates this as a compulsory measure.






It is possible to more clearly rank the options in terms of above benefit criteria, we can draw:

For Option A:

Three trained and qualified healthcare personnel who has knowledge in obesity and how it can be reduced will be the one who will handle the awareness programme, as she gets more experience to count on the various circumstances, the programme can be more flexible. Parents accepted the plan.

For Option B:

There is a need for budgets on training for the three healthcare personally who will be involved in the programme.. Nonetheless, the control of overall expenditure is controllable and within the allowed budget. But parents were not considered in decision making.


6.2 Option Comparison

Table 7 is the calculating weighting Scores across a number of Options, the scores are out of a maximum of 10, Benefit Criteria Weights total 100. The Score are decided by the team members.

Table 7. Calculating weighting Scores across a number of Options of Obesity Awareness Programme among Children


Option A

Option B


Benefit Criteria

Benefit Criteria  Weights


Weight x Score


Weight x Score


















































6.3 Preferred option

With the use of the analysis of scoring and weighting benefit criteria by option (options A and B), it can be seen that Option A has the highest score and therefore considered as the preferred option on the basis of benefits.

7. Financial Appraisal

In order to determine whether the chosen options are cost-beneficial, financial analysis has been conducted.  The analyzed costs for Options A and B are provided on the tables below.

Table 7

Set up Cost for the Obesity Awareness Programme (in HK$)


Option A

Option B

Recruitment Administration



Publicity Campaign



Facilities and Information technology used (audio-visual aids, exercise facilities, computers and IS for recording purpose)













Table 8: Estimate operation service yearly cost (in HK$)



Option A

Option B

Rental cost , rates and management fee of premises






Publicity and promotion



Repair and maintenance of the facilities computers and other exercise facilities



Salary of the health care personnel involved





Salary of the Health Care Professionals (pediatrician)





Provident fund contributions


(5% of all salary expenditures)






In this analysis, the predicted inflation rate will be retained and maintained by the Financial Secretary in the HK Budget 2009-2010. In addition, it is estimated also that the operations costs for this awareness programme will increase for 1.5% in the next five years.

Table 9

Estimate operation costs over 5 year. (In HK$)


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5


Option A







Option B









7.1 Option cost analysis


Table 10: Option cost analysis over 5 year. (in HK$)


Set up

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5


Option A








Option B









In the table above, it shows that Option A which is operated by  a well-trained healthcare professionals have better control and lower cost than the second option. In order to have a efficient checking need to have a well-trained healthcare professionals to handle this awareness programme among children, HK$ 2600 were added to the second option.


7.2 Cost-benefit analysis

Table 11

Cost-benefit analysis for yearly Basis from table 10



Av. Cost/Year

(in HK$)



(in %)


(in HK$)

Option A





Option B






From the above cost-benefit analysis, the expected benefits against costs were compared for the two options to be able to know which option will have the best value for the financial aspects.  (Iles, 1997). Based on this analysis, it shows that Option A is the most cost-benefit for the yearly basis.

8. Planning

8.1 Forecasting

Based on the result of the Cost benefit analysis, Option A will be the best option for the obesity awareness programme. With this choice, healthcare authorities will be able to have trained healthcare professionals to handle the awareness programme for the obesity.  In line with percentage, it can be said that it will have a good benefit/cost ratio/

8.2 Procedure 

This report will be provided to the Community as well as School authorities for final approval as well as to provide additional fund from the financial department to reduce obesity among children.  In this regard, having trained personnel will be important since this is the main  advantage of the program. Once the fund for this programme was approved, school and community health personnels who will be involved will start the programme for the children.

9. Evaluation

Accordingly, the chosen option can be considered as an efficient and ideological approach for reducing the number of obese children. Nevertheless, there are still unpredictable issues that can be encountered in the implementation.

1.    With the above forecasts, it can be said that it will only consider most of the obese children who are studying. In this regards, out of school youth and children who are still not studying will not be counted.  In this regard, other cases of obesity may not be able to resolve with this program as new cases of obese children may arise.

2.    The forecast for the financial aspects above may not be sufficient since changes may occur as the planning and the process for the awareness programme is on-going. Hence, those who are involved should ensure that the fund they will have will be sufficient to implement the program effectively.


10. Recommendation

Based on the above analysis there are some recommendations to solve such unpredictable issues for the entire program, 

For point 1 –since it involved the number of obese children who are not studying, the programme should be expanded not only for those who are studying but also for the out of school youth and those children who are not in the studying age.

For point 2 – Since the problem will focus on the budget, those who will be involved should also find means and ways for additional funds. They can get sponsorship from corporations and other non-government organizations to reduce obesity and its risk among children.

PART II: Reflective Summary

Based on what I have experienced in these activities, I can say that I have encountered different challenges to come up with good ideas for the project.  Since I am a nursing student, I find it hard to develop business planning topics. Nonetheless, I can say that this project is worthy enough because I am able to learn different things which I can be able to use in the future.

 Hence, in order for me to do this project efficiently, I am able to plan ahead of time the things that I will do and identify the materials that I need for this project. I also tried to study financial management approach specifically in fund raising to implement the project. With supporting documents, I am able to understand a bit of financial management approach and costing.

In this activity of business planning and innovation management approach, much has been realized and learned, including significant values and principles in considering awareness programme for healthcare provision Right from the start, I am able to learn the value of patience as well as perseverance to be able to succeed in this activity of business planning and innovation management approach. Patience has aided me to conceptualize the ideas and contexts needed for this activity of business planning and innovation management approach. Through perseverance, I am able to formulate an activity of business planning and innovation management approach process, one that will not only benefit himself but most especially the management and health care professionals of the cable duct installation health care authorities. Both these values have helped me in gathering information, analyzing results and formulating recommendations.

            As this activity of business planning and innovation management approach employed the financial analysis technique, I am able to learn how to be keener to my surroundings and the individuals in it. I am able to become more sensitive to what is going on in the health care provisions and to the individuals working for it. This also has made me realized the significance of listening, questioning as well as reacting

            Much of my learning’s are attributed to the innovation project in the health care provision specifically among children. As a project will entail much finances and resources, the health care authorities could have prioritized an innovation programme and project that will solely be focused on profit-raising. Nonetheless, realizing that the staffs and healthcare professionals are its foundation, the health care authorities had then implemented a plan that will enhance these foundations. As a result, the health care authorities should be able to achieve enhancement as well as increased profits. From this, I also learned the importance of prioritizing the most important things.

            In this activity,  I am able to learned the devotion and determination one must have in to be able to integrate innovation programme and in the health care authorities. Individuals within the health care authorities must always see to it that their objectives are one and united. Harmonious relations must always be present in the stakeholders as this will be the tool in making both the management and health care professionals open-minded and objective.

            Implementing innovation programme and management in the health care authorities is without a doubt difficult and demanding for the management and the health care professionals. Nonetheless, in spite of the problems, one must realize what is his role for the health care authorities and in what way they can contribute to its benefit. In this project, I am able to come to realize how challenging the role of the health care authorities. Nonetheless, rather than complain about how difficult such role is, the health care authorities should open themselves to the challenges and do their  best to effectively integrate this project to protect children.

            How innovation programme and can influence the personal side of individuals is also one of the significant learning’s of me. In the health care authorities, although the aims of the project were to technically improve the awareness of children with regards to obesity, it had also affected the attitude and working behavior of the health care professionals. From this, I had realized how much a positive work outlook can contribute to the health care authorities, its patients and to the worker’s personal performance. From a simple act of responsibility and resolve, greater and better results can be achieved.  Innovation programme and can indeed do much development to a person, and in the health care authorities’ case, a positive development to ensure quality living among children.  

Word Count ~3000

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 [RA1]What Technology is relevant for an obesity clinic?


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