
This report tackles the proposed voucher system by the Gloucester branch of the Home in your Heart charity which aims to enhance and hasten the sponsoring scheme program by the said charity.  The reporter taking the part of a system analyst would provide advises as to whether the structure of the voucher system would be effective and suitable.   Included in this report is a discussion over some issues of long and short-term costs, economic and social benefits, technical or practical implications and the information that would be invaluable prior to the drafting of the final recommendations that would encompass the perspectives of the stakeholders such as the participating outlets, the sanctuary and the valued supporters or customers.


The Charity: Home in your Heart

            The Home in your Heart is founded by the Topping sisters, namely Agnes and Matilda who resided in the Wigan Area sometime in the 1920’s.  When their parents died, the sisters decided to sell some of their valuable properties that have been invested by their parents in exchange for modest simple living.  The beginning of the organization starts from the sisters adopting stray cats and the rest is history.  They go from adopting stray cats, to the adoption of dogs, horses and donkeys but since then refused to adopt other animals except one that is of a parrot named Anita.  Home in your Heart charity is unique since it seeks to adopt animal in which not everyone would be interested in especially in investing something to an animal organization.  However, the organization seemingly gets through that difficulty specifically in the monetary matters and continually managed to sustain and maintain the organization.  Among the organizations source of income are financed by charitable donations both from individual and corporations, proceeds of fund raising events in which the animals are used in the event, sales from pet foods that is manufacture based from the personal recipe of one of the Topping sisters, the admission charges from the sanctuary and the sponsorship scheme.  Indeed, the Home in your Heart is a charity with a sense of a business style of some sort. 

Task 1

With the increasing cost in the maintenance of the Home in your Heart charity, it is apparent that they seek alternative means to find other sources of income to cope with the rising costs incurring in the three sanctuaries.  With the aim to make full use and maximize the traditional sponsoring scheme, one of the caretakers being that of an Information Communication Technology (ICT) student introduces the concept of incorporating the traditional card system used in the adoption process of the animals into a website, like making the sponsorship scheme to be commercialized. Not only the ICT student makes use of his or her knowledge but he or she was able to help the organization and revitalize the options for increasing their earnings.  Moreover, the Gloucester branch came up with another alternative to increase earnings via the vouchers system. 

long and short-term costs

            The participating shops point of perspective it would not prove to be costly for them, both long and short-term costs.  Not costly in a sense that only a small portion of the accrued customers earnings is being ask of them and yet they would benefit from the voucher system such that they can subtlety advertise and groom an image to their shop.  Further, it is would not cost a fuzz on them since the sanctuary would be the one to provide the device in the automatic update every time the card would be used.

            Sanctuary, on the other hand, may at first allocate money in the implementation stage of the voucher system, however, with the fruitful benefits it can bring to the sanctuary; it is a sure thing that they can get their investments back from the voucher system.  Thus in the long-term cost would be minimized in the long run.

            The supporter and customers would surely be delighted to see the benefits it could bring to the sanctuary.  Not only they can help, the supporters and customers can express concern to the animals in their own special way and that their money would be worth it.  In the long-term costs it may be costly especially of the changing economic trends but making them see where their money goes, they would likely allocate money for it.


economic and social benefits

            Economic and social benefits would be beneficial to all the stakeholders provided that the management would stay committed and true to their dedication in adopting the animals seeking refuge and protecting them from harm.  The voucher system would be able to contribute economically such that they would be able to preserve these beautiful neglected animals and saves them from danger.  Socially, the voucher system would create and foster awareness in taking care of the animals that in spite of them, being just animals, they do have the right to live.


technical or practical implications

            If there would be one area that the voucher system would pose a problem it would be in the technical.  The incorporation of technology is proven to be costly at first, without the appropriate technical expertise to look after the voucher system, it may hamper the effective functioning of the voucher system.  Although, this potential problem may be closely looked by concerned computer professionals, thus, it can still be very suitable.  Practicality wise, the voucher system is not that practical choice, though, with the proven effectiveness of the use of technology, it surely deserves a shot at it.


information you will need before a final recommendation can be made.

            The use of technology can surely generate finances and would be able to ensure the existence of Home in your Heart charity.  As a matter of fact, it is admirable as to how the organization continues to blossom wherein in spite of it being infamous.  In the future, the voucher system would certainly be of great help to the organization.  Therefore, it is recommendable and suitable for the expansion of the charity such that they would be able to extend more help to the needy animals.



Task 2 : Context diagram of the Voucher System


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