Influence of Technology, Economics, Politics and Media in Famine and Obesity
Obesity and Famine are two of the most widely recognised problem in the world today. Obesity according to the (2007) is the excessive fat tissues in the body. Famine on the other hand, is the failure of the region or a nation to produce food and distribute it to the people which lead to the increase in mortality because of starvation and illnesses associated with famine (, 2007). Over the past years the number of obese people in various parts of the world particularly the wealthy nations have increased the number. And just like obese, more and more people from poor nations experience famine. Although these two issues are opposite of the spectrum the underlying factors that negatively and positively influence these problems are almost the same.
This paper examines the influence and impact of technology, economic, politics and media in the prevention of obesity and famine. It also discussed the reasons why technology, media, economics and politics also contributes to obesity and famine.
Influences of Technology to Famine
Over the past years technology has rapidly evolved. In the field of engineering the world is entering to the era of robotics, in the field of medicine more discoveries are determined that would ease the scientific procedures, in agriculture more innovations are made to produce more crops and food. Clearly technology plays an important role in the lives of people nowadays. However, what is the connection between technology and famine? Does a technological advance help poor nations get out from famine or will it contribute more?
Ever since famine happened in the 90s in large parts of Africa a number of researchers have developed ways to reduce the famine incidents in a number of ways particularly in the area of technology. There are a number of agricultural innovations that have a significant impact on famine. One of them is the Haber-Bisch process of synthesising ammonia wherein low-cost nitrogen was obtained from synthetic ammonia, and because of enough funding from the government and other sectors in the society the consumption of fertiliser in Asia increased which also aids in more production of food that leads to the decrease of famine between 1961 and 1998 (, 2000).
Another example of positive impacts of technology in reducing famine is the floriculture industry in Kenya wherein the Kenyans were able to access the latest technologies, obtain sufficient funding from various sources the country became the biggest exporter in the world in just eleven years (, 2004). The earnings that the country helped eliminate and even eradicate famine.
However, new technologies in food and agriculture have received a number of criticisms in different sectors in the society. and (2000) genetic engineering which is a remedy for world famine faces opposition from environmentalists and organisations, these groups discussed that genetic engineering could disrupt the traditional tenure of the land, develop genetic pollution, environmental risks and social relations. Moreover the authors discussed that the perception of the public regarding agricultural biotechnology have put them in the same field of dread risks with nuclear accidents, pesticides and radioactive wastes.
Technology is a serious issue regarding food production. There is always to sides, the negative and positive. (1998) discussed that technology is not the answer to the problems of famine because it is constantly evolving, this new technology may be obsolete five years from now, and however dismissing the benefits of technology is also not favourable. Therefore a balance between the negative and positive impacts must be done to ensure that technology would be more of a help than a liability.
Influences of Technology in Obesity
(2007) have discussed that since the mid-seventies overweight and obese people have increased in number both children and adults. The rise of incidences of obesity worldwide is due to a number of factors and some researchers have pointed out that technology have contributed to the increase in weight of people.
and (2007) discussed that the rise in obesity over the past years is linked to the technological changes wherein the effects are on the consumption of calories and caloric expenditure. The advances in technology have decreased the costs of food therefore consumption of calorie has increased. In addition according to () the nature of jobs in most workplaces all over the world contributes to the higher calorie intake. Most of the jobs required people sitting down and work in front of their computers. With the advances in computers and technology and more access in remote technologies more people in the workforce do their jobs at home more often than decades ago, furthermore more and more people are operating home-based businesses.
Although some studies have pointed out that technological advances have influenced more people in gaining more weight, it can also be utilised to fight obesity. Combining creativity, technology and messages in different forms of entertainment may it be on television or the internet could be a big help in reducing obesity. The children and families nowadays have more access to new and compelling technologies such as big screen TVs and internet, parents could utilise these new forms of technology to gain knowledge on the prevention of obesity and impart it to their children.
Obesity is now considered a very serious issue especially in developed nations with the rapid changes in technology there will become more sedentary jobs in the coming years which can lead to increase in weight; however technology could also be a big help in acquiring information regarding obesity. Technology could make jobs easier it could also be a helpful tool in fighting obesity.
Influences of economics in famine
Famine has a number of causes from the natural disasters like drought and floods to wars. But according to (1982) the usual cause of famine is the uneven distribution of food and poverty which boils down to the economy of the nation or a region.
Wealthier nations have no incidents of famine compare to the least developed ones therefore the economy of a country plays an important role in adding or eliminating famine. A nation that has more money and has a good and stable economy has the huge possibility of providing food, shelter and jobs to its people thus reducing and eliminating famine. On the other hand, if the nation does not have a stable economy the possibility of generating jobs and giving the basic necessities such as shelter and food could not be done by the government which leads to famine.
Influences of economics in obesity
The economy of the nation and family contributes to the weight gain of an individual. Notice that wealthier nations have higher occurrence of obesity compare to the lesser developed countries. This is due to the fact that their government could sufficiently provide jobs that lead to higher intake of food. However obesity and being overweight have serious effect on the social and economic aspects of individuals. (2004) discussed that a number of studies have revealed that obesity has a negative effect on the earnings and wages specifically for females. (2004) discussed that the obesity-related medical costs are increasing due to the fact that obesity carries both the direct and indirect costs. Direct costs include prevention, diagnosis and treatment of obesity while the indirect costs include losing job due to weight-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, stroke, cancers, and heart diseases.
United States of America is one of the best examples of a huge influence of economy in obesity. With almost half of the population overweight and obese having a good economy of the nation could contribute to the prevalence of obesity and weight gain. Most of the Americans are in the middle class sector and can afford more foods, another is the fact that there is growth pf fast-food and consumption of soft-drinks plus the portions of food have increased over the past years. Only wealthy individuals and nations can afford the high intake of food therefore economy could also contribute to the rise of obesity,
However, economy could also be a helpful tool in fighting obesity; government could provide assistance and create ways to decrease the incidence of obesity. Individuals with money could afford to enrol in fitness clubs and other activities that will keep them from gaining weight. And in extreme conditions some people that are financially stable could afford surgeries in order to lose weight.
Influence of politics in famine
Natural conditions such as floods and drought is no longer the primary adversary of famine but the politics and government of the nation. In a number of cases such as famine in North Korea and Zimbabwe which is the result of the policy of their government. discussed that famine is sometimes utilised by the government to eliminate the opponents just like in the case of famine in Ukraine during the 1930s.
Although politics appeared to be a small aspect and have little influence over famine in a nation, it still plays an important role in the prevention of famine. A country which has a stable political system could reduce or even eradicate famine because the aids given by other nations could be distributed evenly to the areas that are in need of food. However, if the government is not stable and the leaders only care for themselves the possibility of having a famine will most likely happen.
Influence of politics in obesity
And just like in the case of famine, the government also is responsible for the prevention of obesity in the nation. and (2002) discussed the ways in which the government could help in fighting against obesity and these are the policies of the government toward alcohol, tobacco and drugs must include regulatory strategies such as more control and conditions over sales of these products through limits and restrictions, raising the prices of these products could also aid in the reduction of consumption by people, the government must litigate the producers of substances that are unhealthy, and marketing and advertising these products must be regulated.
The government officials could have a huge impact in the reduction of obesity in the country. Some officials in various parts of the world have already promoted alternatives to eating unhealthy foods through dissemination of information, educating the children and their parents, warning the consumers on the adverse effects of some substances. Having stronger education regarding the health risks associated with obesity needs funding, therefore having an active government funding for this cause will yield a positive impact on the fight against obesity. Government officials have the capability of at least reducing the prevalence of obesity in a nation through information dissemination and a strict implementation of the rules and regulations regarding substances that could contribute to weight gain.
Influence of media in famine
Media could help combat famine. According to (2003) the media could help in keeping famines from materialising for the following reasons:
- The media and free press could inform the government regarding the situation of food in the nation which could lead to response from the government and various sectors of the society.
- It can inform the opposition of the government regarding the state of food in the nation which allows them to challenge the people in power.
- The media could also pressure the government and other sectors to respond to the food situation.
Through media people from various parts of the world could be able to know
the events that are happening around the world such as famine. Through media different governments and people could be able to help these people reduce and eradicate famine. Media helps the people in opening their eyes regarding the issues in various parts of the world. The news and reports could serve as a lesson to nations and would help in preventing it from happening again in another place and time.
Influence of media in obesity
(2007) discussed that media is often indicated as one of the reasons for the increase of obesity in Western societies. In the first study that associate media to obesity was published in 1985 wherein it concluded that the widespread incidence of obesity increased by 2% among 12-17 years old for every additional hour in television ( and , 1985). After the research of and a number of studies have came out revealing the same results. Aside from that media encourages individuals particularly kids to have a sedentary lifestyle. Advertising on prints, television, radio and internet also encourages people to consume foods that are not healthy. Moreover, in the study of and (2002) the researchers found out that greater usage of television has been associated with higher intake of calories which leads to weight gain. Therefore media has been a contributory factor in the prevalence of obesity. However, media could also play an important role in prevention of obesity. Boyce stated that media could provide information regarding the adverse effects of obesity and could deliver useful information in preventing and treating obesity. It can also be a channel for campaigns against obesity and could be able to reach wider audience.
Famine and obesity are problems that must be addressed by the government and the society. From all the factors identified media plays an important role in delivering the information to the audience. The fact that media comes in different forms and could reach wider audience it could be a big help in eradicating famine in poor countries and decreasing the prevalence of obesity in some nations. Many people in this world depends on media for information regarding the events that are happening in this world therefore utilising it to send helpful information to people would yield benefits. More aid will be received from nations experiencing famine and information regarding the risks of obesity will be obtained by the people in a wider scale.
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