
2:07 PM Bibliography

Topic: To identify the motivation factors for job satisfaction among salesperson, middle-level managers and top-managers in Parsons Music Store.


1.    Introduction


Parsons Music store gets its main profit by passing its products or service through to its customers. This process requires selling and the effort of salesperson team such as junior and senior salespersons, middle-level managers and top-managers team. In view the emergence of human- related quality and productivity problems. It is believed those salespersons are no longer content with job that provides income and little bones. Top management of Parsons Music store is interesting in exploring the job and achieving its quality and productivity goals. The main purpose of this project is to explore the factor influencing work motivation and job satisfaction for getting better performance and high productivity. The essence of that approach is to create basic conditions regarding changing job characteristics that promote high performance motivation, high satisfaction at work and match the job with the individual salespersons.


Parsons Music store in HK is dedicated to bringing the benefits of music to the HK community as started its first retail shop in Hong Kong, and today have some outlets across the neighboring countries such as in China, and that being the exclusive representative of many of the world-famous names in musical instruments.   Thus, at Parsons Music incurs knowledgeable and customer-oriented work teams that are well-known by its complete coverage and recognized by clients for its professionalism.


It can be good expectations and if one of situation, such as Parsons Music salesperson in his natural selling style must be desirable towards the customer’s natural buying style of music instruments thus, promoting successful outcome for outstanding business sales. Therefore, the salesperson within the company must be duly motivated along with better work environment in order to keep the business on track and thus, such truth will truly boost their skills such as in showing their special skills towards driving abundant sales performance at Parsons Music and how they are experts in approaching viable sales potentials.


The research is about Parsons Music, this is the company in focus of the study because it has operations in Hong Kong and that it is popularly known in Hong Kong as one of leading industry in terms of providing high quality musical instruments as there can be quite competitive in Hong Kong. Parsons Music store because there is a need to look beyond their sales aspect and determining the role of the salesperson within the company. Thus, to amicably relate such theory from such HR functions of the company mostly, in lieu to motivation theories particularly assessing Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s two factor theory that should be in appropriate integration to the sales people at Parsons Music store


The cause of satisfaction factors are identify in four areas: satisfaction with job, satisfaction with work group, satisfaction with organization such as promotion and growth development and satisfaction with leader such as support, policy fair, opportunity. A fairly mixed range of references to opinions and theories have been used to situate Parson’s achievements in a larger context of modern corporate leadership.


In the methodology part, it approaches to method coving deduction and induction. In deduction part, it explains important analysis of causal relationships and explanation. This parts used of quantitative data. It used questionnaires methods. 


In induction part, it explains of subjective meaning systems and understanding, it generation and used of qualitative data. It allow minimize reactivity among the subject of research. It used interview methods.     


1.1    Company Introduction

Founded in 1986, Parsons Music Limited (Parsons) is now one of the largest music stores in Hong Kong selling musical instruments and offering music education. The company has 21 outlets throughout the territory as well as branches in Mainland China. The sale employees have 3000 for customer’s service in Hong Kong brands. The company has established by Mr. Ng lam wing. His two daughters is being the senior brand managers. Year after year, the company established promotion on salespeople by senior manager. The talent sale force employees can promotion to the middle level manager position. The company has not established promotion at the top-manager position for the sales peoples. (Parsons Music Limited, 2007).




2.    Objective

The study focuses on understand the important reasons why employees retain or leave in the company and how motivation theories have emerged in attract talent employees. First, it assesses all levels of salesperson job satisfaction and to draw forth major area of salesperson dissatisfaction. Secondly, how Parson Music Store can attract potential new staff comes? Third, the emphasis will stress on the implication of the worker’s job satisfaction and dissatisfaction to their direct service such as motivation to work, their team operation and the quality of service. It also concern for salesperson’s job satisfaction affecting their self-motivation.  Finally, it measures effective of a system of these two motivation theory which are Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory, Herzberg’s two factor theory and Vroom’s expectancy theory to see the job satisfaction factor. It also concern for salesperson’s job satisfaction affecting their self-motivation. 





3.      Literature Review


Job satisfaction is widely studies in different countries and different job nature. There is a unique definition of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction also plays a central role in the study of behavior at work. Rozonowski and Hulin claim that “Once an individual joins an organization, a vector of scores on a well-constructed, validated set of job satisfaction scales becomes the most informative data an organization manager can have”. The effects of satisfaction are on productivity, turnover, absenteeism, goal setting.


It found out that job satisfaction including work itself, coworkers, pay, working conditions, company policies and procedures, and opportunities for promotion.


Job satisfaction

Lofguist and Dawis (1969) noted that satisfaction is “a function of the correspondence between the reinforce system of the worker environment and the individual’s needs Locke (1976) stated that job satisfaction can be viewed as “a pleasurable or position emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences” (p.1300).


The benefit of study job satisfaction in parson music store

Getting changes are usually introduced in the hope that improvements in satisfaction will inturn affest broader eares of employee satisfaction and improve behavior and reduce costs, job enrichment may lead to reduced turnover and substantial cost savings.

 “Abraham Maslow is one of the psychologist who had developed the theory of human motivation and that Maslow believe that humans have five sets of needs that are arranged in a hierarchy, beginning with the most basic and compelling needs” (Cited from, Johns and Saks, 2005, p. 139). However, Maslow has become embodied in his known hierarchy of needs as represented by triangle (Cited from, Johns and Saks, 2005; McShane, 2004; Robbins and Langton, 2003).


A much deeper analysis is needed of the factors which affect employee’s performance, retain and attract and how effective of these two motivation theory which are Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory, Herzberg’s two factor theory, it can or can not work in the company while it practice at work and suitable to give job satisfaction to employees. firstly, a analysis the motivation. Motivation means to move (Villere and Hartman, 1990). Robbins(1991) who identify motivation as the willingness of salesperson to use high levels of efforts to reach company goals.


Motivation is the initiation, direction (I am motivated our classmate to go to read rather than to go shopping), intensity and persistence of behavior (Geen, 1995). Schuler and MacMillan (1984) viewed motivation is a strategic standpoints. They stated that organizations can retain the best qualified salesperson and to motivate them to perform at high level of gain influence.


For business marketing, the hierarchy of needs were being used to define certain customer needs (Cited from, Ritson, 2004) as well as segmenting the process based on the needs of the staff for this, it can be dealing to the sales persons at Parsons Music store (Cited from, Pincus, 2004), it can be also to allow such mechanics of motivation to take place that can be visible among the business CEO, their senior management and several board of directors of the company and it can be that, the management of Parsons Music store is one of them (Cited from, Senter, 2004). The hierarchy of needs as theorized by Maslow, (as illustrated below) have been used also in order to support views on ethical and moral development (Cited from, Huang, 2004) as advocated by some sales consultants, for the facilitation of the motivation of employees from such present generation of workers the so-called, Gen Y workers (Cited from, HR Focus, 2004).


Source: Maslow, A.H. (1943), “A theory of human motivation”, Psychological Review, Vol. 50 pp.370-96

            The most popular theory is related to an individual’s need fulfillments in job. Maslow’s (1954) theory proposed that a need hierarchy with needs divided into lower order and higher order. The lower order a need is safety and security need while the high orders are self-esteem and self-actualization. Maslow (1954) believed that people would tend to fulfill their lower level need first and then their higher level needs. Needs fulfillment was considered as a continuous process, once a level of need was fulfilled, one would seek a way to fulfill a higher one. Although Maslow’s theory was not directly related to determination of job satisfaction, it contributed to understanding of job satisfaction.


Herzberg (1966) further developed Maslow’s theories into a well-known two-factor theory. Herzberg divided the factors involving job satisfaction into two factor theory. Herzbery divided the factors into two categories. The first was “motivators”. Motivators referred to those factors which if present in a working situation, would lead to one’s job satisfaction. But, if motivators were absent in a working situation, it would not lead to and job dissatisfaction. The factor included achievement, recognition, and the intrinsic interest of the work itself. Second category of factor was named “hygiene factors”. It referred to those factors which absence in a working situation would lead to job dissatisfaction. However, when those factors were enough, it would not lead to job satisfaction. Hygiene factor are including pay, security and physical conditions.


The important of Herzberg’s theory is that hygiene factors such as pay and other working condition are context factors which have little effect in deriving satisfaction from job(Johns, G., Saks, A. (2005). They are necessary conditions for producing job satisfaction but not the determining variables. The absence of motivators in the job will not prevent our individual to fulfill their lower level of needs such as security and physiological needs.


Vroom (1964) argued that the storytelling critical incident method, in which the interviewee recounted satisfying and dissatisfying job event, used by Herzbery to identify the associations of the factor to interviewee’s satisfaction to job. 


For the literature, it can be ideal that motivation involve such process that will produce certain goal-directed behavior within groups of individuals being employees such as the salespersons working at Parsons Music store, such as desired behavior being directed towards the attainment of business goals catering to the side of marketing. Thus, the effectiveness of sales force within the company play such crucial role in success and growth of HK music industry as essential that Parsons music’s sales people is greatly motivated within the work environment. Furthermore, motivation in sales function refers to the quantity of effort Tom Lee’s salesperson is willing to expend within his selling job of such instruments.




3.2   The role of Human Resources Manger for employee motivation


In the company, the Human resource managers have helped to raise employee’s self-esteem. The three objectives for human resource managers, are:


. Accumulating: getting the right people to start with.

. Linking: building relationships that encourage individual development

. Bonding: trying to connect individuals’ activities and beliefs to the core vision of the      organization.( Maslow, A.H. 1943)


Human Resources Manger is at the root of all improve sales performance, retain. It imparts methodical and sustained retaining workers on in-house relations between the management and the employees, and takes their help to define its overall business priorities. The ideas that senior employees come up with in the course of their education further defines the basic direction of an organization’s Human Resources policies. These are mainly recognize and support employees as whole people by openly acknowledging and even celebrating the fact that they have roles outside the office, and continually experiment with the way work is done, in order to minimize monotony (Robbins, S.P., Langton, N. 2003)


Managers and potential leaders must be trained to learn the emerging trends in the industry, behavioral patterns of customers, their changing demographics and values, and finally, the external environmental effects. Managers must also be taught to perceive problems and accomplishments from the customers’ points of view, and thereby determine client-interest (Maslow, A.H. 1954)


The importance of a suitable induction program in sound Human Resources management cannot be overstated. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2006) has recently pointed out that without an effective induction program, employees never really understand the organization itself or their role in it. As a result, morale, productivity and achievement suffer. In a Retention and Turnover Survey of 2006 conducted by the Institute, 45% of the respondents claimed that the greatest source of motivation for them was increased earning and development opportunities, while 49% workers felt that an improved induction process in companies was the best motivational aid. The scope and importance of the induction program widens in the case of the marketing and frontline staff that is to be entrusted with ensuring satisfactory client-relations. It is at this stage that companies can also invite their agencies and public stakeholders to be a part of the internal process, as valuable introductions and inputs can be resourced from these groups. As Knox, has observed that it is important to ensure newcomers do not feel their first job should be to re-pitch everything. Organizations need to focus on communicating the “emotional content of work” to its fresh employees, while at the same time, reassuring them that skills can be learnt on the job and in training.


In Parson music limited now have faced new challenges in creating and maintaining satisfactory employee profiles, upholding motivation and translating the business goals into local languages and beliefs. There are many other competitors (Tom Lee) to recruit talent sales employees, how Parsons approached to the ways of motivating them and retaining the talent employee among them are examined.





    In this section, individual’s needs are a critical determinant of what people want from the environment, at work and firms.


One of the major theories of motivation was developed by Maslow. He proposed a theory that explained human behavior in terms of a hierarchy of the general needs. These needs are arranged in a hierarchy of importance. The needs, listed from basic (lowest, earliest) to most complex (highest, latest) are as follows:

Lower-order needs

i) Physiological needs are the basic needs of person for their lives. They include the needs for food and drink. People try to satisfy these needs before others.

ii) Safety and security needs include the needs for protection and stability of their job.

Higher-order needs

iii) Social needs are the needs for friendship, belongings.

iv) Self esteem can be internal and external. Internal factors such as self-respect.

v) Self-actualization needs are the level of develop individual’s capable. Employee need to have their growth, self-fulfillment.


This age-old, philosophic focus on our true nature has been a way to successfully engage and inspire both our students and our pedagogy. In the spirit of Maslow, the meaning of self-actualization is explored, and the understanding and managing of motivation is embedded into the larger context of leadership, for example, quality, spirituality, ethics, self-awareness, and personal growth. (Dennis O’Connor 2007).

Maslow speak directly to the topics in current leadership writing and pedagogy: knowing oneself, personal mastery, and emotional intelligence (Bennis, 1989; Boyatzis, 1994; Drucker, 1999;Dupree, 1990; Goleman, 1997; Senge, 1990); values, meaning, spirituality, and ethics (Bolman & Deal, 2001; Daniels, Franz, & Wong, 2000; Similar to the way that the overarching process of self-actualization reshapes and guides the meeting of lower order needs, the leadership helps us better understand motivation and use the tools of management.


Application of the Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory


This theory is state that the individual satisfy the low level need before the next level is coming. Thus, for managing talent salesperson in this theory are clear, the managers can determine in the need hierarchy best fits for their talent salespeople and use the well appropriate motivation strategy.


The concerns are what an employee does at work. Factors required to do the job, the significance of the tasks, and the type of feedback receives as a consequence of performing the job, all have a role to play in motivation.


Frederick Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory is one of the most controversial theories in the history of management research (Behling, Labovitz, & Kosmo,

1968, p. 99; Pinder, 1998, p. 26). Herzberg challenged basic assumptions about what satisfies and motivates employees by claiming that pay contributes little to job satisfaction, all employees need to grow psychologically, and interpersonal relations are more likely to lead to dissatisfaction than satisfaction. (Herzberg, 1966; 1982; 1991; Herzberg, Mausner, & Snyderman, 1959)


Consistent with the motivation-hygiene theory, positive psychologists are showing that happiness is more than the absence of unhappiness (Aspinwall & Staudinger, 2003; Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Motivator factors are essential to intrinsic motivation (Csikszentmihalyi, 1975; Deci, 1971; Deci and Ryan, 1985). Hygiene factors contribute more to life dissatisfaction than to life satisfaction, and money cannot buy happiness (Kahneman, Diener, & Schwarz, 1999; Kasser, 2002; Myers & Diener, 1996). Both are interested in enhancing skills, increasing interest, elevating satisfaction, encouraging ethical behavior, improving performance, and fostering creativity. (Herzberg, 1966; 1982; 1991; Herzberg, Mausner, & Snyderman, 1959)


Application of the Frederick Herzberg theory

The motivation-hygiene theory is still useful for Parson music limited and can serve as a framework on happiness, intrinsic motivation, and materialism. This theory can help to evaluate satisfaction and productivity programs in the company. Take Greek hotel for example, its employees are more that 50% are not professionals in the hotel industry. It is because of lack of other employment opportunities or to earn extra money to supplement the income from another job (Robbins, S.P., Langton, N. 2003), The existing level of job security is very low and the rate of the labor turnover is very high (Robbins, S.P., Langton, N. 2003


The situation need to be present to help with the intrinsic motivation of a person, making the workers is experienced meaningfulness in the job, experienced responsibility for the job that they perform. A person must feel that their work is worthwhile in order for them to commit much effort into the job, and the job must fit into the system of values that they hold. In addition, they must also feel some sense of personal responsibility for the work, for example, they can help customers or managers. Finally, a person must be able to get regular feedback about the work they do in order to be able to determine whether the outcomes of the work are worthy of the effort put forth in the job (Maslow, A.H. 1943)


Truly, if Parson music limited establish a well job intrinsic motivation programmed, their salespeople must know their meaningful of the job. They will experience their responsibility on their job. Feeling happy to sale or service everyone in a daily. The outcome will be decrease the turnover rates and retain the talent employees in their company.    

               The “People-environment interaction in Motivation

The final set of the motivational process is concerned with the nature of the organizational, or work, environment. This factor is about the response of the environment in behavior of individual.


Vroom’s expectancy theory

      Expectancy theory is in the 1930S originated. Jones, Mahoney were the frist to apply the theory in a work environment. There are five parts of the theory: job outcomes, valence, instrumentality, expectancy and force. Each part is described briefly as follows: Job outcomes—it is the end product of a particular behavior that an organization can provide for the individual. Valence—it is the individual’s feelings about the outcomes provided it can be positive or negative. Instrumentality—is defended as the perceived degree of relationship between performance and outcome attainment, the degree is conditional the individual’s performance on the job. Expectancy—is the perceived relationship between effort and performance. It is the strength of belief that work-related effort will result in the task.

Therefore, in this research, it does not include to discuss this theory.




4.    Methodology


A focus on study the motivating factors of salespeople, methodology including of 4 steps will be used, namely: research procedures, literature review, measuring instruments: interviews with manager of firms and use questionnaires.    


4.1    Research Procedures

 The procedures for data collections were basically as follows:

1) Ask with the sale department and staff members were provided to be responsible for the administration of questionnaires.

2) The questionnaires were distributed to 150 staff in group of 5 to 10 people from sale department during lunch hours.

3) The way and purpose to answer the questionnaire were explained to the respondents. They were told not to talk or compare the answer. They were told to protect their answer and encourage honest of the responses.

4) The staff members remained in the room to answer any question they had while completing the questionnaires

5) It took 10 to 20 minutes to complete a session.


For methodology, there can be utilization of such questionnaires asking the salesperson at Parson Music store how they are motivated professionally within their work milieu, asking them if they are given such performance assessments in forms of such employee satisfaction surveys and that if they are receiving fair amount of salaries and performance incentives. The questions can be in a form of such agree to disagree statements that can be interpreted and measured by means of a five point Likert scale and that such interviews of top management in sales at Parsons Music store can geared towards how they execute and impose such motivation techniques towards their sales team and ask them of such possible activities and programs they apply to the salesperson in boosting and increasing motivation for a better sales performance of Parsons music industry.  Thus, knowing if there is regular monitoring and review of sales force activities in order to ensure that such business and sales activities are being aligned to the sales plan of Parson Music store.





4.2.   Interviews


In this part of the study, after getting an idea of staff motivation factor, different sales and marketing managers of marketing lines will be interviewed with leading questions to verify the findings and understand what the actual situation inside their company is. All data came from primary source, i.e. the respondents were chosen randomly (random numbers’ method) and interviewed individually at the work place, most of them during a break and the rest while on the job. The companies will chose for interview is based on two criteria sector: natural of company and size of the company.


(i)     Natural of company:

      The sales force marketing line and educational sales force management department have different areas will be interviews. For example, Johanna wrong for the former of marketing sale force, Mr. Joe for the latter area of education promotion sale force.


(ii)     Size of Firm: 

Firms have a large sales team is better sales management system and the motivation factors are expected to be different from small firms. Large firms are means that firms with more than 10 salespeople in marketing line and education promotion line. If a smaller firms, it is with less than 10 salespeople.


4.4   Questionnaires


In this part of the study, getting an idea of basic concept of sales will be make 50 questions to examine. A questionnaire asked them to indicate their level of satisfaction and the concomitant level of importance of certain job factors. Among these, were examined hygiene factors and motivators closely related to the company.

The set of questions of hygiene factors included: salary, payment for overtime work, physical job demands, and physical working conditions, system of supervision, job security and leadership style.


The set of motivation questions included: merit bonuses, advancement, initiative, content of the work itself. Merit bonuses were included as a motivator rather than a hygiene factor.    




4) Data presentation

            In addition, while some salespersons are self motivated, there are others who need to be motivated to do better performance and that such sales managers can motivate the team by following theories of motivation in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory as well as Herzberg’s two-factor theory which are the, goal setting theory and or expectancy theory as well as job design theories. First, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory classifies the needs of the individual into categories such as physiological, security, social, self-esteem and self-actualization type of needs to be applied for the sales person At Parson music store.

            Then, there is also Herzberg’s two-factor theory states that the job environment of an individual is characterized by two types of factors, hygiene factors and motivational factors. The goal-setting theory presumes that people have specific needs and aspirations to fulfill for which they set certain goals for themselves. Aside, there go about achieving such goals by taking purposeful action as the setting of higher goals produces higher output. The expectancy theory states that an individual is motivated by the perceived consequences of his or her actions. According to the theory, motivation includes the function of employee expectation towards the company along with such instrumentality of the function being imposed. Thus, job design theories assume that all individuals have the same needs, and that ensuring certain job characteristics can satisfy these needs. Thus, within Parsons Music store, the salesperson’s motivation play crucial role in influencing his performance and thereby his productivity. Salespersons having high level of motivation tend to perform well in the selling job and have high productivity.

            On the other hand, Parson Music salespersons that lacks enough motivation will tend to be pitiable sales performers and will fail to achieve desirable sales targets of the company and possibly true that, Parson music salespersons will incur such low self esteem and confidence due to weak sales productivity. Then, the sales managers can take employ such measures to motivate the sales force and boost the level of their performance in the work group. Furthermore, such data in presentation mostly being indicated in the methodology can help the salesperson at Parson Music to gain ample awareness of the motivation they receive within the company and how such theory is effective in helping them become more sales and business centered employees that always looks at the positive side of the situation as the business may experience ups and downs in their marketing sales as well as profitability. 





5) Data analysis

            The questionnaire will be structured in such way that respondents will be able to answer it easily using the Likert format with five-point response scale. A Likert Scale is rating scale that requires the subject to indicate his or her degree of agreement or disagreement to statement. In type of questionnaire, the respondents will be given five response choices and the options served as the quantification of the participants’ agreement or disagreement on each question item. Below are the designated quantifications to be used for the questionnaire:



Strongly Agree








Strongly Disagree



            In order to analyze the data gathered from the survey, the weighted mean for each question item was computed. Weighted mean is the average wherein every quantity to be averaged have corresponding weight. These weights represent the significance of each quantity to the average. To compute for the weighted mean, each value must be multiplied by its weight. Products should then be added to obtain the total value. The total weight should also be computed by adding all the weights. The total value is then divided by the total weight.

The range and interpretation of the five-point scale are shown below.  


The Five-point Likert Scale





4.50 – 5.00

Strongly Disagree


3.50 – 4.49



2.50 – 3.49



1.50 – 2.49




Strongly Agree



            The weighted mean measure the general response of samples, whether they agree to given statement or not and results of the survey are to be tables. Thus, relevant literatures to support the findings are also included. The Likert scale will use to interpret items in the questionnaire. These responses will base on respondents’ assessment of the current process model and will be asked to rate the effectiveness of implementing the phases in process. The statistical analysis for the information from questionnaire can be conducted by means of using the Likert scaling interpretation through spreadsheet wherein such outcomes of the data have to be tabulated and evaluated in whole context. 




6) Conclusions

            The emergence of highly competitive industries due to the effect of information technology, particularly the internet has undoubtedly changed the business environment in which the music industries around the world operate. It has been stated that the Internet has altered industry structure by reducing the costs of coordination in the music industry chain. The challenge now for Tom Lee music is to ensure that the balance of incentives created by HR team for motivating sales people will continue to apply in HK marketplace by preserving incentives and providing rewards to those Parsons Music sales persons who are responsible for spreading good sales conditions around creative efforts in marketing promotions of such products and services at hand as sales incentives and rewards must remain intact and must encourage sales force to take advantage of useful promise of the music industry within HK and must merged in different marketing communication tactics so that  Parsons Music store can utilize their musical products and services legally.

            It can be that, one of the key components of Parsons Music store strategy is how to achieve and at the same time maintain certain competitive advantage within the HK market. Thus, determining the role and importance of the company’s salesperson in such marketing channel and the salesperson access to the customer as means of achieving competitive advantage as the salespeople serve as the core players within the company, in terms of selling products thus, helping the customers to attempt in buying those music instruments.  Therefore, genuinely self-motivated salesperson understands the importance of frequently setting up ideal rewards on such ongoing basis. 




7) Recommendations and action plan

            For this research, it becomes apparent that motivating employees particularly, their sales team will amiably create a strong value for Parson music store to engage into a better marketing strategy for their products to be sold within the HK market and will be vital source among such related music business industry to succeed and meet the goal of having satisfied customers and loyal buyers. For the recommendation, several important points will need to be recommended for Parson music store to adopt precisely.

            In order for Parson music store to stay in control of their sales, they should establish a strong ground for always developing their human resource management to form such employee structure in ensuring that they provide enough amount of motivation towards their staff mostly, to their sales personnel’s and keep a creative work setting towards them so that Parson Music store can make sure the team is working on the positive side due to ideal work standards and benefits given to them, increasing their professional aura to always find the best options for Parsons Music business to stay on top of the global market. Thus, Parsons Music business must keep in mind to provide their HK buyers quality products that would meet the demands of patronizing diverse music instruments as their craft along with great offers with affordable cost. Then, Parsons Music’s sales team must have the capability of prioritizing potential customers who can be buyers of their musical products as providing enough room for certain sales avenue to grow and keep motivated along the way.

            For the action plan, as a means of keeping and maintaining highly motivated salesperson at Parsons Music store, it can be better to have adaptation of certain marketing channel that serves as a good motivation tool in determining the effectiveness of Parsons Music store salesperson in increasing sales growth and encouraging more potential buyers to the music instruments produced by Parsons Music and that the channel will provide Parsons Music businesses with competitive advantage over others and making the service available to the end users. Designing an appropriate marketing channel is crucial to the success of Parsons Music business. The channel design has to be planned taking into consideration the channel functions and other strategic business objectives. In the process, the marketing channel witness basic types of flows. These are flow of possession, ownership, promotion, negotiation, financial, risk, ordering and payment and necessary that marketing channels be designed to eliminate redundancy of flows and increase empowerment stance of every salesperson at Parsons Music store.


A list of Reference

HR Focus (2004), “How to get ‘buy-in’ from the newest generation of employees”, HR Focus, Vol. 81 No.11, pp.5

Huang, J. (2004), “The science of good and evil”, The Humanist, Vol. 64 No.6, pp.38.

Johns, G., Saks, A. (2005), Organizational Behavior, 6th ed., Pearson, Toronto

McShane, S. (2004), Canadian Organizational Behavior, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Toronto

Maslow, A.H. (1943), “A theory of human motivation”, Psychological Review, Vol. 50 pp.370-96

Maslow, A.H. (1954), Motivation and Personality, Harper & Row, New York, NY

Pincus, J. (2004), “The consequences of unmet needs: the evolving role of motivation in consumer research”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 3 No.4, pp.375.

Ritson, M. (2004), “Why are brand positioning made so complex?”, Marketing, pp.21

Robbins, S.P., Langton, N. (2003), Organization Behavior: Concepts, Controversies, Applications, 3rd Canadian ed., Prentice-Hall, Toronto

Senter, A. (2004), “An embarrassment of riches”, Director, Vol. 58 No.4, pp.96


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