
2:07 PM Bibliography

Business Plan


“Food and Fit Gym”


Section 1 Executive Summary

Food and Fit Gym is a new to the ear of everybody due to its uniqueness as offering services that all fit for the health conscious and to the ordinary people who wants to be fit and healthy and not to sacrifice their cravings to food. The business is primarily focus on the simple facts as being productive for its client and serve delightful foods which can help their body remain healthy. It has also the objective of teaching its customers on how remain fit so that deceases can avoid.


Figure 1

1.1 Business Idea and Goals

Through the continuous and broad spread of deceases in the Victoria, Australia, the managers decided to come up with the solutions that will help the people in the place in avoiding the said through the aide proper exercise and balance diet. These are the two major yet effective ways to be surpassing those deceases and to have healthy lifestyles. The Gym has the objectives of providing programs and strategies in Victoria, Australia and will expand its business in the whole Australia for the coming years.

1.2 Market Opportunity and Product Summary

Food and Fit Gym is the first fitness gym in Victoria that offers both healthy foods, healthy work out to acquire healthy and clean living. The target market of the gym also is the corporate worker and the teenage and college students.

1.3 Business/operation Strategy

The operation of the business will start early next year which can offer services that will enhance the fitted body of the customers. The business will work on the management of the company which can help in developing the mission and its goals of broadening its wellness program. The employees will be train and they are expert in the field of health and wellness and they also undergo the analysis of health risk. It will also compete for its competitors in a healthy manner. Its equipments are high end that will be an assurance high quality services.

1.4 Financial Summary

            For the coming years, there will be an expected increase of the sales for the gym and it can record to have for almost a million Australia dollars of sales in three years. This can also vary the gross margin of the gym and the net profit which can almost be half a million for three consecutive years.


Section 2 Background

2.1 Mission Statement

Food and Fit Gym is a health service which can help the individual and the business workers in achieving one of the greatest gifts which is the good health and clean living. Personal gains which include the improved self-motivation and improved esteem will have tremendous advantages for every customer of the gym. Part of the company’s mission also is giving its customers their craving over the fatty yet unhealthy foods to alternative which are almost the same but healthy by changing the other ingredients to healthy one.

2.2 Company Information

The “Food and Fit Gym” will serve the business workers in Victoria, Australia which can help them to be more productive and to have a healthy lifestyle. The gym is not only for exercise purposes but it is also offering foods which are healthy and serve menus that are heart and healthy friendly. Therefore, it is a place for having the healthy living, the healthy body, with the healthy food to have a healthy life. The business believes that proper diet and exercises are the keys for having body fit and fabulous. Through, changing the lifestyles and the behavioral pattern of its customers, Food and Fit Gym can also help reduce to the absenteeism to the workers and decrease the medical insurance premiums.

2.3 Business Goals

The major objectives of the company are providing programs and strategies in the Bendigo Victoria, Australia and to the other part of the Country. By the end of this year, the company s expected to have more that half of its capital and prepare to have expansions for the other City.


Section 3 Marketing

            3.1 Marketing Research

            At the midst of the busy and corporate site of Bendigo Victoria, Australia, the 800 square feet of the land area. At this newly built gym, it is supposed to evoke a healthy restaurant for its guests. The primary source for the estimated total market size and to the market share is to the following computation. The expected trade area is 7,000 people with the per capita expenditure is 0 and having the country where the community resides is has 90 percent of per capita income. With the given formula, the expected annual market sale for the potential gym is:

                                    7,000 x $ 300 x 0.90 = 1,080,000

The prospective retailer expects to capture the 40.1 percent of the potential market share, wherein the expected hardware will have the sales of 0.401 x ,890,000 = 7,500.

For the retailer, it is important in determining that 0,500 is enough volume so that it can get the necessary support of the gym business.

The secondary data, the population of Bendigo and to the entire Australian community is given below. The covered ages for the expected subscribers are from the age of 15-44 which is also 40.1 percent of the total market population.

Population by age, Bendigo and District DGP and Australia, 2005



















































 Source: University of Adelaide Australia

Table 1

Population by Age

On the other hand, the expected population for Victoria, Australia is:

Population growth

estimates for Victoria













Source: Dept of Sustainability

and Environment

Table 2

Population Growth

3.2 Market Analysis

            For the past years, the rate of the growth of 1.3% in 2001 and up to 2005 made to retained it increase in Victoria and has the 1.1% increase in the Australia. The covered age in Bendigo is 15 to 44 which can cover the 40.1 percent of the total population or accounted to almost 13, 682,387.  According to the study, the index score of Bendigo and the DGP District is 989 which vary across the division. In this study also, there are measures of the people which has the chronic disease as the asthma and the diabetes. Accordingly, there is estimation that more of the people in Bendigo are aware and prone to the asthma and to the smokers. This had been accounted that the rate of 24.9 and 15.7 covered by the asthma and diabetes respectively. This only signifies that most of the people in Australia are needed to have the better lifestyles and needs to have proper exercise and gym visit (PHIDU, 2007).

3.2.1 Industry Analysis

            Food and Fit is a food and fitness industry that will operate in Victoria, Australia. There are many business who tried and exited for this kind of industry but other are still standing up and continue doing its business. On the other hand, despite of the competition that facing around, food and fit gym is unique in it won way because it is the only gym that offers food inside the gym. There is competitiveness that can affect the marketing effort of the business plan. Politically, it had been discovered that the local area covered a parliament kind of government, and then the business will also be responsible for paying its taxes. On the economic side, the economy of Victoria is considered to be the second largest economy of Australia which is ¼ of the Gross Domestic Product of the Nation. It had also been determined that the property, insurance and finance is the biggest employer of the company. Sociologically, the people in Victoria are considered to be more open minded regarding the fitness and healthy industry. On the legal manner, the gym are open in the idea that the rules and regulation inside the gym are of legally accredited by the local government of Victoria. Technological advancement also used by the gym by providing the state of the art design and material used in exercising. The food and ingredients also are hardly evaluated by the food department of Victoria. 



3.2.2 Seasonality

            Since Victoria is the center for the vacation place for having weather of sunshine which is for the summer and has also the winter and snow. Then it can be a great place to throw out all the fats in the body as well as to take off all the sweats. During the months of summer, there are also people that needs to relax and feels the sunshine as doing exercise in the gym while looking the breathing view of the place. During the season of declination of sales as in the working hours and the school hours, the business can offers promos so that increase of the sales can claim. The foods to serve also are according to the season as fruits and vegetable which are all good for the health.

3.2.3 Competitors

            Since gym is widely operated in the Victoria, then opening this kind of industry will definitely have resulted competition among the existing business. There are about 26 Gyms in Bendigo, 30 in Geelong, and 42 in Melbourne. The main competitor of the is the fitness first gym that offering its service for everyone so that it can improve the fitness and health of its customers while giving surrounding and equipment with state of the art. The name of the company had also been recognized and built its credibility further (Fitness First Australia, n.d.). 

3.2.4 Potential Strategic Alliance

            There are many potential strategic alliances that are waiting for the business as partnership to the supplier of the gym equipment. Aside from that, there can also be acquisition for the company to the other failed gym business and needs to be renovated. In this regard the proper and enough supply of investments can be acquired through the aide of the potential alliance which can also be used for financing the necessary support in the company.  This can also play to long term exponential growth and business plan of the Gym.

3.2.5 SWOT Analysis

            It has been determined that the Food and Fit Gym is a new to the ear of the people in Victoria. Nevertheless, it can also be competitive and can also make its own name in the gym market of the land.

Strengths: It has only the Gym that offering Foods service that is healthy so that the customers need not to go outside to buy foods. It has also great location to the center of the business district where people and it is along the highway. The business is also providing different classes which include the kickboxing, body pump, resistance training, and the step classes. The members can also have the access to the certified trainers, ProShop, and to the Childcare. The Gym is also open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week with shifting schedule for its employees.        

            Weaknesses: The main weakness of the company is that it is only new in Victoria and does not built its own image yet. There are also lack of advertisement and promotions wherein the people are not aware of the gym and its services.

            Opportunities: The Gym can cover large demographic as they can be for the families, to the college students, to the single adults, and to the teenagers. There can also have many opportunities in attracting new members wherein the people can realize that it is the only gym which offer healthy food inside the gym that will also suit the health needs of their customers. The gym can also provide its members the incentives so that it can persuade its family and its friends in joining the gym which can increase the memberships.

            Threats: The major threat for the company is its competitors that had been in the business for years. Aside from that, the seasonality can also threaten the business as declination had been experiencing during the several season.

3.3 Marketing Plan

The Food and Fit Gym will start on targeting small and the medium enterprises in the Victoria, Australia. The first task of the gym is to convince the people in the Victoria to the benefits and the wellness of the programs. This can only be happened trough the intense relationship and interaction to the business professionals that will be profitable in using the service. As the establishment of the strong image had been done, the gym will use the same strategy fro the larger set of people in Victoria so that it can market the services and for future expansions.    

                        3.3.1 Products/Services and Target Market

            The prices in using the Food and Fit can also be compared to the high end fitness center as well as the prices of the foods are also comparable to the healthy restaurants outside. The customer that utilizes the Gym needs to pay 0 monthly fee. The employee that enrolled in the program they will pay for about 0 annually. The said prices only reflect the quality of the services and the equipment that the gym is offering. The customer satisfaction can also be achieved by giving them quality of services and equipments at reasonable prices. The development of the products and services are materially from the well designed of Japan and the instructors of the Gym have well knowledge in their field and they are physically fit. There can also be innovation to the equipment as the manager can continue doing extensive research regarding the updated gym equipments. The market are any ages that wants to be fit and have a healthy lifestyle though most of the marketed plan are the ages from the age 14 – 44 or to the teenagers who wants to build relax and be fit after schooling and to the young workers who wants to fell out their sweat after the days of office work. The target markets of the teenage years are continuing its growth as cited in the previous research. On the other hand, worker ages are the one who are prone to the deceases which can also be preventive with the aide of proper diet and exercise. In this regard, the expected changes in their lifestyle and in their health can be done. Meeting this target needs, the advantage of the Gym is providing good health assurance and health food to its customers at the same time which cannot found in the other fitness center. On the other hand, is can also have the disadvantages as the Gym might not give all the desires of the customers. There are aspect affecting the behavior of the customer as the price, the equipments in the gym, the services, and its interests. Some of the customers also need to have recognition. Lastly, the use and the purchase of the high-tech applications that is not available in the market.

3.3.2 Placement

            Part of the marketing plan of the gym is going to have its distribution plan. This can be done trough promoting the gym and its services to the web site. The gym will also be open for the customer as they enter the place. The gym will also acquire calls and reservations upon the acceptance of customers. It also offers discounts for the regular members and for the cold seasons. There are also salespersons in the front desk so that they can give feedback to the customer about the gym who are highly trained (Ward, 2008).

3.3.3 Promotions and Advertising

            The gym will follow the initial activity of promotion through the aide of advertisement in the magazines, newspapers, and to the radio and televisions. The food and fit gym will reduce its efforts on promotions due to the fact that the words coming from the mouth are still the great sword in attracting the customers. The activities of these promotions can also be utilizing with the aide of this minimal media outlets (Concepts Advertising and Promotions, 2007).

                        3.3.4 Pricing and Positions

            Providing the prices of the gym as written in the previous part of the plan has the objective of increasing the sales. This is target prices so that it can have better sales revenue and it can also build its own image. Building this image will be a long term effect for the gym as having the growth volume of sales and increase revenues. Discount rates can also be offered seasonally.

3.4 Evaluation and Marketing

            The basis of the entire plan can be evaluated of its success through its level of achievement as the profit and sale objectives are being received and had done, there had been attitudes and awareness to the goals of the marketing plan communication. In this manner, the data of the profit and the sales must be available that will be using in the evaluation.  Measurement can also be done through the comparison to the trend of the sales (Hiebing and Cooper, 2003, p. 409).


Section 4 Operations

            4.1 Form of Ownership/Legal and Licensing Requirements

The Food and Fit Gym is corporation held by independent and private entity. The ownership comprises all by the three founders the director for finance and administration who has 40 percent share, the director for marketing and sales for having the 30 percent of the share, the director of the wellness and health which has also the 30 percent.

In the corporation, the stockholders are not liable in the corporate debt while the corporation is offering tax saving for self-employment. It has also continuous life and the can raise money easier (Legal Zoom, n.d.).

The business permit was got from the local government of Australia that will allow for the operation of the business and must follow the rules and regulations of the community. 

4.2 Management Team

            The Food and Fit Gym is currently just a small organization which was founded and headed by the three individuals. The Director for Marketing and Sales or the CEO is the one responsible for overseeing the activities and plan for the Finance and Administration Director and Health and Wellness Director and their programs.

For the Health and Wellness Programs Director is the one responsible in supervision of the health educators, the promoters, and the fitness specialist. The Finance and Administration director is the supervisor and provider of guidance in the attendance of fitness facility. There will be additional positions of directors when needed as the firm expands and grows. The management’s style of leaderships is somewhat democratic and participative to its employees. In this case, all of the employees are allowed to be part of the team so that they can make a better decision.

            4.3 Organizational Structures and Staffing

            In the existing operation of the gym, it has covered two divisions which include the Finance and Administration and the Health and Wellness. Through the business’ growth, there will be new divisions to be created when there is large demand for the increase in the services. The organizational chart for the Food and Fit Gym is given below:

4.4 Business Premises

            The Food and Fit Gym is located in the corporate busy life at the midst of Victoria, Australia. In the process of future expansion, it can be move to the different offices and locations and not inside the club. In this regard, the target customers who are mostly teenagers and working people can be near to the Gym which is only a walking distance.  

            4.5 Equipment Required

            The required equipments for the Food and Fit Gym are all purchase and part of the budget plan. In this regard, the gym and managers can guarantee its customers of having quality of its equipments and services.

            4.6 Purchasing/Inventory/quality control

The equipment is purchase from Gym and Fitness which is the largest supplier of gym equipment in Australia so that there will be an assurance of having the quality of the products for the long term manner. The supplier is offering wide range of products and services that the managers can have the large options of choosing the best quality. The sample of inventory is written below:



UBE by Cybex: upper body ergometer        


Cybex VR2 mixed 11 piece Circuit       


Spinning Bikes: Spinning bikes : Spinning Bikes


Schwinn Pro’s & Elites & Keiser   (120 in-stock)used/as-is


8 station with cable cross – FLEX brand     

UBE by TECHNOGYM  00 brand new reman


Featured Items:


UBE by Cybex: upper body ergometer           


Cybex VR2 mixed 11 piece Circuit      


Spinning Bikes: Spinning bikes : Spinning Bikes

Schwinn Pro’s & Elites & Keiser   (120 in-stock)used/as-is


8 station with cable cross – FLEX brand    


UBE by TECHNOGYM  00 brand new reman


TREADMILLS  (100’s available)


Lifestride 9500HR Next Generation current model 


LifeStride 9100HR with quick start feature


     **  self waxing belt system-most sold tread in the World.

Star trac 4500HR newer model – see online 


Star Trac 4000HR with contact heart rate 


Star Trac 3900 new style (4500 simple version)


Star trac 2000P  heavy duty (220volts) 


TECHNOGYM computerized  


LifeStride 9000 for hotels and Apartment Gyms.


Lifestride T3  newest   DEMO


Cybex/Trotter 710 HR   (4 available) 220 volts


Life Fitness T5 newest treadmill   DEMO


Precor C-962i      


12x UBE’s Windjammer by Schwinn 99

Inner /outer thigh set 2 machines  FLEX 


Pec contractor   FLEX newer style belt drive


Bikes & Steppers   (432 bikes in stock)


Lifecycle 9500R  recumbent


Lifecycle 9500RHRT recumbent belt drive (used as is working)


Lifecycle 9500HR bike newer style belt drive.


Lifecycle recumbent 9500RHR newer belt drive 


Lifecycle newest 9500RHR DEMO


TECHNOGYM recumbent bikes 


Star Trac newest PRO models recumbents


LifeCycle  9500HR upright bike  with contact  heart rate 


Star Trac newest PRO model upright bikes


Star Trac recumbents 4400HR heart rate


Spinning bikes Schwinn  USED


Stairmaster 4000PT 


Star trac 4400R  recumbents  no HR


SPINNING bikes : see new in box section.

Star Trac upright bikes


Lifecycle 9100 upright bike


TECHNOGYM upright bikes


12x UBE’s Windjammer by Schwinn 


14x CYBEX 300T treadmills


20x LifeStride 9000HR treadmills (220volts)


19x LifeCycle LC9500RHR rec. belt drives


22x Lifecycle LC9500HR upright belt drive


14x LifeSteps  LS9500HR  


18 x Life Fitness ellipticals   (front drive)


42xSchwinn spinning bikes EVOLUTION


20xSchwinn spinning bikes ELITES


18xSchwinn spinning bikes PROs


12xNautilus 800 Treadmills $xoxox


Strength Circuits


Cybex VR2 mixed with Cybex VR : (11 piece circuit)

Leg curl(VR2),leg extension(VR),Chest(VR2),Incline Chest(VR2), Shoulder Press(VR2),Hi row(VR2),seated row(VR2),bicep(VR2), Horizontal leg press(VR),Tricep extension(classic),Pec/Fly (classic)

Remanufactured like new     ,550

ICARIAN   10pc       see online        


FLEX  11 pc circuit       


LifeCircuit computerized circuits by Life Fitness (10 pc)

tests client and sets workouts.         


CYBEX modular circuit:  10 stations.         ,999




Table 3

Inventory of Items

Section 5 Financial Plan

            5.1 Basic Assumptions and Information

            There assumptions that the Gym is expecting as the growing economy is moving constant and that is without the major boom or recession. There are also no unpredictable medical, fitness, or office equipment. Aside from that, there are no major global or national events which can threaten the stability and health of the citizens and country.   The general assumptions includes in the following table.

General Assumptions

General Assumptions





Plan Month




Long-term Interest Rate




Tax Rate








Table 4

General Assumptions

            5.2 Start-Up and Operating Needs          

            The start-up of the business is requiring having 0,000 of the capital. The 0,000 will be provided by the founders and together with their families. The remaining 0,000 came from the loan. Approximately, 0,000 will be needed to the equipment and 3,000 will be needed in the allocation improving the leaseholds.





Start-up Expenses




Stationery etc.








Expensed equipment




Leasehold improvements





Total Start-up Expenses


Start-up Assets


Cash Required


Other Current Assets

Long-term Assets

Total Assets


Total Requirements


Table 5




Start-up Requirement and Expenses


Start-up Funding

Start-up Funding

Start-up Expenses to Fund


Start-up Assets to Fund


Total Funding Required


Non-cash Assets from Start-up

Cash Requirements from Start-up


Additional Cash Raised

Cash Balance on Starting Date


Total Assets


Liabilities and Capital


Current Borrowing

Long-term Liabilities


Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills)

Other Current Liabilities (interest-free)

Total Liabilities






Planned Investment


Investor 1


Investor 2


Investor 3




Additional Investment Requirement

Total Planned Investment


Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses)


Total Capital


Total Capital and Liabilities


Total Funding


Table 6

Start Up Funding











Figure 2

Start-Up Investment

            5.3 Cash Flow Forecast for Three Months

            The sales are predicted so that it can increase every month for the first year of the annual sales which have the total greater than of 0,000 Australian dollars. The gross margin is also expected to increase. As compared to the total sales, the net profit is also increasing every month which is predicted to increase for the year 2009-2011.

Profit and Loss

Pro Forma Profit and Loss









Direct Cost of Sales









Total Cost of Sales








Gross Margin




Gross Margin %












Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses





















Leased Equipment




Payroll Taxes









Total Operating Expenses








Profit Before Interest and Taxes








Interest Expense




Taxes Incurred




Net Profit




Net Profit/Sales




Table 7

Projected Profit and Loss

Figure 3

Yearly Profit


Figure 4

Yearly Gross Margin

5.4 Cash Flow Forecast for Three Months

Cash Flow

Pro Forma Cash Flow





Cash Received








Cash from Operations




Cash Sales




Cash from Receivables




Subtotal Cash from Operations








Additional Cash Received




Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received

New Current Borrowing




New Other Liabilities (interest-free)




New Long-term Liabilities




Sales of Other Current Assets

Sales of Long-term Assets

New Investment Received




Subtotal Cash Received
















Expenditures from Operations




Cash Spending




Bill Payments




Subtotal Spent on Operations








Additional Cash Spent




Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out

Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing

Other Liabilities Principal Repayment

Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment

Purchase Other Current Assets

Purchase Long-term Assets





Subtotal Cash Spent








Net Cash Flow




Cash Balance




Table 8

Cash Flow

Section 6 Implementation Timetable
























































Program Implementation









Marketing and Advertising









Start of the Business









Table 9

Time Frame for the Business Plan


Section 7 References

Hiebing, R and Cooper, S 2003, The Successful Marketing Plan a Disciplined and Comprehensive Approach, McGraw-Hill Professional, New Jersey.

Pricing Objectives 2001, Witiger, viewed 17 April, 2008,

Advertising and Promotion 2007, Concepts Advertising and Promotions, viewed 17 April, 2008,

The Marketing Plan – Sales & Distribution Plan 2008, SB Info Canada, Ward, 17 April, 2008,

Customer Analysis – Consumer Behavior n.d., University of West Florida, viewed 17 April, 2008,

Health Fitness Program Business Plan 2007, Business Planning Made Easy, viewed 17 April, 2008,

The Art of Strategic Alliance 2004, Expo Group Inc., viewed 17 April, 2008,

Fitness First Australia n.d., Good Gym Guide, viewed 17 April, 2008,

Home-Based Business Fact Sheet 2008, University of Main Cooperative Extension, viewed 17 April, 2008,

Distribution Plan 1999, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, viewed 17 April, 2008,

Incorporation n.d., Legal Zoom, viewed 18 April, 2008,


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