
2:07 PM Bibliography

Part 1: Marketing Report



            As of now, tourism is considered as one of the most important industries in the world, it is helping many economies of different countries in terms of financial aspect. In connection to that, theme park is considered as one of the most important sectors of the tourism industry. Since 1980s, the theme park industry has developed into a global event and trend (2007).

            In Hong Kong, tourism is known to be the number one sources of income of the entire nation.   This is because of different theme parks, events, festivals, and shopping malls in the country. Primarily, the main goal of this report is to provide a marketing approach for specific events in Hong Kong. In this report, the author will give emphasis on sporting event, specifically the Horse Racing Events in the country.


Type of Event

            Sports in general have been an important aspect of global culture; it is in the conduction of sports where language and cultural barriers are replaced by the universal eagerness for such activities. Recently, several sports activities are being held in different, which in turn attracted a number of tourists. Diving, golf and yachting are some of the latest activities under sports tourism that are attracting a significant travel market portion, particularly in Europe, United States and Asian countries.  The growing interest of foreign travelers for sports attractions is further stressed by the results of a statistical report where 62% of international tourism accounts for leisure and recreation. Twenty percent is the portion of international traveling due to various personal reasons like health treatment, family/friend visits, or religious pilgrimages. The remaining 18% account for international tourism for business and leisure trips ( 2001).  One of the sporting events that have become very popular among many people is horse racing. It is mentioned that this sporting event is one of the largest spectator sports in existence today.  Some individuals may perceive horse racing as a gambling-related sports, but it has always been a sport especially for the competitors.

            In its history, it can be said that horse racing is not associated with gambling or money making, horse racing is used because of pride to provide that they are superior from their opponents.

Accordingly, horse racing was brought to Hong Kong as a British tradition and from then, it becomes the most essential entertainment, sporting event and gambling institutions in the country. In order to commemorate this event, the has been established in 1884. This not for profit organisation conducts nearly 700 races each season at the two race tracks in. This sporting event draws in over 11% of the country’s tax revenue.  Each single racing day of  and  tracks fills 46,000 in attendance per card.

Horse racing in Hong Kong does not only cater for local horse racing enthusiasts but also international betters and horse racers. In this regard, horse racers, bettors are waiting for the Hong Kong International races which is most commonly know as Turf World Championship. This is a tournament wherein the world’s best trainers, jockeys, contenders, and champion horses are gathered in on sporting event.  


Age of the Event

            It can be said that Hong Kong has a rich tradition of sporting events specifically with their horse racing sports since the establishment of the  in 1884. Today, the horse racing sport events is still considered as one of the most popular sporting events with fans from different generations.  Horse racing events are done in two premiere racing venues which are  and  courses. These two race courses are hosting high-stake races from September through July and draw fervent hordes of spectators who want to witness exciting fights and to cheer for their favorite jockeys and horses for the bigger payoff and the big win.

The Happy Valley is located in a residential area in the northern region of Hong Kong Island and is noted to be the city track.  hosts races on Wednesday nights with attractive backdrop of sparkling skyscrapers. On one hand, weekend races are usually held at the so-called country track of  , broadly considered as one of the world’s finest racing facilities.  has been able to host the Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Races, which is the riches day of turf racing al over the world and held every December. It also hosted the  held every March.


Target Market

            The target market of the organization focuses on local and international visitors who are horse racing enthusiasts including the horse races, spectators, bettors, jockeys and other market. The target market also includes individuals of legal age who wants to experience the excitement of horse racing fights and to take their chances for money in the horse racing bets. The demand for this sporting event company is being affected by different factors such as the economic conditions of the world as well as different political happenings and events in the global field such as the terrorism and disease scare such as SARS.


Market Statistics

            The estimated sports goer during the racing seasons is said to be about 1.2 million attendances each racing day, based on the .  In 2005-2006, statistics show that there are 1.89 million total horse racing attendance for 78 race meetings with a betting turnover of HKHK.050 billion. Although there is a decline of the number of attendance, this does not affect the turnover of the HKJC because of the turnover of the online betting.

Table 1

Turnover Rates

Horse Racing (HK$million)



(78 Race Meetings)

(78 Race Meetings)

% Change





Betting Duty




Source: HKJC operations and Seasons Highlights (2008). Online available at Retrieve November 7, 2008.



Marketing Strategy


As of now, visitors or travelers are not only visiting a certain place or events, simply just for fun. Most of them are looking for excitement, and more importantly learning process. This is one of the reasons why, more and more countries are trying to be the number one choice of the tourists by providing them with exciting and unique travel experiences. The primary market for the said strategy will be local and international horse racing enthusiasts, which include horse races, jockeys, bettors and other spectators from  different part of the globe, particularly those who are related and interested with sporting events, specifically horse racing. The target market is those individuals with legal age specifically for bettors and other children accompanied by their parents to see live horse racing events.

            The said strategy will focus on the general type of betting and special effect and post production. The said offers and services will get the attention of the horseracing enthusiasts from the said field. On the other hand, it will also have an influence to those bettors and fanatics. Because it will give them a sense of knowledge regarding on what is happening in a horse racing events. Tourists are also welcomed as a target market especially those who came to see the best horse racers and jockeys live.  The said marketing plan will be benefited from the sports and entertainment sector of the country; furthermore, it will also be benefited from the growing tourism industry of Hong Kong.



Communications Strategy

            Communication strategy focuses on the entire relationship aspects of the horse racing sports events towards the target market. This can be done by different communication strategies that will mainly focus on communicating and relating with the sports and entertainment events. It will be done by series of different communication method such as press, advertisement, website, seminars, and other events that are related to the said aspects. In terms of this approach, the use of Integrated Marketing communication strategy will be considered.

            Through the integrated marketing communication, horse racing sporting events will be strategically promoted through the use of various promotional elements as well as marketing process to communicate the message of the company and the brand to the specified target market (1996). It has been noted that integrated marketing communication is aiming on using direct communication so as to bring behavioral changes among consumers who will purchase a specific brand ( 2000). Integrated marketing communication also relates the message to the client which brings behavioral changes that helps the brand to establish a strong and tight relation with the target market. Furthermore, the context of integrated marketing communication stresses on the significance of coordination and synergy so as to develop and maintain a strong brand image. By using various communication instruments through the integration concept of marketing communications, industries have the ability to use effective methods to strengthen their brands with their target market and promote stronger brand names to their targets ( 2004).


Sales Strategy

            The sales strategy focuses on the direct relationship with the horse racing enthusiasts. This will be done  by  this will be done by process of offering different packages in order to come up with the demand, desire and budget of the horse racing enthusiasts. In addition to that, it will also be important to have a direct relationship with different schools and universities that are connected to the field of arts and filming.

Appendix 2


Marketing Budget


Marketing Budget

            The advertisement of the entire project focuses on the TV, Newspaper ads, flyers as well as the Internet. Each TV advertisement causes HK0 dollars per 30 second ad per station. The newspaper ads cost HK0 per advertisement; furthermore, the flyers cost HK0, where in HK.10 each ( 2008).


Estimated Quantity

Estimated Cost Per Unit

Estimated Subtotal






















            This communication and marketing budget will focus on the relationship of the organization towards the primary market.



            Due to the fact that the direct or primary market of the organization focuses on the horseracing enthusiasts, the pricing techniques and processes is an important matter. This is due to the fact that horseracing enthusiasts can be considered as price sensitive, thus the price of the product can directly affect their buying behavior. It is also important to consider that most of the international horseracing enthusiasts are in tight budget, due to the fact that they are living far from their families.     That is the reason why, the price of the service will be based on the demand, needs but will meet the expense of the horseracing enthusiasts. . 


Key Success Factors

            The key success factor of the learning facility of the horse racing events focuses on the improvement of the tourism industry of the country, particularly the increasing demand for sports events in the country, particularly the increasing number of international horseracing enthusiasts in the country. Furthermore, it is also important to consider that the company is holding the brand image and popularity of being the provider of a world class horse racing events all over the globe that is very popular in the field of horse racing sports.  That is why it can be used as one of the major aspects in terms of brand awareness and communication towards the target market.



            Analysis shows that horse racing sporting events should been able to use effective and efficient marketing strategy to position them in both the local and global market. Herein, the  marketing approach will serve as their competitive edge to establish competitive position in the market. Furthermore, it can also be concluded that although the company has some weaknesses, they are able to make it as a potential factor to stay in the competitive market. This marketing plan is a helpful tool for the company to achieve their vision and mission. In order to market the horse racing sports events in Hong Kong, the government should be able to give importance on the value of these sporting evens in the entire HK tourism.



















Part 2: Marketing Report

Portfolio of Festival



            Marketing communication is one of the most important elements to generate target audience and to convey information to them. In this report, different events have been considered and analyzed their marketing communication approach. The events include Beijing Olympics, Hong Kong Arts Festival, and the Community development program for adults of Malaysia which is KEMAS. This paper has been able to provide details about marketing communication and how this can help an event to become successful. Analysis of the marketing communication of the three events has been considered and it shows that the three have been able to use different marketing communication approach and have different objectives in doing so. The Beijing Olympics campaign was to attract tourists and sports enthusiasts and to provide information about the importance of sports activities while the Hong Kong Arts festival campaign aims on promoting awareness on the cultural and arts elements of the nation not only in the local but also international level. On one hand, the communication approach of the Ministry of Education for KEMAS aims on enhancing the awareness of the adults on the importance of education and literacy programmers.  By and large, it can be concluded that marketing communication approach is important to convey important message to the people.


Marketing Communication has always been one of the key points to an enterprise’s success; how the products or services are being portrayed through the ads are very likely to help affect the sales rates. The aims of Marketing Communication are to convince consumers to use their products, to give them an alternative or convince them to change their current products, and to increase the company’s sales profits. Because of this, financial success is the goal of Marketing Communication, and it may be achieved through an equally successful persuasive ads.  According to  (2003), there is ample evidence that the century-long domination in marketing communications by mass media advertising and advertising agencies is coming to an end. Marketing budgets are being shifted away from traditional advertising to behavior-oriented disciplines like consumer promotion, direct marketing, and direct-response advertising. Retailers are gaining strength over manufacturers New media technologies are increasing the fragmentation of media usage. On the other hand, prime-time television, long the main channel for mass campaigns, has had its audience diminish from 90 percent to 68 percent in the last 20 years ( 1997).

Every company is inevitably cast into the role of communicator and promoter. For most companies, the question is not whether to communicate but rather what to say, to whom, and how often. It has been noted that marketing communication is like a coin which has two sides. The first side of marketing communication is concerned with efficiently and effectively giving information and details about the company and the products or services to a chose market segments. However, in isolation, what to say and to whom this will be told can be nothing more than a risky second-guessing regarding the allegiances and interests of other individuals. The second face of marketing communication is the inquiry. This side of the marketing communication task gives emphasis with learning from other people regarding the values and interests, and eventually relating this to the interests of the personnel working in the organisation. Such process should logically precede the promotion of a specific standpoint in terms of product desirability and relevant consumer satisfaction (Fill, 2002

Eventually, several companies began to go beyond conventional practice and used other promotional specialists to improve and implement their market plans. Primary, the main goal of this report is to compare and analyse the strategic effectiveness of the marketing communications strategy used by different events or festivals in various countries.  For this report, the sport events that will be analyzed are the recent Beijing Olympics, Hong Kong Arts Festival 2008 and the Community Program Malaysia which is KEMAS. In this report, the marketing communication of each of the events will be given emphasis.


Overview of Marketing Communication

It is said that each and every organisation, may it be public, private or non-profit organisation should be able to consider strategic marketing approach so as to ensure competitive position in the marketplace (, 1994). One of the most important aspects of marketing is marketing communications (See Appendix 1). It is significant because it enables an industry to communicate effectively and efficiently with their target market.  Marketing communications is the term generally preferred to promotions. It is a vital contributor to the satisfaction of customer needs and wants. As such, it is essential that managers have an understanding of the factors that are involved in the development of strategies that enable organizations to communicate with their consumers (, 2003), their channel participants and with other stakeholders, such that those relationships may be developed over the long term.

Every company is inevitably cast into the role of communicator and promoter. For most companies, the question is not whether to communicate but rather what to say, to whom, and how often. It has been noted that marketing communication is like a coin which has two sides. The first side of marketing communication is concerned with efficiently and effectively giving information and details about the company and the products or services to a chose market segments. However, in isolation, what to say and to whom this will be told can be nothing more than a risky second-guessing regarding the allegiances and interests of other individuals. The second face of marketing communication is the inquiry. This side of the marketing communication task gives emphasis with learning from other people regarding the values and interests, and eventually relating this to the interests of the personnel working in the organisation. Such process should logically precede the promotion of a specific standpoint in terms of product desirability and relevant consumer satisfaction (Fill, 2002)

The overall result of this effort is intended to be the positioning of the provider as an efficient preferred source of solutions to problems experienced by people as buyers and consumers. This is the managerial aim in managing marketing communication. The challenge is to ensure that expressive communicative activity is clear, consistent, and coherent, while also enabling and facilitating impressive communicative activity that aids judgement and decision-making. Marketing communication is widening in scope to embrace the idea that healthy relationships between customers and suppliers are the basis for the prosperity of each. Expectations are growing for authentic communication as part of a stakeholder relationship based on trust and commitment of core benefits to users and consumers so must be differentiated through benefit augmentation to attract buyer and consumer attention when promoted (2004).


Comparison Analysis

Overview of the Sports Event

            The Olympics is a major international sports event that has been considered as a prime tourist attraction as well. In UK, preparations are underway for the upcoming 2012 Olympics. t has been chosen by the Coventry, Solihull, and Warwickshire Partnership (CSWP) in order to identify the different opportunities that could result from the 2012 Olympics. With Clift’s business and sports expertise, he had noted that this event will bring about major business, tourism and sports benefits. Based from previous Olympic events, increased tourism has been the most important opportunity brought about by such major international event. In order to optimize the effect of this opportunity, hosts typically make major preparations to meet the satisfaction of the tourists and foreign visitors. Hosts also consider its transportation systems and other tourist attractions near the Olympic site; the preparation of these visitor attractions will be done along with the construction of the Olympic facilities. In general, it is intended to deliver the best that a country has to offer through major Olympic developments for the tourists (, 2006).

            The latest Beijing Olympics was held last August, 8 2008 and in order to ensure that China will benefit from the outcome of Beijing Olympics, the government has been able to use specific marketing communication approach. In doing so, the government has sought the service of the BBC Sports. In this regard, the aim of the marketing communication approach was to attract not only sports enthusiasts but other tourists and travelers to visit China because of the unique and different facilities they offer associated with the Beijing Olympics.

            The marketing communication and campaign of the Beijing Olympics has been based on the conventional Chinese folklore Journey to the West. This marketing communication approach has been aired on July to attract many tourists and sports fanatics to go and visit Beijing during the Olympic season , The marketing communication approach included animations and music specifically produced for the Beijing Olympics.   The marketing communication approach aims on telling the entire story of the Journey of China to the West. The marketing communication approach features various promotional activities to reach target audiences from local and global market. They consider media through TV and radio advertisements, print advertisements through sports magazines and newspapers and interactive approach through mobile, online or the internet thought he official website of the Beijing Olympics.  The main goal is to target younger market through high-profile websites like ,and other social networking sites and the mobile activity. This marketing communication approach has used animations through the characters taken from the story of Monkey King which is one of the four classical novels during the Ming Dynasty (Beijing Olympics Marketing Campaign, 2008).

            With the success of the Beijing Olympics, it can be said that the marketing campaign and communication through the help of BBC has been successful and effective. Through the marketing communication strategy of the Beijing Olympics they are able to relay the messages to the public. Accordingly, it can be said that Beijing Olympics has been able to use integrated marketing communication approach to reach target audiences in both local and global market.

The IMC approach has been effective for campaigning Beijing Olympics as it helps in identifying the most useful and appropriate methods in communicating and establishing good customer relations, including good relationships with stakeholders like the sponsors of the Beijing Olympics like major brands such as Adidas and other brands. By and large, it can be said that Beijing Olympics has been successful in generating income and turnover through their comprehensive marketing communication approach.


Overview of the Cultural Events

            The cultural event that will be given attention in this report is Hong Kong Arts Festival. The Hong Kong Arts Festival is considered as focus programmers for the Hong Kong culture so as to provide a broad range of art programmers from all different parts of the world.  This festival has been an essential symbol for the HK culture.  The festival has been able to introduce various entertaining and exciting programmers locally, nationally and internationally produces to the people of HK, and it has been able to stimulate the interest of the people in terms of arts to raise the level of appreciation.

Every February and March, various individuals flock to the festival programmers as well as exhibitions at venues and places that traces from large performing arenas to intimate theatre locations. The HONG KONG ARTS FESTIVAL has provide different choices to meet the needs of different audiences such as the Classical Music or the Chinese Music, Western Opera, World Music, Drama, Dance, Chinese Opera and family choice and those for the Art lovers. This event is made possible by the support of the HK Jockey Club Charities’ Trust and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department of the government of Hong Kong.  In order to promote HONG KONG ARTS FESTIVAL to the local, national, and international market, the institution has been able to provide two membership series which include Young Friends Scheme and Festival friends are also provides. To improve the arts knowledge for the general public, the government also have Festival Plus which includes talks, workshops, master classes, exhibitions, arts exchange and meet-the-artist sessions during the festival period.  

Hong Kong Arts Festival has also their official website ( Accordingly, the marketing communication of the Hong Kong Arts festival promotes and raises the cultural consciousness of the people from the local and the international market. Aside from this, Hong Kong Arts Festival also utilize celebrity endorsements by considering famous Artists to participate in the Hong Kong Arts Festival events. Through the use of an effective marketing communication approach by the Hong Kong Arts festival, it gives the opportunity to the festival to sustain its marketability and its visibility in the print and media advertisements and also interactive ads through their website. The application of this marketing communication approach enables the Hong Kong Arts festival to communicate with the other target segment. For instance because of the increasing popularity of the World Wide Web, Hong Kong Arts Festival have the chance to reach consumers locally and internationally. This means that the reach of the festival are also extended and expanded in the global market through the use of integrated marketing communication.


Overview of the Community Event

            The community event that would be given emphasis in this report is the community program with regards to adult education in Malaysia.  In Malaysia, the earliest progress of education began in 14th century with the spread of Islamic religion.  However, the existence of most adult learning is attached to martial arts and those involved in craftsman apprenticeship.  The year 1905, was the year when the expansion of education are set to teach agricultural sector when the farmers are being taught along with their families.  With this emerge the promotion of technical training on the following year which aims to educate technical assistants assigned for the Railway and .

The Ministry of Education in Malaysia has been able to impose or implement different programs to further enhance the literacy of the people in Malaysia specifically those who are in rural areas like Sabah. In line with this, the has organized the (KEMAS) in 1961.  The main goal of this division is to abolish illiteracy among the adults all over the Peninsular Malaysia, and two years after, this objective was expanded to the people of Sabah and Sarawak.

The main goal of these programs is to address the illiteracy of the adults in rural areas specifically, Sabah.  In addition, these programs imposed by KEMAS and MORD aims to provide adult learners with intellectual ability and technical skills which is essential in their everyday living. It also aims to assist adult participant to overcome their social conflicts which hinders the growth of the community they belong.

Further, these programs imposed by KEMAS are to ensure the spirit of unity and love are being inculcated in the mind of its people and to provide guidance and support to make the adult participants develop the concept of self-improvement.  In this manner, it can be said that the adult learning style that the KEMAS utilized is more about the self-directed approach. In addition, the Community Development Division (KEMAS) has imposed non-formal education activities that prioritize teaching-learning process in group of participants which are held in places and times suitable to the adult participants. The core curriculum or the syllabus of these non-formal education includes 3Rs (reading, writing and arithmetic) and discussions about family life, economy, civic responsibilities, religion and health.  Herein, all these teaching-learning process are done to the most appropriate location.

            In order to promote the objective of the Ministry of Education, the government has been able to provide marketing communication approach through print advertisements in educational journals, magazines, newspaper, and through the use of TV and radio advertisements.  Community Development Division (KEMAS) aims too improve the quality of living of the people in different communities of Malaysia. Hence, they also conduct seminars and workshops about the importance of education and literacy.  In order to adhere to such needs, KEMAS tries to use different approaches and methods to promote their program.  The number of individual participants mainly depends on the curriculum given to the problems encountered daily.  However, in places like Sabah, the geographical status of this region, the distance and lack of constant communication discourage some individuals from attending their classes. In addition, extreme poverty is also considered as an obstacle that hinders an adult to attend his or her classes.  For them, it is better to spend their time working to earn money than to attend their classes.  In order to solve this problem, KEMAS authorities try to send representatives and teachers to teach those individuals.  The efforts to improve the literacy of adults include hammering reading habit and escalating access to global information. This approach is imposed through a nation-wide reading campaign upgrading of the textbooks and other reading materials in public libraries and the establishment of new libraries. In addition, Community Development Division also ensures that the teacher or representative who would teach adults is well-trained and efficient enough.

            With the use of effective marketing communication approach, it can be said that Malaysian government and the Ministry of education has been able to provide the message of the importance of education and literacy to the people, specifically adults.



Marketing communication approach is said to have many benefits among different products, organizations, events. Through an effective communication, the message is being relayed to the target audience effectively. Furthermore, this will also permit the clients to easily determine the essential information about the events may it be sporting, community and cultural events.  Analysis shows that each of these events has been able to use unique but effective marketing communication approach. Both the Beijing Olympics and Hong Kong Arts Festivals have used integrated marketing communication approach to market the events while the KEMAS community development program used the traditional approach to market their messages to the public. The three has been able to have successful marketing campaign because of their comprehensive marketing communication approach.


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