The enterprise group, Tao Heung Holdings Limited, was developed in 1991. The first restaurant was established at Sai Wan in 1990. The core service of Tao Heung is in food services business, with diverse multi-brand Chinese restaurants. These 12 key brands have its own characteristic and culture to offer various dining experience, each brand represents a unique dining style and targets a specific customers or dining experiences. They include Hotpot, Hak Ka Cuisine, Innovative Cantonese, Shanghai Inn, Chao Inn and so on. Up to now, there are more than 60 restaurants in Hong Kong and recruit over 3000 staff.
Keen competition exists in Chinese restaurant industry. It is necessary to have a clear vision of the company so as to make the operation more fluently.
Vision: Tao Heung engages in becoming a Chinese restaurant group that win the applause throughout years, enhances the image of Chinese catering.
Mission: In order to complete the vision, Tao Heung understands that the importance of our staff which are the main body of the company. Without our staff, we would not easily success in the highly competitive market. As a result, we make an investment in offering a comprehensive training to our staff in order to enhance their skills and knowledge, and innovative ideas.
Also Tao Heung understands the impotence of our customers. We set objectives in offering the best qualified service to satisfy our customers, serving them with comfortable environment and delicious food.
In an environment of recession, we are working hard to keep the operation in normal without redundancy. Nevertheless, the business drop makes our company facing difficulty so that redundancy has to be adopted for reducing costs. As our business is fairly labour intensive, we have to cut off two Chinese restaurants. These two restaurants include one at Shum Shui Po and one at Chai Wan, those will be closed by the end April 2009.
Objectives: Redundancy is under careful consideration by management team. We decided to cut them off because both restaurants could not meet the criteria that get at least 20% revenue a month, and we forecasted they would still get a loss in future. The aims of the actions, thus, are to remain competitiveness in the market, and reduce the pressure of the huge costs. Besides, for those organizations which declare redundancies without warnings, the effect may come as a shock to all employees, (Adrian Thornhill & Andrew Gibbons, 1995).
In addition, the culture of the Chinese restaurant chain is fairly different with the others. Chinese value focuses on commitment, trustworthiness; sense of belonging. One of the leaders leave may cause all of the staff leave at the same department. Moreover, Chinese people focuses on their face, so that they would prefer to be notice personally if they are going to be terminate. Thus Human Resource team has to carefully consider a strategic plan for company restructure, and a way to minimize any unexpected effects of redundancy.
Steps of Restructuring
For an effective workforce reduction in the company, specific steps designed to minimize the potential legal and financial ramifications should be considered. As a Human Resource Consultants, SHTM Company Limited should engage in restructuring programme that will include the followings steps:
1) Determining the reasons of the workforce reduction
SHTM should put the business justification for the closure and reduction into writing. This process should be a priority so that the company can show evidence that all alternatives are considered prior to the closure and layoff (Andrew and Kleiner, 2004). Chinese employees are very particular with information and they seek evidence that solidly support the decision of the company (Rose, 2007). In this way also, SHTM can show to the jury that only business reasons are considered on the decisions to redundancy. [It is assumed that other alternatives, including wage freezes, allowing for natural attrition, creating early retirement incentives, eliminating temporary workers, reducing hours, pay rates, or fringe benefits, or making employee transfers are already considered but none seems to work.] STHM management also has to deal with these because Chinese believed in lifelong entitlement to employment and its associated social benefits (Rose, 2007).
2) Evaluating the policy or practice for terminations and reductions
SHTM should have written procedures and policies of terminating an employee, a position or a group of employees. Supposing there is none, past practices and policies should be reviewed to determine whether these procedures and policies could be applied to the anticipated workforce reduction. For instance, previous severance packages and length of notice given to employees prior to branch closure are important. This should be carried out to distinguish the rights and entitlements of the would-be laid-off employees (Fowler, 1999). Chinese viewed this as a mutually dependent obligation although Chinese employees recognise superior with unquestioning respect, loyalty and obedience while in turn they expect to receive benevolent care (Rose, 2007). Determining contractual commitments should be a priority to determine whether employees are governed by collective-bargaining agreements. Such agreements usually require a systematic layoff based on acceptable criteria after all alternatives are considered.
3) Determining the scope of reduction
In determining the scope, the company should decide what and who will be involved in the downsizing (Lewis, 1993). SHTM had already decided that the 150- and 200-staffed Shum Shui Po and Chai Wan branches, respectively, will be closed and about 90% to 95% of the 350 staff will be laid off. In addition, timing should also be determined for the downsizing, in which it will be effective at the end of April 2009. It is important for Chinese employees to be recognised based on mutual interests (Rose, 2007). Because it is a branch closure, 60 days notification is required. Nevertheless, the key personnel involved in implementing the workforce reduction should be also identified in this stage. These key personnel will and should communicate with the staff about the plans regarding the closure in the form of termination meetings. Chinese adheres into formal chains of reporting and authority (Rose, 2007). Conducting termination meetings could communicate with the staff what should be expected over the following weeks while also explaining their rights to them.
4) Selecting employees to be discharged
In selecting employees to be terminated, SHTM should first decide who will be discharged on the basis of objective measures. Employee profiling is an important technique. Critical criteria that could be considered include seniority, elimination of functions, bargaining versus non-bargaining employees, measured quantity of production, performance and skill-level. It is at this time that SHTM should decide whether to consider employees with lengthy service or on leave, for instance. Notably, Chinese employers values seniority. Chinese employees are known for their loyalty and obedience which are the basis of benevolence on the side of the management as well. This could be taken into consideration (Rose, 2007). Special considerations, nonetheless, should be given on the former because of the fact that their attachment is stronger than new employees. While for employees under worker’s compensation, disability, family, or medical leave should be also managed through legal consultations to limit exposure to legal claims (Fowler, 1999).
Notably, performance-based termination without written documentation of evaluations could result in wrongful termination and discriminatory acts. Hence, it is necessary for SHTM to contemplate and outline written criteria to avoid and minimize subjectivity. Better yet, SHTM should study the workforce profile to determine the statistics of the workforce before and after the reduction. This is in part of maintaining group harmony which is a priority for Chinese employees. Nevertheless, Chinese employees also value the preservation of ‘face’ that represents an individual’s sense of dignity and self-worth (Rose, 2007).
6) Weighing the potential costs of reduction
The objective of reducing costs for SHTM could only be achieved if the company can analyze the financial effects of downsizing in both short and long term. For instance, costs such as litigation costs, attorneys’ fees, severance pay, unemployment claims, and decreased productivity from remaining employees would incur costs on the side of SHTM. Severance pay, most importantly, should be decided in exchange for release. Severance policy should be considered with a legal counsel so that the interests of the staff could be protected. This is regarded as the inherent moral authority of Chinese companies to function at the best interests of everyone as long as harmony is not being disrupted (Rose, 2007). Severance package which consists of severance pay, company paid benefits, transitional funds, retraining, outplacement counseling and unemployment information, is used in exchange of the written release for the departing of employees. Severance package could be also offered to the employees voluntarily, but signed written releases are required if staff undergo voluntary reduction (Lewis, 1993; Fowler, 1999).
7) Creating the termination checklist
For managers and supervisors, a checklist should be designed to aid SHTM in undergoing layoffs as it would be very difficult for them to collectively discharge staff. Nevertheless, checklist would be very beneficial in handling voluminous layoffs (Redundancy, 1992). The checklist should also contain informations on vacation due and owed, money due from the employee, and required state pamphlets regarding unemployment. Enveloped in Confucian principle of harmony, these are the diverse elements that determine substantial view of the need to reduce workforce that is embedded on expected returns for the staffs. Chinese refers to this as the practice of middle way or the flexible practices that are dependent on context (Rose, 2007).
8) Preparing a separation letter
Every staff of the restaurants should be issued with a separation letter which should impart the company’s regret that the current conditions make the workforce reduction necessary (Andrew and Kleiner, 2004). This letter should also contain descriptions of all the benefits s/he would receive at the time of layoff. If in case SHTM will provide employees the right to being recalled, this information should be also in the letter as part of the lifelong entitlement principle covering Chinese employment. However, staffs should be reminded through the letter of their obligations under non-disclosure or confidentiality agreements previously undertaken.
While handling the separation letter to the staffs, the key personnel should also developed a script that could be used to instruct the managers or supervisors of what should be said and not said in front of the to-be laid off staffs. In this way, the managers or supervisors could avoid statements that could further ruin the reputation of SHTM. It is especially true when conducting and completing termination interviews (Thornhill and Saunders, 1998). Because of the reciprocal obligations of management and employees, STHM are expected to resemble a wise paternalistic action regarding reduction. This is especially true in firing employees (Rose, 2007).
9) Implementing survivor plans
As SHTM decided that there will be around 5-10% survivors from the downsizing, the implementation of survivor plans should be then developed. Survivors could be strategically placed to other branches of the closest proximity. Once reduction is completed, the top managers should communicate with the remaining employees in a more positive tone to boost morale despite the loss, minimize damage to trust, aid renewal and fuel increased productivity (Andrew and Kleiner, 2004). As such, the Chinese pursuit of ‘face’ extends to pursuing individual esteem needs (Rose, 2007).
Inform staff
Communicating with the two restaurants includes one at Shum Shui Po and other one at Chai Wan’s employees during redundancy is vital. Conveying the reasons by management level for such a painful change is central. Staffs need to understand the business reason for the redundancy, and how the change will be managed. As mass layoffs have shown to produce negative consequences of staffs, hence communication has to be honest in dealing with the negative feelings of staffs.
Firstly, HR Director will be communicated articulate why the cost-adjustment measures are necessary and the redundancy of the restaurants. As always, the amount of time during the company is carrying out a downsizing will have a direct effect on the staffs, the Human Resource manager and two restaurants’ managers will take several actions to ensure that the staffs remain productive and willingness to work till to the end of April 2009. In response to rumor that circulate, employees spend significant amounts of time agonising and speculating about the future instead of working (Brain & Nantaporn, 2003). At a minimum, very open and honest communication before, during and after the downsizing process helps maintain staffs’ morale. The company decided to communicate few times and in different ways, moreover, the redundancy will be personal, with physical contact instead of e-mails.
There are several practices that the company will adopt in an effort to engage in preliminary redundancy:
Advance notification is perhaps the earliest form of termination assistance that Tao Heung can extend to terminated employees. According to Leana and Feldman (1994), there are few negative consequences to the company that give advance notification to lay off employees which to ensure trust and commitment that result from perceived fairness in the communication process. In other words, when Chinese employees perceive a decision process as fair (i.e. the decision is necessary and it is communicated in a thorough and timely manner) then they are likely to feel that there has been organizational justice, even when the employees will be terminated.
Explain business rationale
Write to the staffs in the two restaurants notifying those staffs that they are “at risk”, the HR manager of Tao Heung will explain clearly to those staffs which the company decided to restructure the financial and so why need to redundancy of the restaurants and invite them to a meeting to discuss the matter. Staffs should know why downsizing would help rejuvenate the company’s finance, communicating a clear vision helps staffs trust management’s competence in turning the company around. If they see the larger vision, they will also feel more in control (Brain & Nantaporn, 2003). As a result, given that the staffs receive accurate and timely information in order to the creation and maintenance of trust and workforce empowerment.
Notify in advance
The two restaurants will have advance notices in their notice broad about the information of the company redundancy will be posted at the first week of April 2009 as to help employees feel in control and provide sufficient time so that they can better plan their futures which would likely to enhance their trust in management’s openness and willingness to share sensitive information.
Specific and time announcement
The two restaurants’ managers will meet with each of the individuals separately at a specific time and within the restaurants to allay their fears. As those staffs want to hear about their company’s downsizing from the company itself, not from the newspaper or television, so that the managers will communicate the downsizing announcement simultaneously to those restaurants staffs.
Hold the last Meeting
Finally, those restaurants will hold the meetings with the affected individual employees to discuss the redundancy at the end of April as the two restaurants’ staffs need to access support networks. The HR manager is decided to speak to those staffs, ensure that the redundancy information from the company is clear and unambiguous so that those employees know the decision is final. Moreover, the HR team will provide details of the redundancy package, including financial settlement, other support and contacts of the company who may offer help.
Essentially, for a downsizing to be successful, and the company’s strategic needs to be achieved, survivor needs must be addressed, in the form of emotional support, extensive communication from management and career management assistance (Labib and Appelbaum, 1994; Mone, 1997). With the understanding that survivors experience a range of negative emotions following a downsizing, the HR department will be provided with adequate assistance make a conscious attempt to alleviate the shock of survivors.
Internal job fairs
Following the meeting consider any alternative suggestions, decide if the employee is suitable for any alternative roles. Tao Heung will make every possible effort to retain high-performing employees by using an internal job fair, where the chain of restaurants host events and to help place and redeploy downsized employees to other chain of restaurants of Tao Heung in order to entice employees to find new careers.
Maintaining communication with laid-off employees
Furthermore, Tao Heung will make an effort to maintain friendly relations with laid-off victims. Modern-day technology, including the company’s website forum, inquiry hotlines, e-mails, and mailings, provide and facilitate highly-effective ways to foster and sustain positive employer-employee relationships (Lublin, 2007). As this is particularly important whether the company intend to rehire the former employees when the economic climate has improved in the future.
Compensations Plan
For the compensation plan, it would be divided into two parts, including the compensation to the terminated employees and the compensation to the survivors.
Compensation to Terminated Employees
Because of the downsizing workforce, some employees would be selected as terminated. Thus, according to the previous research (Appelbaum and Donia, 2000; Makawatsakul and Kleiner, 2003), they have mentioned that the generous compensations packages, severance pay, termination assistance, outplacement counseling and the extended benefits would be given to the terminated staff. Thus, it can create a humane and dignified outcome to these terminated employees.
Firstly, the company would offer fair treatment, support and compensation with care, dignity and respect to the terminated employees because of the downsizing in the workforce. Additionally, these cannot only send a positive signal to the survivors about how they would be taken care if they were in the same predicament as the terminated staff, but also enable the survivors to work and behave positively in the downsizing workforce.
Severance Payment
The severance terms offered for severance duration was about two years, but this year the 75th percentile is one year. Offering them narrower terms in severance packages and — instead — proposing to increase non-cash benefits such as health care. The clear message being sent to executives is that they cannot be any more complacent about severance packages than other employees, and with layoffs still in the air, their safety nets are getting smaller.”
The provision of severance payment is a positive and supportive gesture. The company offering severance pay to a terminated employee is both a kindness on the part of the employer and a legal necessity. Under the Employment Ordinance, Cap. 57, the employer has to pay severance payment to the dismissal of redundant employees. Due to the legislation of Labour Department, the employee who has been employed under a continuous contract would receive the severance payment and the amount should be employee’s monthly wages times two over three and times the reckonable years of services as below:
(monthly wages X 2/3)* X reckonable years of services
18 days’ wages* X reckonable years of service
Therefore, all the terminated employees except the temporary workers would receive the cheque of their severance payments before their leaving. And the terminated employees are required to sign a release from all claims in return for severance pay after they have received their cheques. It is because obtaining the release is important to protect the company and free itself from all potential law suits in the future. All terminated employees’ severance payments are based on the above calculation legislated by Hong Kong government and there is no negotiable severance payment accepted. The additional compensation, extra remuneration or fringe benefit demanded by the employee is also not considered.
Farewell Dinner
The Chinese traditional culture emphasizes the collective orientation and the connection. Thus, the farewell dinner would be designed to hold before the terminated employees leaved. All the employees including terminated and survival would be invited to have a “last supper” together. The aim of farewell dinner is to deliver a positive massage that the company still treasures the relationship between employees and company which can also leave a better impression even though the company has to cut off the labor due to the redundancy.
Moreover, in the Chinese culture, people often concern about their reputations and emphasis on harmony and the importance of having face in their working life. However, the dismissal of redundant employees may have ruined the terminated employees’ reputations and their self-confidence. Thus, the farewell dinner would invite the managers or supervisors to praise the terminated employees in public for their performances and contributions. And the working performance awards would be presented to those terminated employees in order to thank for their meritorious services.
Other Compensation
The assistance given to terminated employees can be seen as an accessible and effective business strategy (Appelbaum, Donia, 2000). The company can design comprehensive and faire post-termination assistance programs to the terminated employees such as outplacement counseling services, career counseling, stress management, skills assessment, retraining reimbursement and job replacement assistance. As well, generous compensations packages, severance packages, extended benefits, resume preparation, secretarial support would be given to the terminated employees so that it can create a humane and dignified outcome for the terminated employees and the long-lasting effect on survivors’ psychological outcome.
Furthermore, training programs would be offered to train terminated employees in skills so that they can gain boarder knowledge and better qualification to look for other job opportunities. Besides, offering outplacement assistance to these employees and some outplacement agencies would be consulted to facilitate terminated employees to find other jobs.
Compensation to Survivors
For those employees who did not lose their jobs received special attention through increased information exchange among the top managers and the employees. Thus, in order to help managing and minimizing the cynicism about the organizational changes, it is a need to keep them involved in making decisions which contain a two-way communication to see view from employees’ perspectives.
Moreover, some survivors may have specific needs such as the performance-related needs, advanced-related needs and the growth and stability needs that must be met if the company wants to raise remaining employees’ confidence to concentrate on their work and tasks ahead after downsizing. Thus, the company help equip the survivors with skills to better understand their values, career needs and goals, etc. so these employees would become more empowered within the workforce. Besides, the company needs to provide more information about the opportunities and the values that the company attaches to various career paths and they need to be clear defined to these survivors. In addition, creative thinking and innovative programs can be provided to the survivors to think more and express their points of view which would be useful in performing the new tasks. It also let the survivors feel that they are valuable to the company.
Because of the restructuring the jobs in the company, some survivors may feel overburdened in taking former co-workers’ jobs that require different responsibilities and skills so that the retraining programs would be provided to the survivors. As well, the retraining courses provided to the survivors can build up the confidence of the survivors to the work and it can also ensure their ability to perform new tasks after a downsizing workforce.
Except the transition management training, in order to address the emotions and validate the feelings of the survivors, Tao Hang’s management should acknowledge uncertainty, express the concerns and provide opportunities for the survivors to express their feelings and insecurities. Additionally, communicating plans and actions, telling the truth to the survivors, involving them in the transition and establishing a safety net would be designed to offer to the survivors. This can help them to build up their confidence to work after the downsizing.
Maintain staff morale
Morale can affect employee attitude toward a job. The level of morale can influence employees’ performance and service quality. The following section consists of three main areas: importance of morale, morale and working satisfaction and how to main employees’ morale during downsizing.
Importance of morale
Employee morale associate with company productivity. However, downsizings really affect employees’ morale. Bleuel (2001) said it is believed that performance is linked to the internal working environment. People perform better when they are working in a happy environment. The study also pointed out that low morale in the workplace lead to high turnover or poor service quality and finally resulting in decrease productivity. On the other hand, the level of staff morale is high which means they satisfied with their job and they will feel motivated and happy at work. Finally the productivity will be high. The following table listed the how morale affect employees’ performance. Therefore, it is essential for company to understand how importance of morale and minimize the impact on downsizing.
Positive Morale
Negative Morale
Employees help each other
High absenteeism
Employees care about organization
Employees enjoy their work
Low productivity
Employees endorse organization goals
Customer service complaints
Morale and work satisfaction
Many journals pointed out that morale, work incentives and satisfaction are interrelated with each other. According to Koh and Boo (2004), employee satisfaction focuses on the relationship between organizational ethics and commitment. Employees with high morale tend to have high satisfaction level in their job and affect their performance as well. Their performance direct related to customer satisfaction level. The other researchers Mair, K., Robinson, J. and Abubakar, B. (2008) said that employees’ morale help to keep satisfied staffs and customers. They just used a simple model to illustrate how morale influences employee satisfaction and customer service. If the employees are satisfied in their work, it helps a business grow. When employees are satisfied, their performances meet customers’ expectation and finally lead customer retention. Thus, as the company is going to impose a downsizing, it should make sure staff’ morale is substantial so that the employees might bring more to the table to ensure business success
Maintain morale
There are no perfect formulas to restore high level of employee morale after they know company is going to downsizing. However, company must keep employees motivate during crisis. As Chinese value focuses on commitment, trustworthiness, face, sense of belonging. Company should consider these factors in order to find out ways to maintain staff’s morale. Here are four important actions that they can do.
It is essential for company to communicate with employees and tell them what the problems that company is facing nowadays and what is the possible solution for the company. So that employees can understand the reason why company need to downsizing and what they will do in the following steps. Communication is the best method in dealing with negative feeling of employees and notice employees with the lay off news as early as company can , in order to let employees begin to look for new jobs and prepare for their future.
Recognition and encourage peer recognition
People want to be recognized especially when they know that the company is going to have downsizing especially Chinese. They think that recognition is the best way to increase their morale, as Chinese value focuses on face, provide formal recognition for employee achievements and let employee know they really contribute a lots for the company is necessary because this can let employees know that the company is viewing them as a valuable asset for the company and minimize the negative feelings of employees. On the other hand, people like to be recognize by their colleague as well because it make them feel like they are integral part of the team and enhance the positive competition among employees.
Encourage humor and fun in the workplace
It is good for company incorporate some fun into workday or outside of work. As one of the Chinese values is solidarity with other. Throughout the game to build or strengthen relationship with each other, the setting of games should test their problem-solving skill and help to stimulate teamwork and co-operation. The game can help employees to reduce their fear, insecurity and become united.
Build relationship with other department
People are more motivated when they are learning something new by using team building activities and cross job training. As one of the Chinese culture values is relational orientation, they are respect for authority and interdependence. Through the cross training, they can learn more skill or technique in other job position and help employees able to adjust new job demand because after downsizing, the survivor may have a heavier workload and their content of work may change too. Also, this shows that the company is responsible as they are preparing for the future of employees and create a positive working attitude for them.
Listening and remaining receptive to new idea
Encouraging employees to contribute ideas for cost savings, not only listen some of the ideas come from the employee but involving them in the decisions making process, this can decreases the feeling of uncertainty as this shows that the company is paying attention to the opinions of employees. Another way is to survey the employees. By measuring employee morale level through email survey, company know how their employees’ feeling in this stage and identify their issues and concerns in order to make appropriate organizational change where needed. Finally surveys help to increase company morale.
Increase disclosure and avoid rumors
To show what is happening to the company and the industry is one way to improve employee morale as this can helps employees fully understand the internal and external environment. As Chinese really concern sense of belonging, if company is not willing to tell what the problem they are facing, employees may think company is not respecting them. That why manager of different levels should spend time to share information regarding the company’s financial health as well as the overall health of the industry in order to let employee know what company situation is and make them understand the action of the company is a tough decision. Company performance worse than before, staff often guess they will be layoffs soon, whether there are any planned or not. Finally employee feel fear and lose the belief that their contribution to the business. Therefore human resource people should develop rumor hotlines and other communication channel combat these rumors through the “call-in” line in HR or intranet, use a chat room or anonymous e-mail system to allow employees to get fast and direct answers.
In this report, the nine steps toward restructuring that SHTM should engaged into are discussed. Because Chinese employees are very particular with lifelong employment and evidences, it is important that the company should determine the reasons for workforce reduction and then put it into writing. Further, as part of the mutual dependent obligation, SHTM could further protect and work in the best interest of their to-be lay off employees through determining the remaining benefits employees are entitled into. This could be done through reviewing policies and practices. On the basis of mutual interest, SHTM should distinguish the scope of reduction and should have a formal reporting unit for this which is identified as the key personnel. Seniority could be considered in selecting employees to be discharged. Nevertheless, a complete employee profiling should be conducted. The next steps would be to weigh the potential costs of reduction, create termination checklist, prepare a separation letter and implement survivor plans, if there are any.
The importance of inform staffs is reinforced, given its role in securing the trust of employees, as well as in encouraging empowerment in the workforce. As a result, it is most desirable to maintain the credibility and trust of employees by communicating everything constantly and in detail when managers are accessible and frequently interacting with the employees, providing relevant information while being honest and straightforward about all possible outcomes.
Apart from tangible and the intangible compensations for both terminated employees and the survivors, the company should emphasize the effect of the Chinese cultural traditions and their characteristics on the downsizing decisions. Thus, various compensations offered on concerning the importance of ‘collectivism’, ‘connection’, ‘reputation’ and ‘face’ such as the farewell dinner which would invite the managers or supervisors to praise the performances and contributions of the terminated employees in public in order to save their face and show the treasurable relationship between the employees and the company.
Finally, morale is a key factor affecting the overall performance of employees. Poor morale lends to lower organization commitment, reduced loyalty and trust. It is important for company to understand how to maintain employees’ morale before or after downsizing in order to maintain their productivity and enhance the overall performance of the company. Also, the morale maintained process should consider the characteristics of Chinese restaurant
Rose, P. (2007). An exploratory study of Confucian principles, organisational structure and retention. Department of International Business and Trade, School of Business, Xiamen University.
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