BUS703 Research Method for Managers
Executive Summary
At present, a myriad of changes can be experienced in the society, in relation to technology, education and communication. Such changes led to the increased use of the World Wide Web, which enabled many business organizations around the world to effectively communicate, interact and negotiate with other business organizations worldwide. With such importance, this critique intends to systematically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of an article entitled, “The Adoption of the Internet by Export Firms in Transitional Markets”, written by Though Nguyen and Nigel Barrett in 2006. There are three main parts and critique in the paper. The first part is the Problem Definition/Literature Review part, which discusses the efficacy of the background provided that led to the problem in the article. The second part is the Research Design and Data Collection part, which discusses the appropriateness of the research design and method used in the article. The third and last part is the Analysis and Interpretation part of the critique, which discusses the effectiveness of data analysis techniques and the presentation of the data used in the article. At the end of the critique, a recommendation was given to suggest further strategies or techniques that are also perceived to be effective means of obtaining efficient results for the study.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 1
Table of Contents 2
Main Body
Critique on Problem Definition/Literature Review 3
Critique on Research Design and Data Collection 6
Critique on Analysis and Interpretation 10
Recommendation 13
References 15
Main Body
Part 1: Critique on Problem Definition or Literature Review
The literature review of a research study provides its readers a guide from where the research is coming from, what and how much have been studied regarding the topic, and what it is yet to discuss. Aside from providing a background to the problem of the study, the literature review provides its readers necessary backbone and support in order for the research to stand credible. In the article by Nguyen and Barrett (2006), it can be seen that the discussion of the authors of related information and data that led to the problem of the study is relevant and simple.
Primarily, the background of the study mentions the effective and efficient use of the Internet as a good means of obtaining adequate and relevant information regarding the different aspects of business and the industry. The use of the Internet has evolved to a variety of usage, from commercial to marketing applications. It is also an efficient medium for accessing, organizing, collecting, collating, interpreting, distributing, and communicating information (Nguyen and Barrett 2006) to different organizations in different regions and parts of the world. A variety of information can be obtained through the Internet, including online newspapers, journals, reports, trade lists of suppliers, agents, distributors, government contacts from a vast number of countries, and online market surveys (cited in Nguyen and Barrett 2006). Moreover, the background of the study points out the efficient use of the Internet, as being a cost-effective means in obtaining information compared to traditional methods of communication. However, it was also pointed out that the use of the Internet can only be maximized by business organizations belonging to the rich and developed countries, which are already establishing their strong presence in the Internet. It can be emphasized that despite the wide and effective use of the World Wide Web, many developing countries belonging to transitional economies are still lagging behind, and are still not informed of the use of the Internet. With this discussion, the problem of the research was pointed out to be its focus on transitional economies and the factors that lead export firms to adopt or not to adopt the use of the Internet as part of their export activities.
From this, it can be seen that the background to the problem of the research study is organized and systematic. The general information regarding the Internet and its functions were mentioned before actually relating it to the current issues faced by many business organizations worldwide. In addition, the background serves to be a preview and guide to the flow and direction of the paper, as it shows a descending to ascending order of concepts that would be parallel to the discussion of the literature review. The background of the study also set the context and scope for the entire research study, as it presents the concepts that are expected to be mentioned in the discussion of the whole study. It also served to catch the attention of the readers, such that it enabled its readers to see the relation of the use of Internet with the improvement of economy, in line with the actual events happening in the society.
The problem of the study is giving focus on transitional economies, which will reveal the factors that lead export firms to adopt or not to adopt the use of Internet as part of their export activities. Specifically, another underlying problem is the role of the concepts of market orientation and learning orientation in adopting the Internet. As far as the background of the problem is concerned, the problem of the study is well defined, for it was able to state the main issue that will be discussed in the paper. It is also well defined for stating a specific problem that would enable the researchers to collect and obtain data to have knowledge and information on it. In addition, the problem of the study is direct, such that it addresses the use of the Internet not only as a means of effective information, but also as a means of improvement in the business and in the economy of countries belonging to transitional economies.
The literature review of the research study is relevant and simple, such that its discussion of the perceived related concepts in line with the problem of the study is basic and direct. The literature review mentions of the three different IT adoptions in the market, namely, the theory of reasoned action or TAR, the technology acceptance model or TAM, and the theory of planned behavior or TAB. Due to a strong base in theory and mention in various literature and texts, the technology acceptance model or TAM was used in the study, thus, becoming the basis of the whole research. In addition, the use of TAM involves two main constructs, namely, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, and with this, the two constructs will be useful in the evaluation of the use of the Internet by firms belonging to transitional economies. Perceived usefulness of the Internet was defined in the study as the degree to which the firm believes that the Internet would assist its export activities, while perceived ease of use is defined as the degree to which the firm believes that using the Internet for export activities would be free of effort (Nguyen and Barrett 2006). These concepts will be used as a basis for the opinions of the respondents on the usefulness of the Internet in relation to its sampling population. Moreover, in relation to the two main constructs of TAM are the concepts of market and learning orientations, which have effects on organizational behavior. In the basis of the innovativeness of organizations, the study argues that a market-oriented firm is more likely to search for innovations such as the Internet, and is more likely to recognize it as a useful tool to collect information regarding markets and competition (Nguyen and Barrett 2006). On the other hand, a learning-oriented firm has increased opportunities to learn and dissipate knowledge on the use of the Internet, which would enable it to recognize its efficient and effective use in terms of export information (Nguyen and Barrett 2006).
From this information, it can be seen that the discussion of the concepts in relation to the use of the Internet was simple and direct, which is easy to understand and relate to the main point being drove at by the research study. From the viewpoint of the critique, the discussion of the literature review is efficient and adequate for the discussion of the research study because it did not fail to mention important and related concepts essential to the discussion of the research study. Another advantage of such a literature review is that because it is simple and direct, it enables easy reading and comprehension on the part of the readers. However, a disadvantage that can be determined from it is the fact that concerning its structure, the objectives and the statement of the problem of the study are not separated and distinct in the paper. This somehow creates confusion and lack of information on the part of the readers.
Part 2: Critique on Research Design and Data Collection
The Research Design and Data Collection part of any research paper discusses the research methods used for the study. It emphasizes on how the research was implemented and how it came up with applicable findings. Moreover, the methodology part of any research study presents the various procedures and strategies in identifying the sources for the needed information, including surveys, questionnaires and interviews. Furthermore, it specifies the research design that was followed, the process of data gathering, and the data analysis method that was used in the study.
In relation to the research study done by Nguyen and Barrett (2006), although not mentioned in the study, it employs a descriptive research design. Theoretically, a descriptive research design describes data and characteristics regarding the population used in the study or the phenomenon being studied, using qualitative and quantitative research and statistical analysis (‘Descriptive Research’ 2006). This is being exhibited in the study because the research study apparently used both qualitative and quantitative research methods to come up with reliable results, through surveys and through secondary research. This type of research design is appropriate for the research study because in line with the problem of the study, this type of research design would enable the researchers to obtain the relevant data they need. In a descriptive research design, questionnaires or surveys are being used to obtain primary data from respondents, and this strategy was employed in the research study. In relation to obtaining secondary data, a number of literatures were used to derive the perceived problem.
The methods used in the research study includes the use of a mode of measurement, wherein the two main constructs and its corresponding components discussed in the background to the problem were abbreviated for the ease of measurement. This method is appropriate for the research study because the use of such labels would avoid confusion on the part of both the researchers and their readers, for each of the two main constructs underlie three components, which were used to evaluate the problem of the study. With such abbreviations, each component and construct would be measured and analyzed efficiently.
Another method described in the study was the use of a sampling frame, which included 144 export firms in Vietnam, particularly in its major business center, Ho Chi Minh City, which was based on the information provided by the Chamber of Commerce in the city (Nguyen and Barrett 2006). With the use of a systematic sampling technique, the sampling frame of 144 export firms were obtained from a total of 4,500 export firms, which had never used the Internet for their export activities (Nguyen and Barrett 2006). The use of the systematic sampling technique for this research study is highly appropriate because from a random sample of 4,500 export firms, a selected number of firms will be obtained, having similarities (Parle et. al. 1978). This type of sampling method was beneficial for the study, thus, made it easier for the researchers to collate and gather data that were essential for the study. In relation to the systematic sampling technique is the single key informant approach used, which was the tool chosen to obtain a representative from each export firm. This approach is crucial for the study because it was able to obtain necessary data from respondents through effectively distribution of surveys and face-to-face interviews. Through the single key informant approach, the results of the surveys and the interviews were directly obtained. Moreover, through this approach, the respondents, who were senior executives of the export firms in Ho Chi Minh City, were treated with due consideration for ethical standards because primarily, their personal information was not used or exposed as a basis for the results of the study; secondly, the survey was provided with easy and effective measurements through a five-point rating scale, which would objectively rate the answer of the respondents and provide them with the ease of answering the questionnaire; and lastly, the respondents’ English literacy skills were given emphasis, for although the survey was originally written in English, it was translated to accommodate their language.
As a form of primary information gathering technique, a survey was distributed to the key informants from every selected export firm. The research study was successful in justifying and describing the survey and questionnaire used for this study, for the measurements described in the methodology part of the study were related to the sample survey. More importantly, the survey used in the research study was attached to the study, which presents a relevant source of information. As a follow up information gathering technique, the respondents were interviewed face-to-face, which helped the data to become more relevant and credible. The data gathered through the survey and interviews were then analyzed using statistical tools, namely, Cranach’s alpha, confirmatory factor analysis or CFA, and structural equation modeling or SEEM.
However, despite the efficacy brought about by such techniques, several drawbacks can still be identified. Primarily, the research design failed to define and describe important methods, such as the statistical tools used in the study. Statistical tools, such as the Cranach’s alpha, CFA, and SEEM were only mentioned but not justified. The methodology also failed to state why the statistical tools and some techniques were used in the study, thus, the readers would still have to research on such tools and techniques to further understand the methods. Moreover, the study assumed that the readers have adequate knowledge and information regarding the statistical tools and methods used in the study, thus, making the methodology discussion lacking in some aspects. Although the methodology part of the study is brief, direct and relevant, the discussion can be still more in depth with the addition of information regarding the lacking information and discussion.
Part 3: Critique on the Analysis and Interpretation
The Analysis and Interpretation part of any research study provides and discusses the findings of the study based on the data gathered and the relation of the findings to the literature review on the first part of the study. It also provides the conclusions and implications of the study, which will suggest the significance of the study to its readers and to the society.
In relation to the research study done by Nguyen and Barrett (2006), the data analysis techniques applied are appropriate to the research objectives and the research design of the study because it was able to provide the study with relevant, reliable and adequate information and data regarding the problem addressed by the study. Technically, the data analysis methods of the study were already mentioned in the previous part of this paper, and it was stated that the tools used were appropriate for the study. In relevance to this, the methods were applied appropriately because they were able to come up with results that are relevant to the study. The methods were able to analyze the data gathered through the survey and interviews of the respondents, and were able to correlate them through a number of statistical tools and techniques. Moreover, although the study did not provide a separate and distinct discussion on the conclusions of the study, it was able to state that it was able to address the problem of the study and relate them to the data gathered. Furthermore, the use of such data analysis methods enabled the researchers to present all the results and computations in accordance to the measurements in the questionnaire, which allowed a detailed discussion of results through figures and tables. This also includes the researchers’ evaluation of their use of the statistical tools, being appropriate to the study, and the explanation of the use of the method, with negation to their supposed hypotheses and as to why their findings negate their hypotheses. The use of such data analysis techniques also gave the study a thorough discussion with reference to the appendices and tables presented in the study, which are essential for showing the results of the data. This also includes the illustrations shown, which are equally helpful in the discussion of the models used.
In addition, the concluding statements of the research study suggest that both the two main constructs are essential to point out in dealing with the use of the Internet for export firms belonging in transitional economies, and with this finding, the study implies that the firms belonging in transitional economies might not be prepared to accept the fact that the use of the Internet can be adopted for their business activities (Nguyen and Barrett 2006). Moreover, the study also emphasized that when these export firms recognize such usefulness, then that would be the time that they would adopt the Internet to assist them in their export activities (Nguyen and Barrett 2006). With such a conclusion, it can be understood that appropriately, the purpose of the study and its objectives were addressed and fully emphasized to be able to come up with such conclusions.
Aside from giving an appropriate conclusion and data analysis, the research study was also able to relate the results or the findings of the research study to the literature or texts provided in the earlier part of the paper. Based on the discussion, the concepts pointed out earlier in the literature review are related to the findings, for the results helped the researchers to derive the conclusion of the study. The ideas discussed in the literature review were also reiterated in the discussion part of the research study, thus, linking and relating the concepts to the findings. The relation of such concepts was also supported by the perceived limitations of the research study, which serve as guide for further study and research. In addition, the findings, being the result of the use of a number of statistical tools and models, enabled further understanding of such concepts discussed in the literature review. Given both the parts of the research study, its use would be essential, as both parts would enable the readers of the research study to assess and evaluate whether the objectives of the research study have been addressed appropriately.
On the part of the authors, they presented their findings and the discussion in a brief, direct and simple manner, which encourages easy reading and understanding on the part of the readers. Due to such a manner, they were also successful in adopting the same style in presenting the implications of the study briefly, simply and directly. Although a number of limitations were pointed out in the study, these limitations were emphasized to be guides to future studies regarding the subject matter. The authors were able to point out that some other factors, including the culture, economy of the country, and resource constraints might be useful gauges in doing other researches in the future, and were not considered in the discussion of the research study for simplicity.
However, despite the direct, brief, and simple approach employed in the research study, some drawbacks can still be determined. Primarily, the researchers assumed that all of the readers of the research study have sufficient knowledge regarding the statistical models used in the study, such that they failed to show the formulas and computations that resulted to the actual figures of the study. Because of this, readers would still take their time in researching and studying the statistical models and tools used to be able to have a grasp on the results. Second, although the results to the computation are shown in the discussion and in tables, the means of how to obtain such results were not indicated. Third and last drawback is however, the discussion of relating the results to the literature review are easily understood; it was not expounded thoroughly, which makes the study simpler than the usual. This makes the discussion of the research study a little lacking in some aspects, with lack of emphasis on the application of theories being mentioned in the background of the study. Nevertheless, the overall evaluation on the study is more than satisfactory, which makes the whole research study useful, recommendable in terms of perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use.
The discussion regarding the limitations of the study implied some recommendations for the research study. Aside from those, a perceived recommendation for the study is to have an additional discussion on the description or current situation of export firms belonging to transitional economies, specifically in Vietnam. In this way, the readers would have a better understanding of the situation of the export firms in relation to their current use of the Internet. Another recommendation for the improvement of the paper is to indicate the specific reason for choosing Vietnam as the target population. This discussion would enlighten the readers on the current situation in Vietnam, which would further emphasize its current utilization of the World Wide Web. In line with such discussions is another recommendation for the research study, which would emphasize on the study’s specific objectives, which will be addressed in the discussion of the paper. This research study failed to emphasize its specific objectives, which could be located in the introduction of the paper.
In relation to the methodology of the research study, it would be more appropriate if the authors were able to define and discuss the statistical tools or models they have used for arriving at the results of the study. Further discussion on the statistical tools and models used in the study would be more appropriate to save time on the part of the readers in taking time reading and studying the statistical methods. This would also show the readers that the authors are willing to share their knowledge and information regarding the use of such statistical tools. In addition, the authors can also provide the formulas to the statistical tools, if the readers would decide to check and compute for the computation of the results. This would give the readers their freedom in further understanding such tools for further research endeavors.
Concerning the discussion of the research study, it would be more adequate if additional explanations would be provided. The authors could have expounded more on the link and relation of the results to the literature review of the paper, which would further provide in depth understanding of the concepts discussed. The discussion of the paper regarding the limitations of the study would be sufficient for the current length of the paper. However, if the discussion of the whole research study would be expounded, then the limitations of the study would also have to have additional discussion. This would include additional issues that can be included and addressed in future research studies regarding the subject matter.
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