The Company: TaylorMade Adidas Golf Company
Accordingly, the Adidas Group is one of the global leaders within the sporting goods industry, offering a broad range of products around three core segments: Adidas, Reebok and TaylorMade Adidas Golf, Headquartered in Herzogenaurach, Germany, the Group has almost 30,000 employees and generated sales of more than €10 billion during the year 2006. Ideally, TaylorMade Adidas Golf, one of the largest golf club manufacturers in the world, is a subsidiary of the adidas Group. Adidas is one of the world’s largest producers of sports clothing and shoes with sales topping six billion dollars each year. Across the planet, the adidas name is synonymous with soccer, as well as high performance footwear for a vast variety of sports, including golf. At TaylorMade, we’re proud to be part of such a large and successful family of sporting goods products. The worldwide resources that come as part of this association are sure to help as we continue to grow.
Furthermore, by focusing on innovation and technology, TaylorMade is the leading brand in the metal woods category and the market leader in the hybrid and fairway woods categories in the world’s biggest golf market, the USA. Going forward, strategic priorities for TaylorMade brand are to further advance TaylorMade as the No. 1 driver brand on the world’s major professional golf tours, to extend the position as the leading driver, fairway wood and hybrid brand on the PGA Tour and to promote as supplier of premium, tour-quality golf balls. Across all brands, there is focus on increasing awareness and visibility, providing clear and consistent messaging and supporting each product at point sale. Furthermore, there is promotion of performance culture throughout the organization and through the creation of motivational work environment, there ensure that our Group becomes learning organization driven by the desire for continuous improvement. The utilizing of advanced technology is visible and such cultural diversity of the workforce as committed to understanding, valuing and incorporating growing diversity of global marketplace into corporate culture of the adidas Group. TaylorMade-adidas Golf continually strives to adhere to that tenet by designing and developing industry-leading equipment, utilizing an array of sophisticated tools to improve existing technologies and introduce revolutionary new ones. TaylorMade-adidas Golf do incur stronger consumer and customer relationships, gaining valuable marketplace insight and reducing the cost of consumer service operations such as by utilizing KANA`s web solutions and that made Adidas Golf gain better understanding of consumer issues, significantly improved response times, reduced staffing, and created an effective conduit for an ongoing dialogue with its consumers.
Amicably, one of key strengths of group structure lies in the diversity and breadth provided by such portfolio of brands. The brands share common commitment to performance, technological innovation and design and to offering customized products and distribution. The brand has distinct identity, which is clearly focused to meet the needs of specific segment within the sporting goods market as differentiation is crucial and helps maximize impact with consumers Then, such income generating strategies and tactics is relevant to Taylor-made Adidas Golf Company as well as good company management and culture in such business operations and governance. If there is more than one theory or model, I prefer working with such organization theory that will have strong basis for the company’s foundation in its business process and management ways.
In authority, the company values and respects the essence of the business in such professionalism in its management operations as focused on quality branding and product integration from within the centralisation of such possible markets that may positively help Adidas Golf to sustain and keep stable business nature and environment although business complexity do evolve because of high processes in production and corporate standards strengthening its goals and strategy that can bring the company undying success in the future. The formality in its levels of management in manufacturing premium golf balls that leads the company for a trend in specialization that cannot be imitated or duplicated as Adidas Golf is dedicated to achieve the best group performance that follows such manufacturing and production standards as the company achieve its highest peak in the business industry they are involved with as made possible by the functional group of dedicated executives and employees respectively.
The company is result-oriented catering to more standardized organization mechanisms such as those functioning in groups/teams such as providing ample ways to strengthen research and development structure as well as Adidas golf company’s business performance division. For Mintzberg’s Configuration, there adheres to machine bureaucracy yet, simple and that, such structural deficiency will result into conflicting ideas and contrasting views and opinions of the management and people within the company and can be open to organizational restructuring but, it can possibly invite such risks and several changes to the company. Adidas Golf organization structure represents its effort to align internal processes with its external environment while balancing structural dilemma as there align with different tasks and environments from within changes in environment pressure organization to realign Adidas structure properly. Yes, they have several functional grouping approaches and it does matter to such structure and strategy being involved in the company.
At Adidas Golf, the decision will come from executive and supervisory board, key players, and customers as they are also employee/staff centered within the organization domain featuring the, CEO functional decisions, corporate responsibility in such goals and principles. In practice, there is a need for access to diverse technological standards as close to such business operation base that the company may be dependent on such manufacturing process they use even if, there creates the risk for the company to being out of step with their industry. Thus, innovative technologies at Adidas Golf will require such up-front cost and may possibly offer revenue stream that is narrow but widens within learning of the business network that can be introduced for function. Thus, Adidas Golf Company imposes stable/certain environment framework geared towards simple organization strategy, culture as well as enhancement of an ideal lifecycle. Adidas golf company responds to such organic but at the same time mechanistic in such environment uncertainty for example, in the company, there can be process applications that are good for natural environment which is organic in motion and such business operation inductions entails mechanistic drive In the company, there is showing of integration in almost every detailed aspect of the business but also has the sense of differentiation such as when it comes to product types and varieties
The Adidas Golf environment can be defined as “the totality of physical and social factors that are taken directly into consideration in the decision-making behavior of individuals in organizations” (Duncan, 1972, p. 314). As Lawrence and Lorsch (1967) does argue that imperfect knowledge about environment will create such uncertainty reality for the company and thus, posited that managers would perceive the environment in ways that were consistent with their training and personal characteristics from within determining the amount of uncertainty, Adidas management may perceived from their business environment. Even though Adidas Golf might formulate and execute such strategy, it still might not be sure if it had achieved fit with its external environment as inherent from such causal relationships as possible. It can be hard for the company to accurately predict the effects that specific strategic actions would have on the external environment, and also what effect environmental changes would have on the firm.
Moreover, Duncan (1972) argued “uncertainty and the degree of complexity and dynamics of the environment should not be considered as constant features in any organization. Rather, they are dependent on the perceptions of organization members and thus can vary in their incidence to the extent that individuals differ in their perceptions” (Duncan, 1972, p. 325) believed that the overall amount of uncertainty present in environment was determined by managerial perceptions of that environment. Thus, it is important for Adidas Golf to respond to environmental factors that they judge as having high degree of importance in order to survive. There is just enough matching of Adidas Golf Company in its structure to the environment as the management is aware and concern of such underlying issues from within such situation that may occur within the company’s active route of organization functions. Yes, there can be the need to change because organization as business oriented is changing and that technology utilization is also changing so fast so whatsoever, the Adidas Golf Company must adopt to such change that might be positive for the organization and for the business as a whole.
Porter’s competitive strategies
Competition is tough but is steady and manageable, the handling of cost leadership is reasonable and such differentiation follows an organized pattern in such focused activities and events of the company. Adidas Golf will be sustaining capital investment and access to capital and apply process engineering skills in such ideal supervision of labor in giving good brand value to such products being designed for manufacturing purposes as they have applied a structured organization and responsibility driven business ways that narrow Adidas Go9lf ability to maintain enough of price differential to offset competitors’ brand images for differentiation. The need for strong coordination among functions in R&D, product development and marketing and focus on company policies as directed in such strategic target
Cost Leadership
In cost leadership, Adidas Golf sets out to become the low cost producer in its industry sources of cost advantage are varied and depend on the structure of the industry that may include the pursuit of economies of scale, proprietary technology, preferential access to raw materials and other factors.
In differentiation strategy, Adidas Golf seeks to be unique in its industry along some dimensions that are widely valued by customers as buyers of their brands having better attributes that buyers perceive as important to meet their needs.
The generic strategy of focus rests on the choice of a narrow competitive scope within the industry. The focuser selects a segment or group of segments in the industry and tailors its strategy to serving them to the exclusion of others. Cost focus within the Adidas Golf do exploit differences in cost behavior in some segments, while differentiation focus exploits the special needs of buyers in certain segments.
Then, by using the Miles and Snow (1978) typology there show that Adidas Golf are able to achieve an alignment between managerial characteristics and strategic direction perform better than firms where such an alignment is absent. Furthermore, it can be found that the strategy-manager match explains a greater proportion of variance in performance than industry membership, organizational age and firm size. There provide persuasive evidence about the impact that Adidas business leaders exert in driving performance outcomes and demonstrates the validity of the administrative dimension of Miles and Snow typology
As a prospector, the company can face the entrepreneurial problem of locating and exploiting new product and market opportunities as thrive in changing business environments that have an element of unpredictability and succeed by constantly examining the market in quest for new opportunities. Consequently, Adidas Golf prioritizes innovative product and service development and innovation to meet new and changing customer needs and demands and to create new demands.
Thus, by being defender, there face the entrepreneurial problem of how to maintain stable share of the market, and hence they function best in stable environments. A solution can be cost leadership, and so the company achieves success by specializing in particular areas and using established and standardized technical processes to maintain low costs. Thus, as analyzer the sharing of characteristics is seen within markets and how to find and exploit new markets and product opportunities, while remaining flexible enough to pursue new business activities. Consequently, look for technical efficiency t emphasize quality product and service to remain competitive when the market changes. Lastly, as reactor Adidas Golf may not be prepared for some changes within business environment as such product or service may fluctuate in response to the way executives perceive environment as changing too quickly for them to use and might possess unclear chains of command.
Truly, the Adidas Golf Company implies the typology strategy as they are prospector for possible product development in such standards and quality, defender when it comes to such problems and issues within the business and protect such laws deemed important for its governance. Thus, analyser to such business decisions mostly, when it comes to strategic performance and analysis of crucial points and a reactor to business opportunities found that can bring success to the business
Organisation Life Cycle stage
Adidas Golf Company in its organization lifecycle, the company is within the entrepreneurial stage as they focus mainly on products and services production that they can sell to customers and also there astounds to elaboration stage as the company is open to give sponsorships to certain popular events in sports such as those of Beijing Olympics. The company is committed to the principles of good corporate governance and continually strive to strengthen and sustain the trust that investors, business partners, employees and the public have placed in them.
Yes, the organization structure is duly appropriate for the strategy they are pursuing as it can possibly boosts market stability in terms of business performance and such growth in sales and profits Yes, the classifications of the proponents mentioned may have different ways of explaining the same strategic approaches as they posit quite unfamiliar category of each classification involved Possible, that such different parts, functions and locations of the organization be in different life cycle stages if, such organization process or situation is not parallel to the other as it may depend on certain variations within the business area as well as in such paradigm, there can be presence of such risks
Adidas products offer technological innovation and cutting edge designs to athletes of all skill levels who aspire to achieve peak performance. There is technology to drive growth of customized products and Adidas Golf Company utilizes manufacturing technology. For Woodward classifications, Adidas Golf Company adheres to Group 1, Group 2, Group 3 classifications respectively and uses computer integrated Technology. Adidas Golf Company applies engineering type of technology at the same time craft technology but not in all of its business side. Speaking of interdependence, the company can be pooled, sequential at the same time reciprocal as the environment they adopt involves a lot of integration from one point to the other. There can be also similarities but not in every detail of the issues they are trying to persuade or convince. Probably, several successful SMEs that are involved in their own area of business industry such as those involved only in retail and distribution markets
In lieu to French and Raven power types, Adidas Golf Company indicates reward, legitimate as well as coercive in handling power and at times referent and expert Furthermore, reward power results from the ability to provide positive reinforcement for desired behavior and the coercive power reflects the potential to inflict punishment. In a sense these are not so much two different types of power as they are opposite ends of a continuum. In other words, if the “inferior” individuals are perfectly able to control the results of their actions, the role of the superior is superfluous. The legitimacy of power structures embedded in old-style bureaucracies is threatened with irrelevancy by virtue of the growing ease with which information can be shared outside the confines of those artificial and outmoded constructs. However, to the degree that they are insulated from the impact of or are more potent than other forms of power, legitimate powers may prevail for extended periods of time, even though their most efficacious usages may be merely to support themselves. Expert power is a form of referent power resulting from recognized expertise while, as defined by French and Raven, informational power is variation of legitimate power stemming from the ability to control the availability and accuracy of information.
Ouchi’s Types of control
The company’s type of control is market centered and also deemed towards technology centered as positive impact of control reflects strong culture and innovative leadership while negative impact of control may be found in Adidas Golf organization risks and hazards. There is the Executive Board that may compose of the CEO-Chairman, President, V-President and other members of the Board and that, top level of decision making criteria is being applied by the company. Adidas Golf in control is appropriate for today provided that, they have the ideal management and business structure in focus along with right attitude and behaviour to make good and useful decisions at present benefiting the future stance of the company
In terms of culture, Adidas Golf Company has ample organization culture from such internal adaptation of business in such corporate culture function areas and external adaptation in such business situation and environment that can be reflected in such operations and people management There are core values being shown by the company more on that with justifiable dominance over subcultures. Adidas Golf Company emphasizes two visible culture characteristics the adaptability culture and mission culture
The staff are expected to behave in a professional way yet normal and empathetic yet due respect to each other’s personality and level of professionalism Yes, there is encouragement in creativity and individual initiative. The organizational consequence can be that, there will be growth of such better ideas that the Adidas golf company can apply in boosting and recognizing more on their business performance that leads to a better brand value. The presence of highly qualified multi-cultural workforce and one of the strength is cultural diversity of workforce to sustain competitive advantage, to foster motivation and to ensure organizational success and stability. The workforce comprises men and women of various nationalities, cultures, religions and races, who encompass range of experience, skills and mentalities.
Effectiveness is a way to innovate well such as focused in product innovation leadership to sustain Group success. Developing technological innovations and contemporizing design philosophy, to best unite brand values with the unique needs of consumers and utilizes system resource approach for such contingency The strategic constituencies are the key players, shareholders and stakeholders of the business as called on to help the business group become more effective and the need for group effectiveness that identify the criteria of Adidas golf company effectiveness within factors that contribute to success and such culture values from within to ensure an effective Adidas group. The model helps the company identify when groups are having issues and identify the causes that generate the issues and assess where to intervene to address the issues and or problems within the organization. There is application of effectiveness values as being known and implemented in human relations model and open systems model
The balanced scorecard has evolved from its use as simple performance measurement framework to full strategic planning and management system. The “new” balanced scorecard transforms Adidas Golf strategic plan from an attractive but passive document into the marching orders for business on such daily and or weekly base. There provides framework not just provide performance measure within the Adidas Group but helps executives as planners to identify what should be done and measured and enabling the group to truly execute their strategies.
The balanced scorecard suggests that there viewing Adidas Golf from perspectives to develop metrics and analyze it well:
Source of above, available at:
The above illustration is explained as below from Kaplan and Norton’s ideas.
Learning and Growth Perspective
This can include employee training and corporate cultural attitudes related to both individual and corporate self-improvement. In climate of technological change, it is becoming necessary for knowledge workers to be in a continuous learning mode.
Kaplan and Norton emphasize that ‘learning’ is more than ‘training’; it also includes things like mentors and tutors within the organization, as well as that ease of communication among workers that allows them to readily get help on a problem when it is needed.
Business Process Perspective
This perspective refers to internal business processes within Adidas Golf as there allow the managers to know how well their business is running and whether its products and services conform to customer requirements. Thus, in Adidas group, mission is imperative and can be easier to measure and benchmark using generic metrics.
Customer Perspective
Recent management philosophy has shown an increasing realization of the importance of customer focus and customer satisfaction in any business. These are leading indicators: if customers are not satisfied, they will eventually find other suppliers that will meet their needs. Poor performance from this perspective is thus a leading indicator of future decline, even though the current financial picture may look good.
Financial Perspective
Kaplan and Norton do not disregard the traditional need for financial data. Timely and accurate funding data will always be a priority, and managers will do whatever necessary to provide it. In fact, often there is more than enough handling and processing of financial data. With the implementation of corporate database, it is hoped that more of the processing can be centralized and automated.
The Adidas golf organization measures on its business performance as well as effectiveness for such product and brand integration resulting into group success Adidas Golf Company should measure certain risk factors possibly pointing to such HR balanced scorecard If the measures do give inconsistent or conflicting signals, there can be alternative options that the company can follow and there can be such testing of reliability and validity with enough evaluation and can acquire a more generalized organizational analysis and evaluation
Taylor Made Adidas Golf is one of the largest golf club manufacturers in the world, focus on Premium Golf Equipment and Balls. The company size of Adidas Golf is large The mission is to have leading performance golf brands in the world. The Adidas Group strives to be global leader in the sporting goods industry with sports brands built on a passion for sports and a sporting lifestyle.
The Adidas Group is consumer focused that improves the quality, look, feel and image of products and organizational structures to match and exceed consumer expectations and to provide them with the highest value. Thus, innovation and design leaders seeking to help athletes of all skill levels achieve peak performance with every product in the market. A global organization which is socially and environmentally responsible, creative and financially rewarding for employees and shareholders and committed by means of strengthening brands and products to improve competitive position also, dedicated in delivering outstanding financial results. Effectiveness in product innovation leadership in such technological innovations and contemporizing design philosophy, to unite rand values with the needs of consumers. There is industry leading Research and Development at TaylorMade-adidas Golf as experts believe that success in the golf market is primarily determined by the ability to constantly introduce and commercialize innovative performance technologies and products.
Duncan, R.B. (1972), “Characteristics of organizational environments and perceived environmental uncertainty”, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 17 pp.313-27.
French, J and Raven, B. “Bases of Social Power.” Studies in Social Power. Ed. Dorwin Cartwright. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,1959.
Kaplan, R. and Norton, D. The Strategy-Focused Organization (September 2000) Harvard Business School Press
Lawrence, P.R., Lorsch, J.W. (1967), Organization and Environment, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA
Miles, R.E., Snow, C.C. (1978), Organizational Strategy, Structure, and Process, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY
Mintzberg, H. The Structuring of Organizations: A Synthesis of the Research (Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1979) and Structures in Fives: Designing Effective Organizations (Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1983).
Mintzberg, H. Structure in fives. Designing effective organizations. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1993
Porter, Michael E., “Competitive Advantage”. 1985, Ch. 1, pp 11-15. The Free Press. New York.
Ouchi, W.G. (1979), “A conceptual framework for the design of organizational control mechanisms”, Management Science, Vol. 25 pp.833-47
Adidas group – Annual Report 2006
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