Research Proposal
Pain assessment and management among Chinese patient with hematological malignancy
Methodology: Qualitative research
Words: 4000
Cited: 30

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Hematological malignancy is one of the most common cancers occurring in Hong Kong. Pain is reported to be a major symptom for many patients with hematological cancer. For many hematological patients, the prospect of pain is more frightening than any other potential complications which including death. Pain is often poorly assessed, and many caregivers lack sufficient knowledge to optimize treatment. However, little is known about this symptom among Chinese people who have cancer.

Pain assessment and management among cancer patients has been studied in non-Chinese populations. However, research concerning the impact of pain assessment and management in the Chinese population has been very limited. The aim of this study was to examine pain assessment and management in Chinese patients for a hematological malignancy in Hong Kong. I hope the results may help nurses working with Chinese populations in identifying patients at risk for increased pain and in planning pain-relieving strategies.

The purpose of the study
The purpose of the study was to investigate nurses pain assessment and pain management practices of patients with hematology malignancy requiring an acute hospital admission to a Hematology unit. The specific aims of the first phase of the project were to investigate:

• What are hematology nurses knowledge and attitudes in relation to pain assessment?
• What are hematology nurses knowledge and attitudes in relation to pain management?
• What protocols relating to pain assessment exist in Hematology unit?
• What types of pain assessment tools are used by nurses in Hematology unit?
• What are the barriers that nurses perceive to exist in assessing and managing pain
within Hematology unit?

The specific aims of phase two of the project were to investigate:
• What are the actual pain assessment practices of nurses in Hematology unit?
• What are the actual pain management practices of nurses in Hematology unit?
• How do hematology nurses make decisions in relation to their pain assessment practices?
• How do hematology nurses make decisions in relation to their pain management practices?


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