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Dissertation Topic:

From Visual- to Value Perception: The Impact of a New Class of RGBW Display on Mobile Applications



Research is a process wherein ideas and conceptual frameworks combine together to achieve and realize the innate purpose of the study. Researchers have shown that visual perception to cope with the available bandwidth of the human visual system has been an important area of current and future research in visualization (Sawant & Healey, 2005). Display device properties and visual acuity for visualization have been under investigation regarding resolution, brightness, contrast and color saturation of a mobile display to match with the human visual perception system to visually explore, analyze, and discover patterns within their data presented on a mobile display. Cell phone is nowadays used as a computing devise besides voice communication for web access, multimedia content searching and displaying, and digital camera and Global Positioning System applications. Computing power of cell phone has been under study from an academic standpoint where power consumption of a mobile devise is critical for its performance (Aguilar, 2008).


In order to meet the increased demand for high resolution, excellent brightness, high dynamic range contrast, good saturated colors and power saving in a mobile display, new display concepts have been invented such as a new four primaries RGBW (Red, Green, Blue, White) display for incorporating into sophisticated mobile devises such as a Smart phone.

From the academic point of view, nothing has been done to discuss, analyze and recognize the applicability of RGBW display technology on mobile devises such as cell phones in term of Visual Perception, Value Perception and Consumer Behavior of such innovative display, dealing to proprietary VPW (Visual Perception White) technology as to how RGBW display is valued and perceived by consumers in mobile phones.

The main investigation will be focusing on visual and value perception of consumers relating to the process as intended for mobile phone applications. Indeed, there were certain assumptions reporting that, “when the first pocket-sized devices began adopting electronic displays, consumers focused on the sheer convenience of having this kind of user friendly machine interface while on the go. Thus, the stakes have changed, and consumers have become increasingly choosy about performance. Aside, the multimedia functions and digital capabilities take hold, handheld devices are beginning to face the same stringent performance requirements” (Mobile Display Systems). Furthermore, there implies to what mobile phone users perceive when it comes to VPW RGBW technology as presented by VP Dynamics, a technology house located in Hong Kong. The RGB refers to Red, Green, Blue, from where there serves as the three basic color primaries into an electronic display from wherein the added W refers to the new color which is White allowing certain electronic display to have effective function and applications through perceptions of mobile phone users. The need for the users to understand how the technology adds white, transparent filter sub-pixels to bring in effective color pattern and combination for instance, determining value perception, behavior and visualization found on mobile phone and how consumers prefer the array of color effect on their phones through the technology reflection, format and displays. How the eye meets the expected standards due to the outcome of the color combination giving VPW technology an inch over competitors in terms of perceived resolution, image quality and power saving. The pressing situation can be critical upon minimizing power dissipation as the value perception, behavior and visualization of mobile phone users does make frequent demands such as for high resolution displays that outcome into the increased pixel density and then, the reduced of transparency upon utilizing conventional RGB structures. Thus, RGBW display engine as embedded into the display driver will enhance such perceived resolution as well as colors and contrast providing better user experiences within specific image/video content found in mobile phones.

Problem Statement

The problem does exists in organization and acquisition of information research domain upon which there may rely on several changes from visual to value perception as not all individuals perceive in the same manner and in the same way as it is and thus, there may be limited research literature that focuses on the latter point and that limited information support maybe placed into certain impacts of RGBW displays on mobile applications particularly those that provide effective links to the new classes of applications. The value perception can also have a problem indicator as to which there implies to attitude formation miss outs and the presence of pressing disadvantage of value perception in styles and displays from within lack of functional level towards research approach and processes for the researcher to adopt respectively. Furthermore, several mobile users may perceive change within mobile application as one negative connotation that leads to failure in application effectiveness, as these users may possibly have tendencies not to accept the move from visual to value perception right away and could be that high risks and change resistance arrives into various areas of the research study so, the topic is in time for investigation and execution for technology academics to approve at and for recognizing in possible research material and reference that maybe of help factor towards future research forming a better basis of academic studies understanding as well as awareness points. Thus, in order for researcher and other concerning groups to create a useful, solid ground for learning in action as there needs for delivering right amount of knowledge towards value based perception regarding in innovative RGBW displays found in mobile applications and that the topic itself do possibly add to case study resources pertaining perceived notion of the displays known in actuality or in research assimilation.

Research Objectives

The core research objective is to acquire detailed research on the visual and value perception of customers from Hong Kong, China and Taiwan by means of online survey with such illustrative photos taken from conventional RGB display and the innovative class of RGBW display with same size geared towards for benchmarking such brightness, power saving, contrast, color saturation and resolution applied for the goal of recognizing in mobile phone users’ visual thinking, certain behavior and value perception of such visible preference of VPW technology linking to RGBW displays on mobile applications – cell phones. Thus, there is ample need to discuss and be aware of the process handled at VP Dynamics in presenting visual perception, behavior and value perception of the projected users of VPW technology implying to RGBW technology upon adding white sub-pixel to RGB array allowing light manifestation on cell phones and the need to imply sub-pixel improvement to created perceived high resolution, making VPW technology from VP Dynamics display great fit upon meeting vivid customers demands adopted for mobile devices. To determine and realize impact of the technology by which perception is seen at the structure displays of specific applications as effects degrade color characteristics due to changeof ‘Hue’, ‘Brightness’ and ‘Saturation’, optimizing in and keeping value perception of the customers, of quantitative basis ofcolor difference between RGB and RGBW structure understanding of color characteristics.


Research Questions

Research question plays a role in understanding the research focus investigated and studied related to organization of research literature review which serves for a critical assessment regarding RGBW technology applied in cell phones. The core research question for this study is to know and realize what is some impact of new class of RGBW display on a RGB display for mobile application linking to value perception, consumer behavior and visual thinking of the VRW-RGBW display composition? The initial research questions are the following:

1.      What does RGBW technology mean? How VP Dynamics is developing the VPW-RGBW technology and how the concept of perceived resolution versus physical resolution is forming? Explain the advantages of the technology functions in mobile applications, cell phones?

2.      How visual perception, consumer behavior and value perception be achieved through VPW technology upon reflecting usage of RGBW displays? Cite sample statements/ responses from cell phone users

3.      How important are perception and behavior occurrence in understanding the VPW-RGBW presence for VP dynamics? What are some factors pointing towards mobile phone users in such positive or negative perception or behavior of those displays? Discuss

4.      What are some other mobile applications that are known by the users of cell phones aside the RGB and RGBW displays on cell phones? For example, Netbook or Notebook and, How RGBW displays are manifested at VP Dynamics and seen in other applications aside the cell phone? Provide examples

Literature Review Overview

According to research information, that in mobile phones like models with built-in digital cameras, there is a clear trend toward fine resolution and some of the earliest products for example carrying only low 160×120 resolutions. Nowadays the popular phone display resolution is 320×240 (QVGA) but consumers are familiar with VGA quality of 640×480 such as video in DVD format so there is a push toward VGA mobile display. Problems with yield and the demands of today’s mass-production systems impose limits on manufacturing mobile displays of VGA resolution for cell phone with additional physical pixels. There raise a challenge for the developers of 3G cell phones as the RGBW displays for certain services do offer only medium levels of resolution (Hung, Pei, Hu & Yang, 2008). There can be presenting of brightness and power adjustable RGBW liquid crystal display which applies to simple perception of phone users from where there assumes resolution and color effectiveness and graphics quality that meets the eye as there perceives certain color pattern achieving ideal brightness and such appropriate cell phone display performance.

Moreover, having a reflectance characteristic in white sub-pixel, total brightness and colour range can be modified under different ambience and the best technique for such types of usage and RGBW technology dramatically improves power efficiency in high resolution displays, uses about 50 percent less power reaching brightness twice the indication (Hung, Pei, Hu & Yang, 2008). Furthermore, on the basis of perception, behavior and visualization, the three color filter structures with white sub-pixels are presented to enhance brightness, as there have been color filter architectures without loss of original color saturation and resolution (Lai & Tsai, 2007). The high resolution achievement is ideal as content and applications need higher resolution displays for optimal performance, which is difficult to achieve due to constraints of RGB stripe design rules without increasing power consumption and expense as the RGBW displays are more efficiently designed, for instance resolution of VPW-RGBW panel is perceived as about 4 times higher than an RGB stripe panel with the same number of physical pixels. Aside, multimedia content such as detailed maps, menus and web pages can be rendered at high resolution using VPW technology, compared to RGB stripe panel of equivalent pixel density. The integration of VPW- RGBW technology into mobile displays is one way to meet the standard, expected perception, behavior and visual thinking of cell phone users as the conditions may accelerate the adoption of innovative cell displays or graphics as well as cell phone applications as being indicated by the convergence of high speed 3G networks and have flexible configuration settings that tune color saturation, brightness, image sharpness and power consumption of cell phones.

Value Perception. De Bono (2006) have indicated that, “value is not a value unless it is perceived to be one, no matter how real a value may be, it has no value at all until the value is perceived”, and he further mention that one good purpose of business technology is to help people perceive the real values and it could be that for certain mobile phone users, the aura of perceived value remain strong in VPW-RGBW displays of such technology formation. It is essential to realize processes of value perception of mobile phone users upon recognizing RGBW technology as it can be that consumers’ perceptions are linked towards value creation of the technology being adopted by VPW technology created by VP Dynamics as there links to value creation of mobile applications in mobile research as ideally be found in technology application of RGBW. Indeed, the need to determine and evaluate frontiers of value perception is needed in the study as mobile phone applications works only through integration of technology process, understanding RGBW displays as to be used in VPW technology (Varshney & Vetter, 2002). In addition, the ways value perception of RGBW technology can be created through close and collaborative consumer mobile relationships can be involved in a research approach idealization (Ulaga, 2003). Moreover, perceived value is considered as phenomenon that maybe difficult to grasp, to conceptualize in mobile technology application and value oriented relationships (Tähtinen & Salo, 2004; Ulaga, 2003). Thus, innovation RGBW technology does continue to open up areas for new kinds of professional services, as well as the increase in outsourcing and networking. Mobile technologies enable the creation of various types of new context dependent services and new ways to sell and distribute digital products to customers via mobile device, engage the receivers to discussions and transactions with the advertiser, as well as other customers (Salo & Tähtinen, 2004). The research will address value perceptions of mobile phone users regarding RGBW displays relating to VPW technology from within ideal context of technology application as well as services. The one focus will be to understand ways of perceived value by mobile phone customers from such innovative mobile advertising as well as in lieu to VPW technology service providers respectively. There can be core need to examine several customer perceived value elements in emerging RGBW displays in mobile phones and to assume progress in understanding how the RGBW technology can be beneficial to cell phone users (Salo & Tähtinen, 2004). Furthermore, Ulaga (2003) presented classification of relationship value drivers that indicate the areas of value creation from the customer’s perspective in an industry of product quality, service delivery as well as RGBW interaction process (Anderson & Narus, 2004).

Research Methodology

The researcher selects a mixed method to study this case. A comparative quantitative research method in form of e-survey with questionnaires based on RGB and RGBW displays where sent out to selected participant universities in Hong Kong, China and Taiwan. Independent variables are defined as resolution, brightness, contrast, saturated colors and power saving. Student participants in Hong Kong, China and Taiwan form the three dependant variables. For this quantitative method, the purpose is to value perception of mobile displays in cell phone and the recognition of consumer behavior as well as visual thinking of specific mobile phone users as research participants of the study, the responses will be about how they perceive to the presence of VPW-RGBW displays on their mobile phones through giving in e-survey statements, forming in acceptable ways in recognizing VPW technology from utilizing also of illustrative photos taken from RGB and RGBW displays. From the participant students in the quantitative questionnaires, ten will be randomly selected in each participant university in Hong Kong, China and Taiwan for a follow-up qualitative interview where actual RGB / RGBW display side by side demonstration will be shown instead of photos in the quantitative e-survey. The purpose of the qualitative research is to find out if the participants will change their quantitative survey opinions in seeing/perceiving the actual RGB and RGBW display demonstration and what are their behaviors toward their own visual perception for reaffirming the acceptance or the rejection of the trade-off between physical and perceived display resolution and performance in dealing with RGB and VPW-RGBW color spaces and technologies for cell phones as well as for other mobile devises such as Netbook, Notebook and High Definition Portable Media Player (HD PMP).

Amiably, the research method will be classified as either quantitative or qualitative as it can be that value perception can be detected through a series of primary as well as secondary data, as there implies to qualitative method which might be design to help the researcher of this study to understand visual to value perception on such mobile application displays one proponent have argued that, that the goal of understanding impetus research phenomenon from perceptions and or viewpoints of research participants academic centered context can be out of tune if not properly planned, analyzed as well as interpreted (Kaplan & Maxwell, 1994). For this particular study, methodology should be placed ample stance, the method can be utilizing in the case study approach, gathering in reliable, acceptable and reviewed journals and articles that integrates to value perception, RGBW displays as well as mobile applications and to include combination of the topic focus this will be manifested along with multiple sources of qualitative and quantitative information as the research will endeavor examination of value perception towards mobile application on several mobile users as research participants in particular. The data collection will also involve semi structured interview of these users asking them how they perceived the new class of RGBW displays for their mobile phones (Clandinin & Connelly, 1999) as there have argued that case study narration adheres to the linguistic form of research approach as being suited for displaying a definite case situation through research core function. Furthermore, there will be series of case study gathering as well as interviews to be conducted among mobile phone users in Hong Kong to consists of 50 users for the interview realization and the interview session will be about 25 minutes in order to fully recognize research participant’s perceptions of RGBW displays for mobile applications through research ways as the responses do comply to noted and acknowledged value perceptions (Glesne & Peshkin, 1992). The interview questions will have to be open ended and guided by case study analysis paradigm (Lincoln & Guba, 1985), allowing individual responses to fall in place allowing ideal analysis and interpretation of research data and clarification (McMillan, 2000) into various indicative reality of the focus study as formed within most recent literature strategy and relevance. The need to determine and recognize case analysis method, as the interview will enable to transcribe certain given concepts of visual to value perception and other points. The research implies to qualitative and quantitative methods such as to request respondents to rank their views in the interview scale (Marshall & Rossman, 1999) geared towards reliability and validity as interview statements can range from the following: 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree and 5 = strongly agree accordingly. The primary data is to be collected from the respondents in case situations, secondary data is to comprise of reference concerning the research topic  subject of existing information to realized from within.



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Aguilar, D. P. (2008). A Framework for Evaluating the Computational Aspects of Mobile Phones. Doctoral dissertation, University of South Florida

Clandinin, D. & Connelly, M. (1999). Narrative inquiry: Experience and story in qualitative research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

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Lai, C.C. & Tsai, C.C. (2007). Brightness Improvement of Color LCD Systems Using White Sub-pixel Structure and Fuzzy Mapping Algorithm Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Volume 53, Issue 3, Aug. 2007 Page(s):1003 – 1010

Lincoln, Y. & Guba, E. (1985), Naturalistic inquiry. Newbury: Sage

Marshall, T. & Rossman, D. (1999). Designing Qualitative Research, 3rd Ed.

McMillan, A. (2000). Essential Assessment concepts for Teachers & Administrators. Corwin Press

Salo, J. & Tähtinen, J. (2004). Retailer Use of Permission-Based Mobile Advertising, Unpublished manuscript.

Sawant, A. P. & Healey, C. G. (2005). A Survey of Display Device Properties and Visual Acuity for Visualization. Knowledge Discovery Lab, Department of Computer Science, North Carolina State University

Tähtinen, J. & Salo, J. (2004). Special Features of Mobile Advertising and Their Utilization, To be presented at the 33rd European Marketing Academy Conference, Murcia, Spain, 18.-21.5.2004.

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Mobile Display Systems. RGBW technology, Available at: <>

VP Dynamics Site, Available at:  <>


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