Position/Title: Assistant Manager

Organization: Daiwa Institute of Research Ltd., Koto Tokyo

Street address:

City: Toshima

State: Tokyo

Country: Japan

Postal Code: 171-0014

Business email address (important):

Business telephone:

Home telephone:




1. How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?



I have known the applicant for the past five years and seven months now, as for the applicant’s capacity that I have known is that, Mr. Sugawara has sense of commitment in his job and takes time to listen to the opinions of the team members and his supervisors in order to reach a consensus about key aspects of the project. I am confident that Mr. Sugawara has the potential to become a successful business leader due to his ability to analyze problems and decide on the required course of action, his motivation in fulfilling his tasks, and his talent for leading by example and coordinating others to work well together.









2. Describe applicant’s potential for becoming a responsible successful manager.


Mr. Sugawara is a very effective communicator, both in his native Japanese and in English. As a very friendly and open person, he communicates very easily with colleagues and superiors and doesn’t hesitate to express his opinions honestly and directly. He has a logical way of thinking, which means he can explain his ideas clearly. In addition to having excellent verbal communication skills, Mr. Sugawara’s writing skills are also strong. His writing is logically organized and concise, which was a very useful asset when creating new software standards. However, I’m confident that through practice he will quickly acquire good presentation skills because he already has the logical way of thinking that is required.



3. What are applicant’s major strength?


Mr. Sugawara’s most exceptional quality is the extremely high level of commitment that he shows towards any task he undertakes. Before beginning a project he always carefully considers how he can maximize the benefit to both the company and the customers. His main priority is to complete his work to the highest possible standards, so he always sets the highest achievable goals for himself, when working individually and for his team, when leading a project. When he encounters obstacles, such as when technical difficulties or conflict occur, he does not become discouraged, but increases his efforts in order to find a solution.






4. What are applicant’s most noticeable areas for improvement/growth?


Although Mr. Sugawara is generally a very capable manager who listens to the opinions and ideas of the members of his team and then works to create a consensus, I observed that it sometimes takes him too long to coordinate the various team members when working on a project. My impression is that he tries too hard to accommodate the wishes of everyone in the team, which often leads to wasted time. I think that he needs to become more forceful in his management style and be less concerned about the feelings and wishes of team members who are unwilling to compromise.


Please compare the applicant with others you have known during your professional career. Indicate the reference group with whom you are comparing this candidate.



The reference group I am comparing for the candidate are other employees.



Intellectual ability –  exceptional  


Leadership – exceptional


Ability to work well with others – exceptional


Creativity and Imagination – exceptional


Maturity – exceptional


Self-confidence – exceptional


Motivation and drive – exceptional


Personal integrity/ethics – exceptional


Ability to analyze a problem – exceptional


Quantitative skills – exceptional


Time management – exceptional


Oral communication skills – exceptional


Written communication skills – exceptional


Management skills – exceptional




I strongly recommend Takuya Sugawara for admission to an MBA Program to the Tepper School of Business.


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