The meaning of organizational change can be generally considered as the process of performing changes in the organization for the better. It is a complex process that is difficult to define.  and  (2002) stated: “Organizational change cannot be easily defined. It needs to be managed proactively and yet the approach needs to be responsive to changing contingent circumstances” (). Change is not a drastic activity that would easily get away with difficulties. There are cases when a change is applied within an organization, employees either consciously or subconsciously resists against it, making it ineffective or dangerous to the normal operation of the firm. (1998) stated that many sees change as a threat because the outcomes are less certain than leaving things as they are. Resistance is defined as employee behavior that seeks to challenge, disrupt, or invert prevailing assumptions, discourses, and power relations (1994).

While many claims many variables related to change resistance, none of them are still considered standard because most were not linked with more specific variables such as the type of industry the company is in, the nature of work, and so on. This study will explore the causes of change resistance based on those variables. It will interview employees of a company that recently changed its organizational process and will try to identify the employees’ view of change, and if they don’t like, to identify why they think of such opinion. Their answers will be analyzed with the nature and the difficulty of their work, and change specific tasks that have currently been integrated with their system policy.


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