There is no constant in this world. Everything changes even in the smallest part of this world. As we enter in this modern world, lots of gadgets come out in the market where people are very interested to have these gadgets no matter how much it costs. Many people buy these gadgets for the reason that it will uplift our way of standard of living in a way that it makes our work easier and more accurate. More and more advance technologies emerge this time for the reason also that many new things have been discovered. Through the discoveries of new things, many advance and hi-tech technology have been invented for the reason that these things are more complicated to do than before thus it needs appropriate gadgets in order to solve this problem. The companies of these gadgets find ways to make people conveys their product by advertising and broadcasting it to the different television network. But recently, advertising of ads in the internet are very popular in this generation that is why lots of strategies and fancy gimmicks are already fad in the internet world. In this article, it covers the new trend and updates in gaining of information in different areas of internet world and its advantage that the people are going to get.
Podcasting is a newly invented strategy of gaining information in more convenient way. Podcasting is transmitting of audio format into any kinds of digital gadgets such as i-pods and any portable media players. What makes podcasting more interesting is that, information can be saved, replayed and listened by the users at their convenience. Convenience in a sense that podcasting can let the users get in touch the content of their media player or any gadgets whenever they want to at any place. Another thing about this podcasting, it doesn’t really need that a user has an i-pod or any portable media player for this matter. Podcasting is a newest form in delivering media through online. Where you can create your own audio files and upload it through online where the users have access in it via internet. In this case the users become an instant producer to his own work and advertise it through internet where the subscribers are able to download to their ipods, cell phones and any other portable media players and use it at any convenient place and time. It is also form of instant sending messaging to your friends, relatives loved ones. The good thing about this, is that the users are do not obliged or to visit the website just to purchase new tracks get their new audio messages they just use the podcast aggregator for subscriptions to feed their new messages.
Podcasting has many uses one of which is through communication. Communication in a sense that it can store data in a form of audio, as we all know audio is something that we can hear. Through this new invention we can give clearer instructions and share important messages to the users. In this case, lesser chances to misinterpret the messages being sent to recipient for the reason that the users can repeatedly play it anytime and any place they want. Through clearer information the relationship between individual will become closer and intimate where they can share everything with trust of one another.
Podcasting is useful and perfect in establishing business because the users can easily their advertisements and produce their own work through online. As we all know that millions of people are fond of browsing internet and have accessed on it. In podcasting, it can post to the different websites where the users can easily activate it by downloading and uploading as well as the consumers. For instance, in podcasting the users can create a talk show in which they can introduce their product to the talk show where the talk show can be uploaded to the online and the costumers able to download it to their gadgets. In this situation the users as well as the customers can save their money, time and effort.
In travel and tours, podcasting helps to track the location of the place and provide backgrounds of the place. The travelers or the tourists able to upload and download it via online where they can access it in their most convenient time. The directions, instructions, and guidelines are downloaded to their portable gadgets like ipods without visiting any websites it helps them track the location that are unknown and unfamiliar to them which they love to visit for their vacation purposes.
Podcasting is also helpful to those people, who have senses disorder. This disorder is pertaining to eyesight disorder and loss of hearing. It is helpful to them in a sense that it can easily download into Mp3 format that it can easily carry to anywhere they go. For instance, if a person is blind and this person is risk for injury and not all the time that there are persons always available at there side, to make this not to happen, the podcasting is helpful to this situation through downloading of instructions to the Mp3 the blind person will just listen to it and follow the instructions given. In this manner there will be fewer burdens to the patient as well as to their family members.
In our current trends of media invasion, podcasting is one of them. Podcasting has many reasons why people fond to subscribe this to their websites because for the reasons that there is no need for them to visit the websites just to download new sound tracks, cool new trends of hi-tech gadgets and many others in relation to newly invented gadgets and acquiring any information because in podcasting, it is the one who will deliver it. In dealing with podcasting, it has many benefits when it comes to advertising company and travel and tours. These two are somehow interconnected to each other because in travel and tours, in order for them to recognize by the tourists they must publish and advertise their company through the help of advertising company. In this case podcasting has potential in helping and make the tourists become more interested of what they gain in podcasting in relation to their destinations they want to go with the aid of podcasting. Here are the twelve reasons why they become more interested about podcasting in traveling around the world. First, they become up-to-date the latest and new develop resort that suite for their vacation and up-to-date with the price and happenings to the place. Second, they can inquire information by interviewing any personnel in charge the place they want to go. Third, the convenience that what every tourist want because the information they want to know is directly delivered to their computers, mp3, ipods or any portable gadgets without any difficulties. Fourth, the tourists have the opportunity to select or choice the different destinations they want to know anywhere and any time they want. Fifth, the tourist can have cheaper price and have save time in availing this. Sixth, the information of what the tourists get is still remain intact and fresh because the customer can access or receive the message instantly anytime the message send it to them and the message are able to store in Mp3. ipods, or portable gadgets and play it in their convenience. Seventh, the podcasts has reliable information and can share it to their relatives by sending it to them via online where many people become aware the information where they can testify if the information is true. Eighth, the tourists able to comment the place where the people in that place are the one who will answer their expectations about the place they want to go. In this case the tourists are able to get to know the people better and make them to adjust easy and make them safe in roaming around the place, in a sense that the community will help them guard and accompanied them in the place they want to go. Ninth, in podcast the tourist will become an instant tour guide because the podcasts send them an information about the place as well as the location of different breathtaking view found in that place. Tenth, any type of person can travel around the world whether they have disorder because the podcasts send instructions and important guidelines in traveling and where they can able to listen it over and over again. Eleventh, even if they are away from home they can monitor their place through podcasting in a way that they can download any update to their place. Twelfth, they can record their experience in roaming that place where they can share it to their friends and relatives as well as to their self where they can view and listen it anytime they want.
With these benefits that they can get from podcasting it helps a certain place become more popular or well known to the tourists especially to the place that are known to be polluted and chaotic place where there hidden paradise is not yet discovered by foreign people. Through podcasting, it helps the place to be discovered and in that case they will able to share the beauty of the place and the goodness of the people living in it. In this case, it will help the place to restore the bad image that is used to be where it help their economy boost which they can proud of to the world. These place destinations is pertaining to the part of the world that belong to the third world countries like Africa, Philippines, India, Cuba, Lybia, North Korea and many other. In podcasting, it is believe that somehow it will help these countries to uplift their economy with the help of their breathtaking paradise which we believe that every place on this earth lays a beautiful creation of the God, which He distributed it to the different parts of the world.
I conclude that every inventions that invented by the hand of man creates a difference within us, where it can bring good or bad to us. In podcasting, people adore this kind of invention because it brings goodness to the users than disaster to the people. One of the important highlights in podcasting is the convenience in it while accessing and using it. Convenience is what the people want in this busy world (where podcasting possess that) and it will not make them become busier in gaining and achieving more information which they need to know. Through this they can access easily all the information they want to know because it lands directly to their gadgets and keeps them up-to-date of the current trends and happenings to their surroundings without existing any effort in achieving this goal.
Campbell, G. (2005), “There’s something in the air: podcasting in education”, Educause Review, available at:, Vol. 40 No.6, pp.32-46.
DeVoe, K. (2006), “Innovations affecting us – podcasting, coursecasting, and the library”, Against the Grain, Vol. 18 No.1, pp.78-79, 85.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online (2006), “Media and publishing”, available at:, .
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online (2006), “Media and publishing”, available at:, .
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