Assigment : genre change
Course: communications and media management
Assignment Brief
Assignment Two: GENRE CHANGE (40%)
Due:April 6 2008
Length: 2 creative designs PLUS 1000 word academic commentary
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1. Assignment 2 is to take source information from an audio source [to be allocated], then to provide a ‘translation’, or transduction, of the material into 2 of 4 possible kinds of text – one suitable for print publication and the other for electronic publication.
The options for target genre are:
· A magazine article with style guide
· A webpage or
2. A 1000 word academic commentary demonstrating your understanding of design principles and publishing issues, research skills in finding recent material in journals or media and online sources, use of academic sources to make your judgements, and your understanding of how the audience, purpose and context differ when the genre changes. Please in-text reference and include a full reference list.
How the GENRE CHANGE relates to the course goals
The major concept in the course is genre. The mode of presentation of material determines its shape, style and design.
This assignment presents ‘the same’ material in different modes; spoken and written, print and electronic. In what ways is it ‘the same’ material? In what ways does the material differ? How does the genre determine aspects of what is and is not presented?
Assessment criteria for Assignment 2:
You genre change assignment will be assessed on:
· Your comprehension of the source text, your engagement with the issues in the text, and your capacity to translate them faithfully into the target genres.
· Your flexibility in adapting the material to new forms, making the most of the opportunity to increase audience response while maintaining the integrity of the original.
· Your understanding of design principles and publishing issues as shown in your commentary, and/or as demonstrated in your applications.
· Research skills: your success in finding recent material in journals or media and online sources, your use of academic sources to make your judgements, the quality of your resources list in the commentary section.
· Your understanding of how the audience, purpose and context differ when the genre changes.
· Editing and proofreading of final draft: spelling, punctuation and correct format.
You will not be assessed on the technical proficiency which you bring to the genre change. The assessment will not concentrate on the extent of your familiarity with the software, nor your design capability. Your intentions will be judged from your 1000 word commentary.
Transcript for Assignment 2: Genre Change ‘Here comes the mobile phone’ Podcast and transcript were downloaded from ABC Radio National Media Report, originally broadcast on 31/08/06, available at: Transcript
This transcript was typed from a recording of the program. The ABC cannot guarantee its complete accuracy because of the possibility of mishearing and occasional difficulty in identifying speakers.
Antony Funnell: Hello and welcome to the Media Report here on ABC Radio National Summer.
I’m Antony Funnell.
This week we look again at the new generation of mobile phones, the multi-media platform in your hand that’s going to change your life in ways you never imagined, and maybe kill your I-Pod.
The mobile phone is being transformed into a data caster that’s opening up a world of entertainment.
It’s the device that people will use in the future to access all forms of media, be it music, video or games.
Our first guide in our global mobile adventure today is Jennifer Wilson, Managing Director of a company called HWW, they’re publishers of mobile phone content.
Here’s Jennifer Wilson speaking about the potential of the new mobile with the Media report’s former presenter, Gerald Tooth.
Jennifer Wilson: I was talking to them particularly about the importance of the mobile phone for what we call generation C, which is really the group of people between 13 and 27, for whom the mobile phone is their primary device for connecting to the world, connecting to their friends, and basically continuing their social networks in the whole sense of community. The mobile phone is an incredibly important and quite, what we call a disruptive device, in that it’s dramatically changed the way that people live their lives and the way they choose to communicate with each other. It’s an incredibly personal device that people have, and people use it in ways they don’t use anything else, including computers.
Gerald Tooth: But you did talk about the building of social networks through the use of mobile phones. What is going on there, right now?
Jennifer Wilson: What’s really happening is we’re seeing the rise in what we call the sense of community, and it’s really coming out in two particular forms. One of them is what we call digital public spaces, and a digital public space is where you choose to publicly make available information about yourself. So for example, a picture of me that I want people to comment on, a comment on what I’m doing today, a story of what happened to me yesterday. And I post these into a public space and I invite people to make comments on how good I look, how interesting my story is, what happened to me yesterday.
And this is what we call a digital public space where validation happens for me through people, many of whom I don’t know, responding to what I’ve said in that space. A social network is where we choose to interact with people, with whom we have a relationship, so for example, a book group where we might sit together and read a book or talk about a book that we’ve read, we would have a different relationship with those people than we might for example have with people we play squash with, and those are social networks. The mobile phone allows both digital public spaces to happen on a day to day ad hoc basis, and they also allow the creation of social networks.
One of the things you see for example, is that if you do go to a restaurant, you’ll sometimes see people sitting in a restaurant tapping away on their mobile phone. They might at that point actually be writing a review of their meal, so they are at that point posting to a digital public space.
Gerald Tooth: How many people are aware that they can do this stuff with their mobile phone?
Jennifer Wilson: Generally you find that about 8% of the population is a fairly active user of mobile content, about 15% of people dip into it every now and then, but it is quite interesting that you see on some carriers where accessing mobile content is very easy, you find the take-up much greater. So for example, on the Hutchison network, the Three network, you’ll find that about 60% to 80% of their users will interact with mobile content on a fairly regular basis. Whereas with Telstra or Optus, the figures are much lower.
Gerald Tooth: And what are we going to be offered in the new generation of mobile phones that are just over the horizon, in terms of what you’re talking about?
Jennifer Wilson: Well some of the things are actually on the horizon now. So for example, you can right now buy (not in Australia) but you can buy mobile phones that have 5 gigabytes of memory, which means that you can store phenomenal amounts of information on your phone. You can get 5 megapixel cameras on your mobile phone. Of interest to most of us will be the fact that the 3G network, the faster network, will allow us to communicate in a much richer manner. It’s not just about video, but it’s about being able to have an interactive experience which is faster than an old dial-up experience, if you want.
And that, coupled with the fact that increasingly location on the mobile phone, knowing where you are, and therefore giving you information relevant to your place, those two things together means that if I know where you’re standing at one time and what time of day it is and what your interests are, I can start to deliver to you information which is really relevant to you right then, right there.
Gerald Tooth: How do we compare with overseas where you’ve just returned from? Is the mobile phone network like our broadband network, that in fact is far inferior to what’s on offer in other countries?
Jennifer Wilson: It’s interesting you say that. In some ways, yes. What’s very interesting is that Australia is probably I’d say, 6 to 12 months ahead of the US. Our mobile phone industry and our mobile phone content is much more advanced than it is in the States. But in terms of the comparison with Europe, we’re probably about six months behind. And in part that’s to do with the fact that it’s been slower for 3G networks to take off here. The biggest problem really is that there’s so few Australians that there are ultimately so few people here to buy content, that it’s actually very difficult to make a living in the mobile industry.
Gerald Tooth: And how are people making a living in the mobile industry? We’re going to see quite an uptake of gaming on mobile phones, something we haven’t really seen before in a serious way.
Jennifer Wilson: You’ve seen it to a degree. About 8% to 15% of the people who use content regularly, are fairly regular gamers. But you will start to see more and richer gaming. You have to consider that games like Tomb Raider, and Doom, can be played on mobile phones in a very rich environment. And it is interesting that hand-held devices, for example, hand-held media players, music players like Ipods, digital cameras, or PSP Nintendo devices, they are now morphing into the mobile phone. So as the mobile phone becomes more of a converged device, it becomes even more important to people’s lives. And I think we’ll start to see people using those services a lot more, basically as entertainment and to interact with either other people or to interact just with an application on the phone.
Gerald Tooth: Do you think the mobile phone will kill off the Ipod?
Jennifer Wilson: It’s interesting. There’s an article out that says ’2006, the Year the Ipod Died’, and I think there’s an element of truth to that. There will always be a market for dedicated devices. So for example, I would never replace my digital camera with a camera in my mobile phone. I would probably never replace my dedicated music player with a music player in my mobile phone. But if I’ve got a mobile phone that’s got 5 gigabytes of memory, a decent set of speakers, and I carry it with me everywhere, will I want to carry an Ipod with me as well?
Gerald Tooth: And is the market for this young people, as you say?
Jennifer Wilson: The biggest market for this remains that classic Gen C demographic, if you want the 14 to 27. But that said, bear in mind that in Australia we have more than 95% penetration of mobile phones. There’s about 19 million mobile phones in Australia, and that means that isn’t just the young demographic that has mobile phones. My father, for example, who’s in his 80s, is now a regular mobile phone user. One of the fastest growing segments of mobile phone use is in the older generations.
Gerald Tooth: Is there an opportunity for the ABC as a content provider, to tap into this market and actually make money from it?
Jennifer Wilson: Well actually the ABC’s one of the people who is making money from this content market at the moment. Right now the ABC News is available on every carrier across Australia, the Triple-J has a gig guide, Rage is available on Hutchison’s Three services, there’s a movie service on Optus, there are comedy and lifestyle programs available on some of the other carriers. So the ABC is currently providing quite a lot of the content that exists on mobile phones, in part because the ABC was very quick to recognise that making content specifically for this environment would help them get ahead of the herd.
So for example, whereas it’s taken some of the other networks longer to actually get around to making content specifically for the small mobile screen, the ABC’s been doing so for more than two years. And that’s put you in a very good driving seat, to actually be a dominant provider, and as a credible news provider in Australia, you do sit in the position of having the most credible news on mobile phones.
Gerald Tooth: Are we also seeing ads on mobile phones?
Jennifer Wilson: Advertising on mobile phones is interesting. One of the problems that we have is that many cases carriers will charge you for consuming data on the mobile phone, and they charge at really quite high rates. And it’s a very hidden cost, so it’s difficult for people to know how much it’s costing them. If I give you an ad on a mobile phone, it could cost you anything from 6 cents to to actually see that ad. And I don’t think people want to pay for advertising, so it’s very difficult to put ads on mobile phones, knowing that you can’t really determine how much it’s going to cost.
But that said, it is likely that in the same way as the internet, we’ll start to see advertising on mobile phones subsidising the costs of what might be otherwise a subscription service. So for example, instead of paying a a month subscription service, you might pay a month and receive some banner advertising, for example.
Gerald Tooth: Jennifer Wilson, Managing Director of HWW.
Excerpt of Bollywood music
Gerald Tooth: The world’s quickest growing mobile phone market is in India, where there are already over 100 million users. That figure is expected to treble over the next three years.
Primed to take advantage of those staggering numbers is a company called Hungama Mobile. They’ve bought up the digital rights to 70% of all the content produced by Bollywood, India’s film industry. Bollywood pumps out an astonishing 1000 films a year, chock full of ready-made music video clips.
Based in Mumbai, Hungama Mobile bill themselves as the largest developers and publishers of mobile and digital entertainment content in India.
The company’s Managing Director of Neeraj Roy, who was recently in Australia at the Cross Media Lab Conference in Melbourne, where he spoke about the mind boggling expansion of the mobile entertainment industry.
Neeraj Roy: Mobile entertainment last year was about a -billion business, broken up into four distinct categories of content. There was music, imagery, video and games. Music accounted for about 50%, 55% of that content. It’s estimated that over the next four years, that same -billion is likely to be between -billion to -billion, because what’s happening is globally most of the carriers are no longer relying on their voice revenues, they are now moving fast towards more data-driven revenues, as you would be seeing in markets like this, where Three as a network has Big Brother and they could bundle that lead for subscription etc. etc., as it were.
The overall detail market by 2010 which is non SMS revenue, is estimated about 4-billion business, of which one-third of that is mobile entertainment which will be across those four categories. Of course Bollywood is a very, very, small fraction of that, but if I were to aggregate both the opportunity in India because India is the fastest growing mobile market in the world right now, we’ve been adding about 5-million new subscribers each month for the last six months or so, and we’re staring at anything between 300-million, 350-million consumers by 2010. It is estimated that just the mobile entertainment opportunity out of India is somewhere in the range of about -billion to -1/2-billion or so. And as a company, Hungama Mobile has about 70% of Bollywood content.
So we’re hoping that there is a significant business opportunity that we’ll be in a position to create. But I think the interesting thing is yes, it is a large enough opportunity, but it’s something that we believe that if you were to try to put this together in a triple play format, which is what we’re attempting, so we’re not just focusing only on the mobile business, we’re also looking at the internet business in a big way, with the kind of things that we’re doing; at the same time also looking at the whole format of in cable TV and IPTV etc., because there again, the same thing will happen.
You have the networks ready, they will then want to put as much content from as many different parts of the world out there, and let it convert into users seeking that sort of content and whatever. So that’s the kind of format and structure that we’re working on. I don’t know if I’ve answered your question, but I’ve at least hopefully given you a little perspective on the overall opportunity.
Gerald Tooth: Neeraj, what I’m hearing from you is that old fellows like you and I, we’re past the game…..
Neeraj Roy: That’s actually very true. It is. In fact if you see all the major innovation as far as this is concerned, I don’t think we are past it, because we’re certainly participating in this process; I’m delighted to be just a part of this whole period as such. But we are no longer the consumers, we’re no longer the people – we all have our Ipods, and these multi devices and do all of those things, but there is a generation out there which is going to be coming up never having read a newspaper, never having consumed news content via television. You know, when it comes to television to them, it ends at MTV or a certain show or a soap or whatever.
Yet now they’re suddenly getting involved in even news reporting, seeing a certain side of let’s say the whole Israeli-Lebanon conflict, and therefore getting an opinion on it and getting involved in the entire process, because there is a whole generation which till now was not really participating in that. I think that generation, how it will unfold, I continue to believe it’s not about one media versus the other. It will continue to coexist. The newspaper will continue to coexist at least for the next – till my lifetime, for sure. Because there are certain things we can never replace, as it were. But I think it’s about, in this coexistence format, and to that extent, yes it is the youth which is driving it, no doubt about it.
Gerald Tooth: Neeraj Roy, Managing Director of Hungama Mobile in India.
Australian Mark Ollila is the co-founder and non-executive director of the Swedish-based company, Telcogames, which as the name suggests, develops games for phones.
He talks of the advent of Mobile Ubiquitous Media, which he alls MUM, and says the technology incorporated in the latest generation of phones mean they will, like perfect mothers, be everywhere, doing everything, even replacing MP3 players.
Mark Ollila points to global sales figures showing music capable smart phones are already outselling Ipods, but he’s not predicting the death of the Ipod, not just yet anyway.
Mark Ollila: No, I’m definitely not predicting the death of the Ipod, I think the Ipod’s been a great success for Apple and will continue to be so, but I think what I’m now seeing and predicting is that the device that people will use in the future will be a Smartphone, because the prices of Smartphones are becoming cheaper over the years, and actually the number of units of Smartphones cheapening is increasing quite significantly, and there are more Smartphones selling that are music capable or media capable than there are Ipod equivalents.
Gerald Tooth: What are the numbers there? You’ve got them.
Mark Ollila: Well the numbers that we’ve seen and they’re publicly available when you search for this information, is that like April, May, June 2006 you could actually see that Nokia alone announced that they sold about 15 million music capable phones, or Smartphones, whereas Apple sold about 8 million Ipods. So you can just see that from one handset manufacturer that they’re selling twice as more than Apple is.
Gerald Tooth: And what we’re seeing is divergent paths being taken by the sale numbers for Ipods compared with the sale numbers for those music capable mobile phones that you’re talking about. Phones are going up and Ipods are going down.
Mark Ollila: Well like again, Apple’s had a wonderful success I think; what you see is that they had 17 quarters of significant growth in unit sales for the Ipod, with I think a peak in the Christmas period last year of about 14 million Ipods. But then for the first half of this year it was about 8-1/2 million Ipod sales in the first three months, and then just over 8 million again in the second set of three months. So again, their sort of sales are going down and it’s the first time that they actually have gone down, whereas Smartphone sales have been going up. And again, I think that is very indicative of the price of Smartphones coming down and people carry their phone with them all the time and are expecting a media rich experience with their phone.
Gerald Tooth: And what sort of media rich experience are those phones providing that you can’t get off your MP3 player?
Mark Ollila: Well like obviously if you have just a stand alone MP3 player like the phones allow you obviously to play music obviously, but also have in certain cases the ability to actually watch videos, and some of these phones have the ability to actually play full-length videos, if you buy a card to put into it. And these abilities of actually having communication with friends and so forth with media rich experiences such as gaming as well, which in itself is a huge market, means that the device is becoming a one-all device, it can do everything for you.
Gerald Tooth: Where does the content come for that, and what’s that doing to the marketplace?
Mark Ollila: Well the content side of things is very interesting, because on let’s say the mobile video side, it’s going to be generally coming, I believe, from user-generated content because camera phones are mass market devices now, and users can basically create content that they can send and distribute in many ways. When it comes to gaming, mobile games, that’s going to be a more specialised market with specialised developers actually creating that content and getting that out through traditional channels, such as over the internet or over the air to the actual gamer, and with music, again I believe it’s going to be a combination of the well-known brands such as Madonna and so forth, as well as maybe new bands which are using alternative distribution techniques to get their content out to the mobile.
Gerald Tooth: For years we’ve been talking about convergence, and is it your view that the mobile phone is where everything has come together, where we have the internet, gaming, communications, access to television, all in the one device in your pocket?
Mark Ollila: I believe the mobile phone is a device, and it’s becoming more and more powerful every time. Like over the next two years, we’re going to see more and more devices which have more enhanced graphics abilities which are basically equivalent to what we see in PCs of only a few years ago and things like this. And that mobile device is becoming more and more powerful and getting more powerful not by the year but by the month. It’s only natural for it to become the hub of your life, and even today the mobile phone you get worried if you’ve lost your mobile phone. You don’t leave home unless you’ve got your mobile phone. It’s like the set of keys, you leave your home with your wallet, your keys and your mobile phone.
Gerald Tooth: Mark Ollila, the non-executive director of The Swedish-based company, Telcogames.
In Brisbane, well aware of exactly where her mobile phone is, and its potential to entertain, is Deb Polson. She’s the Creative Director at the Australasian CRC for Interaction Design.
Deb Polson is behind the development of what is called a location based game that brings together the internet and mobile phones to bring a whole new type of experience to a visit to an art gallery or museum.
And Deb Polson’s name for her game, is Scoot.
Deb Polson: Well Scoot, we call it a mixed reality adventure game, and it kind of has its roots in my early days of Dungeons and Dragons, and I’m finally getting to be the Dungeon Master (if anyone knows what that means). But basically it’s a location-based game where I’ve designed this one for families to play together in museums and galleries and public spaces, because it’s funded by the Cultural Broadband Network of Victoria. So basically what happens is, there’s these creatures that live online that the kids get to meet when they go online at and they’re challenged to look for clues, kind of like a treasure hunt or a da Vinci Code in the real world.
And when they discover those clues they communicate what they find through SMS back to the game world, and the game world automatically sends them more SMSs that basically take them on a trail through the site, teaching them about the history of the site, taking them to services, introducing them to interactives in that site, asking them questions about what they see in paintings, what they see in artefacts. But the families play it together, so some of the clues kind of require them to collaborate and some of them are very much designed for the kids or the parents separately. And it’s really nice to watch them collaborate in these spaces. So the game is really about families and particularly kids, to feel comfortable in these spaces, that they are spaces for them to engage in, in a cultural or creative way.
Gerald Tooth: Why did you choose the mobile phone as a platform for that?
Deb Polson: Well I was interested in location-based games, and I’m interested in computer games in general, but I’m not particularly interested in sitting at a computer for great lengths of time. So I was interested in how GPS and mobile devices could move games out into the physical space and get people moving around, and making people’s worlds more interesting, rather than making virtual worlds more interesting. I was interested in how games might be able to superimpose our imaginings on the everyday.
And the mobile phones are the most accessible because I played location-based games with people like Blast Theory from the UK and Nokia, and they kind of require a kind of high technology to play them, and I kind of wanted to use mobile phones because I wanted people to learn from playing Scoot what they could do themselves. It’s quite a simple low-tech version of how you can use mobile phones.
Gerald Tooth: I turn up with my kids at the National Gallery and my mobile phone in hand. What happens then?
Deb Polson: Well there are three major headquarters in Melbourne. One’s in the State Library of Victoria, one’s in ACMI on Fed. Square, and one’s in the Melbourne Museum. And when you go to headquarters, you log on at a headquarter site on the computers there, where you’re given your mission for that area. And your mission just gives you your first SMS. And so you SMS ‘I accept this mission’ and the game then send you your first clue, and then you’re off. So you’re either sent to the National Gallery of Victoria, or you’re sent into Federation Square, or you’re sent on a mission.
And that just leads you on a trail of SMS clues, pretty much like I used to play with my parents when we’d do in the old Falcon; we’d get in the car and you’d drive along to a point and you’d find on a balloon a message of where to get to next, and you’d end up in a tennis court somewhere in Belair National Park. You know, it’s kind of learnt from those sorts of family treasure hunts that I would do as a child.
Gerald Tooth: So how is the phone used? Are you using the camera in the phone, a GPS locator, all of those things to come together to drive the game?
Deb Polson: We’ve built a system that can actually recognise GPS and can actually take an MMS, like a photo. The problem with the photo is the game can’t actually interpret that and understand it and send you something interesting. So at the moment we’re only using SMS, but people can take MMSs or pictures and upload them to the website. They can also design their own characters for the website which we can then send to them on their mobile phone.
The mobile phone itself is used primarily as a navigation tool, and to receive, and the challenges that we’re getting are very narrative-based as well, so we’re getting a story of the site through the phone as well.
So the phone is seen almost like a looking-glass as they move through the site. That’s what’s important to me, is that they can start to look at their phone as an object for storytelling, an object for discovery or adventure, rather than just for SMSs to their girlfriends, or downloading music which are all great fun, but it’s kind of putting different demands on the phone to have different types of services.
Gerald Tooth: Deb Polson, Creative Director at the Australasian CRC for Interaction Design in Brisbane.
In Finland, mobile phone giant Nokia is taking the concept of location based games for phones to a whole new level. Elina Koivisto is a research engineer at Nokia’s so-called Game House.
Elina Koivisto: In the research project we have been looking a lot into location based gaming. Let’s say that we have a game where the player is for instance collecting virtual game cards from his environment. So you go to the local park to pick up some game cards, or so on. You might encounter monsters virtual, monsters in real life environment when you go to the railway station, there is a huge monster that you have to kill and so on. The location is probably the most easiest context to use and you could even think that the mobile phone camera is the sensor, and you could use pictures that the player is taking from his surroundings for creating content in the game.
Gerald Tooth: So I go down to my local train station, and I turn on my mobile phone and my mobile phone camera, and I look at the screen on my mobile phone and there’s a monster there that I have to kill before I can get on my train. That’s what you’re telling me, is that where games are going?
Elina Koivisto: No, I don’t know if you are really going there. Well, but that’s one way. We can maybe see more of those kind of games in the future, but also I think, this is my personal view on this, location based games it’s not too wise to enforce the player to go somewhere. Let’s say that your game contacts you in the middle of the night, you wake up, it tells you OK, now you have to go to the railway station to fight the Boss Monster; if you don’t do it, you and your friends and your guild or clan, you will lose the game, or whatever. That’s not maybe something that users or players are looking for.
Gerald Tooth: But every day, I go to the train station to go to work, so when I get there, do I have to fight a new monster every day? Or is it the same one every day? Is that the sort of thing you’re looking at?
Elina Koivisto: If you have a location based game it’s definitely good that it’s something that you would do anyway everyday. So like, you go to the train station anyway every day, and maybe you can find something in there. It could be a traitor, it could be a monster, I’m not talking about a specific game concept I’m just like giving an example here.
Gerald Tooth: But those sort of examples that I’m very interested in, that that’s where gaming is heading, that with an environment-sensitive device which is a mobile phone with a camera in it, you can then attach that to a game that you can play wherever you are, and that that will be location specific. And it’s kind of blurring the line then between reality and gaming, isn’t it. And that’s the sort of thing that you’re looking at, is that right?
Elina Koivisto: Yes, that’s right. We call that pervasive gaming.
Gerald Tooth: Pervasive gaming, or ubiquitous gaming, yes?
Elina Koivisto: Yes, that’s right.
Gerald Tooth: Elina Koivisto, a Research Engineer from Nokia’s Multimedia Technologies Laboratory in Finland.
And finally, a word of warning about where all this is going. Professor John Buchanan, from the Carnegie Mellon Entertainment Technology Centre in Adelaide is concerned that while the technology for information delivery is changing dramatically, the chance to change what is being delivered may be missed.
John Buchanan: My primary challenge is that it’s easy to do the same thing again and again. It’s easy to turn these new technologies into delivery for what we already know. Now don’t get me wrong, I love story, I am a big consumer of linear media, I’m a great watcher of movies, I’m not a big fan of television. So I’m not saying that what we’ve done in the past is wrong, I’m simply saying that in addition to continuing to do what we’ve always done, let’s try to find new and innovative ways of using these technologies to provide different experiences other than simply the delivery of linear media.
Antony Funnell: Professor John Buchanan of the Entertainment Technology Centre in South Australia speaking with Gerald Tooth.
And that ends this week’s Media Report.
Thanks to the team of producer Andrew Davies and to our technical producer this week Costa Zouliou.
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I’m Antony Funnell, thanks for your company, I hope you can join me again next week for another edition of the Media Report here on ABC Radio National Summer.
Mark Ollila
Co-founder & non-executive Director of Telcogames.
Jennifer Wilson
Managing Director of HWW.
Neeraj Roy
Managing Director of Hungama Mobile.
Deb Polson
Creative Director at the Australasian CRC for Interaction Design.
Elina Koivisto
Research Engineer from Nokia’s Multimedia Technologies Laboratory
Professor John Buchanan
Entertainment Technology Centre in South Australia.
Antony Funnell
Andrew Davies
Thursday 8.30am
repeated 8pm
Presented by
Antony Funnell
See PDF files for lecture notes on subject.
1. Design-lecturenotes
2. Genre-lecturenotes
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