Relationships of training programs and Employee Job Satisfaction

Employee performance is related to various factors within the workplace.  This could include job satisfaction, knowledge, and management.  Training and performance, however, have a definite relationship.  Training programs could be the answer to a number of problems in an organization which relates to poor performance.

“Satisfaction with training and development is a major factor in decisions regarding people’s careers.  It is a factor that prospective employees evaluate in the job-hunting process.  It is cited in surveys as to why workers accept or decline jobs with certain employers and employees leave one employer for another.  A sample of workplace surveys shows the importance of workplace training from a variety of perspectives.  Ranstad’s 2001 North America Employment Review survey of twenty-six hundred American and Canadian employees found that 80 percent of respondents said receiving training that increases their skills and abilities was a key component of what they looked for in jobs.  Results of a 2000 survey of 271 network professionals conducted by Lucentcare showed that the most important factor in job satisfaction was the opportunity to learn new skills.  A 2001 Network Computing survey of fourteen hundred information technology (IT) professionals found that IT employees felt educational and training opportunities were critical in their job.  A survey of one thousand employees of Xerox’s European Business Service Centre found training and education were key priorities for staff. (The relationship between satisfaction with workplace training and overall job satisfaction., retrieved 14 April. 2011.)”

“Job training is defined as a set of planned activities on the part of an organization to increase the job knowledge and skills or to modify the attitudes and social behavior of its members in ways consistent with the goals of the organization and the requirements of the job.  Training is systematic development of the knowledge, skills, and expertise required by a person to effectively perform a given task or job.  Job satisfaction is how people feel about their jobs and different aspects of their jobs.  (The relationship between satisfaction with workplace training and overall job satisfaction., retrieved 14 April. 2011.)”  The definitions of job satisfaction and job training can be fused to form the word job training satisfaction which is how people feel about the aspects of job training they receive.

Training has an impact on employee performance.  “Training programs increase an employee’s job knowledge. An increase in job knowledge means that the employee will feel more comfortable doing his job and will perform at a high level.  Job satisfaction can come from feeling comfortable within the organization, job proficiency and even from the knowledge that an employee can work hard and get promoted. Training programs can contribute to all of these factors and lead to more satisfied employees who perform at exceptional levels.  Training employees about the organization, where each employee fits in the organization and how the organization fits into its overall industry creates innovation. In other words, employees who have a knowledge framework, delivered through training, are creative in solving problems, both in the short and long term.  When training programs are offered as a method to progress in one’s career, they also have an effect on how an employee performs. Employees who know they have a future with the organization are more likely to be high performers.  Effective training targets the gap between what is expected and what is currently being done. This human performance orientation, especially if delivered through training, makes an employee aware of her goals and how she will reach them.  (Relationship between training & employee performance.” A company’s training efforts have wide-reaching effects on its employees and on the organization.  The attitudes towards training and development are important pieces in the employees’ feelings about the job and organization.  “In spite of the amount of research done on organizational commitment, satisfaction, coaching, and employee development as individual or organizational outcomes, very little research has been done on relationships between organizational commitment, employee development, satisfaction with employee development and coaching.  Managers concerned with the level of job satisfaction among their employees may want to encourage more learning opportunities in the workplace. (The relationship between satisfaction with workplace training and overall job satisfaction., retrieved 14 April. 2011.)”


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