This essay utilized Sheffield’s hotels and restaurants as the model entities to review their present service quality management and how they dealt with critical situations. From the analysis, key trends in the service quality management were then identified, how it worked and its effectiveness in dealing with critical situations was ascertained. The paper then moved on to assess Sheffield’s service quality management strategies with regard to their suitability to critical situations, during which the internal capabilities of these service quality management in relation to the strategy being followed by most Sheffield hotels and restaurants were determined also. An overall analysis of the performance and effectiveness of the service quality management of Sheffield’s restaurants was also conducted through surveys among tourists / guests and interviews with staff members and managers to assess and compare the capabilities of Sheffield’s service quality management strategies in their restaurants with those of others. Gaps in the service quality management capabilities and restaurant environment were then identified.
Finally, several choices of strategies to improve the service quality management of Sheffield’s restaurants as effective means in critical situations were recommended and evaluated in terms of appropriateness to the issues reviewed, feasibility in carrying out the options and acceptability within the key stakeholders and decision makers. Several key implementation issues related to managing strategic change were also addressed as well.
A total of 60 visitors / tourists were used for the data gathering process. The participants were derived from 3 major hotels in Sheffield, composed of both males and females. For the purpose of gathering pertinent and reliable data, tourists of 30 years old and above were included in the sample. Of the 60 participants, the sample was divided equally according to three categories: age, gender and occupation. The respondents were equally divided according to the three categories as selected by the researcher. This was for the purpose of giving an equal representation of the respondents regarding the subject matter. Since the research could not afford for a much bigger sample due to time and budgetary constraints, the equal representation of respondents can represent the significant sample categories.
Food Quality
A greater number of respondents said that they had high expectations regarding the presentation of food that they will eat, and this was of high importance to them. Generally, the participants of the study evaluated the menu item variety that they were very important to them, and they also expected the menu items to be truly of great variety. They did not consider it a problem to easily choose among the food items detailed in the menu. The time that tourists spent to dine in these restaurants appeared to be reasonable.
Aside from the efficiency and timely delivery of restaurant service that are necessary among tourism policies, the quality of food is yet another factor with utmost significance. In order for the tourists and visitors to enjoy their stay, their needs and preferences should always be met. Hence, the food that they eat should also be of good taste and quality. Quality may be a broad term. But in connection to restaurants in Sheffield and the foods they serve, quality may mean that tourists are able to enjoy the types of food they want that are provided by the hotel restaurants of Sheffield. The prices of these foods must also be accurate and affordable.
Restaurant Service
A greater number of respondents said that they had high expectations regarding the staff’s friendliness and courteousness, and this was of high importance to them. Generally, the participants of the study evaluated that the attentiveness of the restaurant’s staff were very important to them, and they also expected the staff to be very attentive to their needs. They did not consider it a problem to easily interact among the restaurant’s staff. The time that tourists spent to dine in these restaurants appeared to be reasonable. Tourists are able to quickly feel at home when the restaurant’s staff is greeting them and accommodating their needs. As this survey revealed, restaurants in Sheffield was doing a relatively good job in making sure that their staff are very accommodating and respectful.
A greater number of respondents said that they had high expectations regarding the efficient services of the restaurants in Sheffield, and this was of high importance to them. Generally, the participants of the study evaluated that the willingness of the restaurant’s staff to serve them were very important to them, and they also expected the staff to be very attentive to their needs. They did not consider it a problem to easily interact among the restaurant’s staff. The time that tourists spent to dine in these restaurants appeared to be reasonable. Tourists are able to quickly feel at home when the restaurant’s staff has adequate food and beverage knowledge. As this survey revealed, restaurants in Sheffield was doing a relatively good job in making sure that their staff are very much knowledgeable about the food and beverages they offer. Also, a greater number of respondents said that they had high expectations regarding the staff’s ability to sympathetically handle the complaints of their customers.
Restaurant Atmosphere
Generally, the participants of the study evaluated that the level of comfort in the restaurant were very important to them, and they also expected the level of comfort to be very high. They did not consider it a problem to easily feel comfortable in the restaurants of Sheffield. The time that tourists spent to dine in these restaurants appeared to be reasonable. Tourists are able to quickly feel at home when the level of noise within the restaurant is very minimal. As this survey revealed, restaurants in Sheffield were doing a relatively good job in making sure that their restaurants’ environment had very minimal noise.
A greater number of respondents said that they had high expectations regarding the cleanliness of the restaurants in Sheffield where they will dine in. Generally, the participants of the study evaluated that dining privacy in the restaurant was very important to them, and they also expected that their privacy while dining would be respected. They did not consider it a problem to easily feel the dining privacy in the restaurants of Sheffield. The time that tourists spent to dine in these restaurants appeared to be reasonable.
Tourists are able to be quickly drawn to the restaurant when its appearance is very pleasing to their eyes. As this survey revealed, restaurants in Sheffield were doing a relatively good job in making sure that their restaurants’ environment were very attractive. Also, a greater number of respondents said that they had high expectations regarding the neat appearance of the restaurant’s staff.
Generally, the participants of the study praised the way that the staff handled the telephone reservations. This was very important to them, and they also expected that the staff would do the handling of telephone reservations very well. They did not consider it a problem to easily feel accommodated by politeness of the staff they were talking to.
Restaurant Qualities
Tourists are able to quickly feel comfortable when the restaurant offers a new dining experience. As this survey revealed, restaurants in Sheffield were doing a relatively good job in making sure that their restaurants’ regularly offered new and exciting dining experiences to their customers. Also, a greater number of respondents said that they had high expectations regarding the standards of the food in Sheffield’s restaurants. Generally, the participants of the study praised the way that the restaurants in Sheffield and their staff made it very comfortable for them to eat there. This was very important to them, and they also expected that the staff would do other things that would make the guests comfortable. They did not consider it a problem to easily feel accommodated by politeness of the staff that attended their needs.
Tourists are able to quickly feel comfortable when the restaurant offers services of consistent standards. As this survey revealed, restaurants in Sheffield were doing a relatively good job in making sure that their restaurants’ regularly offered services of consistent standards to their customers.
A total of 14 staff members were used for the data gathering process. The participants were derived from 3 major hotels in Sheffield, composed of both males and females. For the purpose of gathering pertinent and reliable data, staff members of 30 years old and above were included in the sample. Of the 14 participants, the sample was divided equally according to three categories: age, gender and job description. The respondents were equally divided according to the three categories as selected by the researcher. This was for the purpose of giving an equal representation of the respondents regarding the subject matter. Since the research could not afford for a much bigger sample due to time and budgetary constraints, the equal representation of respondents can represent the significant sample categories.
As most of the staff members of the study were from 3 different hotel restaurants in Sheffield, the way they perceived the practicality of their mission statement and set of standards appeared to be varied as well. Nevertheless, a greater number of the staff members said that their restaurant’s mission statement and set of standards were practical. Generally, the participants of the study evaluated that they did not feel inferior or pushed down when giving service to their restaurant’s clients. They did not consider it a problem to easily interact and entertain the needs of their customers.
Staff members of hotel restaurants are able to quickly feel elated and happy when the restaurant’s customers appreciate their service. As this survey revealed, staff members in the restaurants of Sheffield were confident that they were doing a relatively good job in making sure that their services were of high quality because from time to time they receive good feedbacks from their customers. Also, a greater number of the staff members said that they were fully aware of their restaurant’s service quality goals. Generally, the staff members evaluated that the superior member of their restaurants provided them extensive training on service quality. They did not consider it a problem to easily interact and learn from their superiors.
Staff members of hotel restaurants are able to quickly feel elated and happy when their superiors appreciate their service and even give them further advice and assistance. As this survey revealed, staff members in the restaurants of Sheffield were confident that they were doing a relatively good job in making sure that their services were of high quality because from time to time they receive advice and assistance from their superiors. Also, a greater number of the staff members said that they can make decisions about quality issues that directly affect their work.
Generally, the staff members evaluated that they view customer complaints not as threats but rather a feedback that will help them improve their work performance. They did not consider it a problem to receive complaints for as long as they are valid. Majority of the staff members of hotel restaurants interviewed also believed that quality should always be a priority in every aspect of their restaurant’s operations. As this survey revealed, staff members in the restaurants of Sheffield were confident that because of their strong belief on quality, they were always confident about doing a relatively good job in making sure that their services were of high quality. Also, a greater number of the staff members said that they were fully aware of the impact of response time to their customer’s attitude and behavior.
Most of the staff members evaluated that everyone at their restaurants received equal treatment when it comes to evaluation of job performance. They were not really worried about the fairness of their restaurant’s management. Majority of the staff members of hotel restaurants interviewed strongly affirmed that they talk about their restaurants favorably to other people. As this survey revealed, staff members in the restaurants of Sheffield were confident that because of their strong promotional strategies, they were always confident about doing a relatively good job in making sure that more and more customers will try out their restaurants. Also, a greater number of the staff members said that they always come to work on time.
A majority of the staff members evaluated that everyone at their restaurants always wore their uniforms correctly. They were really concerned about the importance of looking good and presentable to their customers. Most of the staff members of hotel restaurants interviewed strongly affirmed that they always shared ideas to improve the quality of service of their restaurants. As this survey revealed, staff members in the restaurants of Sheffield were thrilled that because they always shared their ideas for improvement, they were always confident about an excellent performance of their restaurants. Also, a greater number of the staff members said that attentiveness was indeed an important virtue.
Generally, the staff members evaluated that everyone at their restaurants aimed to provide efficient service. They were really concerned about the importance of looking to impress their customers with their high quality services. So in one way or another, providing efficient service was really important to them. Most of the staff members of hotel restaurants interviewed believed that greeting their customers and guests was always important. As this survey revealed, staff members in the restaurants of Sheffield were confident that because of their strong belief on being friendly and cordial with their customers and guests, they were always assured that their customers were always feeling comfortable dining in their restaurants. Also, a greater number of the staff members said that willingness to serve was indeed an important virtue.
A majority of the staff members evaluated that everyone at their restaurants valued the importance of adequate knowledge in food and beverages. They were really concerned about the importance of looking to impress their customers with their immense knowledge of food and beverages available in their restaurants. So in one way or another, providing knowledge of food and beverage was really important to them. Generally, the staff members of hotel restaurants interviewed believed that the ability to handle complaints was always important. As this survey revealed, staff members in the restaurants of Sheffield were confident that because of their strong belief on being able to handle the complaints of their customers and guests, they were always assured that their customers were always aiming to show their concerns on how to improve even more their restaurant’s operations. Also, a greater number of the staff members said that providing consistent service was indeed an important virtue.
Generally, the staff members evaluated that everyone at their restaurants valued the importance of following their own restaurant’s standards. They were really concerned about the importance of looking to impress their customers with their strict compliance of their restaurant’s standards. So in one way or another, following restaurant standards was really important to them. Majority of the staff members of hotel restaurants interviewed believed that being well groomed was always important. As this survey revealed, staff members in the restaurants of Sheffield were confident that because of their strong belief on being well groomed, they were always assured that their customers were always impressed by how they appeared before them. Also, a greater number of the staff members said that following up of set personal hygiene standards was indeed an important virtue.
Majority the staff members evaluated that everyone at their restaurants especially their management valued the importance of staff training. They were really concerned about the importance of their staff being trained to always give quality service to their customers. So in one way or another, staff training was really important to them. Most of the staff members of hotel restaurants interviewed believed that customer / guest feedback was always important. As this survey revealed, staff members in the restaurants of Sheffield were confident that because of their strong belief on getting feedbacks from their customers and guests, they were always assured that their services were always of great quality. Also, a greater number of the staff members said that punctuality at work was indeed an important virtue.
Generally, the staff members evaluated that everyone at their restaurants valued the importance of sharing ideas. They were really concerned about the importance of sharing ideas that will further cause the improvement of the operations and services of their restaurants. So in one way or another, sharing ideas was really important to them. Majority of the staff members of hotel restaurants interviewed believed that up-selling was always important. As this survey revealed, staff members in the restaurants of Sheffield were confident that because of their strong belief on up-selling, they were always assured that their services were always of great quality.
The three (3) managers that were interviewed were in unison that “service quality” for them was the degree of efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of the policies and tasks necessary to satisfy their restaurant’s customers and employees. They agreed that their staff members were well aware of their restaurant’s service quality goals. They also guaranteed that their restaurant’s staff members had to be always efficient and flexible. Without these factors, it would be very difficult for them to compete and be effective in their responsibilities. Because of their staff members’ constant participation in staff training programs, their capabilities became fully enhanced in congruence with their need to become effective and competitive. The end result was that their staff members were able to evolve and expand their expertise.
The three (3) managers that were interviewed were in unison that the occurrence of customer feedbacks, whether good or bad, reflected the growing difficulty in the management of their restaurants. For the managers, customer feedbacks meant that there were still ways to improve the use of valuable resources in their restaurants such as money, materials, equipments, and people. Customer feedbacks help them in determining the most effective ways to coordinate these resources. They agreed that following up personal hygiene & grooming among staff would definitely help to maintain standards. They added that the way their staff and the managers themselves appeared in the face of their customers had a direct relation to the type of service being offered by their restaurants.
Only one out of three managers that were interviewed was confident enough to say that his restaurant provided all the modern equipments necessary to deliver excellent service. The other two managers, on the other hand, cited low budget as the main hindrance in not being able to purchase the modern equipments necessary for their restaurants to deliver excellent service. The manager that mentioned his restaurant having all the necessary modern equipments to deliver excellent service confidently said that his restaurant offered a level 5 in terms of providing comfort to their guests and customers. The other two managers, on the other hand, rated their restaurants as being able to provide a level 3 of comfort to their guests and customers. Nevertheless, even if there were service deficiencies admitted by two out of three managers, still all of them were in unison to say that their guests and customers were getting quality service worth of the money they’re spending. The manager that mentioned his restaurant being able to provide a level 5 of comfort stated that staff training was the field that required more attention and development. The other two managers, on the other hand, mentioned that adding modern equipments would be the focus of their attention in order to provide better service to their customers.
The three (3) managers that were interviewed were in unison that time to time briefing and de-briefing do help their respective staff members in providing better service to their guests and customers. In fact, their staff members were even thankful to them for correcting their mistakes and being patient to them as they learn the ins and outs of the restaurant’s operations. They agreed that they and their staff members equally contribute in solving problems and complaints of their customers. The managers emphasized the need for a health communication and interaction process between them and their respective staff members in order to establish a harmonious working environment. And they also added that when both parties cooperate in solving problems and complaints, these seemingly tedious tasks become easily solved. They also guaranteed that their guests and customers always had a good overall impression about their restaurants and services they offered. This was in spite of the fact that they have received a number of complaints from their customers from the past. But the three managers argued that these complaints were only minor in nature and were always immediately acted upon by their respective staff members.
Only one manager was confident enough to say that his restaurant was able to give an overall service level of 5. He cited that his restaurant had the modern facilities and well-trained staff members to boast for. The other two managers, on the other hand, rated the overall service being provided by their restaurants to level 3. But they said that once they were able to acquire the modern facilities they needed to improve their restaurants’ operations, then the level will definitely go up to level 5. Nevertheless, the three (3) managers that were interviewed were in unison that staff training was the main support they were providing their staff members in providing efficient restaurant services to their hotels. Aside from these, the staff members were also getting various incentives for good performance as well as a reasonable salary.
The author all in all personally visited three (3) restaurants in Sheffield. On the first restaurant, the atmosphere was overwhelmingly beautiful and exhilarating. The environment outside the restaurant was very colorful, surrounded by numerous flowers and ornamental plants. The security personnel were courteous enough to greet the author upon entering the restaurant and that set the tone for a great stay. Upon the author’s entry to the restaurant, several musicians seemed like serenaded the author with classical music that really made the author feel very relaxed and comfortable. It didn’t take long before a restaurant staff flashed her smile upon the author and asked for the author’s order. As the author glanced over the menu list, the author noticed the variety of meals that the restaurant offered, and with reasonable prices for a visitor like the author. After the author made the order, it only took around 10 minutes before the meal got served. The author was surprised because while waiting the author was still glued to a television set in the restaurant watching a great movie. Anyway, from the appearance alone, the food looked tasty on the eyes of the author. And the food really tasted great. Truly, the money that the author spent was worth it. And when it was time for the author to say goodbye, the musicians had one last parting piece. The author bade goodbye and thanked the restaurant’s staff for a wonderful stay.
Meanwhile, the author’s experiences over the other two (2) restaurants in Sheffield were quite the same. While the environment outside of the two restaurants was not as appealing as the first restaurant that the author visited, these 2 restaurants had their own gimmicks after all. While it was obvious that these 2 restaurants didn’t have the modern facilities that would have significantly improved the service quality of these 2 restaurants, they made it up through other gimmicks such as the presence of extremely entertaining and fun filled activities for the guests / visitors of the restaurants as well as an eat all you can promo for a certain affordable price. These gimmicks were the two restaurant’s solution to somehow make up for the lack of modern facilities. The author as well as the guests in fairness truly enjoyed staying at these two restaurants.
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