
2:07 PM Bibliography



TASK 1: Modes of Enquiry

A. Introduction

            Accordingly, a system is considered as a set of elements which are connected or interrelated with each other. In analysing the element of a system, such as Information System, the modes of enquiry are used. Basically, modes of Enquiry is divided into three categories, the simple (inductive-consensual and analytic deductive), complex (dialectic and multiple realities) and innovative (unbounded systems thinking).   These modes enable us to break a certain system down into smaller sub-system and focus on how each of these sub-systems became an important factor for achieving the goal of the system. Base on a real world scenario each modes of enquiry system will be analysed in terms of their strengths and weaknesses.  As mentioned, modes of enquiry includes inductive consensual, analytic deductive, dialectic, multiple realities and unbounded systems thinking.



            Inductive-Consensual mode of enquiry is an approach that enables us to have an outcome based on a limited set of observations. With these formulated observations, only one conclusion must be considered.  In this method, there are three kinds of analysis that may be used: analogous, historical or multiple independently sourced.  Herein, the decision maker must first formulate a problem, after which, a set of observations or plausible solutions can be provided. 

In decision making process inductive-consensual may be useful in many ways.  One of the optimistic attributes of this mode of enquiry is it enables the decision maker to determine a concise observations relevant to the given situation or problems. With these observations, the management or the decision maker may be able to concentrate on the formulated observations. In addition, by merely evaluating each observation, the decision-maker can easily identify which observation will definitely topped the other. Furthermore, inductive-consensual is also a tool which can easily be used because of its simple approach for decision-making process. With this, the most effective solution or observation can easily be noticed and the management can decide easily.

Although, inductive-consensual has many advantages, there are also some characteristics of this mode of enquiry which can consider as its weakness. Since, the observations are limited only to the decision-maker perceptions; other factors might not be included to be assessed or evaluated.  Hence, this can be seen as one of the failure of inductive-consensual approach.  In addition, another disadvantage of using this mode of enquiry is that, the decision-maker may have a tendency to choose a certain observation without any justifications. In this manner, this may result to create bigger and complicated problems. This only implies, that the use of inductive-consensual will not be successful if the decision-maker will not be able to gather as much evidences needed to justify each observations.



            Analytic-Deductive is one a mode of enquiry which views the world as formula. This enquiry often highlights logical consistency. This method believed that everything leads only to one answer, i.e. the truth. The main attribute of this method is its ability to break down the issues into different part through reductionism, which is helpful in identifying a plausible solution. This enquiry attempts to analyse the issue base on the categorise part, to be able to get some insightful details and solution parts by parts.

             The use of numerical computations or mathematical formula for the analytic-deductive mode of enquiry makes this method an organized and standardized one. Compared to the inductive-consensual method, this is less subjective as figures or values are used to analyse the problem, making the derivation of the conclusion easier as well as more objective. Inaccuracy due to errors is also less to occur as the results are basically dependent on the formula used. An analysis supported by figures is easier as well as more credible. Through the use of a mathematical formula, the decision-maker or the problem solver could presume the preciseness and correctness of the answer or conclusion.

Mathematical formulas are not as flexible when applied to different issues or problems in various fields, such as within the business sector. It is difficult to find the right formula for specific issues; thus, the analytical-deductive method may not be used as effectively in other cases. Moreover, the accuracy and correctness of the conclusion derived from the computation is dependent of the efficiency of the person who solved it. While subjectivity can be reduced by using this method, human error committed during the computation is still likely to take place. Aside from errors in computation, error in mathematical formula selection can also happen. These possibilities can greatly affect the outcome of the analysis as these errors will render the conclusion incorrect or inaccurate.


Multiple Realities

            Multiple Realities is another mode of enquiry used in decision-making process. This mode of enquiry is somewhat similar to inductive consensual and analytic-deductive inquiry system.  However, in this mode of enquiry, the information or data used are more complex and needs more strategic ways to arrived at a certain solution. In addition, the multiple realties approach does not only adhere to the determination of a specific solution or outcome.  This is because, multiple realities, focuses on representing problems in a broader and wider perspectives. In this manner, the management or the decision maker, will become more involved to the decision-making process and may have more factors to choose from.

Compared to other methods of enquiry, multiple realities involve fewer limitations. For instance, the factors for assessment using multiple realities are not limited to a certain number. Thus, all facets, issues and solutions related to the model or problem can be included in the analysis. Through this, the development of the analogy is more accurate in the sense that all factors are considered. The decision-maker could also easily create a holistic view of the problem. Bias is also less likely to occur. As there are no mathematical formulas or computations involved, the decision-maker could easily start on analysing the issue or model. The multiple realities allow the decision-maker to predict possible problems or solutions related to the model or issue; hence, this mode of enquiry prepares the business for the future.

 One of the guarantors of the multiple reality mode of enquiry is hope. This means that the outcome of the analysis is largely dependent on the perspective, abilities and interpretations of the decision-maker. In a way, the instinct of the decision-maker is the major outcome dictator of this method. The problem on subjectivity and bias become major drawbacks of multiple realities. The responsibility and strain of the analysis is place mainly on the hands of decision-maker, making the development of a conclusion more difficult and tedious.



As mentioned above, another mode of enquiry used in decision-making process is the dialectic approach. This enquiry system is used not for setting data, observations or issues but is used to give emphasis on the differences traditional and typical assumptions. In addition, this system may also provide different perspective for a common data which can be useful for having a smooth and progressive decision making process. For example, in terms of using the internet in banking industries, with the use of dialectic approach, the decision-maker may use some conflict factors in order to have a new truth for the issue.  By determining two contradicting, polarized standpoints and about internet banking (2002) the management can efficiently select the best options.  In addition, this can help the management to anticipate plausible outcome or impact caused by the application of this information technology (internet) to business.  The following table shows the analysis o fusing internet in banking industry through the dialectic inquiry system.

It can be said that one of the advantages if using dialectic approach in decision making process is in line with the conflict issues provided in the enquiry. With this approach, the management or the decision-maker may be able to see two opposing standpoints for a certain issue. With the use of contradicting views, the one who will make the decision may critically analyse if the integration of information technology with a business strategy can be helpful or not to boost the performance of the business. Through the conflict guarantor included in this enquiry, the decision-maker can easily evaluate certain factors and even anticipate other plausible results that internet may provide. In addition, new ideas may be derived from these conflicting or contradicting factors. Hence, the dialectic enquiry system is beneficial, since it enables the decision-maker to become open-minded and decide critically on certain options. In terms of the internet, the objective, benefits and other issues are given emphasis in the dialectic approach. Dialectic approach is useful, specifically in trying to determine the possibility and effect of applying internet to banking industry.

One of the consequences of using dialectic approach is in line with the challenges that the opposing views may bring. In the business sector, most of the management perceive that they must stick to the traditional issues concerning changes in strategies.  Hence, the decision maker should see to it that he or she has supporting evidences to efficiently show the management of the organization, other possible outcomes or views. In addition, decision-maker might also faced problems in terms of justifying his or her conception, thus making the result of the dialectic approach unreliable.

Unbounded Systems Thinking

            The Unbounded Systems Thinking enables the decision-maker to be involved in all disciplines and context to come up with the most appropriate actions, solutions or conclusions.  In addition, this mode of enquiry enables the management of the decision-maker to choose what he or she thinks would be the most effective and appropriate enquiry system to utilise for a certain issue. In addition, the decision-maker is not restricted to constraints to a certain idea; rather, he or she can provide infinite factors and issues about the given data.  In line with the use of internet, the unbounded system thinking is useful since the internet itself offers different challenges and conception which must be given enough consideration to have a successful outcome.

B. Choice of Mode of Enquiry

The Unbounded Systems Thinking (UST) seems to be the best among the modes of enquiry since it considers all the elements that can possibly affect the output. Using UST will provide more valid building blocks of knowledge since there are many possible sources of knowledge. However, UST requires in-depth analysis elements affecting the system and as the term systems thinking implies, this mode of enquiry looks at the system as a whole, that is the interrelatedness of the elements comprising the system.

            The following sections use the Unbounded Systems Thinking mode of enquiry to discuss the strategic IT integration of Curbishley Royal Hospital. This mode of enquiry is used because the hospital moves in a global market wherein the strategies that they formulate are affected mostly by its external environment, especially the IT strategies which are driven primarily by technologies.


TASK 2: External Environment


The external environment of Curbishley Royal Hospital plays an important role in the IT strategic decision-making of the hospital. External environment has impact on the IT strategies of every hospital since they are parts of the system called macro-environment. Unlike the microenvironment (internal environment), macro-environment includes factors that are uncontrollable by the hospital such as the political trends, demographics, economics or business conditions, social and technological trends. Since Curbishley Royal Hospital moves in a macro-environment, its strategic planning must involve the use of quality sources of reference to determine the interconnectedness and impact of the factors mentioned in the IT strategies of the hospital.

Socio-Political Factor

Curbishley Royal Hospital and other medical institutions are affected by government rules and regulations which were created to ensure that quality and safe health services are being provided. This means that the implementation of IT in Curbishley Royal Hospital should meet the quality standards set by the government. Safety standards should also be considered when integrating IT as well as environmental protection standards such as.

Social factors that influence the strategic IT of Curbishley Royal Hospital include the people’s demands for improved services such as fast, user-friendly computers, processing systems and other social perceptions. People also want convenience in using hospital services as well as excellent customer service which might include customized services.  Some patients also want to know as much information about the diseases, the medicines and the benefits they can get so they demand for available information especially now that the use of the internet is very rampant.

Technological Factors

Technology affects the IT strategic decision making of Curbishley Royal Hospital in various ways. First, due to the shorter life cycle of different technological products today such as computer, laptop, robots and automation products, hospitals are hesitant to engage in technological innovation. Technology also allows Curbishley Royal Hospital to enhance customer service with its website. The Internet is also a way of acquiring customer information.

Quality Sources of Reference


In this report, the quality sources of reference will be used to analyse the impacts of IT on Curbishley Royal. Through the quality sources of reference, diverse positions over a common issue can facilitate the decision-making of Curbishley Royal, in terms of applying the IT strategy for example. The quality sources of reference basically use the conflict factor so as to bring a new truth to the surface. By witnessing two polarized views on IT, business operators can effectively weigh their options as well as help them foresee possible results or effects caused by the application of this IT strategy. Below is a table analysing IT issues by means of the quality sources of reference.








1. How does IT affect the hospital industry? 





IT may provide multiple benefits for the  hospital industry, which includes but are not limited to customer relations, increased profitability and enhanced customer relations




The use of IT in hospitals can provide a number challenges to the, including the costs of installation, system breakdown and depreciation, professional expertise assistance and the universal business requirements effectively apply IT.



2. What are the Requirements needed to apply IT?



Information System and Technology can be used to ensure the successful application of the hospital strategy.




There is a need for the integration of different strategies in order to utilise IT successfully in the hospitals. These include training, monitoring and constant evaluation of the implementation of this IT.


3. What skills are needed to implement IT?



Technical and professional skills are the  important abilities for the implementation of IT




Management, operating and monitoring skills are vital to implement IT effectively. All these skills must be supported by training activities.


4. What are the bases of implementing IT?



The need to adapt to the changing

customer trends is the sole basis

of hospitals for applying the IT strategy into their operations




Changes in the economy encouraged hospitals to develop strategies that will promote good customer relation and to develop a group of fixed clientele.


5. What is the role of IT in the hospitals?



IT is vital in ensuring that the hospital services adhere to the needs of the target market.



IT is applied for the purpose of enhancing good customer relations and to satisfy the customers from them to become loyal in the hospital. 


6. What role do hospital workers have on utilising the IT as a strategy?





Hospital workers with IT background or skills are very important in the application of the IT. They can play the role of operators and evaluators of the strategy.  




All accountabilities for IT application must involve the hospital employees and staffs. Hospital personnel with no IT background must be trained to optimize the impact of the IT strategy. Role distribution is important to maximise the employee’s IT capabilities.



TASK 3: Impact on IT Strategy

            When Curbishley Royal Hospital decides to integrate IT as part of their strategy, the next important thing to consider is to have a strategic plan. The IT system designing process can have an effect on the application of a certain system. In this manner, consequences may follow which should be given attention by the management.  In this section, the focus will be on the possible problems related to IT application. The effect of these problems on IT design processes and the possible negative impact of the consequences will be identified.






Consequence Analysis Table:

IT Issue

Effect on Staff and Patients

Negative Consequence Analysis


1. Lack of technical assistance from

professional expertise



-       The lack of professional help may result to project failure and inefficient project implementation, leading to unsatisfied patients and staff




-       This issue will cause significant wastes in effort, time and resources;

-       Failed project can have a significant effect on the staff and patient’s morale which may affect their works.


2. Problems between IT strategy and organizational culture



The contradicting relations between the strategy and the hospital culture can affect the IT process particularly its implementation. If this issue will not be solved, it could lead to removal of existing and tested hospital staff and the patient’s loss of confidence.


- the removal of some existing and tested hospital people and the patient’s loss of confidence due to unmatched strategy and culture can lead to significant losses, such as  profit. Resources invested on the strategy will also be put to waste. 



3. Insufficient Evaluation of the

the IT’s outcome






- The lack of proper project control and monitoring can also lead to project failure. Therefore, no patient or staff will feel the effects/benefits expected out of the project.




- Inadequate maximization of the beneficial effects of the IT strategy can cause delayed recovery of investment allotted for the project. The total failure of the project due can cause the loss of trust among patients and staff.



TASK 4: Key Issues

            To be able to efficiently initiate such IT integration activity, it is important that Curbishley Royal Hospital should establish a strategic planning.

Although the IT development acquired by Curbishley Royal Hospital can greatly influence the hospital’s success in providing a system that would help them in the operations expansion, this may also provide different risk to the hospital.  This enters the importance of risk management, which is accordingly progressively becoming an integral part of governmental and political and business thinking in societies nowadays.

The course of action undertaken to analyse and address risk is known as risk management, which has three major procedures: assessment, the phase wherein risks are analysed for their potential impact on objectives; the mitigation phase, which creates action plans to reduce risk; and contingency, or plans that arise in order to counteract or compensate for the consequences of failure of the risk mitigation plans (2000). Risk, on the other hand, is when an outcome may or may not occur, but where its probability of occurring is known.

In line with the development in terms of IT application in Curbishley Royal Hospital, it is important that the hospital would be able to know the possible risks that they may encounter and utilise risk management properly so that they may not encounter failure for the IT project that they implement.  It cannot be denied that changes, particularly in relation to IT attract different risks before, during and after its implementation. These risks are attributed as the main reason why changes can be successful or just a failure.  These will lead into failure if the management of Curbishley Royal Hospital does not employ solutions to avoid or totally prevent such risks and it will lead to success if such risks will be given enough attention and proper solution. Thus, the managers need to have the necessary abilities not only in detecting what risks to be prevented but also how to totally manage such risks effectively. The development of the this new information system have been implemented for making the flow of information run smoothly, and to make the sustain the competitive advantage of the hospital as the organisation forecasts to expand in the future. With the development and project management process implemented by Curbishley Royal Hospital, there are certain risks that the organisation might encounter.

TASK 5: Mode of Enquiry Critique

One of the consequences of using this approach is that the decision-maker may use factors which may be irrelevant to the issue given. In this manner, problems in having more conflicting issues may provide difficulties for the decision maker to efficiently decide on the problem or issues. In addition, with too many options developed with this system, the decision-maker will not be able to critically analyse each which may affect the decision to be made.

CONCLUSION: IT in the Next Five Years

As mentioned, the only constant in this world is change, and information technology development is the one which are more affected by these changes. In the next five years, the emerging information system and technology that may affect the application of information system in hospitals may include internet applications and virtual teaming. The increasing competition among hospitals forces them to develop new technology and tools to help them to stay competitive or even survive in the market and to serve the changing demand of their customers.  Internet is an example of the latest significant technology, considered a revolution in hospitals. The use of internet in hospitals has emerged for at least two crucial reasons. Firstly, it serves as a new alternative channel other than traditional branch network for customers to contact hospitals. Nowadays, more and more customers, especially younger ones who are quicker to accept new technology, are accessing Internet to transact their financial affairs. These on-line customers demand even more control over their personal finances and value “anytime, anyplace, any where” customized access to financial services ( 1999).

In conclusion, the application of new systems in Curbishley Royal Hospital, such as information systems and technology, is particularly important to the modern times. At present, hospitals must actively identify the different alternatives that can be applied to their operations so as to become successful. As customers are vital to the hospitals, certain strategies must be applied in order to improve existing customer relations. IT as a strategy for hospital improvement involves a number of processes, of which technology plays a significant role. In order to apply this successfully and effectively (2003), analytical techniques must be utilized in order to assess the various features related to IT. Through these techniques, business operators will be able to identify problem areas in advance and develop options that will resolve them.






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