
2:07 PM Bibliography

eLibrary System

1. Introduction and Background

            Libraries are becoming increasingly automated in many Further Education Colleges installed in its Library management system for the past 10 years. Most previous system was UNIX based running over a network. Although it rarely failed when things did not go according to plan, it still had limited technical functions. What seemed new and innovative back then, although still robust and reliable, looked outdated by the start of a new Millennium. It was time for a major re-think!

            I have one in mind! Something to contribute to the world: the eLibrary System. eLibrary System or eLS, is a library and research center automation system which provides 24×7 access to online collection of books, journals, magazine and newspaper articles in the humanities and social sciences. To compliment the library, eLS offer a range of search, note-taking, and writing tools. These tools help readers locate the most relevant information on their topics quickly, quote and cite.

            eLS provides a comprehensive research environment to meet readers’ academic needs. Regarding the selection and appraisal of a printed literature, the library and information community offers a set of effective methods and standards.

           The extensive use of information technology improved the efficiency in delivering library services, enhance and speed up access to the library collections and optimize use of available staff resources. Through the Online Public Access, Internet facilities and multimedia terminals, information in electronic and multimedia formats has fast become an integral part of the library’s resources. Remote access to library services including web renewal service, online reservation service and email enquiry service gives the public greater convenience and faster than Traditional Library System.

            The Online Public Access enables searching the entire collections of Libraries. In addition to a wide range of search options, such as author, title, subject etc.

            In contrast, there are no national or international standards yet for the selection and appraisal of Internet resources due to their evolving nature and complex characteristics. For libraries, when selecting Internet resources, they should not only take into account the serviceability and relevance of those resources to the library goals and missions, but also cost, technology, and compatibility to existent information resources.

 2. System Overview

            eLS has a rich and scholarly content selected by professional collection development librarians that is not available elsewhere on the Internet. Undergraduate, high school, graduate students, and Internet users of all ages have found eLS to be an invaluable online resource. Anyone doing research or just interested in topics that touch on the humanities and social sciences will find titles of interest in eLS.

            Like what I’ve mentioned in the previous section, there are still no national or international standards yet for the selection and appraisal of Internet resources. However, eLS wants to advocate nine standards: information accuracy, the authority of information publisher, the breadth and depth of information, the reliability and efficiency of hyperlinks on main page, the quality of layout  and design, whether the information is in time, who is in the audience of information, the originality of information, and, the operation capability of main page.

            eLS is available by searching books, journal, magazine and newspaper articles in the collection. Users can read every title cover to cover. Users may choose at the start to narrow search only to books, audio-visual materials, some other categories or materials.  From the systems, we recognize instantly whether the item status which is available on the shelf, on loan, or being reserved.  For example, we wish to know library related activities that are being held or forthcoming; or wish to check own borrowing record, like how many books have been borrowed or overdue etc., simply follow the menu options via eLibrary system.  

            2.1 System Requirements

                        I have found four sites that are similar in nature to what is expected here.

Questia – The Online Library of Books and Journals. Questia offers the following: the world’s largest online collection of complete books, journals and articles, searchable by word, phrase, title, author, or subject; Scholarly, high-quality books and journal articles from over 250 acclaimed publishers in the humanities and social sciences; Unlimited use of the books and articles in the collection no matter how many others are reading the same materials;  Tools to write notes in the margins and highlight passages as if you were working with actual physical books; Easy-to-use tools to create footnotes and bibliographies; Hyperlinking of footnotes and bibliographies across titles for instant access to other related titles; State-of-the-art customer service; and, Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

CEEOL – Central and Eastern European Online Library . C.E.E.O.L. is an online archive which provides access to full text PDF articles from 255 humanities and social science journals, electronic books and re-digitized documents pertaining to Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European topics. – The Online Literature Library <>. Literature. Org states that: “on this site you will find the full and unabridged texts of classic works of English literature. Fiction from authors like Lewis Carroll, the Bronte sisters (Anne, Charlotte and Emily), Jack London, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens and many others, and classic scientific works from Charles Darwin and Rene Descartes.”

Free Online Library – Classic books by famous authors online

            I will compare the site mentioned in pairs. Questia and CEEOL libraries were pretty much the same when it comes to the subject they offer. Both sites offers books, journal, magazine and newspaper articles in humanities and social sciences. Also, both sites requires their users to subscribe and pay for the materials that are to be seen. Not bad actually. It is a good business.

            What differed between the two was the scope of area. CEEOL offers its materials from Central and Eastern Europe origin. Topics in humanities and social sciences are also concentrated in the same area. Unlike with Questia, CEEOL is more limited. To rate these two, Questia is more preferable.

            On the other hand, and Free Online Library are also the same in their materials offered. Both sites offers books that are written by famous classical authors and are rather concentrated on literary matters. The drawback is that both sites does not even require their users to cite their works at all. This is a huge issue in the academic world as it leads to Plagiarism. Statistics from established universities show that at least 30 percent of scholarly and academic papers are complete or partly copied from the Internet


            2.2 . System Scope According to the requirements collected

                        From what I observed from the sites that I have visited, the usual function visible and most useful is the Search function. There are many functions that I have come up for eLS. I will explain them as follows:

a.    Member Features Search System – perform searching for author, subject, keyword, title, or etc.

User Level Management – allows librarian to add, modify, and remove the user information. There are some user classes for the system: like Guest, Library Staff, Faculty, and so on.

b.    Book Features Category Management – allows librarian to add, modify, and remove category from library resource database. Book Management – allows librarian to add, modify, and remove books from library resource database. c.    Book Borrow & Return Check in Features Booking Management – allows user to reserve library resource items. Borrow / Return Check In – allows librarian to check-in, check-out, and renew library resource items. d.    Report Features

Book Borrow / Return Analysis Report – view information about the real-time analysis report.

Book Borrow / Return History Report – view information about the history report.

Member Report – view information about the members.

e.    Miscellaneous Features Site Information – provide a simple site map and let people easy to access.

3. System Modelling

            After discussing the functions that I’ll be needing for the system. I could now design a prototype model. I have to site some factors first that needs to contribute to the system.

           Since the system requires login for subscribers, these button should be prioritized in the first page. What should be initially visible is the log in area. However, let us not forget that we should advertise our own site. Therefore, to attract others that are visiting the site, an optional button for viewing free partial book views are to be provided. The Home page would be very minimal. Containing only the basic buttons for log in, log out, free book view and register. Though minimal, it is one of the most complex pages in the system. Upon entry, the system has to identify if the current user is either an administrator or not. Certain features as required are not available for subscriber use. Of course.

             (2004) suggests that webmasters must ask themselves the fundamental question: “Will they come if I build it? “

            He further explains that whether you’re a business person, a school district, a school, a classroom teacher, a home user, or whoever you may be, the important questions remains the same. According more to him, one of the principal ways to make sure that people would visit your site is to make your content interesting and easily accessible. I guess I won’t have to worry about that. Books are very important to everyone. Whoever a person may be, books play an important role in his / her life. Content wouldn’t be a problem for me.

            In 2004, a study conducted by Forrester Research (), examined the reasons on why people find a site interesting. Forrester Research is “an information technology market research firm in Cambridge, Massachusetts”

            Forrester have found what people valued most in websites were: “contents that were searched through straight paths, proper labeling of menus and good search. Also according to the research, people least look for personalization of content and personalization of interface.”

            Nilesen says websites today are “poorly designed”. He futher explained that “Web surfers are impatient. Surfers typically have short attention spans. If they don’t find what they’re looking for quickly, another site is only a few clicks away.” Forrester’s findings are also in line with the advice offered by Andrew King, president of the consulting firm Web Site Optimization () of Ann Arbor, Michigan, in his book Speed up Your Site: Web Site Optimization. (2004)

            Here are some tips from the expert for a more appealing website:

            “When designing a site, you should think about how you access websites yourself, as well as how you browse and read newspapers and magazines. Surfers should know almost immediately upon accessing your site why they should stick around, what’s in it for them. Instead of relying strictly on fancy graphics and animations, which often just slow surfers down, you should use meaningful headlines, subheads, and menus and other links. Headlines, links, and similar labeling text are better when clear than merely clever. If your site consists of more than a few pages, provide a site map or index that displays all the interior links for those who want to get their bearings from the outset. Providing navigational buttons to the site’s major sections at the bottom or edge of internal pages helps surfers stay oriented. An internal search engine lets surfers home in on just what they’re after. It’s usually better to keep text brief, depending on its nature, breaking up long passages into multiple pages. Many surfers won’t scroll down, focusing instead on the first screen of text. If your text is longer than one screen, use the inverted pyramid style of newspaper writing, putting your most important information first and later elaborating. But don’t hesitate to tell the whole story. The Web makes in-depth elaboration possible by having fewer space restrictions than any other medium. Surfers will feel cheated if you leave out important information. Because some surfers use dial-up modems, it often makes sense to provide small versions of photos, which will load quickly, with links to larger, slower-loading photos for surfers who want more detail. The JPEG file format typically works best with photos. With buttons, logos, drawings, diagrams, and cartoons, either the GIF or newer PNG format is typically faster loading than JPEG. PNG uses a more efficient compression algorithm” (Goldsborough, 2004)

            For a quality content website on the other hand, the following are suggested:

            “Creating high-quality content for a website can be no less challenging than creating a professionally done brochure, user manual, annual report, or television commercial. If you don’t have the time or talent in-house to create content, you can farm the job out to a freelance writer, independent site developer, Web design shop, technology consulting firm, interactive agency, or conventional advertising or public relations agency. Jupitermedia’s List of Web Designers ( lets you search for Web designers according to the types of the services they provide or their geographic location. Finally, periodically reevaluate the quality of your content. Make sure the information is still current, accurate, and complete. Test links, both internal and external, to erasure they’re still working.” ( 2004)

            The bottom line: People seek substance over style, usefulness over flash. They want to get what they want quickly.

4. System Architecture

Major Applications

            ASP.NET. is a set of  web application development technologies marketed by Microsoft. Programmers can use it to build dynamic web sites, web applications and XML web services. It is part of Microsoft’s .NET platform and is the successor to Microsoft’s Active Server Pages (ASP) technology.

                        Among the advantages of using ASP.NET are: “(a) more design-time errors trapped at the development stage and as a result, applications run faster because of complied code. (b) run-time error handling, making use of exceptions and try-catch blocks are significantly improved. (c) Menus are templates that are commonly used which is allowed by User-defined controls. (d) Windows applications are now possible such as controls and events, which make development of rich user interfaces. (e) Rapid building of applications is allowed by an extensive set of controls and class libraries. (f) Web pages are allowed to be coded in VB.NET, C#, J#, etc. because ASP.NET leverages the multi-language capabilities of the .NET CLR. (g) ability to use the “code-behind” development model to separate business logic from presentation. (h) If an ASP.NET application leaks memory, the ASP.NET runtime unloads the AppDomain hosting the erring application and reloads the application in a new AppDomain. (i) Session state in ASP.NET can be saved in a SQL Server database or in a separate process running on the same machine as the web server or on a different machine. That way session values are not lost when the web server is reset or the ASP.NET worker process is recycled. (j) Previous versions of ASP.NET were criticized for their lack of standards compliance. The generated HTML and JavaScript sent to the client browser would not always validate against W3C/ECMA standards. In addition, the framework’s browser detection feature sometimes incorrectly identified web browsers other than Microsoft’s own Internet Explorer as “downlevel” and returned HTML/JavaScript to these clients that was crippled or broken. However, in version 2.0, all controls generate valid HTML 4.0, XHTML 1.0 (the default) or XHTML 1.1 output, depending on the site configuration. Detection of standards-compliant web browsers is more robust and support for Cascading Style Sheets is more extensive. Lastly, (k) ASP.NET produces markup that passes W3C validation, but it is debatable as to whether this increases accessibility, one of the benefits of a semantic xhtml page + css representation. Several controls use html tables for layout by default. Microsoft have now gone some way to solve this problem by releasing Asp.NET 2.0 CSS Control Adapters, a free add-on that produces compliant accessible xhtml+css markup” (source:

            SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) produced by Microsoft. Its primary query language is Transact-SQL, an implementation of the ANSI/ISO standard Structured Query Language (SQL) used by both Microsoft and Sybase. SQL Server is commonly used by businesses for small- to medium-sized databases, but the past five years have seen greater adoption of the product for larger enterprise databases ().

            Like what has been said in  (2003) agrees that the use of Microsoft’s SQL Server database has grown dramatically over the past few years. She mentions that the improvements in the application have made it a viable option for many organizations, providing much of the same functionality as Oracle on mid-range applications and costing quite a bit less. Microsoft has also developed MSDE, a desktop edition of SQL server that is free to use. Many products use this as their database. MSDE is just a stripped-down version of SQL Server; it limits the number of allowed connections and the size of the database (2GB). Microsoft’s SQL Server uses the SA account for administration, which has super user access to the server and no password by default. If you do not delete this account or give it a strong password, your data is available to anyone with a little SQL Server knowledge. SQL Server also supports its own authentication scheme or Windows login account. Many applications require the server to run in mixed mode-that is, allowing either authentication scheme to be used. For security purposes, you should ideally use only Windows authentication, enabling you to centrally manage all of your accounts. SQL Server contains a number of stored procedures. These are macros and programs that are installed by default. Some stored procedures allow users to execute code on the system. If your database is compromised, an attacker could use these stored procedures to gain full control of the system and as a launching point against other systems on your network.

Major Development Tools

            Visual Studio 2005 (.NET). Codenamed Whidbey (a reference to Whidbey Island in Puget Sound), was released online in October 2005 and hit the stores a couple of weeks later. Microsoft removed the “.NET” moniker from Visual Studio 2005 (as well as every other product with .NET in its name), but it still primarily targets the .NET Framework, which was upgraded to version 2.0. The most important language feature added in this version was the introduction of generics, which are very similar to C++ templates. This potentially increases the number of bugs caught at compile-time instead of run-time. C++ also got a similar upgrade with the addition of C++/CLI which is slated to eventually replace Managed C++. Other new features of Visual Studio 2005 include the “Deployment Designer” which allows application designs to be validated before deployments, an improved environment for web publishing when combined with ASP .NET 2.0 and load testing to see application performance under various sorts of user loads. Visual Studio also added extensive 64-bit support. Visual C++ 2005 supports compiling for x64 (AMD64 and EM64T) as well as IA-64 (Itanium). Previous versions of Visual Studio did not come with 64-bit support. The Platform SDK included 64-bit compilers and 64-bit versions of the libraries. Visual Studio 2005 is available in several editions, which are significantly different from previous versions: Express, Standard, Professional, Tools for Office, and Team System. For a side by side comparison of the various editions, visit Microsoft’s Product Feature Comparisons. In addition to these, four separate Team System editions are provided in conjunction with MSDN Premium subscriptions: Team Suite, Team Edition for Software Architects, Team Edition for Software Developers, and Team Edition for Software Testers. Team Edition for Database Professionals is currently a Community Technology Preview and will be separate Team Edition product and part of Team Suite when it launches. Team System includes support for large development organizations, and comes in separate editions for software architects, developers, and testers. Express Editions were introduces for amateurs, hobbyists, and small businesses, and are available as a free download from Microsoft’s web site. There are Express Editions for each language (Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual C#, Visual J#), each targeting the .NET Framework on Windows, as well as a Visual Web Developer for creating ASP .NET web sites. The Express Editions lack many of the more advanced development tools and extensibility of the other editions. In addition, Microsoft XNA Game Studio Express has recently become available. The XNA Game Studio is an add-on to the Visual C# Express version, and allows the general public to develop computer games for Microsoft Windows, and, for a fee, allows development of Xbox 360 games, as well. Other than the Express Editions, individual language editions of Visual Studio are no longer available for purchase. Visual Studio 2005’s internal version number is 8.0 while the file format version is 9.0 ().

Major Hardware

            These project requires a power user computer system. I strongly recommend the following configurations: Intel Pentium 4 3.2 GHz or equivalent processor, at least 1.5 GB RAM, at least 80GB hard disk, 10/100 Mpbs Ethernet, 17” LCD display with EnergyStar rating monitor, 128MB video RAM, at least 4 USB 2.0 ports, a Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 operating system and a modem speed of 28.8 or higher; however, the speed may vary according to which the Internet connection. Also, performance results vary when using cable modems because of differences in duplex technology offered by cable providers.

Major Browser

            I would also like to recommend Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) as web browser. According to (2002), Netscape, Internet Explorer and other search engines have characterized the movements around the Web as browsing and hence the idea of the Web browser as both person and search engine/software overlay is also commonly used to demarcate Web activity. They metaphorically described that the browser is linked to the activities of the user who would stroll through shops, streets, markets and parks idly observing the trades and practices of other people. A browser is also associated with less goal directed activities, where the browser is searching generally to find something – an article of clothing, a book in a library, or a particular corner of a park – without a completely purposive-rational and linear approach. Although there is a quality of engagement that borders on a kind of disinterested interactivity that browsing expresses, it again represents a modality of Web use rather than encompassing the full range of experiences and practices.

            So you see the relevance of choosing an ideal web browser for this project. Among the features of IE7 are: component architecture which allows third parties to add functionality via Browser Helper objects and allows websites to offer rich content via ActiveX; usability and accessibility with operations similar to Windows Explorer; security framework which is zone-based that means sites are grouped based upon certain conditions, allows restriction of broad areas of functionality and patches and updates to the browser are released periodically and made available through the Windows Update service; group policy which can be configured on a per-user and per-machine basis; standards support using the Trident layout engine; and propriety extensions which has resulted in a number of web pages that can only be viewed properly using the Internet Explorer.

            Version 7.0 of Internet Explorer has been renamed Windows Internet Explorer, as Microsoft’s rebranding of component names that are included with Windows.

5. Development and Production Environment

            It is my job as creator of this system, of my user’s experience to be simple and useful; where technology and process are transparent as possible. To do a job well, I must play the role of user advocate, ensuring that the interfaces designed are not just merely exercising the technology, but assisting the user do a job, easily moving from task to task, getting work done, making life easier.

            Visual design is not merely a series of subjective choices based on favorite colors or trendy typefaces—at best a cosmetic afterthought considered if there is enough time and money. Good visual design is the tangible representation of product goals. I was mainly concerned with the “look, the method, and the style in which the information is presented. It is the result of a thoughtful, well-considered process, not merely a decorative afterthought.

            Applying the appropriate visual/experience design principles and tools while incorporating the user perspective (information design) enhances the value, perception, and usefulness of the system. It is the best combination of project goals, the user perspective, and informed decision making.

            For a dynamic site, I will use ASP.Net. ASP stands for Active Server Pages. It is a server side scripting technology that enables scripts (embedded in web pages) to be executed by an Internet server. It is a part of the .NET framework.

            .NET Framework is the infrastructure for the Microsoft .NET platform. The .NET Framework is an environment for building, deploying, and running Web applications and Web Services. It contains a common language runtime and common class libraries to provide advanced standard services that can be integrated into a variety of computer systems.

            .NET Framework provides feature-rich application environment, simplified development and easy integration between a number of different development languages. The .NET Framework language is neutral. Currently supports C++, C#, Visual Basic.Net and Jscript (Microsoft’s version of JavaScript) whereas, Microsoft’s Visual Studio.NET is a common development environment for the .NET Framework.

            ASP.NET contains a large set of HTML controls. Almost all HTML elements on a page can be defined as ASP .NET control objects that can be controlled by scripts. It can also contain a new set of object oriented input controls, like programmable list boxes and validation controls. A new grid control supports sorting, data paging, and everything you expect from a dataset control.

            All ASP .NET objects on a Web page can expose events that can be processed by ASP .NET code. Load, Click and Change events handled by code makes coding much simpler and much better organized.

            In the table below are the characteristics of ASP .NET.



New in ASP .NET

-       better language support

-       programmable controls

-       event-driven programming

-       xml-based components

-       user authentication, with accounts and roles

-       higher scalability

-       increased performance – Compiled code

-       easier configuration and deployment

-       not fully ASP compatible

Language Support

-       uses the new ADO .NET

-       supports full Visual Basic, not VBScript

-       supports C# and C++

-       supports JScript as before

ASP .NET Controls

-       contains a large set of HTML controls. Almost all HTML elements on a page can be defined as ASP .NET control objects that can be controlled by scripts.

-       also contains a new set of object oriented input controls, like programmable list boxes and validation controls.

-       a new data grid control supports sorting, data paging, and everything you expect from a dataset control.

Event Aware Controls

-       all ASP .NET objects on a Web page can expose events that can be processed by ASP .NET code.

-       Load, Click and Change events handled by code makes coding much simpler and much better organized.

ASP .NET Components

- ASP .NET components are heavily based on XML.

User Authentication

- supports forms-based user authentication, including cookie management and automatic redirecting of unauthorized logins. (Custom login page and custom user checking can still be done.)

User Accounts and Roles

- allows for user accounts and roles, to give each user (with a given role) access to different server code and executables.

High Scalability

- server to server communication has been enhanced, making it possible to scale an application over several servers. One example of this is the ability to run XML papers, XSL transformations and even resource hungry session objects on other objects.

Compiled Code

- the first request for an ASP .NET page on the server will compile the ASP .NET code and keep a cached copy in memory. The result of this is greatly increased performance.

Easy Configuration

-       configuration of ASP .NET is done with plain text files.

-       Configuration files can be uploaded or changed while the application is running. No need to restart the server. No more metabase or registry puzzle.

Easy Deployment

- no more server restart to deploy or replace complied code. ASP .NET simply reflects all new requests to the new code.


-       ASP .NET is not fully compatible with earlier versions of ASP, so most of the old ASP code will need some changes to run under ASP .NET.

-       to overcome this problem, ASP .NET uses a new file extension  “.aspx”. This will ASP .NET applications able to run side by side with standard ASP applications on the same server.


Table 1: Characteristics of ASP.NET




Web Application Project

Web Site Project

Project definition

Similar to Visual Studio .NET 2003. Only files that are referenced in the project file are part of the project, are displayed in Solution Explorer, and are compiled during a build. Because there is a project file, some scenarios are more easily enabled:

You can subdivide one ASP.NET application into multiple Visual Studio projects.

You can easily exclude files from the project and from source code-control.

Web site projects use the folder structure to define the contents of the project. There is no project file and all files in the folder are part of the project.

This project type is desirable if you have an existing folder structure representing an ASP.NET application that you want to edit in Visual Studio without having to explicitly create a project file.

Compilation and build outputs

The compilation model for Web application projects is very similar to that in Visual Studio .NET 2003.

All code-behind class files and stand-alone class files in the project are compiled into a single assembly, which is placed in the Bin folder. Because this is a single assembly, you can specify attributes such as assembly name and version, as well as the location of the output assembly.

Certain other applications scenarios are better enabled, such as the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, because they allow stand-alone classes in the project to reference page and user control classes.

The Build command compiles Web site projects only to test them. To run Web site projects, you deploy source files and rely on ASP.NET dynamic compilation to compile pages and classes in the application.

Alternatively, you can precompile the site for performance, which uses the same compilation semantics as ASP.NET dynamic compilation. The ASP.NET dynamic compilation system has two modes—batch mode (the default) and fixed-names mode. In batch mode, many assemblies (typically one per folder) are produced when precompiling the site. In fixed mode, one assembly is produced for each page or user control in the Web site.

Iterative development

To run and debug pages, you must build the entire Web project. Building the entire Web application project is usually fast, because Visual Studio employs an incremental build model that builds only the files that have changed.

You can configure build options Visual Studio 2005 for when you run the site: build the site, an individual page, or nothing at all. In the last case, when you run a Web site, Visual Studio simply launches the browser and passes to it the current or start page. The request then invokes ASP.NET dynamic compilation.

Because pages are compiled dynamically and compiled into different assemblies as needed, it is not required that the entire project compile successfully in order to run and debug a page.

By default, Visual Studio completely compiles Web site projects whenever you run or debug any page. This is done to identify compile-time errors anywhere in the site. However, a complete site build can significantly slow down the iterative development process, so it is generally recommended that you change the build project option to compile only the current page on run or debug.


Because all class files are compiled into a single assembly, only that assembly needs to be deployed, along with the .aspx and .ascx files and other static content files.

In this model, .aspx files are not compiled until they are run in the browser. However, when used with Web Deployment Projects (a downloadable add-in to Visual Studio 2005), the .aspx files can also be compiled and included in a single assembly for deployment.

Each time you deploy the single assembly produced in this model, you replace the code for all pages in the project.

Both .aspx files and code-behind files can be compiled into assemblies using the Publish Website command in Visual Studio. (Note that the Build command does not create a deployable set of assemblies.) The updateable publish option supports compiling only code-behind files while leaving .aspx files unchanged for deployment.

The default mode for precompiling produces several assemblies in the Bin folder, typically one per folder. The fixed-names option produces one assembly per page or user control and can be used to create deployable versions of individual pages. However, the fixed-names option increases the number of assemblies and can result in increased memory usage.

Upgrade from Visual Studio .NET 2003

Because the Web application project model is the same as in the Visual Studio .NET 2003, upgrade is generally simple and will usually not require any restructuring of the application.

The compilation option for Web site projects is significantly different than Visual Studio .NET 2003. A conversion wizard is available to upgrade existing Visual Studio .NET 2003 Web projects to Web site projects. For any reasonably complex Visual Studio .NET 2003 projects, manual fix-up is usually required after the conversion. For most scenarios, it is preferable to upgrade existing Visual Studio .NET 2003 projects to Web application projects in Visual Studio 2005.


Table 2: Scenarios between Web Application and Web Site development




6. Database Design and Data Modelling

Data Dictionary


1.    USER








Data Type







User ID







User Password







Account Type







User Gender







User Name







User Address







User Telephone







User Email







User Corporation





  2.    BOOK








Data Type







Book ID














Book Name







Book Author







Book Press







Book Therne







Book Classify Text







Book Index







Book Price







Book Series Name







Book Describe















Data Type







Borrow ID







Book ID







User ID







Begin Date







End Date







Borrow Status








































































7. Screen Flow of the Interim Report








System Diagram for Readers

            What the system wants to offer is the ease of browsing and searching for books that are to be used for assignments, research, projects and the like. Using our system, readers alike will be able to search books at any given time and at the same time, they have more tools to use when writing for assignments.

            The system provides borrowing functions where it records details about the customer and the book as well.

            This borrowing process starts with customer’s trip to the application main page and stops when the customer logs out from the site:
            1. A customer starts the application by using the recommended IE7browser. The borrower will then point the IE7 to the web address for the application’s main page. This lets the customer see the application interface. The user will see all sorts of services in the home page but will not have access unless the user logs in.

            2. The customer may now log-in into the application by entering an account ID and password. As the customer signs in, the application will retrieve information from the database to validate the ID and password. First time customers may create an account ID and give information like name, password and other important personal details.

            3. Once logged on, customers may browse through the site. The customer may search for a book, browse the library by category or by library area. Customers may also use the additional tools and resources through the same page. Either a customer may use research topics or top research topics. The application could also help first time writers or researchers through the various features tools and resources. Otherwise, the customer can search for books using keywords about the book. Also, each customer is given a  electronic bookshelf to store books that he/she prefers.

            4. In case a customer selects a book among the searches, the application will display detailed information about the book. The title, author, published year, publisher, place where it was published, table of contents and of course, the contents of the book itself.

            5. The customer may now use the book. He may read it or put in the bookshelf for future reference. While reading the book, featured tools and resources are present on the current page just above the contents of the book.
            6. Customers may use the following tools: Project, Bookmark, Bookshelf, Highlight, Add note, Quote/Cite, Bibliography, Print, and Reference.

            7. The customer may wish to read several books as wished. The user will only have to go back to the search page.

            8. If the customer logs out, the application will present a summary of all books that were viewed and the contents of the bookshelf.

System Diagram for Administration

            The eLibrary System application does most of the administrative work of organization of orders, new accounts, and other details. The application is could support one or more administrator at the same time using the administration interface. The administration system diagram shows inventory management, where an administrator could update inventory when new shipments arrive:

            1. The administrator connects to the database of the application. As the application starts, username and password will be asked from the user. The administrator will input information.

            2. The application will then state all transactions done within the 24 hours. Who were online, what book that have been read and what book were placed in the bookshelf.

            3. The administrator updates the whole database by clicking a button, that causes changes in the inventory status that will be update in the inventory database.

9. Acceptances Requirements/Testing Requirements










Data Type


Expected Result



User ID


user inputs the required information




User Password


user inputs the required information




Account Type


user inputs the required information




User Gender


user inputs the required information




User Name


user inputs the required information




User Address


user inputs the required information




User Telephone


user inputs the required information




User Email


user inputs the required information




User Corporation


user inputs the required information










Data Type


Expected Result



Book ID


user inputs the required information






user inputs the required information




Book Name


user inputs the required information




Book Author


user inputs the required information




Book Press


user inputs the required information




Book Therne


user inputs the required information




Book Classify Text


user inputs the required information




Book Index


user inputs the required information




Book Price


user inputs the required information




Book Series Name


user inputs the required information




Book Describe


user inputs the required information












Data Type


Expected Results



Borrow ID


user inputs the required information




Book ID


user inputs the required information




User ID


user inputs the required information




Begin Date


user inputs the required information




End Date


user inputs the required information




Borrow Status


user inquires the required information



10. Risk Analysis

            According to Peter Drucker, any enterprise needs to answer two key sets of strategic questions, one dealing with customers, the second with mission: Who are our customers, and what do they consider value? What is our mission with respect to customers’ needs, and what core competencies do we have and need to fulfill this mission? The answers to these questions were relatively clear in the early days of the academic Information System (AIS) field. The customer was the computer-using organisation, its in-house IS unit, and its general managers, and these customers’ needs centred on the development of custom application software. The field’s mission was to facilitate software development, and its core competencies were the life cycle, the applications portfolio, and the management of IS/I/IT.

            Today and into the future, the needs of user organisations in terms of the size, tasks, and skill requirements of their in-house IS units appear to be changing. Package purchase and outsourcing are reducing the number of IS specialists employed in-house, and changing what they do. Small organisations are often able to dispense entirely with in-house IS specialists, with vendors taking charge of computing environments (consisting of hardware, networking, and an integrated applications suite) while process workers take responsibility for managing internal and accessing external content. Larger organisations are differentiating new or specialized applications (managed by business unit managers and their IT/IS suppliers) from infrastructure (platforms, telecommunications, standards, corporate data, and corporate systems such as email, groupware, data access and analysis software, and enterprise systems). Systems integration, training, and support work is displacing new software development by in-house IS specialists, and the re-engineering or replacement of legacy systems is reducing their system maintenance work. General managers and process workers are becoming more aware of users and purchasers of external IT products and services. However, they may not require skill in the traditional processes of IS application development and the management of in-house IS specialists.

            Also, aside from technical and personnel problems, another risk this project shall encounter is the copyright and publications issues.

            Moreover, there are a few recommendations that could easily help guide this project.


                        Three general recommendations should enable the transition to be valuable, efficient, and straightforward. Principles include eliminating waste, standardizing work, producing zero defects, and continually improving.

            Eliminate waste. A system must be examined and documented in full. Problem areas, especially wasteful processes, are identified and removed. If these techniques help eliminate waste in manufacturing, they have the potential to substantially decrease or eliminate waste in software development.

            Waste elimination smoothes process flow before it improves individual operations (2002). Once waste is eliminated, increase process flow velocity and standardize work practices.

            Focus on standardization, not creativity. The goal of making programs readable and easily maintainable is praiseworthy. However, the training costs to do so may outweigh the benefits with no guarantee of success. Automation and reuse may suppress the creativity of programmers and quite possibly hold up their ability to solve problems. It also constrains a programmer’s flexibility. However, standardization results reduces process variation and defects, increasing the quality of systems and reusability of objects.

            Produce zero defects and continually improve. Standardized testing tools, suites, scripts, reference and test data, reference implementation, and metrics that have undergone a rigorous certification process can go a long way toward improving software quality ( 2002). Standardized testing also provides a consistent way to determine when to stop testing (NIST 2002).    Unfortunately, not all objects are unit-tested upon creation. Some programmers defer testing until integration or systems testing. The rationale is supposedly to save debugging time during the development stage. If testing is properly conducted, the resulting system will have substantially fewer errors and deficiencies.

            Continuous improvement is the most important implementation principle. Continuous improvement encourages ceaseless system, software, and hardware updates to keep up with changing customer requirements. Exceeding expectations and raising the quality bar for competitors is essential for survival. Developers should think lean, produce lean, and recognize waste. Training developers in new technologies, processes, and principles will help them continuously improve.

            The traditional approach to developing software applications utilises a waterfall approach whereby each phase of the project, including requirements analysis, design, coding, testing and deployment, is performed and completed before the next phase is started. This traditional, plan-driven approach has proven to be a challenge.

            Numerous studies have shown that project failure rates are high, particularly in the case of large projects. In theory, the traditional software development processes promise delivery of projects on-time and onbudget. In practice, this is not always realised. A key reason is that the initial requirements documentation step is often frustrating and, perhaps, impossible.

Both technology and the business environment keep shifting during the project, and both the requirements and project plans get out of date. Customers are unable to definitively state their needs up front.

            As a result, methodologies and practices have been developed to embrace, rather than reject, higher rates of change.





11. Implementation Plan


 : eLibrary System





Task ID

 Task Name





Resource Name


Produce Requirements

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/11/06

Fri 9/15/06

Project Manager – D1


Gather all information

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/11/06

Fri 9/15/06

Project Manager – D1


Contact related department

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/11/06

Fri 9/15/06

Project Manager – D1


Collect all information

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/11/06

Fri 9/15/06

Project Manager – D1


Process the information

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/11/06

Fri 9/15/06

Project Manager – D1


Information collection complete

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/11/06

Fri 9/15/06

Project Manager – D1


Creating models and diagrams

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/11/06

Fri 9/15/06

Project Manager – D1


Identify the output

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/11/06

Fri 9/15/06

Project Manager – D1


Create visual representation

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/11/06

Fri 9/15/06

Project Manager – D1


Process selection

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/11/06

Fri 9/15/06

Project Manager – D1


System analysis

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/11/06

Fri 9/15/06

Project Manager – D1


Project Plan

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/18/06

Fri 9/22/06

Project Manager – D1


Identify goals & objectives

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/18/06

Fri 9/22/06

Project Manager – D1


Develop project charter

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/18/06

Fri 9/22/06

Project Manager – D1


Develop strategies and plans

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/18/06

Fri 9/22/06

Project Manager – D1


Initiation Complete

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/18/06

Fri 9/22/06

Project Manager – D1


Determine project scope

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/18/06

Fri 9/22/06

Project Manager – D1


Determine project cost

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/18/06

Fri 9/22/06

Project Manager – D1


Secure resources

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/18/06

Fri 9/22/06

Project Manager – D1


Specify deliverables

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/18/06

Fri 9/22/06

Project Manager – D1


Scope complete

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/18/06

Fri 9/22/06

Project Manager – D1


Design Interface

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/25/06

Fri 9/29/06

Project Manager – D1


Creating models and diagrams

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/25/06

Fri 9/29/06

Project Manager – D1


Identify the output

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/25/06

Fri 9/29/06

Project Manager – D1


Create visual representation

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/25/06

Fri 9/29/06

Project Manager – D1


Process selection

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/25/06

Fri 9/29/06

Project Manager – D1


System analysis

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 9/25/06

Fri 9/29/06

Project Manager – D1


Produce a State Transition Diagram

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/2/06

Fri 10/6/06

Project Manager – D1


Creating models and diagrams

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/2/06

Fri 10/6/06

Project Manager – D1


Models and diagrams analysis

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/2/06

Fri 10/6/06

Project Manager – D1


Models and diagrams analysis

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/2/06

Fri 10/6/06

Project Manager – D1


Identify the output

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/2/06

Fri 10/6/06

Project Manager – D1


Create visual representation

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/2/06

Fri 10/6/06

Project Manager – D1


Process selection

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/2/06

Fri 10/6/06

Project Manager – D1


System analysis

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/2/06

Fri 10/6/06

Project Manager – D1


Produce an Event and Action Chart

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/9/06

Fri 10/13/06

Project Manager – D1


Creating models and diagrams

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/9/06

Fri 10/13/06

Project Manager – D1


Models and diagrams analysis

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/9/06

Fri 10/13/06

Project Manager – D1


Models and diagrams analysis

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/9/06

Fri 10/13/06

Project Manager – D1


Identify the output

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/9/06

Fri 10/13/06

Project Manager – D1


Create visual representation

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/9/06

Fri 10/13/06

Project Manager – D1


Process selection

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/9/06

Fri 10/13/06

Project Manager – D1


System analysis

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/9/06

Fri 10/13/06

Project Manager – D1


Produce a Test Plan

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/16/06

Fri 10/20/06

Project Manager – D1


Describe the situation

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/16/06

Fri 10/20/06

Project Manager – D1


Identify tasks

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/16/06

Fri 10/20/06

Project Manager – D1


Allocation of tasks

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/16/06

Fri 10/20/06

Project Manager – D1


Scheduling the tasks

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/16/06

Fri 10/20/06

Project Manager – D1


Putting it all together in a software itself

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/16/06

Fri 10/20/06

Project Manager – D1



1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/16/06

Fri 10/20/06

Project Manager – D1


Check back all tasks

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/16/06

Fri 10/20/06

Project Manager – D1


Identify any mistakes

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/16/06

Fri 10/20/06

Project Manager – D1


Fix bugs

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/16/06

Fri 10/20/06

Project Manager – D1


Describe Three Developments which I could use to build  my prototype

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/23/06

Fri 10/27/06

Project Manager – D1


Finalize the project

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/23/06

Fri 10/27/06

Project Manager – D1


Release the project

1 week?

8 hours

Mon 10/23/06

Fri 10/27/06

Project Manager – D1





12. Glossary

            DFD – is a data flow diagram. It is a graphical representation of the “flow” of data through an information system. A data flow diagram can also be used for the visualization of data processing (structured design).

            ER – in computer science, it is a model providing a high-level description of a conceptual data model. It is known as Entity-Relationship Model or Diagram.

            Further Education Colleges – is post-secondary, post-compulsory education (in addition to that received at secondary school). It may be at the same level, at a higher level, or at a lower level than secondary education, anything from basic training to Higher National and Foundation Degree. The term is mainly used in connection with education in the United Kingdom.

            Library Management System – is an enterprise resource planning system for a library, used to track items owned, orders made, bills paid, and patrons who have borrowed.

            NIST -  National Institute of Standards and Technology. A non-regulatory agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Technology Administration.

            Online Public Access – is a computerized online catalog of the materials held in a library, or library system. The library staff and the public can usually access it at computers within the library, or from home via the Internet. Since the mid-1980s, it has replaced the card catalog in most libraries. Since the mid-1990s, character based OPAC interfaces

            Trident – is the name of the layout engine for the Microsoft Windows version of the Internet Explorer. Also known as MSHTML.

            Unix  – is a computer operating system originally developed in the 1960s and 1970s by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and Douglas Mcllroy.


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