
2:07 PM Bibliography

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Developers tend not to use Java when developing multimedia application (for movies, sound, music, images etc) on the web.” Is this statement correct? Defend your case by using examples or other alternatives.


Abstract (100 words)

The growth of multimedia computing, followed by a recent push towards publishing on the World Wide Web, is rapidly changing the publishing industry. Editorial staff, working under pressure in printed and online publications, need to use a growing diversity of representations for planning, creating and reviewing content. We present a study of a number of publishing sites, describing how such representations are critical to ensuring quality in the editorial process. Following this, we discuss design implications for better representational tools. 



Java is developed at SUN Microsystems with major designed goals of being platform independent, and internet oriented programming language. Thus, a program written in Java can be downloaded and run on PCs Macs and UNIX workstation without any modification.


Personal computing, multimedia, and computer networks have experienced a tremendous boom during the past decade. From expensive, stand-alone, MPC-1-compatible PCs that landed in the marketplace in the early 1990s to the popularization of the Internet -particularly the World Wide Web –, +the production, archival, and distribution of multimedia has evolved from few, technologically limited devices, to a plethora of hardware and software available for these tasks. It is now possible to develop higher quality multimedia content, in less time, and distribute it to a much wider audience (using the Web as opposed to CD-ROMs) than anyone could have imagined a decade ago. The Internet has become ubiquitous and is quickly extending its arms to the wireless arena. The hunger for multimedia-rich content over the Web has fostered developments in many fields, from the technological infrastructure necessary to carry multimedia data, to the tools used to create, manage, and distribute multimedia content. Interactivity is the key concept in many such applications, such as games, maps, and distance learning applications.

Opinion with:                  


The developer assume that JAVA can net be used when developing multimedia application on the web for movies, sound, music and images. 




·         slow

·         major disadvantage of using Java is about its efficiency

·         Security Issues

The solution for those disadvantages:

  • the problem which is the speed and availability already have solutions. By Microprocessors that run Java and that implement their instruction sets in software (such as ‘s ) which will surmount obstacles speed and availability hurdles.
    According to , “it appears very significant: “Compared with native code, Java VMs are excruciatingly slow. … Java still cannot compete with natively compiled C++ code.” (, April 7, 1998, ). The difference in speed between C++ and Java is very important. Even with all of Java’s benefits, Java will not be widely accepted if it can not perform adequately. C++ has been widely adopted by developers and they will not be willing to change languages if the applications they develop with Java do not measure up to their personal and their clients standards.”


·         To improve the efficiency, Sun is provided microprocessor for efficient Java Computing (MAJC) by. Hot-Spot optimization technology in the compiler will further improve run-time performance. Furthermore, MAJC can run applications compiled into its native instruction set from other languages, such as C or C++. This will be solving the portability problem.


·         In the real life security problem will never go, as we know it is like every other security risk in computing. Nothing is ever completely secure. In my opinion Java is as safe as any other language on the market today and that no-matter how secure it becomes there will always be skeptics.


·         Also, by partitioning Java into three editions (Java 2 Enterprise Edition, Java 2 Standard Edition, and Java 2 Micro Edition), Sun recognizes that the Java platform cannot be “one size fits all.” Web Application Servers and workflow engines are currently available to develop useful Java applications with a minimum of Java development expertise. The IT workforce of the future will have been trained in Java, as many schools are now teaching Java, rather than C++, for object-oriented programming. These above factors remove the hard-to-use objection.




Opinion against:        


Java is an environment of program and a programming language developed which is maintained by JavaSoft, the company of Sun Microsystems responsible for Java. Java was worked specifically for networked computing, of this type which takes place on the Internet. Languages such as C++, Pascal, and FORTRAN require wide libraries and programmers experienced to carry out the same degree of functionality managed in network. Any program which is written in Java can function on any computer as long as the “virtual machine of Java” is inside. The Java virtual machine (JVM) is a standard of programming for imaginary machine. The standard reflects the basic possibilities of all the platforms of computer (all central processing units (CPUs) of treatment like all windowed operating systems). By writing the code in Java, a programmer does not write the software for a particular platform of hardware or software but in the place for the JVM. Any computer can carry out the code of Java while becoming (by the software) this Java virtual machine.

Performance issues


To carry out the source of Java of neutrality of platform is initially compiled in the bytecode which is carried out by the Java virtual machine (JVM) interpreter which runs on the operating System (OS). This slowed down the execution considerably. The execution was still slowed down by the verifier who examines the bytecode to detect security opening a breach before the execution, the programmer and the collector of refuse of the JVM.

Although Java is independent of platform, it has specific problems on platform. There are variations and contradictory of performance user interfaces from platform to platform. Although programs written in Java can be accelerated while being written to take account language specific characteristics but requires a good arrangement of the architectural issues and can become quite complex


Advantages of JAVA:

·         Java is simple:
actually no language we can call it simple, but on other hand, Java considered a much simpler and easy to use object-oriented programming language if compared with the other popular programming language like for example C++.

·        Java is Distributed:
Java itself designed to make distributed computing easy with the networking capability that is inherently integrated into it.

·         Portability:
Java is platform independence which makes it one of the most compelling reasons to move to it. Also it is runs on most major hardware and software platforms, for example for Microsoft Windows and NT, Macintosh and several of UNIX.

·        Java is Interpreted:
An interpreter is needed to run any language program in fact needed also to run Java programs. The programs are compiled into Java Virtual Machine code called bytecode. The bytecode is machine independent and is able to run on any machine that has a Java interpreter.

·        Security:
as I mention above there is nothing is completely secure but Java is one of the first programming languages to consider security as part of its design.

·        Reliability:
Reliability and security go hand in hand. Without a reliable framework for program execution security cannot be implemented with any degree of assurance. Java provides multiple levels of reliability measures.

·        Java is Robust:
Robust means reliable, so in real no programming language can really assure reliability. But Java provides a lot of emphasis on early checking for possible errors.

·        Java is Multithreaded:
Multithreaded is the capability for a program to perform several tasks simultaneously within a program.

·        Java is Dynamic:
The Java programming language was designed to adapt to an evolving environment. New methods and properties can be added freely in a class without affecting their clients.







      Voice is a direct communication method traditionally. In classroom the learning is more efficient when the teacher and student using voice to communicate with each other, so in this case student can easy ask the question directly about difficult or unclear teaching material. The audio conference in the digital classroom is based on the client-server model. When the audio conference starts, voice uttered by all participants is recorded, compressed, and then sent to the audio server in the network. The audio conference server receives all audio source packets; then decompresses, mixes, and transmits back to all participants. Finally, all users will hear the mixed voice by audio player device. Scenario of the audio conference process is shown in Figure 5

Figure 5. System architecture of audio conference process

(Design and Implementation of Important Applications

in a Java-Based Multimedia Digital Classroom1)


This is the example of Java technology from the websites below:


  • Java technology in mobile devices

“Java technology in mobile devices is an exploding market. There are many variants on this platform, ranging from operating systems to games.

-Consumers recognize Java technology as a powerful ingredient, and 1 in 3 consumers say they make buying decisions based on the presence of Java technology in the product.”


  • The following popular applications support indicates its increasing popularity:

-fox sports mobile

-Warner Mobile Music Streaming Jukebox
Take your favorite artist with you wherever you go! Warner Mobile Music Streaming Jukebox gives you access to ring tones, the ability to view and download artist images, the latest information and exclusive offers from your favorite artists, and more. You can even stream actual music clips on your mobile handset.


  • The Ever Expanding World of In-Vehicle Features

“Siemens VDO Automotive, in conjunction with BMW, has enabled the BMW 7, 6, and 5 series of cars with its Top Level Architecture (TLA), a Java technology-based software platform that provides for the seamless addition and integration of location-based services, web services, and multimedia functionality throughout the vehicle’s entire life cycle.”


  • Mars Exploration Rover

“With the help of Java technology, Earthlings can now explore Mars with the program that NASA scientists use to operate the Spirit rover! The Maestro project, from JPL, allows you to navigate the 3D world of Mars from your desktop computer using advanced Java technologies including Java 3D and Java Advanced Imaging. Eight cameras aboard the rover provide a 360 degree view of the terrain – join NASA to uncover the mystery of Mars.”







Interactive Multimedia on the Web

There is a growing trend in integrating the Web with traditional media such as radio and television. As the streamed multimedia protocols for audio and video has matured, a number of radio and television stations begin offering live and near-live audio and TV content over the Web. Examples include yahoo! Broadcast radio and television Web sites ( and ).

In addition, some programs are capable to support active user feedback, or even participation, so we can expect a number of new video-on-demand and interactive TV applications.




Another tool, JMapView from Hexa Tech, written in Java, allows creating any type of interactive maps or Web geographical information systems. An example is shown in

Figure 10


Multimedia Search





Figure 10Interactive map created using JMapView ()


Some of JAVA features:


Java Media Framework (JMF)


JMF allows for multimedia in Java applications. It includes real time network protocols, supports multiplexing and wide range of codecs, players, effects, capture and control mechanisms. However JMFs complexity makes it difficult to understand.




Specific APIs


Specific API’s available for multimedia applications development in Java has made multimedia development faster.


Java Mobile media API:


The Mobile Media API, JSR 135 in the Java Community Process (JCP), extends the functionality of the J2ME platform by providing audio, video, and other time-based multimedia support to resource-constrained devices. As a simple and lightweight optional package, it gives Java developers access to native multimedia services available on a given device.



·         Scalability: There is no other generic sound or multimedia support in J2ME at the moment that would be suitable for the resource-constrained devices that are targets for CLDC and CDC. The specification brings scalable sound and multimedia support capabilities to J2ME.

·         Small footprint: The API allows easy and simple access and control of basic audio and multimedia resources on devices with limited memory and processing capabilities.



Java is growing fast in terms of multimedia capabilities. This can se concluded by the Java Service Requests (JSR) at the Sun Java website for JSR’s .

Some of them are :


  JSR 135: Mobile Media API-

        Specifies a small-footprint multimedia API for J2METM, allowing simple, easy access and control of basic audio and multimedia resources while also addressing scalability and support of more sophisticated features.


 JSR 184: Mobile 3D Graphics API for J2METM-

This proposed JSR will provide a scalable, small-footprint, interactive 3D API for use on mobile devices


JSR 189: JavaTM 3D API 1.4-

This JSR will add new large scale funtionality to Java 3D. Possible technologies for inclusion include programmable shading and advanced rendering techniques


JSR 309: Media Server Control API-

This Specification is a protocol agnostic API for Media Server Control. It provides a portable interface to create media rich applications with IVR, Conferencing, Speech Recognition, and similar features.







            Other alternatives technologies



QuickTime is Apple’s multiplatform, industry-standard, multimedia software architecture that provides tremendous development advantages on Mac OS X. With standards deep in its core, QuickTime supports most major file formats for images, including BMP, GIF, JPEG, Photoshop, PNG, and TIFF, and many major file formats for video, including .mov, .mp4, 3GPP, 3GPP2, AVI, AVR, DV, Flash, M-JPEG, MPEG-1, and H.263. You can use QuickTime to author professional-quality, ISO-compliant MPEG-4 audio and video files.

Mac OS X:

Mac OS X is a uniquely powerful development platform, supporting multiple development technologies including UNIX, Java, the proprietary Cocoa and Carbon runtime environments, and a host of open source, web, scripting, database, and development technologies. The built-in Xcode Tools, combined with time-tested stability and performance characteristics, standards-based technologies, and remarkable user interface, make Mac OS X an amazingly multifaceted development platform.


Gstreamer is an open source multimedia framework and can be used to implement all kinds of multimedia applications and support different codecs, formats and drivers.. (). Nokia has used it to develop Nokia 770 internet tablet.

Apple’s Quick Time is widely used for multimedia over the web. However Quick Time player can ply files in Quick Time file format. However  the software development kits for Quicktime are for Mac and Windows. ()

Sybian is a popular OS for mobile devices . Java ME applications are developed using standard techniques and tools such as Sun Java Wireless Toolkit. Multi Media Framework (MMF) is – API from Symbian provides a light weight, multi-threaded framework for handling multimedia data.

Flash is very popular multimedia applications.






Related works (case study)  


Web-enabled applications are becoming a requirement in many environments. There are many options available for developing these systems. Using open systems and standards that conform to existing standards (and are portable) is essential. Using Object Oriented tools is highly desirable. This provides for reuse in a heterogeneous environment and with multiple applications. The ultimate goal is to design and develop application systems that will meet today’s business needs, easily grow and change as business and technology changes, and coexist with current products and technology. The secondary business goal is to provide this functionality at the lowest possible cost. When you add it all up the only combination of technology and products that address all of these business and technical requirements is Java and JDBC.

As we have shown, Java is the one and only tool that provides features essential for the Web environment. These features include Full GUI control for the Web; Zero-Administration clients; Object Oriented (reuse ensures consistency and saves money); and Portability (Write Once, Run AnywhereTM). In addition, Java has security, performance (through the use of multithreading), and scalability (by supporting distributed processing) designed into its architecture. No other tool or technology can make that claim.








The Java programming methodology is new and there remain some inadequacies and bugs. However, Java supports a new paradigm in computer programming by allowing programmers to create platform independent and Web browser executable software. The future of development effort on the Web utilizing Java appears to be very promising. Since its introduction in the summer of 1995, major software development companies such as Microsoft, IBM, and Oracle [38] have licensed the technology to integrate the Java programming methodology into their WWW based software products.

This paper provides an overview of Java programming language and its use in the development of interactive content for the WWW. A demonstration applet written in the Java language has been developed for the stiffness assembly procedure. It will be used as an interactive learning tool for the finite element method.
The applet program can be executed on any computer connected to the Internet and running a Java-enabled Web browser by accessing the URL .
General information and learning resources on the Finite Element Method may be found at the same site by browsing .
Up-to-date information regarding this paper can be found at .





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