In a Multi-cultural company where there is diversified ethnicity, religious, political and social differences the organization is bound to have a need for cooperation and respect among others, this may happen practically in a company like a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) like IBM DAKSH, SYKES, ACCENTURE, TELETECH etc. and other Call Center Business where employees have came from various  nationalities and values different from others, since they came from different family background and upbringing. Basically one must learn to adopt their differences from the others because they belong to the same company, if not then there will be a battle of orderliness in the workplace, the company production and efficiency may be affected.

       Expectedly management has done everything to cope up with the social norms by engaging employees into something worthwhile that can come up with utmost cooperation, networking and camaraderie between employees. This strategy is aimed to develop and highly enhance the quality of each and individual at the workplace, they are given time to enjoy and relax through sports activities, team building and other social practices. Some groups are given time to use the internet games for fun, some are working at the mall while some are grouped together for a pleasure trip. These are all a part of the strategy that management have used to engage themselves into actively, participative employees even they have a multi-cultural differences.

        While most employees think that this are all part of the perks that they are going to receive if they perform well, which is correct but the deeper level of these activities are funded for interrelationship benefits that employees would achieve.  This is not just personal goal but the company’s mission through cooperation although they are all given their own personal rewards and benefits according to their performance it is a pre-requisite that they also work as a team. Management have learned to distribute the work equally so that there will be no lapses or jealousy at work. They also learned to keep track of their responsibility as group so that cultural diversity is manifested differently and credited and recorded that no one has given priority over the other.

      At the workplace when cooperation has been established it is easily understood that employees will gain customers from various nations like America, Japan, Korea, China, Australia and other countries, expectedly their Call Center Agents is expected to learn to respect questions, comments, queries and more so the customers quarrel and grievances from International customers that do not hesitate to shout and use unavoidable foul languages that has been their constant day to day routine. It their employees have not taught to interact with their teammates they may not find the courage to handle some tough customers from various nations.  At the end of the day it is their co-employees and friends where they can find strength to relieve such stress they have encountered. A simple greetings and a simple handshake which is considered an international language have done an amazing result is bringing themselves together.

·         In doing so a more effective and valuable information and regulation has been developed and promoted. Cooperation is just an ordinary pace at work.

·         They can now cater to a larger spectrum of services and communication pertaining to customer’s different behavior if employees learned to adopt the culture of their co-employees.

·         Employees have learned to maximize their freedom that they are respected and so they are free to give feedback and comments or suggestions over others.

·         Management success has been shown and the company progresses.

      In a workplace like Call Center where there are cultural diversity and people differences issues it is also conclusive to define limitation and boundaries beyond their belief so that others would not come across their will to manifest dominance over others. This means that everyone else is taught to respect their team mates to respect their differences so as to withstand problems that may arise. For example that Indian agent would not want to eat the same food the company is offering, and then the company will be offering a variety of food so they can choose. Another issue is discrimination, black people would likely suffer from humiliation and solitude for their physical looks but management has learned to orient this kind of disputes.

      Employees have taught to learn from others as much as other would learn from them. Everyone is given an opportunity to express their ideals at the workplace no matter how tough or how simple it may seems, there is definitely a broad spectrum of differences from their cultural norms but management have tried to identify and bring it up front and open as much as possible to so that others can adjust. Through this employees have learned to associate themselves mentally despite the cultural barriers.


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