Blackwell Publishing Inc
The Management of Pain From Collapse of
Osteoporotic Vertebrae With Continuous
Intrathecal Morphine Infusion
Vertebral fractures are the most common consequences of severe osteoporosis. The chronic pain from
collapse of osteoporotic vertebrae affects quality of life (QoL) and autonomy of patients. The management of
pain with oral or transdermal opiates can cause severe side-effects. Continuous intrathecal administration of morphine
through an implantable pump might represent an alternative therapy to conventional oral or transdermal
administration of opioids and has some advantages and disadvantages for pain relief and improvement in QoL
when compared to conventional opioid delivery. It is our objective to report our experience using intrathecal
delivery of analgesics in a population of patients with refractory pain due to vertebral fractures.
Materials and
In 24 patients, refractory to conventional delivery of opioids, we used intrathecal analgesic therapy.
To test for efficacy and improvement in QoL, we administered the visual analog scale (VAS) for pain and the
Quality of Life Questionnaire of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis (QUALEFFO). Before patients
were selected for pump implantation, an intraspinal drug delivery trial was performed to monitor side-effects
and responses to intrathecal therapy.
Significant pain relief was obtained in all implanted patients.
Using the QUALEFFO, we observed significant improvement of all variables such as QDL (quality of daily
life), DW (domestic work), ambulation, and PHS (perception of health status), before and after one year after
pump implantation. With intrathecal morphine infusion, none of the 24 patients required additional systemic
analgesic medication. The mean morphine dose during the spinal trial was 11.28 mg/day, 7.92 mg/day at
pump implantation, and 16.32 mg/day at one-year follow-up.
Our results show that intrathecal
administration of morphine efficiently relieves the symptoms of pain and improves QoL. Continuous intrathecal
administration of morphine appears to be an alternative therapy to conventional analgesic drug delivery
and has advantages in those patients who have severe side-effects with systemic administration of analgesics.
Continuous intrathecal morphine infusion, osteoporosis, vertebral fracture.
Osteoporosis is a metabolic disease of bone tissue
characterized by the reduction of bone mass. The
Consensus Conference of Hong Kong, in 1993,
defined osteoporosis as systemic pathology of the
skeleton with reduction of bone mass and microstructural
deterioration of bone tissue, resulting
in increased bone fragility and risk of fracture
(1). According to the World Health Organization,
osteoporosis is a reduction of the bone density
mass (BDM). With osteoporosis, bone density
scans show a reduction (T-Score-2.5) of at least
one standard deviation (SD) when compared to
the average value of the bone density of a young
healthy individual, used as a reference. This
reduction corresponds to a loss of 25–40% of
bone mass (2).
Osteoporosis occurs as either a primary pathology
or secondary to other pathologies (3). The
risk of primary osteoporosis increases with age.
Peak bone mass density is reached at age of 20–
30 years, and, by middle age, bone mass starts to
slowly decrease by 1% per year. Vertebral loss of
bone has a different pattern and different speed
of deterioration. Deterioration starts at the age
of 20 years and continues steadily at a speed of
up to 7% every 10 years in women and less than
2%, per decade, in men (4,5).
Vertebral fracture is the most common consequence
of osteoporosis (6). The incidence of
vertebral fractures is 5% in women at age of 50
years with a frequency of 0.5% per year, 25% in
women at age of 80 years with a frequency of
3% per year, and 64.3% in both sexes at the age
of 90 years (7,8). Vertebral fractures are mostly
localized at the thoracic level around T8 and at
the thoraco-lumbar junction T12–L1. These are
the most critical areas from a biomechanical
view point because the paravertebral muscles at
those levels are not capable of sustaining the
weight increase that is common with age (9).
Changes in vertebral shape due to osteoporosis
are classified into three groups: wedge deformities,
compression fractures, and biconcave or fish
deformities. Wedge fractures are often situated
in the central to lower part of the spine, biconcave
deformities in the lumbar vertebral bodies, and
compression fractures in the lower part of the
thoracic spine (10). Very intense acute pain of
vertebral fracture, responsive to analgesic therapy
or vertebroplastic and kyphoplastic interventions,
is only reported in 25–30% of cases (11,12) and
is of short duration, lasting between six and
ten weeks.
It is now well-established that the frequency
of new vertebral fractures is four to seven times
higher within 6–18 months in persons with a
pre-existing vertebral fracture when compared to
persons without pre-existing vertebral fracture.
This risk is independent of the bone density
(13,14). The pain due to vertebral fracture becomes
chronic within four years (15,16)
Repeated vertebral fractures are responsible
for chronic pain. Chronic pain from these fractures
is not only of bone origin but also it is due to
stretching of muscles, tendons, and ligaments
and due to arthritis of the articular surface. The
arthritis of the articular surfaces is responsible
for postural and anatomical modifications that
can, later, be the cause of a secondary arthrosis
(17). Often vertebral fractures are associated
with increased general morbidity, decrease of
psychomotor ability, disability, and loss of personal
autonomy (17–19).
New molecules for therapy of osteoporosis
such as diphosphonates and raloxifene are able
to improve the density and quality of bone, but
are not analgesic for persons with fracture. The
treatment of chronic pain due to vertebral
fracture is difficult and might require the use of
systemic opioid analgesics (20), but the administration
of these analgesics is associated with
side-effects in some individuals (21). In addition,
osteoporosis is a disease of older people and is
often associated with other chronic comorbidities
such as arthrosis, arterial hypertension, diabetes,
coronary artery disease, neurologic diseases,
and respiratory diseases. Therefore, pharmacologic
interactions can be problematic in this
older population (22,23). Gastrointestinal and
renal toxicity of anti-inflammatory therapies is
well documented (24). The use of calcitonin
can result in nausea, vomiting, flushing, and
dizziness (25).
The management of pain with opioids for
vertebral fractures reveals rapid amelioration of
pain and improved mobility (20). Transdermal
fentanyl is useful for the treatment of severe back
pain caused by osteoporosis, but 20% of patients
suffer from adverse events, most commonly
nausea, vomiting, or dizziness (26). In this article, we
discuss our treatment of refractory chronic pain due
to vertebral fractures with implantation of drug
delivery pumps for the intrathecal infusion of morphine
in patients who do not tolerate systemic
opioids because of severe side-effects and, in whom,
vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty are not indicated.
Material and Methods
We treated 24 patients, 19 women and 5 men,
with an average age of 74.3 years. Our inclusion
criteria in this study were:
• advanced osteoporosis without recent vertebral
• visual analog scale (VAS) for pain > seven after
three months of noninvasive therapies;
• VAS > seven after one month of oral and
transdermal administration of opioids;
• severe side-effects to systemic opioids such as
vomiting, itching, constipation, or urinary retention,
all resistant to pharmacological therapy;
• absence of psychologic barriers to success and/
or drug addictions.
A positive response to a trial for intrathecal
delivery of opioid, a response of > 50% improvement
in the VAS, performed by insertion of an
externalized spinal catheter for the intrathecal
administration of morphine, was necessary before
implantation of a permanent system, including
an intrathecal catheter and pump. All patients were
diagnosed with advanced osteoporosis resulting
in severe pain.
At first visit, all patients underwent magnetic
resonance imaging to evaluate and stage the level
of vertebral fractures to aid in patient selection
for a trial of intrathecal therapy. History and physical
examinations were performed to correlate
location of pain with the level of the fractures
and to collect data on side-effects of pharmacologic
treatment. At this visit, we administered a
VAS (27) and the Quality of Life Questionnaire
of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis
(QUALEFFO) (28), which is specific for quality of
life (QoL) issues in this group of patients. With
QUALEFFO, patients are asked to answer 30
questions about their pain (duration, frequency,
intensity, pharmacologic treatment), daily activities
(washing, dressing, sleeping), domestic works
(cooking, cleaning, shopping), ambulation (going
up stairs, walking for 100 m, bending on one’s
knees, bending at the trunk), and general perception
of health (report of own health conditions).
Each answer is tied to a score ranging between
1 and 5. The minimum sum of each score is 30,
which is indicative of a good health status. The
maximum sum of each score is 150, which is
indicative of poor health. The relevance of
QUALEFFO has been validated in a multicentered
study performed in seven countries (28). To
obtain statistical data, the VAS was administered
before, during, and at end of trial for intrathecal
therapy, after pump implantation, and at one-year
follow-up. The QUALEFFO was administered
before the trial, after pump implantation, and
one year after pump implantation.
Intrathecal Trial
One week after the initial visit, we started the trial
of intrathecal morphine. Before this trial, in
patients treated with oral morphine, the oral dose
was reduced by 50%. The continuous, initial
infusion dose of morphine was 0.5–1 mg in 24 hours
using an intrathecal infusion via an externalized
catheter. During the first three days of the trial,
all patients were hospitalized. The oral administration
of morphine was gradually tapered and
the infusion dose was increased by 1 mg/day until
the VAS was reduced by, at least, 50%. At day 3,
after the initiation of this trial, patients were
discharged. At the sixth day from the beginning
of the trial, all patients returned to the pain unit
for trial follow-up. We considered the trial over
when the VAS score was reduced by 50% and
the dose reducing the pain by 50% was stable
for at least three days. Data collected during the
trial included morphine dosing and the development
of side-effects, if any (Table 1). Nausea,
vomiting, itching, and/or constipation were treated
with antiemetics, antihistaminics, and laxatives,
respectively. Our screening trials had the following
• to monitor and report, in the clinical record, all
patient side-effects of therapy such as nausea,
vomiting, itching, sleepiness, constipation, and/
or urinary retention;
• to determine initial dose requirements;
• to establish the appropriateness of therapy;
• to daily monitor pain relief, if any, using a VAS
for pain; and
• to monitor functional scores using the
QUALEFFO questionnaire, administered before
the trial, after pump implantation, and at oneyear
The delivery system used for this study was a
constant-flow Archimedes infusion pump designed
for the continuous intrathecal delivery of analgesic
medications (Codman, Johnson & Johnson,
Raynham, MA, USA). These titanium pumps
utilize a butane drive-medium that creates a
specific pressure at normal body temperature
and above and places a constant pressure on the
exterior surface of the reservoir. The flow infusion
of the system that we used was 0.5 mL/24 hours
and the reservoir capacity was 20 mL.
In those patients having successfully passed the
intrathecal trial, once the pump was implanted, the
initial morphine daily dose was reduced by 20%
when compared to the dose at trial, QUALEFFO,
side-effects, and morphine doses were reviewed and
recorded (). After three to five days,
the morphine dose was increased to the dose at
the end of the trial. At one year from pump
implantation, data from the VAS, QUALEFFO,
and morphine dosing were collected ()
Statistical Analysis
Statistical processing (i.e., comparisons between
the variable levels, recorded at different intervals,
performed by means of a paired nonparametric
procedure [Wilcoxon]), was implemented using
the statistical package StatGraphics version 4.0
(STSC Inc., Rockville, MD, USA). If not otherwise
specified an (I type) error level less than 5% was
deemed significant.
We treated 24 patients between the ages of 67 and
83 years, average age 74.3 years, with intrathecal
infusion of morphine via an implanted, nonprogrammable
pump. All patients were diagnosed
with chronic pain due to vertebral collapse secondary
to advanced osteoporosis. Prior to implant,
all patients were treated conservatively with the
systemic delivery of analgesic drugs: five patients
were treated with transdermal fentanyl, 50
five patients were treated with codeine 90 mg/day
and paracetamol 1500 mg/day; five patients were
treated with oral morphine, 60 mg/day; two
patients were treated with epidural morphine,
2 mg/day; four patients were treated with tramadol,
200 mg/day; and three patients were treated with
ketorolac 60 mg/day and oral morphine 50 mg/day
(Table 2). Side-effects of systemic opioids, in
our population, included itching in 12.5% of
patients, vomiting in 33.3% of patients, urinary
retention in 8.3% of patients, and sleepiness in
4.1% of patients.
The mean VAS value before trial was 8.7 cm.
After pump implant, the mean VAS score was
3.6 cm and after one year, 1.9 cm. The mean
functional score (QUALEFFO) before trial was
114.7. After pump implant, the mean QUALEFFO
score had fallen to 92.1, and, after one year, the
mean QUALEFFO score fell to 79.1 (Table 2).
The mean morphine dose, at trial, was 0.47 mg/
hour, which corresponded to a mean VAS value
of 3.7. The mean morphine dose used at pump
implant was 0.33 mg/hour and the mean morphine
dose after one year from the pump implantation
was 0.68 mg/hour (Table 1).
Side-effects reported during the trial included
vomiting in five patients and itching in three
patients that were treated successfully with antiemetics
and antihistaminics, respectively. After
pump implantation, nausea occurred in only
three patients. There was a wound infection
in one case that required antibiotic therapy;
in another case, there was delayed healing. In
two patients, catheter dislocation necessitated
reinsertion of the catheter. No patients required
additional oral/transdermal dose of analgesics.
Statistical Results
The comparison of QUALEFFO variables and VAS
values before the screening test and one year
from pump implantation shows high statistical
differences (Table 3).
It is estimated that the severity of osteoporosis
and its clinical consequences such as pathologic
fractures will increase fourfold in the next halfcentury
because of the increase in worldwide
population and longevity of these populations
(29). The majority of patients with vertebral
fractures respond favorably to traditional treatment;
however, there are some patients who fail
conservative therapy and suffer from prolonged
pain and immobility (29). The chronic pain due
to osteoporotic vertebral collapse has severely
negative social and economic effects. Intrathecal
administration of opioids represents a reasonable,
albeit, expensive alternative opioid therapy in
patients not responding to traditional therapy
and has advantages when compared to systemic
administration (i.e., less dosing and less systemic
side-effects). Intrathecal administration of morphine
gives a lower incidence of dependence,
tolerance, and side-effects when compared to
systemic administration (30–32). Side-effects of
intrathecal administration of opioids can be prevented
by starting the treatment with lower doses
and by increasing it gradually and administering
adjuvant medications, such as bupivacaine or
clonidine (33,34).
The loss of bone mass related to age is due to
genetic as well as environmental factors (35). In
postmenopausal women, there is an accelerated
bone turnover with increased demineralization (36).
From the age of 70 years on, senile osteoporosis
may occur, involving men, as well (37). The most
important etiologic factors in senile osteoporosis
are deficit of calcium and vitamin D, sedentary
lifestyle, and drop in gonad function in both
sexes (38). Therefore, osteoporosis is pathology
of advanced aging, which affects both QoL and
autonomy of affected individuals, especially in the
presence of fractures and vertebral compression
(15,39). Only one vertebral fracture is sufficient
to increase the risk of severe dorsal chronic pain in
a patient (40), and this risk increases exponentially
with the number of collapsed vertebrae (41,42).
Several recent case series (43–45) have reported
significant pain relief with percutaneous vertebroplasty
(PVP) in as many as 90% of cases of
osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. The
mechanism of pain relief from PVP remains
uncertain; however, stabilization of microfractures,
vascular, and chemical factors have been proposed
as mechanisms (46). Although, subjective failure
of conservative therapy is generally an indication
for the procedure, the time from fracture to PVP
ranges from two weeks to at least several months
(47). Some authors have suggested that PVP is
effective in reducing analgesic requirement, but
this effect is slightly blunted in patients who
require opioids before the procedure and in
those who have older fractures (47). In our
study population, patients that qualified for PVP
had lack of efficacy to oral and/or transdermal
opiates or had severe side-effects to the systemic
administration of opioids. Moreover, the presence
of radiologic signs for old vertebral fractures was
not an indication for vertebroplasty. Potential
documented clinical complications of PVP include
infections, bleeding, back pain, rib fracture,
pulmonary embolism, pneumothorax from punctured
lung, fever, optic neuritis, and various
other neurologic complications (48,49).
Kyphoplasty is suggested by many authors to
improve, either vertebral body height or kiphosis
and pain in patients with recent vertebral fractures
(50). Some studies on kyphoplasty show an immediate
significant improvement in pain but no
improvement in QoL at two-year follow-up (51,52).
A recent review of side-effects of kyphoplasty shows
a great number of severe complications (49).
In our study changes in intrathecal doses were
based on pain reporting of our patients. In general
the mean morphine dose during the trial was
11.28 mg/day. At pump implantation, the mean
morphine dose was 7.92 mg/day and, after oneyear
follow-up, the dose was 16.32 mg/day. In our
series, the morphine dose for the greater number
of patients with nonmalignant pain needed to
be increased over the duration of follow-up to
maintain adequate pain control. Yaksh and Onofrio
(53) observed a similar time-dependent dose
escalation in malignant pain. This escalation
of dosing was in contrast to Winkelmuller and
Winkelmuller’s observation that doubling of the
initial dose occurred in only 27% of their patients
(54). In our results, the average intrathecal dose of
16.32 mg/day, at one-year follow-up, was comparable
to the 13.19 mg/day reported by Paice
(55), where malignant pain and non-cancer pain
patients had similar doses, except for the initial
dose, which was higher in malignant pain patients.
In our results, the mean percentage pain relief
was 68%. In Paice’s (55) retrospective, multicenter
study, the mean percentage pain relief
was 61% in patients with malignant and noncancer-
related pain. They observed that patients
with somatic pain, as in our study, tended to have
greater relief of pain with intrathecal therapy,
than did patients with other types of pain.
Pharmacologic complications were common
immediately after the initiation of therapy, but
for the most part resolved with standard medical
management, during the first three months. The
most persistent complication was nausea, found
in 12% of our patients. In our study, unlike those
reported in younger patients (55–57), there were
no reports of sexual disturbances, such as loss of
libido and amenorrhea. Our results confirmed
those of previous reports that intrathecal morphine
can be administered long-term without serious
pharmacologic complications (58).
Our results indicated that the functional score
for QoL (QUALEFFO) tended to improve after
the initiation of intrathecal therapy and tended
to remain improved for at least 12 months.
Similarly, Winkelmuller and Winkelmuller (54),
in a recent retrospective review of 120 patients,
reported that 81% of their patients experienced
global improvement in QoL with chronic intrathecal
morphine infusion at follow-up ranging
from six months to six years.
Finally, in terms of device safety, previous reports
of chronic intrathecal delivery with a totally
implanted infusion system have been generally
good and the incidence of complications experienced
in the present study was in agreement with
those of earlier studies (54,59,60). Most devicerelated
complications were associated with the
implanted intrathecal catheter, especially migration
of the catheter from the intrathecal space,
and cerebrospinal fluid leakage. In one case, a
wound infection developed and was treated
successfully with intravenous antibiotics, without
pump removal. In this series, all patients were able
to control their pain with intrathecal opioid
therapy alone.
The use of opioids given systemically, orally or
transdermally, can control pain, but is associated
with severe physical and psychologic side-effects in
some individuals (61). Intrathecal administration
of opioids should be used in those patients
who have failed conventional delivery of opioids
according to the analgesic ladder as described
by the World Health Organization analgesic guidelines
(62–64). Morphine is the most commonly
used opioid administered into the subarachnoid
(intrathecal) space (65,66), and it is the most
commonly selected drug for trial initiation (67).
Intrathecal administration of morphine is 100
and 300 times more effective when compared to
intravenous and oral administration, respectively,
and 10 times more efficient when compared to
epidural administration (32). The intrathecal
administration of morphine has pharmacokinetic
and pharmacodynamic advantages, reducing the
incidence of side-effects and producing relief
of pain at substantially lower doses (68,69). This
effect of intrathecal morphine, a μ-receptor
agonist, is related to the presence of μ receptors
in the dorsal horn of the gray matter of the spinal
cord, its high hydrophilia and low lipophilia,
and the high affinity of morphine to these
receptors (70).
With intrathecal therapy, as shown by this study,
patients do derive relief from pain and regain a
good QoL. In our experience, complications and
side-effects related to pump implantation and
continuous infusions for at least one year were
minor and transient. It is our belief based on this
evaluation that the intrathecal administration of
opioids should be considered as another resource
for patients with osteoporotic vertebral fracture
and pain when all traditional treatments have
failed or if traditional treatments are inadequate
after a reasonable period of trial time.
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