Rusaw Homes
“Customer Care” Home Building Process
Table of Contents
A) Rusaw Homes “Customer Care” process commitment
B) Teamwork and the “Customer Care” process
C) “Customer Care” action plan
D) Phase I “Customer Care” home building process
1) Phase I prospect letters 1-7 inclusive
E) Phase II “Customer Care” home building process
1) Phase II reinforcement letters 1 and 2
F) Phase III “Customer Care” home building process
1) Phase III&IV supervisors introduction letter
G) Phase IV “Customer Care” home building process
1) Phase III&IV supervisors introduction letter
2) Phase IV pre-closing letter
H) Phase V “Customer Care” home building process
1) Phase V visitations follow-up letters 1 – 3 inclusive
I) How to say “no” without offending the customer
J) Customer service strategies-20 comments
K) A “crash course” on customer service
L) How to handle your own personal stress
M) Rusaw Homes contract
N) Rusaw Homes contract exhibits
1) Bonded builders warranty book
2) Rusaw Homes maintenance manual
3) Rusaw Homes change order form
4) Rusaw Homes lien affidavit
5) Initial contact drawings (site and architectural)
6) Disclosure statements
7) Features and Enclosures
8) Initial additions and deletions
9) Projection Schedules
Rusaw Homes “Customer Care” Process Commitment
We shall strive to meet or exceed our responsibilities set forth in the Rusaw “Customer Care” home building process. We shall adhere to the highest standards of professional conduct as a Rusaw Homes building team member. We shall achieve customer satisfaction by constructing homes of great value and beauty, free of defects and warrant them as promised, on time-every time. We shall satisfy our customers and associates with a hassle free environment that fosters teamwork and harmony. We shall maintain a high level of involvement in the process, with continuous improvement of teamwork and work satisfaction in mind.
Teamwork and the Rusaw Homes “Customer Care”
Home Building Process
“Working together builds teams. Teamwork builds quality.
Quality builds satisfaction.”
These few simple lines summarize our formula for satisfaction. No longer can we rest on our past accomplishments. Our competitors are not resting!
We absolutely must work together to “earn more market share” from our competitors. When I say “earn market share,” I don’t mean “steal” market share. To earn market share we must provide QUALITY work and exceptional SERVICE for our customers. We are not in this business to “steal market share” by committing to unrealistic prices, as many of our competitors have opted to do. By working to earn our market share, we can expect to enjoy lasting benefits through loyal customers and their referrals. We must commit and deliver!
Only through the eyes of the customer can quality and service be defined. QUALITY is what our customers perceive it to be…not what we think it is. Our work must be seen from the customer’s point of view. Nothing short of customer satisfaction will work.
The only way to achieve satisfaction & income is to work together as a team. Each day that we fail to achieve optimum TEAMWORK, another potential customer or referral will be lost.
These principles and practices will greatly enhance our QUALITY as perceived by our customers. Nothing short of total process compliance can be tolerated by our associates.
THE FIRST STEP… in achieving everything that we have mentioned above is “do it right the first time!” By not doing it right the first time, everybody loses money, not only in labor and materials, but also in time, making it difficult to uphold our commitment to our customers for satisfaction. AND…the time we are spending to go back and repair or finish a job is time that could be utilized on new or other jobs. Non-compliance now costs us double! Not to mention that your fellow associates can’t continue their work. NOW…you are costing THEM money. Would you want to be the reason they can’t work?
The repercussions of NOT DOING IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME, does not end during construction. After construction is complete and our customer has moved in, we may have complaints about defective work. If you didn’t do it right the first time, you MUST do it right the second time because the customer won’t tolerate a third! Put yourself in their position, and have the customer on your mind while you are performing your work…
THE SECOND STEP…do it right ON TIME! Nothing incites a customer more than waiting. The first thing they are upset about is that they shouldn’t have had the problem to start with, but most of our customers will be genuinely impressed if we follow our commitment to respond to their requests for service on a timely basis. An appointment must be made, so as not to interfere with the customer’s lifestyle – don’t forget… they are living in their home now. Once an appointment is made, SHOW UP at the prearranged time. No exceptions will be tolerated. The most discourteous thing we can do is leave a customer waiting.
Performing ON TIME is just as important during construction. Your associates depend on it. Every time you are late getting to a job, it starts a chain reaction that affects all trades following you, which means their people don’t work and we cannot provide timely progress on the customer’s home.
Being on time will foster good will and good working relationships among your associates. Doing the job RIGHT and ON TIME encourages the customer to PAY on time. This enables us to save money for our clients in their interest payments as well as rent while their home is being constructed, etc. This may not seem important to you, but think of the customer as an “appreciating asset.” The more care and attention provided to that asset, the more it is worth in the way of “more customers.” In today’s world, a referral from a satisfied customer is our greatest asset. All the land, model homes, and advertising can’t buy referrals.
REMEMBER….Quality starts with you
Our customers depend on us to do things right, on time, every time. If one associate does not perform to our customer’s expectations, then the whole team loses credibility! Moreover, if the associate performs well initially, but fails in subsequent service, credibility will be lost.
Just as we expect to be paid for our work, our customers expect to receive the work they paid for. This can only be accomplished by assuring our customer that he will receive good service EVERY TIME! There is an old saying… “What you did for me yesterday was fine, but what are you going to do for me today?” We are never judged totally on our initial performance, but on every performance. In the customer’s eyes, we are only as good as our last performance. If we do it right and on time the first time, we will be judged accordingly. If we fail the first time, it is absolutely necessary to succeed the second time.
Business relationships are built on trust. Your associates must trust you to do your part right the first time, to do it on time, and do it that way every time! Rusaw Homes customers have placed that trust in us. We have built a reputation on that trust. We have placed that trust in YOU. You are being entrusted with two assets:
As a member of our TEAM, you have responsibility to uphold that trust.
-Take enough pride in your work to put YOUR NAME on it. MINE IS!
-You are who you are associated with…A PROFESSIONAL!
We are a team of professionals associated to provide QUALITY HOMES and SERVICE. As such, we must appear and conduct ourselves accordingly. Your associates depend on it. Our customers demand it. I appreciate it.
To enhance our professional image, the following rules must be adhered to:
1) Be courteous to customers and associates
2) Be defect free and prompt in your work
3) Maintain proper attire during business hours or while performing your duties
4) Always arrange and honor appointments
5) Address customer and associates with respect. The use of vulgarity and slang is unbecoming and prohibited, as is the use of alcohol, drugs, and other intoxicants during working hours.
6) Respect other people’s property. Travel and park only in authorized areas. Make sure vehicles do not leak on or stain driveways. Remove shoes before entering
finished homes.
7) Do not use services (water, power, etc.) from adjacent properties.
8) Refrain from playing music on job sites or in vehicles on job sites
9) Maintain job signs upright, in good condition, and in the designated location on site
10) Place all trash and debris in the designated location for ease of removal and to prevent unsightliness.
11) Do not bring unauthorized persons or animals on the job
12) Never discuss another associate’s work in the presence of customers, neighbors, or other persons not associated with the work.
13) Respect your associate’s work. Be careful not to stand on or place tools on finished surfaces. Don’t litter or track dirt in homes. Make sure hands are clean before working over finished paint and other surfaces.
14) Refrain from using tobacco products inside home during finishing stages.
15) Always leave job site “Broom Clean” at the end of work.
The cost of non-compliance with this process for all of us will be dissatisfied customers. Dissatisfied customers will cost us sales and, ultimately, our business association.
You owe it to yourself to PERFORM, you owe it to your associates to PERFORM, and we owe it to our customers to PERFORM.
Your ideas and commitment will help us build a better business for all involved. I trust from the length of this writing, that you will see that Rusaw Homes is committed to Customer Care. AND…that no less is expected from you. Satisfaction cannot be accomplished alone. Therefore, you as a quality PROFESSIONAL, must COMPLY! Nothing short of your sincere commitment to this process will work.
This program is a comprehensive, multi-step process to assure prosperity through CUSTOMER SATISFACTION.
IT IS NOT easy or painless. For optimum success to be achieved, strict adherence must be practiced by all associates. TEAMWORK IS THE KEY. Without total commitment from everyone involved, success cannot be achieved.
The essence of CUSTOMER CARE deals with meeting or exceeding customer expectations and requirements. To do so, we must establish and then guide our customers’ expectations through the process.
Phase I:
“Prospect to Contract Requirements” begins with a sales associate contacting a prospective customer. Attention here is given to the customer’s requirements, such as budget, timing, and personal data. Such information is entered into a database for subsequent action and follow-up. See Phase I prospect letters #1-7 inclusive. Already we are creating real expectations and meeting customer requirements by showing interest. The prospect will not become a customer if we cannot deliver during the sales process.
Finally, our prospect visits the model. They are greeted by a sales associate and qualified in further detail for subsequent use. Here again, TEAMWORK is important. If the grass at the entrance looks bad, or the sales associate is not professional, or the models and jobs sites are not presentable, the prospect will feel let down. WHY? We fell short of the expectation we created.
Upon the prospect’s departure, a personalized letter is prepared from the President, thanking them for their interest in Rusaw Homes. This reinforces our commitment to our product and to them as a future customer. See Phase I – letter #5.
If anything along the way in Phase I is not JUST RIGHT, we stand to lose TWO-THIRDS of our prospects. Customer care, as perceived by the customer, begins with the first contact and continues through final contract! Special care must be taken not to overwhelm the customer. The process must be explained to our customer, after which the sales person should patiently direct the customer to contract finalization. After signing the contract, the signing pen should be given to the customer as a gift. This is the second most stressful time during the process, for our customer.
Phase I Prospect Letter Without Brochure
Form Letter #1
Mr. and Mrs.
City, State, Zip
The Rusaw family has been building dream homes in West Central Florida since 1956. The construction quality of our homes is legendary. At last count, the list of Rusaw homeowners numbered 5000 families.
Nothing would make us happier than to build your dream home, “Dear Name.” That way, you could join our Rusaw Homes family. I know you’d fit right in and enjoy getting to know your neighbors in this friendly, low-key part of Florida.
We can help you live the lifestyle you imagine. Others like you have been delighted to discover how much home and lifestyle value they realized after choosing Rusaw Homes. Let us make your dream of blissful Florida living a reality!
Please visit with us at your first opportunity, or contact us for more information. I’ll be looking forward to it. Best regards.
Sales Associate
Phase I Prospect Brochure Follow-Up Letter
Form Letter #2
Good Morning,
Thank you for requesting information from Rusaw Homes.
Please find our informational brochure, with floor plans and specifications of our “award-winning” homes. If you’re not familiar with West Central Florida, you will also find good information about our Nature Coast area, with its rolling terrain, lakes, and access to the Gulf of Mexico.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call. You will find an informed staff, ready and willing to assist you with your new home needs.
Thanks again for your inquiry.
E. George Rusaw
Enclosure: Rusaw Homes Brochure
Phase I Prospect Letter with Brochure
Form Letter #3
Good Morning,
Allow me to introduce you to Rusaw Homes, the award-winning builder on Florida’s “Nature Coast” since 1956. Yes, that’s approaching 50 years of building excellence and CUSTOMER CARE! Rusaw Homes is a name that stands for quality in a new home and value for the investment for your home.
George Rusaw is proud to have been honored as Florida “Builder of the Year,” out of the 18,000 Florida builders membership, in recognition of his continual efforts to improve the housing industry. Rusaw Homes was also awarded the coveted ACE Award, the Award for Construction Excellence, which places Rusaw Homes among the top five homebuilders in the United States in this category.
Another important aspect of your new home in Florida’s Nature Coast is energy efficiency. Here again, Rusaw Homes has earned “Aurora” awards, given by the Florida Power Corporation, for the most energy-efficient homes among entries over the southeast U.S.
We are anxious for our potential new homeowners to receive the most up-to-date, current information about Rusaw Homes. I am enclosing a brochure with floor plans, prices, and area information. We hope you will visit our award winning model(s) on your next trip to Florida’s Nature Coast.
Thank you for the opportunity of serving you with what we feel is the finest new home product that can be found on the west coast of Central Florida. I hope you will become interested in Rusaw Homes and that someday you will be one of our neighbors.
Rusaw Homes
Phase I Prospect Site Visit Follow-Up Letter By Sales person
Form Letter #4
Mr. and Mrs.
City, State, Zip
Thank you very much for visiting Rusaw Homes award winning models. All of us here are extremely proud of our new homes, and we enjoy it when nice people come to see what we have to offer.
We are proud to have been designated the “Builder of the Year” by the Florida Home Builder’s Association. George Rusaw received this award as one of only 17 recipients over the years from the more than 6,000 eligible builder members of this organization in Florida. He also holds the distinction of being the youngest recipient of this honor. This prestigious award recognizes our family tradition of home building that Rusaw homeowners have enjoyed since 1956.
Nothing would please us more than to have you join our family of proud Rusaw Homeowners. Enjoying your new home on Florida’s “Nature Coast” can easily become a reality, “Dear Name.”
We’re looking forward to having you with us. You can be confident that your new Rusaw home will complement your lifestyle perfectly. Please let me know when I can help with the details.
Sales Associate
Phase I Prospect Letter From President Following Initial Site Visit
Form Letter #5
Mr. and Mrs.
City, State, Zip
Word has reached me that you visited with us several days ago and spent some time getting to know “rep name.” I understand that you seemed very interested in our new homes.
I want you to know how very much the Rusaw team appreciates your enthusiastic reaction to our offering. A lot of care and plain hard work go into creating homes of such quality and value. Our reward comes when people like you are excited by what we have to offer.
Thank you very much for your interest in Rusaw Homes. It would make me very happy to build a personalized home for you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make that a reality.
George Rusaw
cc: Sales Associate
Phase I Prospect Follow-Up Letter by Sales Person for Return Visit
Form Letter #6
Mr. and Mrs.
City, State, Zip
Thank you for taking another look at the possibilities the west coast of Central Florida could have for you. I’m really pleased to know that you think enough of Rusaw Homes to come back for another visit.
We will do our utmost to be of real service to you as you consider your new home plans. Don’t forget our toll-free number, 800-624-1939. Call and let me know if I can help in any way.
Again, thanks. Best regards.
Sales Associate
Phase I Prospect Lead Bank Touch Letters by Sales Person
Form Letter #7
Mr. and Mrs.
City, State, Zip
I am delighted to learn that you want to remain on our Rusaw Homes mailing list. Thanks for letting us know. We’ll keep the updates coming your way.
We would be even more delighted to have you visit us sometime soon. We could explore together the possibilities West Central Florida could have for you. We will do our utmost to be of real service to you as you consider your new home plans. Don’t forget our toll-free number, 800-624-1939. Call me and let me know if I can help in any way.
Again, thanks. Best regards.
Sales Associate
Phase II:
Within a few days of contract signing, a letter is prepared from the President reinforcing their decision and focusing their attention on starting construction. Consumer surveys tell us that the first few days after buying are very exciting, if reinforced. Moreover, this is a perfect time to
ask for referrals. Special care must also be given at this time to reiterate fulfillment of contract deficiencies and set dates to accomplish same.
We should introduce their construction team together with construction secretary/liaison person. The construction representative should, at this time, convey the importance of the customer’s thorough attention to details of plans and plan review, thus eliminating costly delays. We further set forth what work must take place before physical construction may commence, together with a project schedule estimate for phases II, III, and IV. This step is designed to assure work is underway even though earth is not turning. It also transfers direct responsibility from the sales associate to the construction team. See form letter Phase II, #1.
Phase II Reinforcement Letters
Form Letter #1
Mr. and Mrs.
City, State, Zip
It was exciting to hear that you are ready to proceed with construction of your new home! We have now progressed to Phase II of our “Customer Care” Homebuilding Process. I have carefully considered the location, design, and the general requirements of your project with our team members. Allow me to introduce you to John Perry & Tracy Osborn, who will prepare and maintain all of your construction documents. In addition, Mr. Perry will be the liaison between you and the field personnel when we progress to the next phases. I have great confidence in our team and I’m satisfied they will earn your confidence as well.
Tracy has advised me of the present status of your project. She has indicated the following information and/or documents must be facilitated by you, so we can progress in a timely manner:
Assuming that all of the above have been completed, we should be able to process all documents necessary to obtain engineering and building permits. Please understand, NO physical construction of any kind will begin prior to the posting of the above permits on your job site, as required by local authorities. Anticipating no delays, we have prepared a schedule of Phases II, III, and IV of our process for your new home. Please remember, this is an estimate only.
When construction commences, you will be introduced to Derek Van Tassel, who will have direct supervisory responsibility for your project and Phase III operations. Phase IV Finish Construction Operations will be the supervisory responsibility of Kirk Osborn. At any point during or between phases that actual progress vs. estimated progress of your project becomes significant, you will be notified of a new estimated completion date with a revised project schedule.
A few weeks prior to completion, you will be contacted by our construction support, closing and service coordinator who will discuss with you the final steps to walk through inspection, closing and warranty service. Over the years, Rusaw Homes has refined our homebuilding process with “Customer Care” in mind. Approximately 200 major tasks will be performed by you and the Rusaw team from the day you visited our models to the day we visit your home for the 1 year warranty visitation. To ensure that your Rusaw homebuilding experience is both exciting and what you expect, it is imperative that you review all the documents provided to you. Organize these documents so that you may refer to them when questions or minor issues arise. More often than not, we have anticipated this in the process so you can answer your own questions or satisfy an issue.
Finally, I want you to know that I also share your expectation that the Rusaw team will perform in accordance with the requirements we have set forth in the contract. I’m delighted that you’ve chosen Rusaw Homes and look forward to calling you a neighbor.
E. George Rusaw
cc: Sales Associate
Phase II Reinforcement Letters
Form Letter #2
Mr. and Mrs.
City, State, Zip
Dear Mr. and Mrs.
It is my pleasure to inform you that the building department has issued your permits, so construction on your new Rusaw Home may now start.
Based on the commencement, the estimated completion date on your home is on or about ___________.
We will confirm the date with you prior to completion, allowing you time to make any arrangements for moving, storage, accommodations, etc.
If, at any time, you would like the progress status of your home, feel free to contact John Perry at our home office and he will be happy to assist you.
E. George Rusaw, President
Rusaw Homes
cc: Sales Associate
Phase III:
The next step involves another personalized letter signed by the President announcing physical start (and superintendent introduction). The superintendent should confirm construction schedule with letter of introduction (see form letter). The next opportunity for referrals is when the site is actually cleared because now the dream is alive. Sales person sends note and picture (“dusty shoes”). Task 9.
Between now and until framing is completed, customer contact will consist of construction and accounting contact. After completion of the framing and prior to the “All Trades” inspection, the sales associate will take a picture of the home under construction for a “dusty shoes” card allowing yet another opportunity for referrals. Task 43.
Phase III&IV Supervisor(s) Introduction Letter
Form Letter #1
Mr. and Mrs.
City, State, Zip
I know Mr. Rusaw has mentioned my name in a letter some time ago, however, I want to introduce myself and share with you my involvement in building your home.
My name is _____________, and I am responsible for supervising more than 60 major tasks that we refer to as Phase ___ of our “Customer Care” homebuilding process.
I have familiarized myself with the requirements and estimated schedule of your project. At this time, I DO or DO NOT anticipate a change in your estimated closing date. I have enclosed a copy of the schedule I estimate to accomplish the tasks I’m responsible for.
If you have any questions or issues concerning your home, simply call the office and give specific instructions on where, when, and how I can best respond.
Thank you for choosing Rusaw Homes.
cc: Sales associate
Phase IV:
Our next step is the introduction of the finish superintendent and confirming the construction schedule to completion (see form letter). We ask that they make arrangements for permanent power, water, phone, etc. Consumer surveys show the stress level is highest here. They have a lot going on in their lives and fear most what they may find when they get here. Closing/services coordinator makes contact with customer at task 55 to start organizing closing. Sales person does “dusty shoes” at tasks 11 & 29.
Phase III&IV Supervisor(s) Introduction Letter
Form Letter #1
Mr. and Mrs.
City, State, Zip
I know Mr. Rusaw has mentioned my name in a letter some time ago, however, I want to introduce myself and share with you my involvement in building your home.
My name is _____________, and I am responsible for supervising more than 60 major tasks that we refer to as Phase ___ of our “Customer Care” homebuilding process.
I have familiarized myself with the requirements and estimated schedule of your project. At this time, I DO or DO NOT anticipate a change in your estimated closing date. I have enclosed a copy of the schedule I estimate to accomplish the tasks I’m responsible for.
If you have any questions or issues concerning your home, simply call the office and give specific instructions on where, when, and how I can best respond.
Thank you for choosing Rusaw Homes.
cc: Sales associate
Phase IV Pre-Closing Letter
Form Letter #1
Mr. and Mrs.
City, State, Zip
Welcome to West Central Florida. We are pleased to inform you that your home is ready for walk through and closing on DAY and DATE. Prior to closing, there are some preparations on your part that I need to bring to your attention. Please refer to the attached sheet and/or enclosures for specifics.
This is a very exciting day for all of us, because we will proudly familiarize you with your new home, which represents our best effort to build you a fine home. I’m confident you will share the pride we feel for many years to come.
At this time, we will demonstrate the value added features and workmanship in your home. It is important that the carefully planned procedures are followed so that nothing is overlooked. Feel free to ask questions or make observations during the walk through.
Having completed the demonstration portion of your walk through, we will jointly sign our acceptance form. Please note this document constitutes your acceptance, subject to any noted defects, and will become part of our permanent records. We’re almost finished! We now proudly present you with various warranty and related documents. Please familiarize yourself with all the warranty and maintenance documents, as they contain the standards you can rely on to determine if your home has defects.
Congratulations! You are ready for settlement and occupancy of your new RUSAW HOME. On behalf of the entire RUSAW HOMES STAFF, I say…WELCOME NEIGHBOR!
Closing Customer Service Coordinator
cc: Sales Associate
Phase V:
The final step consists of “walk through” and closing. We must be ready, on time, and excited when the customer arrives. The “walk through” must be informative and complete. Remember, this is their big day. The day their dreams come true. We must meet their expectations now. NOT TOMORROW. TODAY!
Thirty days after the closing, the sales associate will personally visit the customer in their new home to deliver a green plant. There has been much research done by independent psychological and behavior teams to analyze the responses of homebuyers. The facts of these studies clearly demonstrate that the most productive time to ask for and gain referrals from your client is immediately upon contract signing and again within thirty days of their moving into their new home.
Also, Phase V of our program consists of post construction service/warranty. We begin this phase by calling the sales person to schedule 30 day visit. We also discuss and validate
legitimate warranty items in accordance with the Bonded Builders Warranty. We further ask for their continued suggestions and referrals. This process not only documents service but records activity in writing and lets them know the sales person is still interested. Customer surveys reveal between 30-90 days after move-in is a happy period for the customer if everything has been per their expectations.
The above step is repeated on or about three months after settlement and is performed by the sales manager or the marketing director. The third step of Phase V is normally performed by the President, who inspects structural and other items. In addition, we reiterate the terms of the warranty and our limited future involvement. We further discuss the need to perform routine maintenance and remind customer to refer to their maintenance manual. The sales associate may elect to make an appointment to take the customer out to dinner to celebrate the anniversary.
The final step of Phase V consists entirely of sending a personalized letter from the President reminding them of maintenance and confirming the terms of the Bonded Builders Warranty. This is done on or about the two year anniversary. An anniversary card will be sent by the sales associate on the second year anniversary.
The program described herein, while comprehensive, is not final or all inclusive. It has been said “The road to excellence is always under construction.” I AGREE! Accordingly, I challenge everyone to commit to improving CUSTOMER CARE.
“The only certain means of success is to render more and better
services than is expected of you, no matter what your talk may be”
-Og Mandino
Phase V Visitation Follow-Up Letter
Form Letter #1
Mr. and Mrs.
City, State, Zip
I hope your settling into your beautiful new home and meeting your neighbors.
Per our agreement at closing, I have enclosed a copy of your acceptance checklist for your permanent files. I have also issued work orders to the responsible persons to address the few items we noted as requiring correction or operational demonstration.
Please avail yourself for this work to be completed in a timely fashion. Should any work remain outstanding 10 days after this letter, let me know so I can follow-up for you.
Again, thank you for choosing Rusaw Homes. We’re proud to call you neighbor.
Closing/Customer Service Coordinator
cc: Sales Person
Phase V Visitation Follow-Up Letter
Form Letter #2
Mr. and Mrs.
City, State, Zip
I want to thank you for your comments and suggestions offered during our visit on (date). Your insights will help us better serve you and future Rusaw homeowners by enhancing the value of our products.
(Add following paragraph here only if service is required)
The following service items were validated during our visit and the appropriate trades have been scheduled.
2) (If service is required)
Please assist us in assuring satisfaction by allowing up to 30 working days to complete this work. Thank you for your cooperation, enabling us to comply with the guidelines set forth in the Rusaw Homes Bonded Builder’s Limited Warranty.
(If no service is required…closed with following inserted after paragraph 2 above)
Allow me again to express my appreciation for the contributions you have made to Rusaw Homes. Your continued support through suggestions and referrals is most important.
Closing/Customer Service Coordinator
cc: Sales Person
Phase V Visitation Follow-Up Letter
Form Letter #3
Mr. and Mrs.
City, State, Zip
Congratulations on your first year of Rusaw home ownership! We trust that you are settled in and enjoying this exceptional lifestyle.
As you are aware, the majority of items covered under the Bonded Builder’s Limited Warranty have now expired. Notwithstanding manufacturer’s and/or special warranties extended to you by other parties, Rusaw Homes will limit their involvement to only those few major items set forth in the Bonded Builder’s Limited Warranty documents.
To maintain the beauty and value of your home, we ask that you plan a continuing maintenance program. Please contract with qualified and licensed parties to perform maintenance functions on systems such as pest control, painting, heating and air conditioning, electric wiring, plumbing, and disposal systems. In most instances, you will find that the trades who built your home are your best bet for performing the maintenance and repair functions. (CLOSE HERE IF NO SERVICE)
The following service items have been validated and are scheduled for correction:
2) (If service required)
Allow me again to express my appreciation for the contributions you have made to Rusaw Homes. Your continued support through suggestions and referrals is most important.
Closing/Customer Service Coordinator
cc: Sales Person
1. Keep in mind that an offer to “address the concern” is not conceding to the demand or problem.
2. Soften the “NO” with
a) “I know this is probably not what you want to hear”
b) “I’m sorry to be the one with this news”
c) “I realize you may disagree”
3. Use the word “AND” and “HOWEVER” instead of “BUT”
a) “You are a valuable customer AND I am sure that you will understand THAT…”
b) “I’m unable to do this for you, HOWEVER, I am confident that…”
c) “Since this is not within the norm AND I do not have the authorization…” (stay away from the word POLICY)
4. Instead of “I do not know,” try “I’ll find out” or “I’ll check.”
5. Instead of a flat “NO,” try “Let me show you how we can get beyond this point.”
6. Instead of “That’s not my fault,” try “Let me show you what we can do for you.”
7. Instead of “That’s not my job,” try “I’ll find the person who can help you.”
8. Instead of “You need to talk to my manager,” try “My manager should be able to advise you and I will have him contact you.”
9. Instead “You need to calm down,” try “OK, let’s work together to get this resolved” or “Let’s focus on how we can resolve this problem together.”
10. Instead of “Why don’t you,” try “What if we” or “Would you like it if we”
11. Instead of “He always,” try “In the past, I’ve heard him say”
12. Instead of “You must,” try “Here’s an idea.”
13. Instead of “We usually,” try “We traditionally”
14. Instead of “This is how we do it,” try “Our approach is” or “Our choice to this problem is either A or B. What would you prefer?
When all else fails and the customer becomes verbally abusive or gets in your face…it is perfectly acceptable to say, “I agree that we need to solve this problem. I will be happy to continue this discussion when we both have had a chance to rethink this problem. Whey don’t I call you tomorrow?” (Do not say “calm down”).
1. Learn that you cannot be all things to all people. Send some customers to your nearest and dearest competitor.
2. Be willing to listen (really listen). Irate people need to vent.
3. What you say and do will be inherited by your company and will most likely come back to haunt you.
4. Become Pro-Active. Create procedures that are “Customer Friendly.”
5. When you perform a task that is over and above the norm, let the customer know that it is a “courtesy” just for them.
6. No one should be expected to take “verbal abuse.”
7. When you agree to do something, follow-up and follow-through quickly. Keep all promises.
8. Assume the customer is honest. Never question their integrity.
9. Recognize the fact that the customer may never change their attitude towards you or your company, no matter what you do.
10. Return phone calls promptly. Never keep a customer waiting. They are entitled to your complete attention.
11. Don’t appear indifferent. Be willing to say, “I’m sorry.” Sometimes that is all they need or want.
12. Ask the customer what he would consider a fair solution to their problem.
13. Don’t give grudgingly. You might as well not give at all.
14. A complaint is an opportunity to excel and show how much you care.
15. Learn to take personal satisfaction from a problem well handled.
16. Learn to inspect and center on what the customer expects.
17. Exceed the customer’s expectations in order to receive a “WOW.”
18. Help a customer the way they want to be helped, not the way you want to do it.
19. Be flexible in meeting the customer’s demands…always with a smile.
20. There is no customer more loyal than one whose problem has been courteously and fairly resolved.
A “Crash Course” on
Customer Service
The 10 most important words are:
“I apologize for our mistake. Let me make it right.”
The 9 most important words:
“Thank you for your business. Please come back again.”
The 8 most important words:
“I’m not sure, but I will find out.”
The 7 most important words:
“What else can I do for you?”
The 6 most important words:
“What is most convenient for you?”
The 5 most important words:
“How may I serve you?”
The 4 most important words:
“How did we do?”
The 3 most important words:
“Glad you’re here!”
The 2 most important words:
“Thank you.”
The MOST important word:
1. Keep an open mind vs. “ugh, here we go again.”
2. Get away from the homeowner as quickly as possible.
3. Get someone else to handle the homeowner.
4. Sleep on it before you respond.
5. Create an “IMPORTANT” file – Review it each week.
6. Get comfortable by obtaining all the facts – Investigate.
7. Leave personalities out of the argument – Treat the situation.
8. Find some humor in the situation.
9. Have a meal with a friend or co-worker – Ventilate.
10. Change procedures one item at a time – Note the entire system.
11. Take care of yourself, physically and emotionally.
12. Go to a seminar or professional meeting – Come back with at least 3 ideas – Practice them and then pick 3 more, etc.
13. Visit a competitor’s job site – The grass is not always greener.
14. Attend weekly or monthly staff meetings – Discuss how to handle the difficult situations or the homeowners.
15. Plan to do activities that are not business related – Hobbies
16. Schedule a vacation day or week – Always nice to look ahead.
17. Create a book of complimentary letters and review them.
1. Take a quick 5 minute walk.
2. Do something mundane like filing or cleaning up your desk.
3. Take a deep breath and count to 10 (take a few deep breaths).
4. Do not take any calls for 10 minutes.
5. Make coffee – Make it decaffeinated!
6. Do not discuss the problem for at least 15 minutes.
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