1) He ©atches the fish.
2) The (b)ase is bombed with mortars.
3) He dressed like a da(d)dy.
4) He (d)ied in 1990.
5) (D)uring the war, we lived in Vietnam.
6) The five (a)irplanes crashed the building.
7) The (b)eggars proliferated the street.
8) The (a)isle is covered with grass.
9) The ©EO called the meeting.
10) (E)ggplants are plenty.
11) To(b)acco is consumed daily.
12) He (b)ared the prisoner.
13) ©ooking is a hobby.
14) (B)ad dog is thrown away.
15) (A)ggressiveness is not liked in the school.
16) (B)ooks are readable in the library.
17) The ©ross is a holy item.
18) Eat egg yolk, it is good for the h(e)alth.
19) (B)read and butter is my breakfast.
20) The activity is not dem(a)nded.
21) ©arrying the flag is the lost glory.
22) (B)end your body to be flexible.
23) The means of (b)ecoming a man is not written.
24) (A)ging is my trauma.
25) (D)rink the blood of a vampire.
26) ©reated biographies are my test this week.
27) The (d)river washed his car.
28) (A)irplanes ruined my trip.
29) “(E)nter the market well businessman.”
30) (A)t least ten people died in the accident.
31) He ©ooled his head with ice.
32) (A)lleviated by the income, he went to the mall.
33) (B)est friends are forever.
34) (B)ring home the bacon.
35) (E)legant women are mostly Americans.
36) The ©hild is merciless.
37) Deman(d) is greater than the supply.
38) The (a)nts are bitten by the termites.
39) The (a)lgorithm is not true.
40) The corporation was ©reated.
41) The antecedent bears (a) result.
42) The (b)omb had exploded.
43) The (b)arbaric people left the island.
44) An Australi(a)n kept the key.
45) The (b)ored guy kissed the lady.
46) (B)ob is the most liked guy in town.
47) The coarse of a©tion was taken.
48) The affluent guy went to the p(a)lace.
49) Care or not to ©are, we will comfort adults.
50) ©anopy is destroyed by the man.
51) The (d)estroyer came to the city.
52) Alexander the gre(a)t is the greatest.
53) The cast and ©rew of American Idol are presented.
54) Corrections are never been ©leared.
55) Directors are welcome(d) in the ports.
56) He (a)llied with the Western countries.
57) Antonyms (a)re used against antonyms.
58) (A)ccording to Monte, the bricks will be collided.
59) The (d)ancer is from Paris.
60) The defendant close(d) the case.
61) The applicant w(a)s not hired.
62) The (d)uck is eaten in the rural areas.
63) The ©ase is re-opened for briefing.
64) The acts (a)re never been omitted.
65) (B)asic library is needed to pass the exam.
66) Call ©enter are prominent nowadays.
67) (D)raft and lay-out are useful.
68) The (a)ncestor of my father is a wise man.
69) The (b)us was driven around the lake.
70) ©hristmas is drawing near.
71) Alive or de(a)d, the wanted will be caught.
72) The (a)pple is over-ripen.
73) The dark alley is close(d) for renovation.
74) The (b)oss called the company to close.
75) A busy man do not like to be distur(b)ed.
76) (B)oiling point was reached.
77) ©areer oriented males do not have wives.
78) (B)asic necessity is my priority.
79) The essential body fat is not n(e)eded.
80) Aloof and afr(a)id are my feeling for him.
81) (D)rastic change are too hasty.
82) The bear scratch my (b)ack.
83) He affirmed to be (a)n addict.
84) The drowned personnel die(d).
85) The delay was cause(d) by the traffic.
86) A ©urrent situation is part of our lives.
87) The (a)ncestral domain must be kept.
88) (B)right future awaits the mother.
89) Antonyms (a)re the worst of them all.
90) Across the lobby, there is (a) ghost.
91) The (a)nt bitted me.
92) The decision of the ju(d)ge is fair.
93) The ©limax was not told.
94) The door was close(d).
95) (D)ress is my favorite.
96) The (b)alance was then set.
97) The (b)all is rolling.
98) (A)live is the music.
99) The (b)lazing fire spread in the vicinity.
100) The electric fan is ignore(e)d.
1. He robs the lad a©ross the street.
2. (B)ears climbed when the lion comes.
3. Expectation nee(d)s action.
4. Strange (d)ictator basically threw freedom.
5. Find the class who ben(d) the metal.
6. Crazy (a)ctress committed suicide.
7. The committee l(a)unched the law.
8. Necessity is to (b)e linked with importance.
9. Social climate must be change(d) before technology.
10. A (b)ase of car shows changed my mind.
11. Animals are (c)arried their young.
12. He hopes to be (c)rowned.
13. An alligator crosse(d) my cousin.
14. His (b)ehavior developed sickness and drowsiness.
15. They jumped in the table and ©ry.
16. She let the man across her be(d) to fall.
17. Can people live (b)eyond anger?
18. I am a spy who bake(d) a biscuit.
19. A priest told the ©hild to be silent.
20. Are you ba(c)king the dreadful terrorist?
21. In the bl(a)ck evening, dad bade goodbye.
22. Simple math (d)id not become easy.
23. Management shoul(d) be an art of creating successful men.
24. Beer is prohibited in this country (a)lone.
25. Str(a)nge formula backed his findings.
26. Treat me as your (b)est friend not fierce enemy.
27. Shoot the b(a)ll before referee will call.
28. The phone shoul(d) be busy because of the brown-out.
29. His ba(d) boy image creates a negative impression.
30. Surely, bed time stories (a)re not scary.
31. Cripple the man behin(d) the car.
32. Circle is more famous th(a)n quadrangular forms.
33. Test my ability to (c)rash a can.
34. Lift my spirit to be able to cross the (d)ays of sadness,
35. Ten people are present in the round ©hair.
36. Fix your s(c)hedule early.
37. Prepare to dan©e until daytime.
38. Sing for me, if not, my (b)ride will cover your mouth.
39. The ©ost of boat fair is not coursed to the police.
40. He is blind while she is h(a)ndicapped.
41. She cut her nails and (d)rew the painting.
42. She sings like a coward sol(d)ier.
43. He la©ks knowledge to run the state.
44. He cre(a)ted the bar for men.
45. The tank is to (b)e faced by delicate situation.
46. Fading in a ni©e way is bad during presentation.
47. The (b)asic formula for the day is inertia.
48. (D)o not tract the subject.
49. Brazil (c)ares for the environment.
50. He (a)ligned the government in 1985.
51. The ©ountry fought for freedom
52. An (a)lien is discovered across the Philippines.
53. (C)hicken is used to create the King’s favorite cuisine.
54. ©arla kissed me on the neck.
55. The (b)ull hit the matador.
56. (D)riving is dangerous at night.
57. (D)eveloping markets are being examined by UN.
58. (D)olls gained popularity in the post-war era.
59. A (b)ear is too friendly to harm people.
60. A (d)rowning lady asked for my help.
61. A (d)ose of medicine is the answer for the puzzle.
62. The (d)aydream is not reality but fantasy.
63. (A)ustralia is a kangaroo-populated country.
64. (D)irty Harry is very famous a decade ago.
65. (A)lex brigade is the membership of the terrorist.
66. The (B)and of Brothers is one of my favorite films.
67. The (b)ail is used to prevent me from jail.
68. A (b)ox of chocolates is like our lives.
69. (C)andies are the most popular gift for a girl.
70. My ©rush is crossing the street.
71. ©ereals are good for the health.
72. The (a)tmosphere is fair.
73. (C)anada is my dream country destination after graduation.
74. (D)ay and night are two different times in a day.
75. (D)aily allowance is distributed to her kids before going to school.
76. ©hristmas is in our hearts.
77. (D)ating is prohibited in some populated areas.
78. A ©ost of production must be lower than the revenues earned.
79. (D)eadly martial arts are prohibited in China.
80. (D)runk drivers will be imposed to them.
81. The (b)ricks are used to build hi home.
82. (C)ellular phones are popular in Asia.
83. A ©all causes her life.
84. A ©arriage delivered the body of the hero.
85. Basi© skills in gardening are mandatory for Japanese High School.
86. The base(b)all is colorful.
87. The (d)rama is staged several months ago.
88. (B)ees are useful in the green-and-Green drive.
89. A ©ause-and-effect strategy was used in the proposal.
90. The (d)rinking fountain is situated inside the mall.
91. (D)raco and Solons were eminent centuries ago.
92. (B)allet is a Russian art of expression.
93. (C)heetah is the fastest animal in Africa.
94. (A)lligators ate my food.
95. A (b)ean is worth a thousand sweats.
96. The (b)ank has closed.
97. (A)untie Isabel has great body.
98. ©onsonants and vowels form the alphabet.
99. (A)nts are the prodigy of strength.
100. (A)nchor is the boat’s braking fluid.
1. (C)ats have nine lives.
2. The (d)ogs are barking.
3. Many (A)rabic numbers are unreadable.
4. (C)ory is shy.
5. Her (d)addy is angry at her.
6. The (c)hancellor is afraid to confess.
7. (B)asketball is a sport of Benjie.
8. The ©arrier is large.
9. (A)pple is now used as substitute for grapes.
10. The (d)ough was broken into pieces.
11. ©arnivals are prominent during Christmas.
12. (D)olphins are friendly and intelligent species.
13. The (d)oor was destroyed during the war.
14. He is (d)runk.
15. ©aterpillars are forming cocoons.
16. An (a)irplane crashed near the seaport.
17. The (d)irector of the movie is also the writer of the script.
18. (B)oys will be boys.
19. (D)elicacies are served in Thailand.
20. A ©op was shot dead yesterday.
21. A (d)ress is for a woman, as shirt is for a man.
22. The ©ase is closed with finality.
23. His (b)irthday is on Valentines Day.
24. He ©ried out loud.
25. ©ars are disturbing the pupils.
26. (A)laska is the coolest country in America.
27. ©omputers are very useful in research.
28. The (a)x is very sharp and deadly.
29. An (a)rrow was seen in the bag of Rex “the Indian.”
30. (B)asketball is loved by all ages.
31. The (b)odyguard is armed by a pistol.
32. (B)utter is served with a bacon and egg.
33. A ©razy old woman tapped at my back.
34. The ©rown was put over his head.
35. (B)ob is the tallest guy in the class.
36. The ©rispy hot chicken was given to Amy.
37. A (d)essert full of scorpions was the training place.
38. The ©rowd stood as he walked down the aisle.
39. (C)ows produce milk.
40. (A)cross the street, their house is located.
41. The (a)rrogant man is slapped by the woman.
42. An (a)ct contrary to law will be fined.
43. Within the ©orner, the sack of rice is stored.
44. The (B)arbie doll is thrown in the closet.
45. (D)ried mangoes are peeled before processed.
46. A (b)rown envelop is passed in the Senate.
47. (A)long the highway, people stared the drowning boat.
48. The (b)ack of the vehicle has children on board.
49. (D)irty clothes are supplied to the army.
50. A (b)asket full of roses was given to my mother.
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