My Life review
Top ten people who are most important to me:
Two parents, two friends from St. Paul’s College (middle school), two from primary school, two from international school (high school), two from church.
Before 6, I was the middle tallest person in pre-school and I was slim. I lived in the urban district in Kowloon and this caused my poor health. I remember I always needed to see the doctor for coughing all the time.
From 6 to 12, I was short when compared to other primary students as I grew up and I was thin. However, I did not feel ashamed because of my height and sometimes I even made jokes about my height. I believe I was much healthier than before because I played soccer almost everyday after school and I was in the track and field team, soccer team and table tennis team. I also moved to a cleaner rural area with better air quality called Discovery Bay in the New Territories. I also started to care about my health and had a healthy lifestyle.
From 13 to 18, I entered a boy’s local English grammar school called St. Paul’s College. Therefore, I felt a stronger sense of being short because all my peers at school are boys. Then, I started to play basketball and I grew taller and wider at 13. My height and weight became average even though I still feel shorter than others. I then moved to an international school at 16. I went to exchange in China for half a year at 18 and went to study at the Australian National University. I still felt that I was shorter because many of my friends were westerners. Around this time, I found that I cared about my health less as I grew up.
At 19, I transferred back to Hong Kong for university mainly to reduce the economic burden in my family and I started to feel that my height and weight are average when compared to others. Many of my friends said that I grew up quite a lot.
Special features in appearance:
I would not say that I am specifically handsome or ugly but one of my special features is that I started to wear glasses since I was 6. I believe this was mainly due to family heritage because my father has serious short-sightedness and our family did not have television or computer at that time.
I did not care much about my appearence when I was 6 to 12 even though I was in a co-educational primary school. I believe this is due to the fact that I did not sense or care much about other people’s expectation or views about me, and I did not want to have any relationship.
I started to care about my appearance more than before as I grow up especially starting from 16 as I transferred from a boy’s middle school to a co-educational high school.
Education/ Work:
Before 6, my main educational areas were pre-school and church. I did not work. I went to a number of church camps and travelled to a number of countries though. I had quite a number of great friends in pre-school and my friends at church have met me since I was born. Many of them become my closest friends until now. The early educational experiences are simpler. Most of the time we enjoyed the time we could spend with each other.
From 6 to 12, my main educational areas were primary school and church. Then, I went to more places and church camps, and joined more activities such as soccer team, swimming team, track and field team, table tennis team and prefect team. I also worked at my father’s company as a part-time secretary. I was also elected as the head-prefect in the last year of primary school life. This developed my leadership and collaboration skills!
Since my primary school was in a more natural environment and a beach-like area called Discovery Bay, my peers were much more friendly and close with each other. There were less competition or grouping problems when compared with other students living in urban district. I was told that many urban students felt a lot of pressure even in primary school and they needed to go to tutorial classes in order to compete with others for better schools! I believe my primary education was one of the best learning experiences I have ever had in my life at the moment and all our primary school friends will meet every half a year. I performed well in primary school consistently but I did not have much pressure for learning.
From 13 to 18, my main educational areas were middle school and church. I went to a local English grammar school called St. Paul’s College. I felt that I still performed above average when I first entered the school. The best students were smarter and much more hardworking when compared with primary school and the school’s size was larger than before. My motivation for learning was around the same at 13 compared to my primary school life.
I was in the school choir, drum-set class, percussion class, Central-western district basketball team and scout. These activities developed my appreciation to sports and music. I also developed my leadership skills and learnt the meaning of team-spirit through leading the choir, scout camps and basketball competitions. The most memorable learning experiences were the Hong Kong Schools Music Festivals as our choir won four consecutive championships in four years. Every year, the atmosphere for competition was very tense and many of us would cry in the end of the competition. Another amazing experience was that our choir was selected to represent Hong Kong in the Europe Music Festival in Belgium. I developed a world-view to look at a specific area or career and met some of the world’s top condctors and choirs.
I also went to other different places around the world. One of the most memorable event I had was that I could go to the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival as my dad’s film was nominated for award. It was a great experience that I could discuss movies with other directors and producers. I also visited almost all the Disneyland around the world except for the one in Florida.
I started to feel the learning pressure at around 15 as everyone were trying to fight for the best classes in high school and then dreamed to eneter a better university. I knew that I could perform better and I started to become much more hardworking.
My friend who performed in the top ten in the whole form invited me to join his tutorial class and I started going to tutorial classes around 15. My tutorial teacher became a great motivator. He was a very smart person with IQ around 130. He taught me the meaning of learning and all the various knowledge that I did not notice before.
My religion also affected my learning goals as I wanted to study in order to honor the Lord. I started to have much more hope than before and I ranked first for the first time in my life as my best record in the past were mostly being ranked as second.
Then, I went to an international school in Hong Kong to continue my studies and to prepare for going to study overseas. My more motivated learning attitude helped me to finish all my public examinations one year earlier than general students. Then, I earned a full scholarship to go to another international school in China for an exchange study. I was elected the head boy of school and joined the school basketball team. I experienced very different learning and living styles in these different schools. I realised how poor and rich students lives could be so different. While one of my friends I met at an international school was the son of the owner of a famous newspaper in Hong Kong and had a lot of support and less stress, another friend in my local school was more hardworking as they wanted to improve their living standard and strive to jump to another class.
I also learned through participating in community service. I went to teach students with disabilities and volunteered at the Crossroads International, a charity transporting various resources to poor people. I also went to Cambodia to build houses for native poor people. I learned how poor really suffered due to their class and economic status. I still remember that a native person said thank you to us and looked at us into the eyes. This was the most touching thank you I have ever heard.
I also worked at a property agency firm as an assistant and at a TV station as a producer trainee. I found out that there were different levels of pressure and various goals, cultures and expectations in different companies.
I also visited coma patients. I still remember one of the patient died and I went to his funeral. His brother held my hands extremely tight. His eyes were saying thank you to me a million times. That was the time I learned about love life, and death.
Another patient was fainted for a long time and did not wake up but her mother did not give up on her. This really touched my feelings and experienced the meaning of the love of a mother. I wrote a book after these experiences. I tried to publish the book and could only publish it after I found the third publisher. I learned that our choices can be created by ourselves and we should not give up easily when we have chosen to believe that our goal can be achieved.
At the age of 18, I went to study at the Australian National University. I lived in a hostel in Canberra, the capital of Australia and met some of the smartest students in Australia. Many of my classmates were native English speakers as most Asian students studied Economics, Business and Science. I made a lot of Western friends and learned about the real independent life-style in Australia even though I lived in hostel in China before. That is because I had not much support from other people when I was living in a foreign country and experienced cultural shock and home-sick the first time. I believe this made me a more mature person.
At 19, I went back to Hong Kong for university as I wanted to reduce the economic burden of my parents. I was able to compare the different cultures and learning experiences of these two universities and learned how to adjust with different learning styles, culture and system.
When I looked at my diary, I found that I had a lot of dreams. Before 6, I wrote that I wanted to become God, then I wanted to be a policeman, then a soccer player.
From 6 to 12, I wanted to be a basketball player, then a businessman.
From 13 to 18, I wanted to be a teacher, then be a businessman and set up my own charitable organization.
My dreams and choices were shaped by the change in my abilities, expectations, culture and life-experiences.
Before 12: mum
13-18: tutorial teacher, father and my uncle
before 6: primary school + church
From 6 to 12: secondary + primary school + church
From 13 to 19: secondary + primary school + church + scout + basketball team + international school + exchange school in China + two Universities
before 6: not many goals
From 6 to 12: do well at school, form good relationship with friends
From 13 to 18: to write my own book, get into university, and make myself, others and God happy.
AAt 19: develop my own charitable organization, have a family, support my parents so they do not need to work, finish my second book.
from 1 to 19: friendship, life experiences, family support, travelling
at 17: relationship
One of my shame was that I chose to reject a girl I liked since I was in primary school as I was scared that I could not sustain our relationship for the rest of our life. I was the type of person who believed in one life one love. Then, I really regret but it was fortunate that we were always good friends.
I felt that sometimes I would say wrong things when I was young (from 6 to 12) as I talked too much and did not think clearly before I talk sometimes. Then, I decided to go to another extreme and did not talk much at around 15. Now, I am learning to take a balance and talk in a constructive way.
I was very sad at around 18 as I lost my first girl friend mainly due to her mother’s prevention of her daughter to start a relationship. We separated for three times all due to her mother’s prevention of her getting into a relationship. I did not understand why she said she did not love me no more at our last separation and was very depressed until she told me the reason due to her mum in the end.
I also lost a very good friend as she died of blood cancers.
After I left Hong Kong, my girl friend got another boyfriend. I was even more depressed in Australia partly because of this reason and also because of homesick.
After I came back, she left her boyfriend saying that she could not forget me and regret leaving me. However, I did not want to start our relationship again without serious consideration and I am still deciding my choice now.
Closest family member:
From 1 to 12, my closest family members were mother and after 12, it was my father.
Parents’ job:
Before 12, my mum was a banker and my father was a businessman doing property and housing.
After 12, my mum became a housewife as my father expanded his business. There were ups and downs throughout his career and I came back to Hong Kong mainly to reduce the economic burden we are experiencing right now.
Total family income:
from 1 to 16: kept increasing
from 16 to 19: slightly declined
Causes of family conflict:
before 6: less conflicts
6-12: arguments with parents
12-16: lack of conversation
16-17: economic problems
17-19: less conflicts
Happiest family events:
from 1 -19: travelling + church life + discussion on various topics in life
family valuables:
from 1-19: parents
family goal:
from 1-19: For parents: to develop me as a good person who will serve the society
from 15: for me: to help and support my parents, develop my own family in the future.
family loss:
we have not much loss from 1-19 apart from grandfathers on both sides and one auntie.
useful family activities:
from 1-19: we have discussion sessions about various life topics after dinner, travelling, church, and variouss extra curricular activities.
significant relatives:
from 1-19: both grandmothers taught me lessons, lived with me before 6, and still spend time with me every week after 6.
At 17: My uncle gave me advices about balance of life and goals for my future.
sex-role differentiation:
from 1-19: I discovered more and more about the roles played by mother and father.
family director:
from 1-19: father (both inside and outside our home.
unfinished tasks:
actually both me and my father want to serve our community through charitable work.
Birthday: 1989
Sex: Male
Nationality: British
Residence: Hong Kong (Permanent resident)
Educational Background
(1) Came back to Hong Kong for university in September, 2008
(2) Australian National University – Bachelor of Arts (Major in Sociology, Mandarin Chinese and Political Science) 1st semester of Year 1 to be completed in June, 2008
(3) Utahloy International School – Grade 12
(4) Australian International School Hong Kong – Grade 10 – 11
(5) St. Paul’s College – Form 1 – 5
(6) S.K.H. Wei Lun Primary School – Primary 1 – 6
Score at the Australian National University:
(1) Sociology: High Distinction
(2) Mandarin Chinese: High Distinction
(3) Politics: Distinction
Recognized Public Examination For University Entry
IELTS University of Cambridge (Academic Training) Result
(1) Total Score: 8.0/9.0
USA College Board SAT Result
(1) Total Score: 1950
(2) Maths: 750 (Higher than 98% of students)
(3) Writing: 620 (Higher than 85% of students)
(4) Critical Reading: 580 (Higher than 74% of students)
USA College Board SAT II Result
(1) Chinese with Listening: 800/800
(2) Mathematics Level 1: 760/800
School Certificate Results (Board of Studies, New South Wales, Australia)
(I) Course Results
(1) English
A (Top Grade)
(2) Mathematics
A10 (Top in Top Grade)
(3) Science
A (Top Grade)
(4) Australian Geography
A (Top Grade)
(5) Australian History
A (Top Grade)
(6) Commerce
A (Top Grade)
(7) Chinese
A (Top Grade)
(8) Information & Software Technology
A (Top Grade)
(9) Personal Development, Health and P.E.
(II) Exam Results
(1) English-literacy 90
(2) Mathematics 98
(3) Science 98
(4) Australian Geography, Civics and Citizenship 96
(5) Australian History, Civics and Citizenship 93
(6) Computing Skills 96
School Certificate (Board of Studies. New South Wales, Australia)
(1) Award of School Certificate, 2006
International Competition Results
(1) Distinction, History Teacher’s Association (History Competition) 2006
(2) Distinction, University of New South Wales (Science) 2006
(3) Certificate of Credit, Australian Mathematical Olympiad (Mathematics) 2006
Hong Kong Competition Results
(1) Winner (54th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival) (Urban 91)
(2) Winner (55th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival) (Urban 91)
(3) Winner (56th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival)
(Secondary School Choir – Chinese)
(4) Winner (57th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival)
(Secondary School Choir – Chinese)
(5) 1st Runner-up (54th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival) (Urban 6)
(6) 2nd Runner-up (55th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival) (Urban 6)
(7) 1st Runner-up (56th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival)
(Secondary School Choir – English)
(8) 1st Runner-up (57th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival)
(Secondary School Choir – English)
School Awards (Utahloy International School Zengcheng)
(1) Head Boy of Utahloy International School Zengcheng 2007
(2) Member of Student Council, Utahloy International School Zengcheng 2007
(3) Member of School Basketball Team (First Team), Utahloy International School Zengcheng 2007
School Awards (Australian International School Hong Kong)
(1) Head of School Award 2006
(2) Merit Certificate 2006
(3) Chinese Prize 2006
(4) Commerce Prize 2006
(5) English Prize 2006
(6) Geography Prize 2006
(7) History Prize 2006
(8) Mathematics Prize 2006
(9) Science Prize 2006
(10)Bronze Certificate for Excellent Commerce Assignment 2006
School Awards (St. Paul’s College)
(1) Certificate of Commendation, Geography, 2004 – 2005
(2) Certificate in Recognition of Good Work, 2004 – 2005
(3) Certificate in Recognition of General Improvement, 2003 – 2004
(4) Certificate of English Bridging Course, 2001
School Awards (S.K.H. Wei Lun Primary School)
(1) Winner, Chinese Speech 1996
(2) Winner, Drawing Competition 1996
(3) Diploma, Mathematics 2000
(4) Certificate for Service 1998
(5) Certificate of Merit 1997
(6) Certificate of Mathematics 1996
(7) Certificate of Merit 2000
(8) Certificate of Merit 1999
(9) Certificate of Merit 1998
(10)Certificate of Bible 2000
(11)1st Runner-up Swimming (4x25m free style) 2000
(1) The Wong Yun Tong Scholarship, St. Paul’s College, 2005
(2) Full Scholarship, Utahloy International School, 2007
(3) Scholarship, Maria English Society (First in class), 2008
Conduct Certificate (St. Paul’s College)
(1) Certificate in Recognition of Good Conduct, 2004 – 2005
Other Certificates
(1) Certificate of District Basketball Teams Training Scheme, 2002-2003
(2) Certificate of Fire Service Training Course, 2001-2002
(3) Certificate of First Aid, St. John, 2001-2002
(4) Certificate of Cooking
(5) Maria College Certificate of Award, For Outstanding Achievement in IELTS Preparation Course (Academic Training) (First in class), 2008
International Social Services and Activities
(1) Europe Mission Works 1995
(2) Europe Music Tour – Hong Kong Team (Belgium Music Festival) 2003
(3) Cambodia House-building Volunteer Works 2007
(4) World Tour (Canada, France, Belgium, the UK, the USA, China, Hong Kong, South Africa, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Portugal, Spain, Australia) 1989-2007
Social Services and Activities
(1) Member of Sports Team 1998-1999
(2) Member of Choir 1995-1999
(3) Prefect 1998-2000
(4) Member of Soccer Team 1999-2000
(5) Head Prefect 2000-2001
(6) Member of the Hong Kong Scout 1995-2003
(7) Member of Treble Choir 2001-2003
(8) Member of Intermediate Choir 2003-2004
(9) 1st Bass leader of Intermediate Choir 2004-2005
(10)Quick Study Group Member (1st Bass) 2004-2005
(11)Evangelical Chinese Gospel Church Andrew’s Fellowship & works 2001-2005
(12)Volunteer of Crossroads International 2006
(13)Teaching Assistant at Saviour Lutheran School for Disabled 2006
(14)Visiting Coma Patients 2006
(15)Mountain Climbing Training 2006
(16)After School Activity: Basketball 2007
(17)After School Activity: Badminton 2007
(18)Creation of the School’s Chinese Bulletin Board 2007
(19)Member of School Basketball Team (First Team) 2007
(20)Head of student council 2007
(21)Member of Canberra Chinese Christian Church English Fellowship 2008
(22)Member of CROSSROADS International Fellowship 2008
(23)Member of the International Student Committee of John XXIII College 2008
(24)Member of the ANU Korean Student Society 2008
(25)Member of the ANU International Student Department 2008
(26)Member of the Australian Navigators 2008
(27)Member of the ANU Hong Kong Student Society 2008
(28)Member of the Multicultural Week Committee of John XXIII College 2008
Work Placement
(1) Working at “Perpetual Property” (Research, Administrative and marketing jobs) 2006
(2) TV Producer Trainee of Media Evangelism Limited 2007 – 2008
(3) Author of “Seventeen” 2007 – Present
(1) My first book “Seventeen” was published on 18th July, 2007
(2) Award: “Seventeen” was awarded as one of the top ten best book sellers by Breakthrough Book Store Hong Kong in November, 2007.
(3) Award: “Seventeen” was awarded as one of the top ten best book sellers by Breakthrough Book Store Hong Kong in December, 2007.
(4) Award: “Seventeen” was awarded as one of the top ten best book sellers by Breakthrough Book Store Hong Kong in January, 2007.
(5) Comments from leaders of different organizations;
(a) I find that Hoi Hin has used many illustrations of successful people, and I have been greatly touched by them. I really wish that every reader will be touched in the same way (Mr. Andrew Yuen, General Secretary of The Media Evangelism)
(b) I recommend this book to young people, and challenge them to learn and build a successful life (Mr. Lee Fai Ping, Executive Director of Wu Oi Christian Centre).
(c) This book allows you to revisit your dreams and encourages you to spread your wings and pursue (Miss Rebekah Chong, the General Secretary of Provider Organization, Malaysia).
(d) Undoubtedly, this is an inspiring book (Dr. Dennis Wong, Lecturer of City University of Hong Kong.).
(e) Hoi Hin has used many stories and experiences of ‘people’. Through these your life experience will be broadened; and you will find that even though life is full of challenges, it is basically overflowing with colours (Mr. Tai Tak Ching, Headmaster of Sheng Kung Hui Li Fook Hing Secondary School).
(f) I recommend this book wholeheartedly to young people who are looking for the truth, and adults who are seeking a pure soul in the twists and turns of life (Miss Alison Tam, Director of Operations, South East Asia, World Emergency Relief).
(g) I believe Hoi Hin has read many books and meditated on many things. He has not only presented some theories, but also recorded his first hand experience and insight. This is especially valuable about this book (Dr. Samson Tam, Chairman, Group Sense Limited).
(6) Comments from readers:
(a) I love your book so much. I could not put it down really once I started reading the book.
(b) I think that your book is really great! I just could not help myself from jumping and screaming around.
(c) I could not stop reading the book once I started. I read almost half of it in three hours.
(d) It is a very unique book, with evidences, facts and examples to support the seventeen characteristic categories leading to success.
(e) I was so surprised after reading your book. You were very special to me. While most of the teenagers are playing computer games and hanging around with their peer groups, you dug yourself into reading and writing. You are far more mature and ahead of them.
(f) I pray that God continue to use your book “Seventeen” as a channel of blessings to others in all walks of life and especially to those teenagers.
(g) Thank you so much for Jack’s book “Seventeen”, it touched my heart deeply. Hoi Hin is truly wise beyond his years.
(5) Distribution and Exhibition
The first editions and second editions of this book were distributed in over 50 bookstores in Hong Kong, Toronto, Canada and Macau. The first editions of this book were also exhibited in the 2007 Hong Kong Book Exhibition.
The ideas of “Seventeen” will be developed as TV programs for young people by Media Evangelism Limited.
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