Interview Questions
Position: Accountant II
Permissible Questions:
Ethics and Integrity
Recall an instance in your former employment where you have to say “no” to a co-worker or even your boss because you did not think that their requests were appropriate. How did you manage the situation? How would you handle a situation where you weren’t able to satisfy a commitment you had previously made? Describe the kind of commitment. How did you manage the situation? What were the consequences? Customer Service
Describe a situation in your former job where you have immensely satisfied the needs of the consumer. What was the nature of the situation? How were you involved in the situation? What happened eventually? Communication
Describe a situation in your former job when you had to communicate with an individual who for some reason did no like you. What was the nature of the situation? How were you involved in the situation? What was the outcome? Problem Solving
Give example of an instance when you were tasked to make a decision. What strategies did you use? What was the outcome? What are the things that you would have done differently if you are to deal with the same situation again? Flexibility
Describe the instance in your former work when you were asked to work overtime an hour before you go home? How did you handle the situation? Technology
Describe the time when your IT skills were the main determinant of the success a task? What was the situation? How did you handle the situation? What were the outcomes? If a new piece of hardware is delivered in your office and you were asked to operate it, what are the things you want to be aware of first? What are the questions that you would ask? Who are the people you would want to talk to?
How will you handle a situation when one of your coworkers becomes violent? Self-Management
Describe a time when you were left alone by your supervisor and you had a ton of work in your hands. How did you respond to the situation? Seizes Opportunities
Describe the time you were criticized for your work. How did you respond to the criticism? Change Resilience
Describe a time when you were subjected to a change in your working environment? How did you respond? What things would you do differently? Teamwork
Describe a time when you were assigned to a team project and a conflict of ideas came about. What was your role in the situation? What are the courses of action that you have taken? What was the outcome? Cost effectiveness
Describe an instance where you were able to save money for the company. What was the situation? How did you respond?
Illegal Questions:
1. Family Status
a. Are you married?
b. Do you have children?
2. Race
a. What is your race?
3. Religion
a. What church do you attend?
4. Residence
a. Do you own or rent your place?
5. Sex
a. Are you male or female?
6. Age
a. How old are you?
7. Criminal Record
a. Have you ever been arrested by the police?
8. Citizenship
a. Where were you born?
9. Disability
a. How severe is your disability?
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