The sheer volume of literature on mentoring across a variety of disciplines is an indication of
the high profile it has been afforded in recent years. This paper draws upon a structured
analysis of over 300 research-based papers on mentoring across three discipline areas in an
attempt to make more valid inferences about the nature and outcomes of mentoring. It begins
by reporting on the findings compiled from a database of research papers from educational
contexts. These research-based papers are examined to determine the positive and more
problematic outcomes of mentoring for the mentor, mentee and the organization. A discussion
of the findings from two other databases, namely, 151 research-based papers from business
contexts and 82 papers from medical contexts, is provided and commonalities across the three
databases are highlighted. The paper concludes with a discussion of key issues that
administrators responsible for establishing mentoring programs should consider to maximise
the experience of mentoring for all stakeholders.
Key Words
Mentoring, education, business, medicine, challenges
This paper represents an ongoing quest to synthesise our current understandings of the
mentoring phenomenon. As researchers in the field, we were conscious that a great deal of
writing in the area of mentoring in education and across other professional disciplines
reported that mentoring was an overwhelmingly positive learning process for mentors and
mentees alike ( 2002). Our initial investigation of mentoring in
educational contexts confirmed this since there did not appear to be a substantial body of
work which reported on the “darker side” of mentoring ( 1994; 1997). Thus we
became interested in examining more closely a sizeable body of the mentoring literature so
that we could begin to make more valid inferences about its potential to be a beneficial force
in educational contexts. To this end, we compiled a database of research papers from
educational contexts and undertook a structured analysis of these papers. A structured
analysis is a pre-determined set of criteria, namely a set of coding categories, that is used to
analyse literature. In this study, we coded each of the studies according to descriptive data
(i.e. positive and problematic outcomes of mentoring for the mentor, mentee and the
organization) and then identified the frequency of occurrence of the predetermined coding
categories. Findings from the analysis of the education-focused studies prompted us to
investigate the nature, frequency and outcomes stemming from mentoring in other
professional areas such as business and medicine. Following the study of educational
contexts, we repeated the process and compiled a database of research papers on mentoring
from business contexts and medical contexts. While the focus of this paper reports on the
positive and more problematic outcomes of mentoring from our structured review of papers
from education contexts, it will also illuminate the features of mentoring common to the three
different contexts (i.e. education, business and medical contexts). This paper begins with a
discussion of the meaning of mentoring, identifies some of the common strengths and
weaknesses of mentoring and then proceeds to discuss the methodological process that guided
the study.
The Meaning of Mentor and Mentoring
The original meaning of the word, mentor, refers to a “father figure” who sponsors,
guides and develops a younger person. Throughout history, mentors have played a significant
role in teaching, inducting and developing the skills and talents of others. Indeed, there are
many examples of mentors in the biographies of famous artists, scientists and musicians
( 1991) who have played a key role in shaping their protégés or mentees’ destiny.
Traditional or informal mentoring arrangements where the mentor and mentee
somehow find each other ( 1985) continue to operate in many contexts. It was only in
the last two to three decades that formal mentoring programs were introduced in government
departments and corporations. This movement occurred because organizations could see the
advantage of implementing formal programs since they enabled potential learning and growth
for employees on the job (1999). Our concern in this paper lies with
formal mentoring programs.
Formal mentoring programs differ greatly in nature, focus and outcomes. For instance,
in her extensive review, (1991) noted that some programs train mentors, while others
do not; mentors are assigned to mentees and in other programs the mentee selects the mentor;
some programs designate the location and frequency of meetings, while others leave it to the
participants to decide. In addition, some programs are evaluated while others are not or are
“evaluated” by vague and imprecise techniques ( 1991). In relation to evaluations of
mentoring programs, (1983) concluded that many “consist of testimonials and
opinions” . After reviewing over 300 research-based papers on formal mentoring
programs, we would support claim.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Mentoring
Our precursory investigation of the literature revealed that there tends to be a general
acceptance that mentoring yields benefits for mentees and mentors. Career advancement and
psycho-social support are often identified as two important outcomes of mentoring for the
mentee ( 1985; 1978). For instance, in
terms of career outcomes, (1979) found that 75% of the top executives in the United
States had been mentored and compared with their counterparts, earned 28% more, were more
likely to have a degree, were happier with work, and more likely to mentor others. Psychosocial
support, such as encouragement, friendship, and advice and feedback on performance
( 1985), has also been identified as a positive outcome of mentoring for mentees.
As mentoring is a two-way or reciprocal process, it provides benefits also for the
mentor. For instance, the work of (1978) found that mentoring rejuvenates
mentors’ careers since it enables them to assist and shape the professional and personal
development of mentees. According to (1997), other benefits for the mentor include
increased confidence, personal fulfilment and assistance on projects. In relation to the
benefits for the organisation, (1991) identify several benefits of formal
mentoring programs including increased productivity, improved recruitment efforts,
motivation of senior staff, and enhancement of services offered by the organization.
While there is a considerable body of literature that documents the merits of
mentoring for all parties, (1997) is more cautious. According to (1997), “under
various conditions, the mentoring relationship can actually be detrimental to the mentor,
mentee or both” (p.115). She goes on to identify several concerns regarding mentoring
including a lack of time for mentoring; poor planning of the mentoring process; unsuccessful
matching of mentors and mentees; a lack of understanding about the mentoring process; and
lack of access to mentors from minority groups. (1997) also highlights the difficulties
that mentoring poses for organizations if there is insufficient funding or termination of
funding before the program is established. Other drawbacks of mentoring from the
organization’s point of view include problems when there is a lack of support; the difficulties
in coordinating programs within organizational initiatives; and the costs and resources
associated with mentoring (1997).
It seems that as formal mentoring programs are planned, structured and coordinated
interventions within an organisation’s human resource policies, it makes sense for those
charged with the responsibility of implementing such programs to endeavour to ensure that
the goals of the program are clear and known to key parties; that mentors and mentees are
well-matched; and that organizational support and commitment are evident. Since
organizations including schools invest considerable resources into mentoring programs, it is
incumbent on the planners, such as educational administrators, to minimise potential
problems that could arise. The final part of our paper attempts to synthesise some of the
recommendations that educational administrators should consider when planning and
implementing a formal mentoring program. Before we discuss these recommendations, the
next section of this paper turns to the methodological process that we used in analysing the
body of mentoring research reviewed.
We used a structured analysis of the literature from three discrete disciplines in order
to arrive at our understanding of the mentoring phenomenon. For inclusion in the three
reviews, studies had to meet two criteria. Firstly, they had to report original research findings
and, secondly, they had to focus on the use of mentoring in an educational setting (such as
schools or universities), business context (government or non-government organizations) and
medical context (hospitals, universities, and other medical contexts). Databases used for the
literature search on education contexts included ERIC, AUSTROM (AEI), PsycLIT and
ProQuest. Databases used for the search in business contexts used some of these plus EBSCO
and Business Periodicals Index, Business Australia on Disk, Science Direct and Emerald.
Databases used for the analysis of mentoring in medical contexts included some of
aforementioned in addition to Health Reference Centre – Academic, Medical Library,
Webspirs, Australasian Medical Index and Google.
Our search of the selected education databases identified above revealed 159 studies
conducted between 1986 and 1999. From the search of business databases, 151 studies
between 1986 and 2000 were identified and later analysed. While 82 articles between 1995
and 2002 were found from the medical databases, only eight studies reported on the outcomes
of mentoring and were therefore eligible for use in our study. The overarching majority of the
papers from the medical field were descriptive in nature and seemed to focus on the value of
engaging in mentoring. This suggests to us that research in the area of mentoring in medical
contexts is variable and relatively new in comparison with other fields such as education and
business. It is important to appreciate that while mentoring in the medical field has been
around for many years, “most … is informal and by its nature, often invisible” (1999)
All of the studies were analysed according to a coding sheet which was developed
from a preliminary reading of 14 articles in the area of educational mentoring. Two main
categories of data were coded. These were factual data comprising the year of publication,
source (eg journal, research report), country of study, sample size and data collection
techniques employed; and descriptive data comprising the reporting of positive and
problematic outcomes associated with mentoring for the mentor, mentee and organization
across the three databases. The descriptive data underwent content–analysis to identify
underlying themes or categories ( 1990).
The findings discussed in this paper refer to the descriptive outcomes that emerged
from the three sets of analyses. In this article, the four most frequently identified positive and
problematic outcomes for mentors, mentees and the organization will be highlighted. We have
reported elsewhere precise details concerning both the factual and descriptive findings from
the studies (2002,2003,September)
Positive Outcomes of Mentoring from Education Studies
Of the education studies reviewed, 35.8% reported only positive outcomes as a result
of mentoring and four studies (or 2.5%) reported exclusively problematic outcomes. In
relation to the benefits for mentors, less than half (47.8%) of the education studies that
reported some positive outcome associated with mentoring identified benefits for the mentor.
In contrast, substantially more studies noted positive outcomes for mentees (82.4%) than for
mentors. This can be attributed to the fewer studies that sought opinions from mentors.
Insert Figure I here
Figure I presents the four most frequently cited positive outcomes (in percentages) of
mentoring for mentors and mentees in the education studies. As illustrated, the most
commonly cited mentor outcome was that of collegiality and networking. Almost 21% of the
education studies reported benefits associated with collaborating, networking or sharing ideas
with colleagues. For instance, school principals in (1993) Australian qualitative study
noted “cross fertilisation of ideas” as being a beneficial outcome of mentoring. Similarly, a
teacher in a mentoring program in the USA noted that mentoring provided “a unique
opportunity for teachers to share and exchange ideas with other teachers” (1986)
Reflection was the second most frequently cited outcome for mentors with 19.5% of
studies attributing reflection or reappraisal of beliefs, practices, ideas and/or values to their
mentoring activities. For instance, a mentor teacher in a university pre-service teacher
education program in Australia commented that “you reflect on your own teaching … its
some incentive to improve, work harder, try other things” ( 1994). Mentoring was
also said to facilitate the professional development of mentors. Just over 17% of studies made
reference to the important outcome of professional development. As an illustration, a mentor
teacher in a study by (1998) described her experience as “a
worthwhile professional experience in its own right” (), while (1996) quoted a
mentor in her United Kingdom study as saying that mentoring “added another dimension to
his experience” ()
Personal satisfaction, reward or growth (16.4% of studies) was the fourth most
frequently cited outcome for mentors. This sentiment was exemplified by a teacher mentor
in Holmes’ (1991) study who commented, “I love working with these students and learn so
much from them as well as about myself” ().
As indicated in Figure I also, the most frequently cited positive outcome for mentees,
evident in 42.1% of studies, related to support, empathy, encouragement, counselling and
friendship. Both mentee teachers and headteachers indicated that support was an important
outcome of mentoring. For instance, a mentee headteacher in (1995)
United Kingdom study stated “knowing that there is somebody in the background I can turn
to is a great source of comfort” (). Similarly, a beginning teacher in an Australian study
by (1995) commented, “I feel very comfortable around her
[mentor] and know she is there to help where she can”
Assistance with classroom teaching was the second most frequently cited positive
outcome for mentees. Just over 35% of the studies pinpointed help with teaching strategies,
content, resources, classroom planning and or discipline. This high percentage is reflective of
the large number of studies in the review that focused on mentoring for pre-service or
beginning teachers. As an illustration, a pre-service teacher in (1999) United
Kingdom study noted, “I gained a lot of subject knowledge on areas I was not experienced in”
The third most frequently cited positive outcome for mentees, noted in 32.1% of
studies, related to contact with others and discussion. This category included discussing or
sharing ideas, information, problems and gaining advice from peers. As an illustration, a
mentoring program for black /ethnic minority school and university students in the United
Kingdom “acted as a positive form of networking” that enabled students to “establish that
their problems are not unique to them alone” (1996).
Feedback via positive reinforcement or constructive criticism was the fourth most
frequently cited outcome of mentoring for mentees. More than one in four of the studies (or
27.7%) reported that feedback was beneficial. For instance, in his investigation of educational
administration in Singapore, (1995) cites one mentee as saying, “everyday a session is
provided for me to go through the completed tasks and my mentor would give me her
evaluation and feedback. This is most useful” ().
Common to both mentors and mentees are issues relating to sharing ideas and
knowledge. Although not shown in Figure I, other common positive outcomes for mentors
and mentees were reflection and professional development. Whereas these outcomes were
rated more frequently by mentors, reflection was reported in 15.1% of studies and
professional development was reported in 13.8% of studies for mentees.
Problems Associated with Mentoring from Education Studies
Almost half (48.4%) of the studies that reported problems identified problems for
mentors, while slightly fewer studies (42.8%) identified problems for mentees. As Figure II
reveals, the difficulties associated with mentoring were similar for both mentors and mentees
and, for this reason, will be discussed together. The two most frequently cited outcomes were
lack of time, and professional expertise and/or personality mismatch. Lack of time was noted
in 27.7% of studies for mentors and 15.1% of studies for mentees. As an illustration, 14 of the
15 mentors in (1992) study of preservice teacher mentoring in the United
States claimed that lack of time was their “greatest impediment” (p.17) while a mentor
headteacher in United Kingdom study noted there is “such a shortage of
time these days to do everything that you need to do” (). In terms of a mentee’s
perspective, one trainee teacher in a study of teacher education partnerships in the United
Kingdom reported, “my mentor never has time; he is always so busy that I feel acutely
embarrassed if I need to bother him (1995).
Insert Figure II here
Professional expertise or personality mismatch was the second most frequently cited
problematic outcome for both mentors and mentees. Unsuccessful matches between mentors
and mentees were reported in 17% of studies for mentors and 12.6% of studies for mentees.
The mismatches were either the result of personality, ideological or expertise differences. As
an illustration, (1995) noted that professional and personality mismatches were a
major concern for mentor teachers in his United States study. These mentors expressed
anxiety about not getting on with their mentee, having to assist mentees who were working at
different levels or whose teaching philosophy differed from their own. Some of the studies
revealed that personality differences were instrumental in the failure of some relationships.
For instance, two mentees in a study by (1993) attributed their ineffective mentoring
relationships to incompatibility with their mentors.
Equal numbers of studies (i.e. 15.1%), reported a lack of training or understanding of
program goals and the extra burden or responsibility as problematic outcomes associated with
mentoring. For instance, a mentor in (1992) study admitted, “I have no idea what my
responsibilities are and I suspect he [the mentee] probably doesn’t either” (). In relation to
the added burden created by mentoring, a mentor in (1996) study explained, “you
are having to add the role of mentor to an already full workload” (). For mentees, the
third and fourth most frequently cited problematic outcome of mentoring related to mentors
who were critical, out of touch, defensive or untrusting (10.7% of studies) and the difficulty
of meeting, being observed or observing their mentor (9.4% of studies). Referring to the
former, mentees in some studies indicated that their mentors had been overly harsh, critical
and out-of date in their thinking. A lack of flexibility and trust were apparent not only for
mentee teachers but also mentee principals. For instance, a potential school principal mentee
in (1995) study noted, “the principal did not trust me to run the school as she did not
want to be held accountable for any mistakes that I might make” (). The other
problematic outcome for mentees, difficulty in meeting, often stemmed from timetable
clashes that resulted in limited opportunities to observe mentors (1997).
As indicated above, comparison of mentor and mentee problematic outcome
categories reveals some commonality across the groups. Both groups were reported to have
experienced problems stemming from lack of mentor time and professional expertise or
personality mismatch. The other categories for mentors were a lack of training and
understanding about the program and the perception that mentoring was yet another
responsibility or burden.
Positive and Problematic Outcomes of Mentoring for the Educational Organization
In addition to identifying positive and problematic outcomes of mentoring for the
mentor and mentee, our review also considered the outcomes for the organization. Just over
16% of studies cited one or more positive outcome that impacted upon the organization within
educational settings. The most frequently cited outcome that emerged from our review was
improved education or grades or attendance or behaviour of students (evident in 6.3% of
studies). For example, according to an Australian study of peer mentoring among law
students, (1994) noted that mentoring resulted in increased levels of
attendance at lectures. The next three most frequently cited outcomes included “support or
funds for the school” (3.1% of studies), “contributes to or is good for the profession” (2.5% of
studies); and “less work for principals / staff” (2.5% of studies).
Only 8.8% of studies revealed one or more problems that directly impacted on the
organization. These problems were disparate and only two, costs and lack of partnership, were
reported in more than one study. For instance, (1993) and (1996) reported
that schools in the United Kingdom receive inadequate funding for the implementation of preservice
or beginner mentor programs while lack of partnership or communication with and /
or commitment from organizations was reported in a small number of studies. In the next
section we provide a discussion of the positive and more problematic aspects of mentoring
derived from the business and medical studies reviewed.
Outcomes from Business and Medical Studies
As anticipated, there were numerous outcomes for the mentor and mentee reported in
the business studies. However, due to the nature and the small sample of the medical studies
(N=8), it was not possible to distinguish between outcomes for mentors and mentees.
Positive Outcomes for Mentors and Mentees
The most frequently cited response from the business studies for mentors related to
networking and collegiality with 7.9% of business studies nominating collegiality /
networking as constructive outcomes from a mentoring experience. In the medical literature,
networking and a sense of community was also deemed important for the profession. The
prominence of this positive outcome was not surprising given that mentoring relationships
involve the sharing of knowledge and expertise and, as such, the process has the potential to
foster collegiality and collaboration. The other three most frequently cited positive outcomes
for mentors included “career satisfaction / motivation / promotion” (7.3%); “improved
skills/job performance” (6.6%) and “pride/personal satisfaction”’ (6.6%).
Similar frequently cited outcomes pertaining to career and skill development were
apparent for mentees from the business studies. A review of these studies revealed that
“career satisfaction / motivation / plans / promotion” was the most frequently cited response
(50.3% of studies), “coaching / feedback/ strategies” was rated in second place (30.5%), while
“challenging assignments / improved skills / performance” was the third most frequently cited
positive outcome for mentees (23.2%). That career development and skill enhancement
emerged prominently in the analysis was not unexpected since both outcomes are commonly
cited for mentors and mentees alike in the business literature. Indeed (1985, 1983),
whose work was acknowledged in approximately 42% of the business papers, maintains that
key functions of mentoring are career development and skill development.
The fourth most frequently cited positive outcome for mentees was “counselling /
listening / encouragement” (21.9%). This type of outcome is akin to (1985, 1983)
notion of the “pyscho-social” outcomes associated with mentoring. In all of the medical
studies, personal growth appeared as a positive outcome of mentoring for mentors and
mentees alike. In some instances, these were simply general comments indicating personal
growth, while other medical papers referred to enhanced confidence, interpersonal contact,
and being more valued as a person.
Problematic Outcomes for Mentors and Mentees
Many of the problematic outcomes experienced by mentors and mentees were similar
across the education, business and medical reviews. For example, frequently cited in the
reviews was “lack of time”. Lack of time was the most commonly noted problem by mentors
in the business studies (6%). It was also identified as a problematic outcome of mentoring in
the medical studies.
The second and third most frequently cited problematic outcomes for mentors in the
business review, were “negative mentee attitude / lack of trust / cooperation” (5.3%) and
“little training or little knowledge about the goals of the program” (4.6%). In the medical
context, a lack of mentor training was viewed by mentors and mentees as detrimental to the
well-being of the program. The fourth most frequently cited problematic outcome for mentors
was “jealousy / negative attitudes of others”. While jealousy was not an outcome that
emerged in the medical studies, what did emerge as a problematic workload issue was the
extra burden or responsibility that mentoring created for mentors.
In contrast to the mentor outcomes, the two most frequently cited problems for
mentees in the business studies were issues relating to race and gender (7.9% of studies) and
cloning or conforming or over-protection (7.3% of studies). The race or gender issues tended
to arise as a consequence of matching female mentees with male mentors as well black
mentees with white mentors. Similar to the problems experienced by mentors discussed
earlier, mentees reported particular mentor characteristics and behaviours as being
problematic. Problematic attitudes of others was noted as the fourth most frequently cited
negative outcome of mentoring for mentees (6% of business studies) and ineffective and
untrained mentors were seen as the third most frequently cited outcome for mentees (6.6% of
business studies.
An important problematic outcome of mentoring that was unique to the medical
studies was the perception of mentees that seeking help signalled a type of weakness or
inability to cope. Yet, mentoring by definition is a process that is based on support and
development. Perhaps this outcome can be explained in terms of the predominance of
informal mentoring arrangements in the medical field which can emerge if and when mentees
approach mentors for help.
Positive and Problematic Outcomes for the Organization
In contrast to the education studies reviewed in this paper, almost twice as many
business studies (30.5%) cited one or more positive outcome for the organization. The most
frequently cited benefit reported in 13.9% of studies was improved productivity or
contribution or profit by employees. Other outcomes from the business studies included
retention of talented employees (11.9%), promotes loyalty (6.6%) and improves workplace or
communications or relations (4%).
As was the trend in the education literature, the business literature featured fewer
studies reporting problematic outcomes of mentoring for the organization. Of these
problematic outcomes, two problems were cited in more than a single study. These were high
staff turnover which was seen to hamper the development of long-term relationships between
mentors and mentees, and gender or cultural bias in the organization which resulted in good
staff being overlooked in the mentoring process. In the medical studies, on the other hand,
organizational or attitudinal barriers was the most frequently cited problematic outcome of
mentoring. It was reported in seven out of eight of the studies. Problematic organizational
barriers included ambivalence to the project by management, minimal support from
management, issues relating to the use of resources, problems arranging schedules and a
belief that mentoring should not be formalised. In contrast, the belief that mentoring should
not be formalised was an issue that did not emerge from either the business or education
The results from our study revealed, not surprisingly, considerable commonalities in
outcomes across the three reviews of the literature. For mentors, for instance, lack of time and
training, personal or professional incompatibility, undesirable mentee behaviours and
attributes such as lack of commitment and unrealistic expectations were issues that caused
problems for mentoring relationships. In addition, for some mentors, mentoring was a burden
or workload issue that often went unnoticed by others. Mentees, too, were concerned by a
lack of mentor interest and training and a host of problematic mentor attributes and
behaviours (e.g. critical or defensive behaviours). Professional or personal incompatibility or
incompatibility based on other factors such as race or gender was also seen by both mentors
and mentees as impediments to the success of the relationship. Organizations, too, were
confronted with difficulties arising from mentoring programs. Lack of commitment from the
organization, lack of partnership and funding problems were reported in some studies, while
in others, cultural or gender biases meant that some mentees’ experiences were not positive.
Despite the shortcomings of mentoring, our findings suggested that mentoring appears
to offer far-reaching benefits for mentors and mentees. Many of the reviewed studies
indicated that mentoring provided both personal and emotional support as well as career
development and satisfaction. For mentees, mentoring provided opportunities to develop
competencies and skills, knowledge and improve performance. For mentors, it promoted
professional and personal development. Benefits of mentoring for both groups included
improved skills, access to new ideas and personal growth.
The aforementioned discussion has highlighted the major themes and common
outcomes that emerged from our three reviews. While word limitations prevent us from
identifying all of the points of divergence that we found, some attention will be afforded in
the following discussion to two important points. These are the issue of “reflection”, which
emerged as a positive outcome unique to the education studies, and “gender and race” that
emerged as a significant focus and source of incompatibility between mentors and mentees in
business settings.
The first issue, reflection, was a significant outcome of mentoring in the education
studies only. This is unsurprising given that reflection is a term that has been used in the
education field for the last two decades or more and described as the “sine qua non of the
“teacher-researcher”, “action research” and “reflective practitioner” movements” (1993)
(1987), a proponent of the “reflective practitioner” movement, suggests that the
key to development for teachers lies in their ability to reflect on their own learning. This
process is also called, “reflection in action”. (1983, 1987) maintains that the process or
act of reflecting has considerable power in enabling a person to change his or her work
practices and / or personal beliefs. Thus, the mentoring process has been identified as a
vehicle in facilitating reflection since it provides opportunities for mentors and mentees
together and alone to reflect upon their practice, reconsider what they are doing and why and
work towards improving their professional practice. Our review confirmed in educational
contexts that mentors, in particular, and mentees to a lesser extent, consider reflection to be
fundamental to the overall development of an educator.
Gender and Race Issues
The second issue emerging from the comparative analysis relates to the prominence,
in the business studies, of gender and race issues. Our review of these studies revealed that
30.5% examined gender, 6% examined race, and a further 6% examined both race and gender
issues. In contrast, gender and equity were the focus in only a very small sample (2.5% and
1.9%) of the education studies that we reviewed. As identified earlier in the paper, the most
widely investigated mentoring focus in the education studies, accounting for nearly two-thirds
of all studies reviewed, was mentoring for practice or beginning teachers. This is not to say
that issues of gender and equity are unimportant within the field of education. On the
contrary, there is a growing body of research that has specifically investigated the outcomes
of mentoring processes and programs for women and people of colour across a range of
educational contexts (1996; 1995;2000)
What is more likely is that the interest in gender
and race so apparent in the business literature has coincided with the introduction of
formalised mentoring programs within organisations.
Indeed, one of the reasons that formal mentoring programs were introduced into
organizations in the United States and to a lesser extent in Australia, was to address
affirmative action legislation (1995). It was thought that such programs would help
make mentoring more accessible to women and members of minority groups
(2000 ;1997; 1988; 1989). It appears, however, that even when members of
minority groups participate in mentoring programs, problems can and do occur. As our review
of business studies findings revealed, gender and race misunderstandings were frequently the
source of incompatibility between mentors and mentees (1989; 1990). These
problems highlight the need for planners of mentoring programs to be vigilant in the matching
process so that cultural, racial and gender factors are taken into account. As was discussed
previously, the dimensions of personality and professional ideology are also critical in the
matching process of mentors and mentee within all three professions – medicine, education
and business. The issue of matching is also highlighted in the latter part of the paper as one of
the key challenges facing administrators charged with the responsibility of implementing
formal programs.
In summary, then, our study of mentoring from three diverse areas indicated not only
many common themes and points of convergence, but also that mentoring seems to offer
considerably more benefits than drawbacks. We state this on the strength of the numbers of
studies reporting exclusively problematic outcomes compared with those reporting
exclusively positive outcomes. Our analysis suggests, too, that mentoring is a highly complex,
dynamic and interpersonal relationship that requires, at the very least, time, interest and
commitment of mentors and mentees and strong support from educational or organisational
leaders responsible for overseeing the program. Our analysis confirmed a conclusion that we
reached elsewhere that suggests “the negative [or more problematic] outcomes associated
with mentoring can be minimised by time and effort being directed toward the design and
implementation of theoretically sound programs” (1999). With this
thought in mind, the final part of the paper highlights five important issues educational
administrators or planners of mentoring programs should consider in order to minimise a
range of potential problems from arising.
Issues and Challenges for Educational Administrators
The decision by a school, an educational district or a state department to engage in a
mentoring program should not be the consequence of some chance event. In our examination
of the educational literature, it appeared that some programs resulted from a hasty decision
that mentoring had much to offer. The resultant programs often lacked intellectual rigour,
were poorly planned and inadequately resourced. In addition, mentors were untrained and
participants were unaware of program objectives. If such programs were evaluated, there was
a tendency for this to be simplistic and based on anecdotal evidence. Unfortunately, the
reports of such programs do little for education as a professional discipline. It seems,
therefore, that there are several major challenges facing educational administrators
contemplating a mentoring program. These challenges are discussed next.
In the light of the vast literature on mentoring, it seems inexcusable for those
educational administrators considering the implementation of a mentoring program not to
consult this resource. If asked to recommend starting points for the development of such
awareness high on any list would be the work of (1997), (1997) and
(in press). (1997) provides a summation of past studies and
makes several recommendations about possible programs. Awareness of the dangers of
negativity in the early stages of planning, (1997) balances the rosy picture that
mentoring equates to satisfaction and positive outcomes. As warns, there can be a dark
side to mentoring, but we believe that this can be minimised by awareness of potential
Support for the Program
Although the responsibility for coordinating an educational mentoring program may
be vested in human resources personnel, the initial starting point is the strategic plans of the
organization. Establishing the need for mentoring and making sure the financial resources and
personnel are available commences with the overall strategic plan. Depending on the size of
the educational structure involved, the objectives of the mentoring program may also be
determined at this stage. This would likely be the case with a statewide project but not
necessarily the manner in which an individual school would proceed. In a number of studies
we reviewed there was mention that the program did not seem to have the complete support of
senior administrators. For a mentoring program to be effective staff need to know the senior
executive officers of the district or region are actively supporting the development. It is
difficult for a mid-level administrator to drive a program if the staff members are aware that
he/she is not supported at the most senior levels. In fact, feedback loops to senior levels
during the implementation of the program seem to be beneficial. During the early planning
stages, it is important that administrators make it known that there will be transparency
concerning the nature of the program, how personnel will be selected, expectations of
participants and the evaluative requirements.
Mentor Training
Educational administrators must make numerous decisions about the mentoring
program but perhaps the most difficult decisions relate to who the mentors will be and how
they will be trained. Irrespective of the nature of an organization, not all personnel are suited
to be mentors. For instance, in a single school program, how does the principal tell some
Heads of Department or key teachers they are not required in the program? While some
educational programs call for volunteers to act as mentors, there is the possibility that the
volunteers may be those least suited to the role of mentor. This challenge is allied to the
knowledge that mentoring is an additional load for already busy staff. Having selected the
mentors, the administrators must determine how, or perhaps whether, mentors are to be
rewarded in some manner. Administrators must also consider the issue of training, commonly
cited in the literature as a key to the success of mentor programs. Decisions may need to be
made, for example, about whether training should be provided in-house or conducted by
external consultants.
Selection of Participants
Decisions surrounding who will be mentored must be made. Will educational
administrators call for volunteers or select staff on the basis of a set of predetermined criteria?
To a certain extent, this decision is probably determined by the objectives of the program.
Based on the literature, the two other issues that warrant scrutiny relate to the gender of
participants and the representation of minority groups. There is much literature that suggests it
has been women who have missed out on mentoring opportunities (1988; 1989)
and some studies report the potential for sexual discrimination against women in mentoring
settings ( 1989; 1984). Similar problems are reported with respect to
minority groups ( 1997; 1990). In educational settings where administrators have
ensured that equity policies have been fully implemented, it would be anticipated that gender
and minority group issues would not create serious issues. However, the question as to
whether mentors and mentees should be matched is clearly a question that must be resolved
by administrators.
Evaluation of the Program
Rigorous evaluation is essential and educational administrators will need to decide on
the model of evaluation to implement. Good practice suggests that there should be ongoing
evaluative tasks during the life of a mentoring program and a follow-up assessment some time
after the completion of the program. Much has been written about the relative strengths of
qualitative versus quantitative evaluation models. However, equally, if not more importantly,
is ensuring the validity and reliability of the procedures used.
An important finding to emerge from our structured analysis of over 300 researchbased
papers on mentoring across the areas of education, business and medicine, was that
mentoring has enormous potential to bring about learning, personal growth and development
for professionals. While the majority of reviewed studies revealed that mentoring does
provide a range of positive outcomes for mentors, mentees and the organization, it is not,
however, without its dark side. In some cases, poor mentoring can be worse than no
mentoring at all. Our belief is that the potential problems of mentoring are not
insurmountable. With careful and sensitive planning and skilful leadership, most problems
can be minimised. In the paper we identified several critical issues that educational
administrators should consider during the planning and implementation stages of formal
programs. Amongst these were the necessity for planners to be aware of the growing body of
research literature on mentoring; the need for program support at various levels; the
importance of mentor training; the careful selection of participants; and the need for ongoing
evaluations. If resources (both human and financial) are to be invested in mentoring
programs, those responsible for planning and implementing programs must be willing to
commit time, resources and energy to such programs. Indeed, all parties have a responsibility
to make mentoring work so that it can be a positive force for the individuals and their
At this juncture, it is important to acknowledge several limitations associated with our
review. Firstly, the studies selected for review were limited in terms of their origin and scope.
Our review did not incorporate a true cross-section of studies from around the world; with
most emanating from the USA and other English-speaking countries. Although we searched
from a selected number of databases, by not searching others, such as “dissertation abstracts”
and favouring those from English speaking countries, we have limited the findings.
Consequently, it is possible that we may overlooked some key research studies from other
databases. Secondly, most studies we reviewed were dated from the mid 1980s to 2000. By
focusing on this time-frame, and not on more current research papers, we may have also
inadvertently neglected more contemporary mentoring issues and key outcomes for mentors,
mentees and organisations. For instance, it is possible that more recent studies, i.e. those
conducted from 2000 to the present time, may have reported on the “darker side of
mentoring” to a greater extent than those featured in our review. Thus, our findings need to
be considered in the light of the scope and time-frame of our study and therefore approached
with some reservations. Despite these limitations, we believe that our study contributes to the
growing knowledge base on this highly interpersonal, complex and dynamic learning
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