Manpower Development and Productivity in the Local Government System


            The public service of the local government is a vital component in the


development process of a country. Duties and responsibilities should be


assumed by employees capable of the job. Efficiently supervising the flow of


work is essential in monitoring the progress within the organization.


            Basically, effective management is the key in a harmonious and


productive organization. Competent managers and trained employees are the


foundation of every enterprise, whether in private or public sector. However, the


productivity of government agencies is hurdled due to dilemmas and


mismanagement in the human resources. 


            The effort of the Nigerian State in manpower development has been


encompassing to be viewed in conceptual and methodological perspectives.


Manpower development is the propelling force for national growth in terms of


political maturity and socio-economic development. However, it is important to


note that manpower development in Nigeria has not been yet reached its full


potential due to factors circling in the local government. The process of human


resource development was distorted by colonialism tending to be a semblance in


negative orientation in political leadership. It is completely wrongly viewed by the


people as an elitist design in favoring capital mode of production rather than


public service. Disputes do not only slow the production of the local government


but aggregates the whole system of economy as well. It is indeed imperative to


educate the employees on the relevance of manpower development in pushing


the national interest.


            The concept of manpower development is the existence of skilled and


unskilled workers who needs training and re-training for a specified job.


Manpower development is basically the specification and recognition of function


of every employee in an organization. It could also be viewed as the adaptation


of a certain nation in the available human resource.


            Nigerian educational system is the based on manpower development. The


educational system which is heavily anchored on 6-3-3-4 system is made to


address the manpower need that is necessary in alleviating the current


developing state of the country. This educational policy is emphasizing the


training process of the human resources in meeting the specific needs of the


industries and private sector. Appropriate training will lead to competent


workforce that would be a major key in national progress.


            Whether in private sector or local government, manpower development


has a progressing development in the organization. Moreover, there are certain


methods in executing manpower development.


            One method of manpower development is the orientation. It is an integral


part of recruitment process once a prospective competent employee is found. It


focuses on job specification and occupational remuneration that could increase


motivation and eventually his production and performance as well. It also


involves informal discussion about the social interaction within the workplace.


            Another manpower development method is the apprenticeship. It involves


acquisition of skills and knowledge through extensive practice of the job by


means of being a trainee to a senior employee. It just not develops abilities but

the attitude as well like humility.


            Committee method involves employees working as a group in decision


making and solving posing problems. It is aimed at developing managerial


functions and the ability to collaborate with other people’s ideas.


            But, despite the effectiveness of manpower development in the progress


of any organization, there are still problems in its emergence in Nigeria.


            The major problem of Nigerian employees is the colonial experience. The


distorted view of manpower development as economic exploitation results in


arguments within an enterprise particularly in the local government. People tend


to oppose the manpower development because the post-colonial Nigerian State


inadequately addresses the labor issues and problems.


            Poor political leadership and poor manpower planning also largely


contributes to its failing because there is no funding in educating the people both


in urban and rural areas.


            What’s imperative in implementing successful manpower development is


when the regulatory capability of the government in enforcing manpower policies


is enhanced. Manpower development should be indiscriminate of gender, class


and ethnic affiliation. But, the more important thing to do by the government is to


be continually persevering in promoting manpower development particularly in


the local government for the better success of the organization and the country


as a whole. Well-crafted policies should be made and adoption of manpower


development in every enterprise should be commanded.


            It is persuasive to progress in national development. But, it can’t be done if


people would still be working not under one goal but with different views.





Errero, John and Olu Okotoni, Manpower Training and Development in the Nigerian Public Service, January 2005



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