There are various factors that can influence a student in their academic performance whether it is negative or positive Parent’s Motivation should be there to teach their children to appreciate their hard work and guide them as they move along. A student must learn to devote their time and effort and exercise diligence and patience while studying; parents and their family has a very strong influence that affects heavily their performance. The children’s personality and strength in dealing with situations like when they are facing difficulty in school in many activities gives them the strength and courage to persevere if their emotions are stable. Students are likely to develop inner discipline to handle such situations mostly if they are supported strongly by their parents or guardian will reflect in their studies. Some really good parent does not only provide them with sufficient materials they need, they even teach their children to aim high, develop their goals and objective and value their studies.  

      On the contrary if they are neglected at home they will usually suffer such consequences of low morality and attitude that includes the sense of worthlessness to appreciate school and their studies, children in this situation are only forced to go to school but studying is not in their mind and therefore their academic performance are usually low. Teachers may even regard them as usually the problem in the class, it is a primary important to talk to children and discuss their problems in schools in order to avoid the confusions and struggles that they are facing and parents should be the one to initiate discussion and communication so that they can monitor their progress. The time and effort that parents can give to their child is probably the most important motivating factor especially during their first few years in school. Children subconsciously need them and their attention.

      Peer Pressure, Bullying and their School Environment would probably be the another most influential factors that can affect their student’s academic performance, children are susceptible to verbal and physical authority, if they performed well in school and suddenly they are struggling or worst they may sometimes fail definitely shows a clear signs that they are experiencing difficulty in school and mostly their problem lies within their peer if they are experiencing bullying in class and there are someone who take over their belongings or copying in their exams, sometimes there are classmates who would threaten them if they do not give what they like. Most probably this situation can affect their academic performance if the fear sets in or if they have not voiced out their problem about their peer pressure relation. Some students are even experiencing using some drugs, alcohol, gambling, sexual participation and other vices.  

      There are also groups that can threaten them to participation especially in college where there are fraternity and other organization that may sometimes bothersome and hard to prevent, some students have joined such organization because they have no choice not knowing that the their academic performance is weakening. One of the most threatening problems and pressures are political and militarism if they are encourage to join such organization most probably their academic struggle will definitely sets in. There are students who have joined riots, political partisan even to the extent of living their studies to experience their free will against revolutionary idealism. In most cases of girl students, their worst peer pressure engagement is early marital problem when they are involved with early pregnancy or early marriage most likely they are forced to delay or quit school when they have given birth. They may even be forced to find a job.

      Socio-Economic and Demographic Factor is likely the reasons that prevent the students from giving up their studies especially when they have achieved excellent academic performance since there are various organizations and government who can support them. If the a child or students are suffering poverty, their parents should reach and help them even in modesty that they can send their children to public schools and institutions that the government has been offering. There are also children as early as elementary years who sell various merchandise only to support their studies and through this they are able to makes ends meet and they can even support their studies and their families while doing so. Sometimes they live far from their schools, they are forced to walk in miles by foot cross, mountains just to visit their school and do the same everyday that can prevent their studies.

      If such students are determined and willing to pursue their studies they will be able to rise to the occasion and meet the challenges and even stand out from the crowd to become the student with the highest honor while suffering in poverty. They are the prime motivator in class by giving inspiration, and they are the one who usually succeed in most endeavors because they have taken their situation as a challenge and opportunity and not an obstacle in their studies. After they graduated they will continue their excellence since they have already prepared and trained themselves in school and usually they are determined to meet with success because it is their prime objectives.             



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