Feb 22- Experiencing symptoms of Sinus congestion because of the weather here in Canada, dry unlike in Korea. I have been experiencing sinus congestion that is typically causes symptoms of pressure, tenderness, or pain in the area above the eyebrows (frontal sinus) and above the upper, side teeth (maxillary sinus). Other symptoms include nasal stuffiness sometimes accompanied by a thick yellow or green discharge, postnasal drip, bad breath, and an irritating dry cough  (1999)


Feb 23- Since I am always having sinus congestion especially when I started living in Canada, sinus congestion may be a result of the sudden change of my lifestyle. The most common cause of nasal congestion is allergy to inhalants, such as pollen, molds, dust mites, trees, or animal dander (:1997). Exposure to various chemicals in the home or workplace may also contribute to allergic rhinitis. Indoor and outdoor air pollution may also be a factor in susceptible people. Smoking and secondhand exposure to tobacco smoke have been implicated in chronic nasal congestion and the prevalence of chronic rhinitis among men has been shown to increase with increasing cigarette consumption. People exposed to chlorine, such as lifeguards and swimmers, may also be at risk of developing nasal congestion.

Feb 24-This day, I am starting to look for cure and relief, “Tension… pressure… pain?” With these words and pictures of a twisting coil, a tightening vise, and a lightning bolt imposed on a sufferer’s skull, television commercials for over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers once sought to capture the miseries of sinus trouble.

Feb 26-I found out from some studies on sinus congestion that the common complaint that “I have  sinus” shows that  sinus illness is widely misunderstood. Everybody has sinuses, cavities hollowed in the bone structure of the skull. The problem is sinusitis, inflammation of these cavities due to viral, bacterial and fungal infections or allergic reactions, or sometimes rhinitis, irritation of the lining inside the nose. Inflammation may invite infection, which aggravates the problem.

Any bone cavity is a sinus, but the culprits in sinusitis are the eight facial cavities grouped around the nose, the paranasal sinuses (1997). Some anatomists theorize that these enhance the resonance of the voice, warm and moisten inhaled air, and relieve the skull of the excessive weight solid bone would impose. Others believe that the sinuses form simply because the facial bones of the skull of a newborn must grow faster than the cranium above to help the infant breathe and eat better.

Feb 27- I took stronger medicine for my sinus congestion, because sinusitis that interferes with routine daily activities, forcing naps or cancellation of plans, may signal serious chronic trouble. Rebound congestion may mean it’s time to look beyond OTC stopgap remedies to more comprehensive doctor-prescribed courses of treatment (1999). Repeated absence from work or school is another likely sign. Frequent colds, stubborn earaches, or other infections may be harbingers of sinus infection. Since many people get so used to sinus pain that they take it for granted, it’s important to note any serious impact on health and lifestyle.

Allergies are common triggers of nose and sinus inflammation, so one way to fight sinusitis is by targeting the causes of allergy.

Feb 28- I took Antibiotics to control infection may be necessary in both acute and chronic sinusitis. Clogged nasal passages and filled sinuses readily become infected. Because of their proximity to such sensitive areas as the eye muscles and the brain, infected sinuses can have serious consequences, including meningitis (inflammation of brain membranes). Complications of untreated sinus infection can be fatal (1999). Antibiotics are used to kill the bacteria that cause infection.


Most persons think of themselves as being well when they are not sick. Well-being fluctuates and at times so-called healthy people do not function or feel as well as they do at other times. A person considered healthy may have headache and colds and might perform poorly. High level of wellness is the ultimate goal of every person. It requires services that are broad in scope and achieving it requires team work with representation from all groups of society. The well-being of the neighborhood can be assessed and it can be offered comprehensive health services. While personal and environmental health services cannot be separated in practice, some type of distinction can be made in describing them.




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