Imitation of Life: Do you blame Sarah Jane for being the way she was?


            Imitation of Life is adapted from the novel of the same title written by  and also a remake of 1934 ’s version of the novel. Directed by  and produced and released in 1959 by Universal Pictures, it is among the top-grossing films in the year 1959. In both ‘s 1934 film and ‘s 1959 film of  ‘s novel, black women occupy a space closer to the center than in most other Hollywood movies, for ‘s novel portrays the strained relationship between a black mother and her light-skinned daughter, who wants desperately to be white ( 1998, ). Looking into the character of Sarah Jane, this paper analyzes the reasons behind her personality, that is, a black woman who acts as white and denounces her race that led to temperamental relationship with her mother Annie. Also, the element of era is included as it plays an important factor in relation to the nature of Sarah Jane’s behavior.

            I do not blame Sarah Jane for attempting to live a lifestyle similar to white people. On my own judgment, it was her defense mechanism against the subversive treatment of black women during those years. Sarah Jane is a black woman who pretends and tries so hard to categorically become a member of the white population. During those years, racial discrimination is apparent as white and black citizens are sorted out and has defined status in the society. Generally, discrimination is the act of making a difference, as in favor of or against a person or thing as often used to refer to the act of treating individuals differently on the basis of some characteristics like gender, age, race, religion, or others. While some texts describe how racism has been mainly evident in the past, daily occurrences of racism have also been observed ( &  1996, ). In reference to the case of Sarah Jane, it is presumably considered that she is aware of the circumstances that may happen to her when she chooses to portray an image of a black woman. I understand that Sarah Jane is ambitious in both positive and negative instances. On the positive side, she has big dreams of becoming “someone” or a person who is worthy of appreciation and praise. She has her ambitions and goals and she instinctively wishes to pursue them all. This is manifested on her career as a chorus girl where she established firmly then, destroyed eventually when her employer came to know of her real nature. On the other hand, due to such motivation and desire to achieve her dreams and to continuously excel, she struggles against her actual identity. She negatively adopts an identity that she is not, that is, pretending to be a white woman amidst her distinct black nature. She used her pretentious identity as façade and protection against further acts of oppression that are given to people belonging to her race.

            What is considered to be a bad side in her personality is her relationship with her mother. It reflects an impression that Sarah Jane “hates” the idea that her mother is a black woman – which her mother is to be blamed for having such race and for giving birth to her as black. Her acerbic treatment of her mother is a consequence of her desire to be a member of the white population. She does not want anything black to be associated with her so that she can fully project and image of an authentic white woman. In my opinion, Sarah Jane misinterprets her origins and forgets the upbringing that is inherent in her culture. If only she accepted the fact that she is a black woman, she could make a difference. Although the tumultuous years wherein practices of oppression are everywhere is the biggest hindrance, Sarah Jane may create history if she stand up and fight for her human rights regardless of race or color of the skin.

            The above situation is a sheer manifestation of the fight against racial discrimination not only in those years but up to the present. I must say that during those years when the film was done, injustices are rampant in relation to race, gender, and other characteristics.  (1999, ) stated that the people are the ones that create various signs or symbols that make one ethnic group distinct form another; it is a process of categorizing social groups based on their superiority or inferiority. This is presumably evident on the years of Sarah Jane. Though racism originates from history and tradition, it is the people that worsen the problem ( &  1996, ). On the case of Sarah Jane, she gave an opportunity for people to ridicule her for not being a white woman. If only she is proud of her real identity, she will be socially accepted and made the total difference. The element of time is a contributing factor to the personality and values of Sarah Jane. As argued earlier, her behavior towards her real nature is her defense mechanism to the potential actions that may be directed against her and her race (color). Sarah Jane chooses to behave in such way because it is her own way of protecting herself against the unjust treatment and racial discrimination during those years.



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