The global energy crisis is a worldwide shortage of energy in oil, electricity, potable water and clean air and other mineral that produces energy. Although this problem is tolerable up to this moment the future brings a bothersome trends and phenomenal changes in the natural resources that the diversity of sources has been limited and whether there are available sources in producing such energy the cost of production can be severely high that countries may need to stretch out their budget in order to buy such supply. What makes these products so high is the demand of the world for its economic and industrial uses makes all this energy valuable and it continues to increase its price as long as the demand is high in every countries and region.

       In the United States they have been using at least 20 to 25% of the world’s oil consumption and more than 60 percent of this oil is exported from various countries in the Middle East and some African country, they also get some gas in European countries the demand makes this energy high in price. Other countries that buy gas and oil including petroleum and other minerals suffered because of its price but they highly need such oil for economic activities. The use of machinery in the farm, home and offices, factories and transportation need such oil and electricity that the demand cannot be prevented making their prices higher than the world expected.  

      The decrease in supply in many electricity-power plants have made the production of electricity a crisis in price in many countries just like in Japan, China, Philippines and other countries who have experienced environmental disaster making their production a little less in electricity although they have recovered immediately because of their reserves and natural resources. The limited and expensive energy crisis makes other country to reach out their budget in energy consumption making their industrial production somehow insufficient because they have been dependent in other country.

      The peak oil extraction problem is a future problem when petroleum and other mineral have reached its terminal decline that there will be no more oil left to extract, the problem will soon be the natural resources and where to get the raw materials to be produced. Because of the daily use of this energy source more than half of earths resource is bound to be extracted the consumption of oil is estimated about 31 billion barrel each year but the demand continue to increase in most countries especially in highly industrialized country in US, Japan, China and India. As early as 1970 US shows very little oil supply in their land and it also happened in countries like Mexico.

      Most countries and no matter what they do, they cannot extend the depleted production of the earth. The only resolution they can do is to import oil in other countries like Middle East and Russia. The crisis in oil can also affect the production of electricity, and hydro- energy. In some countries oil crisis can even affect their transportation and agriculture. Coal mining for the production of electricity has been controlled in many countries since it has been found to be very destructive in natural resources and air. In fact industries and machines produces carbon dioxide that have largely destroy the earth’s atmosphere causing the ultimate disaster and threats of global warning.

      There is still hope in the global energy crisis that we are experiencing today although it requires a very huge investment. The production of Solar Panel is probably the key to energy crisis this great plan uses the power of the sun to harness it purpose and there is no harmful environmental effect in using this photovoltaic charger and most of all the power of the sun is a renewable energy source that will not expire even if it takes billions of years. This looks like a piece of dim mirror attached collectively to each form a wider spread to collect sun rays. The sun rays are then collected into a battery source that builds the energy and convert them to electricity. As of today only few household from western countries uses this technology because of its high cost.      

      Another valuable solution to electricity crisis is the Wind Turbine that uses the power of the wind to harness electricity. There is also Hydro Turbine that uses the power of bodies of water in order produce electricity. Those machineries do not need any oil or fuel to operate and most of all the energy that they use will never run out as long as there is wind and water the electricity operation remains. There are also tropical trees and crops that that can produce biodiesel.

      Jatropha fruit and many other plants and crops like moringa and jojoba are probably the best materials to produce biodiesel that is more effective in chemically produced oil and biodiesel, it has a very clean emission although the resources is limited that this tree are usually found in most tropical countries that they need to mass produce such trees because it’s easy to grow. If only the government can focus on these alternative resources in producing energy the earth can be provide a cleaner and greener world ahead of us. There will be less crisis ahead that can threaten our world.  



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