Effects of Television on Children 


At this time and age, children are largely exposed to television; as well as to television culture at home; so as to television violence.    All these factors greatly affect the lives of young children; and in how they pattern their lives   as what they see in television.  This is also the major reason that  parental guidance is being recommended  every time that the children is in  watching a TV program or show that needs necessary guidance from parents or adults around the house.   In this connection, it has been reported that media violence has terrible effects in the lives of millions of children worldwide.  Based on various studies, elementary school children have already seen 8,000 murders and 100,000 violent scenes in television.  Majority of the cartoon and action TV programs these days offer more than 20 acts of violence every hour than during primetime hours which only show 5 acts an hour. This led to violence and aggression behavior among children.  Not only that, by watching violent scenes during early stage, can  give a notion to the very young minds of the children that the world  they live in is a frightening world that only offers violence and aggression.   There is a possibility that some children of today can acquire a “mean and scary world syndrome” a health condition that may push the children’s mentality backwards in terms of making decisions in life.  More than that, a medical research also revealed that sitting for long hours in front of the television will link to obesity.  This is a health condition that children usually acquire from watching television most often; since they do not have chances to   move their bodies in other outdoor and healthy activities.  Likewise, children have become more likely to eat junk foods; for there are a lot of commercials that they see in TV for various junk food enticements.  And, the worst thing is the TV sexual explosion that many children cannot even avoid in one single day in watching television.  There are much sexual content on TV that expose various sexual related ideas and promotion of sex even in the cartoon programs. Thus, in the event, all these factors are very dangerous signs and harmful to the mental growth and personality development of the children.   As a result, many students do not have time anymore for their studies that caused them poor academic performance in school. What else..?  a wide spread of beauty product advertisements and programs that  even add to the students interest to   on physical attributes or how they look  in front of other people.  They are more conscious now on their physical looks rather than focusing their attention and efforts to their studies.  It even add to the economic burdens of the parents; since many young children are  requesting to buy fashionable clothes, shoes and accessories in order to go with the new trend among the teenagers today. On the other hand, there are other young children who are developing inferiority or superiority complex that leads to depression and underestimating themselves if they feel that they are not as beautiful and sexy as what they see on TV.


In the contrary, watching television somehow has good effects to children; as long as they will be guided accordingly by their parents or guardians.  In the world that people live now; it is moreover important for the children to have exposure to various cultural experiences.  And, this can be possible by only watching cultural-related TV programs. There is no need to go different places in the world in order to acquire diverse knowledge of one’s culture and practices. Furthermore, through watching educational programs on television, kids are becoming effective and more active in school activities as well as in the academic performance; because they have many means to get information for their lessons aside from their books.  There are many best and quality TV shows that can still provide brilliant ideas and knowledge to the young children that at the same time give them moral values and lessons in life.  The only thing is; they must be managed well by their parents in watching television in order to achieve a balance and healthy environment at home even watching TV.  For instance, allowing the children to watch documentary shows suited to their age, as well as different music concerts, art shows and stage play are very helpful move in order to help them develop their interests in various fields of communication, arts and varied genres of music all over the globe.  Plus, watching television together with the whole family gives the child or children a chance to have bonding moments with their parents and siblings. This is actually a great chance to show to the children that watching television with proper time management and discipline is worthwhile past time of the entire family; along with voicing out different opinions and advices that certainly helps the children to realize other wonderful things around them apart from spending too much of their time in front of the television.


In view thereof,   the effects of television on children greatly depend on how they are guided and managed by their parents at home. There must be certain rules to follow in order to educate them well that television   has both positive and negative points to offer to them. 







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