CARP Implementation Questionnaire


The undersigned is currently undertaking a research entitled “Implementation of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program in the Province of Marinduque (1997–2001)” Your response will be of much help to my research.

 In this connection, may I request you to fill out the attached questionnaire. Rest assured that your responses shall be used for academic purposes. Any information shall be treated with utmost confidentiality.







*Please answer the questions honestly and to the best of your ability. Put a check on the space before each number if your idea matches with your belief.



Part 1:


Socio-Demographic Profile


Name (optional): ___________________________________________


Age: _________



            ( ) Male

            ( ) Female


Civil Status:

            ( ) Single                                (  ) Separated

            ( ) Married                             (  )  Widow / Widower


Occupation: Pls. specify.  __________________


Land Area given to/benefited from CARP:  ________ ha.







Part 2.  Implementation of the CARP


            This instrument covers the provisions provided for in Republic Act No. 6657 (CARP).  On each of the items under this area, you are to give response, choices to discriminate your perception of said specific area.  Please encircle the number that corresponds to your answer on your assessment based on given equivalent points which are as follows:


5        Strongly Agree

4        Agree

3        Uncertain

2        Disagree

1        Strongly Disagree



A.  Coverage



1.  The land placed under the CARP                          1          2          3          4          5

follows the criteria set by the law.


2. The DAR has been fair and judicious in                 1          2          3          4          5

handling the transfer of lands to CARP.                             


3.  The DAR has compensated landowners               1          2          3          4          5

sufficiently for the land placed under CARP. 


4.  The DAR exempts some landowners from            1          2          3          4          5

CARP for fear of reprisals.                                                                     


5.  The DAR has included types of land not              1          2          3          4          5

covered in the law, under the CARP.                                                      


6. Landowners have cooperated to the fullest            1          2          3          4          5

with the DAR in the implementation of the CARP.


7.  What suggestion (if any) could you give to further improve the land coverage implementation of the CARP by the DAR in Marinduque?










B.  Support Services



The DAR has assisted us ADEQUATELY in the following support services:


1.  Land surveys and titling


2.  Liberalized terms of credit facilities and production loans


3.  Sourcing of organic fertilizers and other local substances needed in farming and cultivation    


4.  Government subsidies for the use of irrigation facilities


5.  Sufficient numbers of agricultural extension workers provided to farmers’ organization


6.  Effective information dissemination system on the CARP








5          4          3          2          1


5          4          3          2          1



5          4          3          2          1




5          4          3          2          1



5          4          3          2          1




5          4          3          2          1





7.  What suggestion (if any) could you give to further improve the support services of the DAR in its implementation of the CARP?







C.  Technical Capacities



The DAR has assisted us ADEQUATELY in the following technical capacities:


1.   Installation of second crop or dry season irrigation facilities                                                                 


2. Identification and setting up of potable water and power sources






5          4          3          2          1



5          4          3          2          1



3.  Availability of seeds and the establishment of community seedling banks


4.  Installation of post harvest facilities


5. Dissemination of information on plants and crops best suited for cultivation


6. Development of low cost and ecologically sound farm inputs and technologies

5          4          3          2          1




5          4          3          2          1


5          4          3          2          1




5          4          3          2          1



7.  What suggestion (if any) could you give to further improve the technical capacities in the implementation of the CARP by the DAR in Marinduque?






D.  Managerial Capabilities



The DAR has assisted us ADEQUATELY in the following managerial capacities:


1. Development of cooperative management skills through intensive training


2. Identification of ready markets for agricultural produce


3. Training in the different aspects of marketing


4. Training in the minimization of spoilage of agricultural produce and products


5.  Extension of necessary credit like concessional and collateral-free loans based on social collaterals 


6. Management of pilot projects and models related to agrarian reform





5          4          3          2          1




5          4          3          2          1



5          4          3          2          1



5          4          3          2          1




            5          4          3          2          1




5          4          3          2          1





7.  What suggestion (if any) could you give to further improve the managerial capabilities of the people involved in the CARP?






*  This is the end of the questionnaire.  Thank you for your cooperation.


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