If we are going to look back in the past we can view many histories of great people throughout the world who have made a great contribution in today’s modern world. And then again if we are going back to their time we can view many changes in cultures and traditions, political and philosophical even economic and lifestyles among nations. After a century of evolution the earth is still young but the past can no longer exist but only in the memories of the people. To get a better idea what life was during the past decades let us take a look at a glimpse of the past.

      During early 19th century modesty in family life is their experienced. Most of the countries lived in a simple way of life where agriculture, fisheries and livestock are among their livelihood that is why most people are a working class. During the 19th century family was much larger than of today since family planning has not been introduced. Female are just left at home to take care of the household choir and their children while men do the work for the family, this was the usual settings in the society.

      During the 19th century religion was highly exercised in the family throughout the world according to their belief while most countries began to be a Christian nation. Actually this established religion has been passed on until today from generation to generation and probably will continue to grow and diversified in actually different but one God. Christianity and its complexity remain unsettled from past history until present times.  

      During the early 19th century there was no electricity in many families throughout the world and only chosen elite individual can have such technology. They spent their activities during day time and rest early at night. They uses kerosene or gas lamp to light their home, this is how simple life has been during those times. During those times they use their hands to eat their meal, all food is made fresh by natural planting process and nature has its way to grow on its own. Lakes and rivers are clean as well as the air they breathe.

      Education is highly valued and children have only physical activities when playing   and lifestyle is simple. Their manner in dressings is a sign of conservatism and the way people speak is ethnically intrinsic or natural. Basically all nations have experience such way of life during the early 19th century. Although we can conclude that they have not experience such advancement in lifestyle they have experience peace and simplicity until such time that World War 1 has began during 1914.

     Their communication is somehow a problem during those times where they have to rely using the post office snail that takes weeks or months to be delivered. Transportation is through wagon or carts using animals such as cows or horses. Cars and planes have only been used to some elite groups.

      In today’s modern society where we are living there is so much different in the lifestyle, culture and beliefs where diversity in family life is experienced. Equality of work among men and women has taken its place. Industrialization has revolutionized the way of life and people worked in a highly advanced society and modern technology using computer paved its way to economy. Changes in culture and belief are much more different from the past where everyone has their freedom from their family to choose their own ways to grow.  

      Children nowadays do not play more physical but technological using computers and other gadgets. The education system is highly advanced and there are many ways and means to study. The changes in clothing are more liberal especially among women where some flesh can now be shown and accepted in public.

      Lightings and electricity is just an ordinary view at night and people can do their work anytime whenever they can. Electricity highly revolutionized society. We can easily communicate throughout the world using telephone and internet we can travel much faster using cars and planes and boats.

      Unfortunately due to economic development and industrial revolution our natural resources have been abused. The rivers and lakes are mostly polluted and the air we breathe are not so fresh because of undesirable chemical contents coming from factories and automobiles that has been releasing harmful chemical that pollutes the air. The foods we eat do not necessarily made in natural process but through fertilizer that forces the plants to grow.

      People do not value much about Christianity and Morality and that has been the problem in the society and crime has been its product. But Beauty, Money and Power have been the utmost importance in life nowadays. And these have been the difference in 1911 to 2011. Again I would like to emphasize life will go on and change because the world evolve through changes and the earth is still young the past cannot exist but only in the memories of people.   


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