
            Allowing children to voluntarily pray in school can help in uplifting the moral foundation of the society.

Evidence and Data

            My own outlook has been shaped by the arguments against the US Supreme Court’s position of banning school prayer in the United States. In one argument, it is stated that prayer in school does not violate the constitution and supports the principle of freedom of religion on which the United States was founded. Banning prayer in Schools does not uphold the commitment of the Government to freedom of religion since simple and voluntary school prayer does not amount to the government establishing a religion, any more than do other practices common in the United States such as the employment of Congressional chaplains, government recognition of holidays with religious significance such as Christmas or the proclamation of National Days of Prayer. Voluntary school prayer would allow students to practice and observe their religious beliefs and would aid in uplifting their morality.

            The United States was founded by people who believed in freedom to practice one’s religion openly and who used their religious beliefs to create the backbone of this nation. School prayer would also instill moral values among students.



            Historically speaking, the United States of America was a prayerful country. Prayer is very important to many Americans. The importance of prayer goes all the way back to what America was founded on. It was founded on prayer and faith. In support of prayer and how important it is for the United States, Thomas Jefferson once said, “Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift of God?” The implied warrant is prayer and faith is one of the foundations of the United States as a country, so eliminating this foundation will never result in anything good.


            Instead of eliminating prayer and faith, the American society must keep them alive and put them to use to bring unity among Americans. Americans should support school prayer to help reinforce the ideals the United States, as a nation stands for. The United States should retain everything that is built upon. Instead of being contentious, the American people should make a compromise.


            I do not wish to undermine the freedom to choose your own religion or faith. What I am trying to say is that voluntary prayer by any person of any religion should not be restricted.


            No qualifier


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