Summer Vacation


            The time for students to get out of the structural regimen and rigorous academic studies is during the time of summer vacation. It is important for us in the academe to take some time of vacation and rest from the unchanging educational activity. Moreover, summer is the only time when we can have chances to hang out and unwind in order to revivify our energies which always been exhaustively consumed by the academic requirements and studies. Further, even we are outside the portals of the academic institutions; we still carry the ascribed status of being students which gained certain privileges from other institutions.

            Yet, although we are freer during vacation and in which we can take our time without constraints to any academic requirements we still choose to participate in the upcoming swimming competition that will be participated by different schools throughout the region, and in here we intend to spend our vacation time by undergoing training in preparation for the competition.

            Hence, we intend to write this application letter addressed to you in line with our desire to avail a discount card for us students that will be participating in the coming swimming competition held on this coming summer vacation.

            Our application laid on several academic propositions that we hope will help you decide of whether granting us discounts or not.

            The main purpose of this application letter is that to gain access on your swimming club that would help much the participants of the swimming competition. We desire to avail a discount card that will allow us access and utilize your swimming pools as our training ground in preparation for the competition.

            Moreover, this application will not only benefit us but also a kind of social benefit on your part for us to be able to hone our skills and to participate in the upcoming competition, desiring that through your cooperation in this endeavor we can able to fully maximize our time, energy and skills as selected participants. This kind of help is altruistic and we are asking for a little share from your company with this endeavor and whatever we can achieve in the coming competition will be due to the benevolence and generosity of your company. However, let me allow your good office to further articulate and justify our desire and to shed light about this endeavor.

The Upcoming Competition

            The swimming competition will be held on the summer vacation. Our institution decided to participate in this endeavor despite of the fact that we lack resources, equipments and venue for training. Yet, we see great potentials of students in this field of competition, in fact, in some inter-school sports fest, our participants in the swimming category showed great performance. That is even we lack sufficient and modern equipments for this sports, our students was able to bring home the bacon.

            In the upcoming competition, participants will be coming from different schools in the whole region. In this case, the most competitive and highly qualified schools for this competition are present. Even our institution recognized the edge of other schools and that they have modern equipments to use for training; we are still at best to hope that we can show a good performance in that competition.

            Although the competition will be held this coming summer, our school still desire to participate in this chapter even though students are no longer in school. In fact, the enthusiasm of our students to participate was intense and we cannot but give-in into their desire.

Sportsmanship and students development

            We would like to reiterate that in every competition we are not primarily after for the recognition and prestige that our students can give to the institution rather fostering to students the sense of sportsmanship, competitive ability, and personal development. Our role as mentors and instructors of students is not only to feed them with information and knowledge that is important in their future, but also bringing them outside of the classroom set-up to have a more realistic atmosphere. Our active participation on different sports competition is not necessarily to bargain our students’ abilities and institution’s gain of recognition rather to allow our students develop their social development skills and sports abilities.

            Our students would be happier if their ground of training is not limited. For them access to a wider venue for training is a dream come true and which allow them to maximize their skills for the competition.

 Inability to acquire equipments and venue for training

The inability of the institution to acquire venue and equipments for students’ training is due to the lack of funds and allocation coming from the government. Our institution is dependent on the budget allocation and appropriation of the government. Although, we already submitted our annual proposal for the school’s development which include the establishment of venue on swimming sports and purchasing equipment necessary for training, yet, up to now, government still evaluating whether to approve some of the details of the proposal or not.

Despite of the school’s inability to purchase important equipments and tools and venue for training in this kind of sport, we are proud that we were able to show good performance during enter-school swimming competitions. The previous training of students in this field were only due to alumni organization’s alternative and support, by allowing some of the students’ parents to utilize their personal pool for training, although the ground for training is limited, students still excel during competitions. Part of there achievement is there passion and innate ability on this field. However, we would like to maximize their potentials and ability by using a more suitable training ground which we choose to be your swimming club.

Discount for Swimming Card

            We are asking in your good office a favor to let us avail a discount card in your swimming club. We all know how much one pay would during a leisure period by swimming in your club, and we are doubtful that selected members of our swimming group can afford to pay the cost of renting your company’s swimming pool.

            In this regards, we take our chance to appeal in your good office to allow us gain certain amount of discount and giving us this privilege will be greatly appreciated by our institution and serves as your contribution in helping our students to further hone their skills and abilities.

            Indeed our desire to hone students’ capabilities and skills are tantamount to our role as educators. We are proud as an institution that our engagement in sports activities fostered by different schools and sports institution is not based on a shallow purpose and business motives, or even to gain recognition for the school but the prime objective of the institution to expose students in the sphere of competitions, honing their skills, and develop their social development.

The discount card which we want to avail will be significant in our training in preparation for the upcoming competition on summer.

Lastly, with this application we would like to express our gratitude in advance and whatever decision your office will take is greatly appreciated.

            But we are still hoping that our request in this application will be granted soon since the upcoming competition is fast approaching and time is elemental for the students’ training.

            We will wait for further development and may your company gain enormous clients and profit.















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