This chapter presents the data gathered from the questionnaire; surveys conducted by the researcher from the manager and staff of Coca Cola Company in China. The objective of the study is to show how the market of China affected by the progress of the Coca Cola Company. This is the manner unto which the study accounts the factors and the perception on the criteria themselves. Of particular significance to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the study, which is to be an instrument of analysis of the institution to gauge where it is now and where it is heading, thus what changes are to be made- is to be able to answer the following questions:

1.      What are the factors affecting the promotional styles and strategies of Coca-cola in the market of China?

2.      What are the developments in the Coca-Cola Company in terms of cost, services, manner of selling and the benefits gathered from the China’s market?

3.      Is there any significant correlation between the satisfaction of consumer and Coca-cola marketing style?

4.      How effective and reliable is the promotional strategies employed by Coca-Cola Company and how does it address the needs of progress of the market in China?

Demographic Profile

            The profile of the respondents is looked upon in terms of age, gender, civil status and educational attainment. Accordingly, majority of the respondents were 25 to 31 years old, showing that most of them were already considered as young adult. On the other hand, there are 30% of the respondents who are in the age of 32 to 38 years old. It was noteworthy that none of the respondents that were under the age of 18 to 24 and 46 above.  The apparent diversity of the maturity of the respondents reflects several implications in the study’s findings. In relation of the age bracket of the respondents, the researcher could presume that in the said percentage, a considerable number could be among the young adult members of the population. It was illustrated that the study were dominated by the single respondents having a percentage distribution of 53% of the total respondents. On the contrary, there is 47% who are married from the respondents. The respondents were asked for their educational attainment and the most of the respondents are college graduate and are engage to the study. The diversity of the population is further asserted when the respondents were asked regarding their professional history.

Perceptions of the Managers Regarding Total Quality Management

            The respondents were asked which of the following words best describe quality, 75 percent of the respondents answered, “Satisfying external customers,” and 25 percent said “satisfying internal customers.” The respondents were also asked  TQM would be used to improve, 55 percent said increased competitive advantage while 30 percent said customer satisfaction and 15 percent answered customer satisfaction.

Perceptions Managers Regarding Customer Relation Management

            According to 65 percent of the respondents only key personnel are empowered in Coca Cola Company, while 30 percent said they are fully empowered in the company, 5 percent said they can’t seem to answer the question.

Perceptions of the Managers Regarding Coca Cola’s Marketing Strategy

            When it comes to marketing strategy, 80 percent of the respondents strongly agreed that Coca-Cola has an excellent marketing style. The remaining 20 percent just agreed with the statement.

Perceptions of the Staffs Regarding Overall Management of Coca-Cola

         Sixty two percent strongly agreed and twenty eight percent of the respondents agreed to the statement that Coca-Cola management is addressing the need to cope with business changes, while 10 percent disagreed with the statement. When it comes to the statement if the Coca-Cola management is addressing the issues on TQM, CRM and marketing strategies, forty eight percent of the respondents strongly agreed while forty two percent just agreed to the statement and ten percent disagreed. Eighty percent of the staffs agreed that Coca Cola is responding to the needs of their personnel and customers needs. In general, Coca Cola management is handling the current organization well according to 89 percent of the respondents.


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