According to Tolstoy Art is an interpretation of emotion it is a part of expression and communication in many words even in silence, Art is freedom in light and in darkness it is the unlimited creation of minds. The work of the artist can challenge or encourage the most critical mind of the society, it can reach or heal wound and it can break your heart, it is the product of wild imagination and only the artist can understand its deeper meaning.

      The society can be influenced by the art because of its own reflection, looking back through history even in the ancient times our ancestors have largely use arts to communicate and express their ideas. it can bring awareness to people by presenting the truth and what is happening in their community and government can be transcribe visually by a great artist. Their works can present an idea to the people and they can touch their emotion to move positively and negatively. Art exposes the reality so it can move people to work according to what the artist unknowingly command them to do. But if it’s not effective it will simply go to waste and may not be considered as art.

      The effect of Art in Religion – Leonardo da Vinci created a worldwide sensation in the past and in the present about his creation “Mona Lisa” the most famous paintings in the word and its meaning is still unrest because of its elusive smile that cannot be determined and the “Last Supper” created a religious belief that this portrait lies a controversy that Jesus was a gay, or a woman or he is not the son of God. It is also been ridiculed because it prophesized a religious mischief in building a terror of code that is still a part of unusual controversy to the present times. Some are offended, mostly the Christian churches and its religion.

      The effect of Art in Politics – Art can be politically motivated it can create rebellious stand against the government because it appeals to the emotion and the painter may be punished because of his creation. French revolution is one of the most powerful forms of political propaganda created by Art itself spread all throughout European nations because of Napoleonic regime that encourage revolution, thousands of people have died afterwards. Goya’s “The third of may” depicts the horror of war and the corruption of ideals in French and probably one of the most revolutionary in every way in its meaning and its intention.

      The effect of Art in History – The Egyptian who sculpted and builds the ancient pyramid is a full creation of art and what’s inside the pyramid is their expression and idea of what they have learned to shows their culture and ways of life. This pyramid has restore and encapsulated their culture and ancestral belief, the pyramid of Giza includes tombstones and ancient visual arts painted on its walls that has not been understood even in the early civilization but it has remained an art for the curiosity of mankind and no single expert historians have interpreted most of its meaning.

      The effects of Art in Reality – Art itself is affected by the society and its situation, great artist created they works because of the love and passion in interpreting their feelings in the society, therefore most of the works of art is the realization and meaning of what has been happening in their presents times while they are creating their masterpiece. Even in today’s world they have been affected by industrialization and technology, art is now a part of computer revolution and advancement but is never loses its meaning. The artist still share the same passion in the modern times but it is the interpretation of the people who sometimes change.

      Art nowadays has been subtle and included in sexual involvement and violation which in turn subjected to criticism but again only the artist knows what they want to emphasize it may have been the mirror and reflection of their modern perception and time. The effect of art in the society and its people goes beyond meaning and purpose and it has different interpretation in different people, the worth of a single masterpiece cannot be equal to others. What is beautiful for the artist may not be perceived as much, though they are considered still a form of art. Art will always be art beyond appreciation and beauty it may create a lasting effects or it may simply be an ordinary pictures hanging on their wall.







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