All types of organizations would like to achieve a constant and continued elevated people performance within the minimum cost of materials and resources. Leadership style, although a powerful determinant, is not the only factor in establishing employee attitude towards work. Timely planning, adequate staffing, efficient organizing and correct controlling of business activities also play a determining role towards productivity.

            In Nigeria, the average salary of a worker is estimated to be around thirty-five dollars monthly.  This is almost certainly one of the most meager salary in the whole world. Aside from this, employees in Nigeria are usually not treated well and unappreciated. Group dynamics often brings down to a misunderstanding between the group and an individual.

            According to Strauss and Sayles, motivation can be given to employees by the following approach: [i]traditional approach, human relations approach, implicit bargaining, competition, and internalized motivation.

            The traditional approach answers why mankind works. If they have no work, they will have no money.  Managers should define the kind of work they have to do and the expectations that go along with it. This is needed because the worker who just works for the salary will give the barest minimum of work to show his or her superiors that he or she is producing something however inconsequential it is.

            The human relations approach tries to satiate the employees need for security thus, sickness, retirement, and unemployment benefits are sometimes provided.  The sense of identity and belongingness can be provided thru recreational and extracurricular company activities.

            The implicit bargaining approach entices employees to work under the barest form of supervision. This implies that management is entrusting  the employee to give his best even without a superior looking over his shoulder.

            The competition approach satisfies the need for achievement and elevated social status in the company. This is usually done through a competition on the most exemplary work or performance.

            The last approach might also be the best approach. This is providing the opportunities for employees to happily work towards attaining company objectives.  This approach offers the company the least output of resources but the most input of work productivity.

            However, it is best advised that all approached be used in combination to satisfy all workers’ needs.  How to motivate workers should be one of the  prime considerations of an organization as workers will, at most times, try to meet company objectives if their own personal needs are met.

            Sometimes, opportunities posed by the management to motivate people may be too difficult for some workers. Instead of being motivated to work well, these workers will be indifferent and will not even try to actualize the opportunity or challenge being presented.

            According to Bryans and Crouin, supportive  and helpful relationships and interactions develop to an effective functional group. In this way, a variety of opinions and ideas are discussed, evaluated  and explained.  Conflicts, which are damaging to any organization,  are minimized. The worker is given a sense of acceptance and verification as to being a member of the organization where he is working.

            With the current economic and inflation rate in Nigeria, coupled with Nigeria’s intensified catching up with the western lifestyle,  money has remained at the top of the motivating factor for Nigerian workers.

            Workers performance behavior usually is an effect of needs that has not been satisfied and fulfilled. In Nigeria, salary evaluations and increases are very limited and very irregular. This brings about a continuing dissatisfaction and discontent to Nigerian workers.

            Low productivity is, at most times, an effect of dissatisfaction on life usually shown through indifference and lack of discipline.

            Based on the study conducted by Davia, they found out that correct training and good teamwork alone do not provide high levels of productivity. Rather, it should be reinforced by a positive program most probably by giving daily feedback on workers including recognition of their achievements.

            As money only acts as the common denominator, management is on the search to identify other sources of motivation aside from money.

[i] www.stclements.edu



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