Operation Management in Service Industries


Every organization that is under the service industry is very pleased to remain at the top of the competition. Most of the organizations are determine to provide the most effective strategy to achieve the service quality. An organization’s effectiveness in the service industry leaves a great experience to the customers and can increase the rate of return. As a sequential effect, the increase of return of the people means that there is a great influence of the organizations regarding the services and its quality.

Key to Effective Quality Management

The success of the organizations in managing the service industries is based on the various interpretations of the leadership styles. Most of the leaders base their strategies on the past studies, experiences and the knowledge that they keep for the same purpose. In addition, leaders valued the importance of the people and treat them as their key to success. In order to use the skills and talents of the people, the leaders are aware that there should be strategies or approaches that reach the level of performance of the people. Through the basic training and development, and application of the evaluations strategies, the people can achieve the development and improvement in terms of their performances. Furthermore, the quality service is the only goal of every service industry because for the leaders, the quality service is the only way to be success in that their enterprise.   


Ensuring the Quality Management and Services

The idea of the Total Quality Management (TQM) is inevitable in the industry. By many organizations all over the world, TQM is a method of improving the production systems and to produce high quality products. TQM is very ideal in the companies but gradually penetrated the public sector and followed the implemented basic principles. Customer satisfaction is the cornerstone of the TQM approach. The firm should produce a product or provide service to satisfy the customers. The continuous improvement is not the TQM’s short-term goal. It is indeed a continuous process, trying to adapt the consumers changing needs. The fact-based management is where the total quality can be produce through recognition of the facts by the whole organization. And the last principle is the people based management where it recognizes the people as the key to success. TQM believed that standards and technology alone are not enough to produce quality (Revilla, 2002). The idea of TQM drives the entire organization for competitive advantage.

Extension of Success in Management

The promotion of the organization in the quality service is not a plain commitment but a quality commitment where everyone must do their responsibilities. The driving force in an organization is present when the quality culture is discussed and in which way the autocratic leadership can be viewed (Mehta, 2005).  The quality service may reflect in the corporate culture and an organization is never a quality when there are no procedures, tools and database for which it is the path that most of the senior management followed. Having the culture is the capability of the organization that refers to the skills to undertake work successfully, and maturity that meant for corporate understanding of why the quality is important and support for the quality initiatives. In addition, building a sound corporate culture brings out the motivation and institutionalization which are the two factors to gain success in business together with their best practices. The development of corporate culture ranges from the presumption that quality culture is a form of setting the procedure. In other words, the quality service management should reflect in the culture that cannot be imposed and there is still in need for standardization (Harvey, 2009).


The use of the quality management and the quality service are connected in each other. With the continuous application of the quality service, there would be a support coming from the standardized actions and services. The interpretation of the management in drawing the appropriate quality management reflects in the corporate culture of the organization.


Harvey, L., 2009. Developing a Quality Culture, A Critical Analysis of Quality Culture [Online] Available at: http://www.inqaahe.org/admin/files/assets/subsites/1/documenten/1241773373_16-harvey-a-critical-analysis-of-quality-culture.pdf [Accessed 22 March 2010]

Mehta, S., 2005. Building a Quality Culture [Online] Available at: http://www.projectperfect.com.au/downloads/Info/info_quality_culture.pdf [Accessed 22 March 2010]

Revilla, P., 2002. Using Total Quality Management to Improve Spanish Industrial Statistics, National Statistical Institute of Spain [Online] Available at: http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/22/56/30044923.pdf [Accessed 22 March 2010]




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